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Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar GAF Crew


Jack Flack always escapes!
More pics of evenballs crazy tour of middle-earth!

Me taking Frodo on a stroll

So what's a "two-hundred" weaponsmith do anyway?

Monster play can be a pain sometimes, but there are sweet moment like this. Note, this is actually two monster raid working together, my MP character is Bloodshower.

Another pic of us wiping out a boss together, Ettenmoors on brandywine was completely in control of free peoples and we turned the tide.

Even though this is based off the books, legolas looks a LOT like he does in the films.


Jack Flack always escapes!
Well if anyone else is still playing this game, you now have the ability to transfer characters from one server to another according to Turbine. So now you can transfer your character to Brandywine if you started it elsewhere and vice versa. It IS $25 though :/


Jack Flack always escapes!
Well, no one else seems to be playing this game but me, but I'm just gonna keep posting pics because it's been lot's of fun.

Us fighting Nornagul with only 5. We barely beat him, but it was so worth it.

This is what happens when you get REALLY drunk in the game.

Our fellowship tackling the Fornost instance. This takes like 5-6 hours. What a grind

The Thunder Lord's place in the Misty Mountains

It took a while, but I finally found Bilbo's trolls

Way up high in the arena in Angmar

This is what 9 dread looks like. at this point you can actually hear something whisper "FEAR ME....."

One of my alts enjoying some Sweet Lobelia smokes.

What has my bear been eating?

Our kinship gathering

My kinship has been steadily growing for the last few months without the need to advertise on OOC (i hate that). That's our leader in front.

We learned not to screw around with hobbits the hard way.

One last picture of our kinship in the Blue lady's lair in Evendim. About 10% of us are there.

Gaah! my heads on fire!!!

When in Angmar, visit lovely Carn Dum. A beautiful city of industry

A nice green waterfall in Urugarth

I should also note that it is now easier to give free trials and the first 10 people I refer get to have my founders pricing. So if anyone is still interested (all 2 of you), just PM me.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
trilobyte said:
So I just started this weekend and hit lvl 10 with my lore-master. They really need to fix their pet management issues. The pet pathing is terrible, don't ever try to shortcut your way through areas unless you want your pet to aggro everything. Also, at least w/ my crow, my pet loves to aggro everything around him even on passive :-/ I thought WoW solved these issues like a year ago :p

FFXI has a pretty simple solution to that issue. Pets can't get aggroed.
But there is one family of monster (Hpemde, only found in one zone) that "aggroes" (you, not your pet) without attacking, just following you around. Pets auto-attack them, and any monster in the game will respond to being attacked. (though Hpemde are also unique in that they don't consider being debuffed an attack, as long as it doesn't cause their HP to drop)


I just picked this up yesterday and after a tediously long install, I'm up and going.

Any suggestions on a server? I'd love to hook up with the GAF crew if they can handle another LOTRO noob.


Work has REALLY sidelined my LOTRO adventures, I haven't played in weeks - hell, over a month now. I gotta get back in and see what's going on


Amir0x said:
Work has REALLY sidelined my LOTRO adventures, I haven't played in weeks - hell, over a month now. I gotta get back in and see what's going on

So is it work or the game itself?

For example, I'm a bit worried that the realistic graphics will begin to look a bit on the dull side compared to the 800 lb. gorilla in the room (WoW) who's art direction just gets better as it goes along.


bengraven said:
So is it work or the game itself?

For example, I'm a bit worried that the realistic graphics will begin to look a bit on the dull side compared to the 800 lb. gorilla in the room (WoW) who's art direction just gets better as it goes along.

it's work... if I had no work, I'd be playing this bitch everyday still. I was one of the first on the server to lvl 50 - that's how fun it was (and geeky I am).

LOTRO has amazing art direction, if you couldn't already tell, but it may not be your preference.


Amir0x said:
it's work... if I had no work, I'd be playing this bitch everyday still. I was one of the first on the server to lvl 50 - that's how fun it was (and geeky I am).

LOTRO has amazing art direction, if you couldn't already tell, but it may not be your preference.

Playing it, I can definitely tell the art direction was better than I expected. It has it's own subtle style to it that I didn't notice from gameplay videos. You have to respect a game where an elf hunter's default bow is made of tied together deer antlers.

Sounds good to me. I'm going to roll a character on Brandywine and maybe join up with some of the GAF crew when I get to a higher level.


I am interested in getting this game but held out due to potential launch issues. I've been playing WoW since it's release and I think it's time to move on. So before I cancel WoW and start LotRO I have a few questions:

1. How is server performance? Are there scheduled downtimes (like WoW is down on Tuesday's for maintenance)?

2. How is the economy?

3. Are there any hacks, dupes or exploits going on?

4. Do I need to do any rep grinds to do anything?

5. Is combat nice and fast like in WoW/Diablo or is it slower like original EverQuest?

Mr Jared

I'm moving out with some friends in a few weeks and we're looking for an MMO to play. It'll probably be LOTRO. The time I spent with it was fantastic, but I couldn't find anyone to play with so I stopped :(

Eiolon, I can't answer all your questions, but the combat feels a lot like WoW, so it's speedier than most MMOs.


Screw it. I just went and bought a copy to find out for myself. If this turns out to be crap, I'm sure I've wasted $50 on worse.


so i tried this game out and it turned out to be janky as fuck

did any other ex wow players notice this?

I really wanted this game to be good but the graphics just piss me off. I wish they had made it cartoony like wow so everything could work.


klix108 said:
so i tried this game out and it turned out to be janky as fuck

did any other ex wow players notice this?

I really wanted this game to be good but the graphics just piss me off. I wish they had made it cartoony like wow so everything could work.

I dunno about janky, but everything looked really plain to me.


Tamanon said:
I dunno about janky, but everything looked really plain to me.

well i noticed a delay every time i moved my character.

and it seems like the developers goal to make a realistic game kinda backfired as all the gear seamed to look retarted.

but who knows i'm totally wasted atm


klix108 said:
well i noticed a delay every time i moved my character.

and it seems like the developers goal to make a realistic game kinda backfired as all the gear seamed to look retarted.

but who knows i'm totally wasted atm

Actually, because of the more realistic art direction, I think even the low level junk items look cool. But I'm just an elf; maybe the other races' gear look bad.

Also, played my elf character, but not sure her name at the moment. :lol It was a mix of two obscure Tolkien names.

My hobbit is on Brandywine too and named Ryanadoc.


Jack Flack always escapes!
Well Amirox. A lot has changed in the last week in LOTRO. Book 10 went live and brought along a whole slew of gameplay changes. PVMP is actually for the worse now, but most everything else is better. They added A LOT to Hunter and Captain classes as well as the Jeweller profession. Everyone also got a bunch of strange items in their inventory when the patch went live. Oh and they added a reputation system.

but best of all.................................you can play as a chicken!

BTW a lot of low level gear looks goofy in this game, but you can hide your silly looking hat in your settings.
I love this game, only can´t play right now cause my GeForce seems to be broken.

This was my first MMORPG, I never played WOW, etc. and LOTRO just rocks, IMO. The community is really great, I´m on a german roleplay server.

First I played a Ministrel but startet again with a Burglar, conjunctuin a-go-go, baby.


Evenball said:
Well Amirox. A lot has changed in the last week in LOTRO. Book 10 went live and brought along a whole slew of gameplay changes. PVMP is actually for the worse now, but most everything else is better. They added A LOT to Hunter and Captain classes as well as the Jeweller profession. Everyone also got a bunch of strange items in their inventory when the patch went live. Oh and they added a reputation system.

but best of all.................................you can play as a chicken!

BTW a lot of low level gear looks goofy in this game, but you can hide your silly looking hat in your settings.


i want to hop in, but i fear my job would just interfere. I need a nice, long vacation to settle into things again :lol


Jack Flack always escapes!
KyanMehwulfe said:
Well, i haven't been there myself lately, but people are saying the Creep side is given an unfair advantage by being given the option to be a troll. Things are apparently a lot harder on the freep side now.


Jack Flack always escapes!
I just wanted to pop in and inform the 5 of you who might still care that Book 11 went live last week and the game is getting more and more popular. They have added in player Housing, expanded Misty Mountains a LOT, expanded trollshaws a little bit and added Gollum. Also there is a new, very large and difficult 12-man raid in angmar where you fight a Balrog at the end.

Here's a shot of the elf neighborhood from afar in Ered Luin

Minstrels and Loremasters recieved a huge update to their abilities this patch and I'm using my newfound DPS to take down a huge turtle.

Here is a shot of the 12-man raid in The Rift. I have not gotten to the Balrog yet.
Cancelled after Book 11 went live.

Sucks. Soo much promise, don't know what Turbine did.

As a result, since no Other MMOs presented themselves to me, I decided to check out WoW.


I picked this up for 10 bucks as a Black Friday deal at Best Buy. I haven't been in MMOs since playing EQ2 for awhile, figured I may as well give it a try at least. Pretty much everything that I've heard is that it's great while it lasts, which isn't as long as most MMOs. Does anyone else around here play?


Installed the game yesterday

C'mon GAF

Making a new character on Brandywine tonight (will quit when the game starts)


After just recently losing motivation for WoW again, I have been considering finally dipping into LotRO. I actually already bought it since it was $15 at Amazon.com before Christmas, and I have played the free trial, I just haven't felt ready to commit yet.

I figured if I did start playing, I'd have to just expect to be playing on my own, and meet people in-game. But if there's still a GAF Kinship going on in Brandywine, that seems like the best option. Still not sure how soon I'll give in though.


Dunno, gonna make a new character on Brandywine tonight or maybe tomorrow (depending on if I get Sins of a Solar Empire tonight or wait till my next paycheck)

Safe Bet

Trying the 7 Day Trial.

The start hasn't been too bad, I really liked the "instanced" start (Human, Guardian, Male, Bree).

The game's UI seems to work just like WoW's which I guess is a good thing..

I must say, LOTRO looks really bad (read: bland) on Low Settings. :(
From how laughable the next 6+ months of WoW looks based on the lack of development effort Blizzard is putting into patches, I'm pretty tempted to give LotRO a shot for a month.

Haven't played since the DX10 change so that'd be interesting; same with Housing.

Mr Jared

KyanMehwulfe said:
From how laughable the next 6+ months of WoW looks based on the lack of development effort Blizzard is putting into patches, I'm pretty tempted to give LotRO a shot for a month ago.

Yeah. I played LOTRO at launch and stopped only because I didn't have a dedicated group to play with. I get jealous every time I hear of a new Book update. LOTRO seems to get the best patches.
I still want to play this. When I fix my computer I would like to do a trial for sure.

how much of a grind is it to hit 50? Or is 50 not cap anymore?


Broadbandito said:
I still want to play this. When I fix my computer I would like to do a trial for sure.

how much of a grind is it to hit 50? Or is 50 not cap anymore?

It's a great game. I played it when it came out, stopped, then just played for the last month until I switched over to eq2. If you read the book, it's really neat to see all of the locations and characters that weren't in the movie.

EQ2 doesn't get much run on these boards. It's pretty damn fun with a TON of content. Housing is incredible with all the stuff you can collect and how you can decorate. Bad thing is, it runs like absolute piss for me. I have a pretty crap computer, but I could run lotro on pretty high settings without a hitch..looked fantastic. EQ2, looks very average, for me anyway. The stuff you can do in the game makes up for it though.
The new Outfit system is pretty neat, too, I have to say.

I've wanted something like that in WoW for ages. I think EQ2 has something similar.

According to lorebook, Book 11 added a lot of new armor graphics too? (Apparently to crafts.) Any word on this? The game has really great armor sets, but I remember when I started wearing heavier plate in the 20s and 30s, I was sort of disapointed that there weren't more visual sets. Mostly just the two 'dwarf plate' sets or whatever with the great bump mapping and plate bumps, and lots of 'wetenese' (or whatever; couple Man race names) chain (that looked literally like just basic chain).

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Evenball said:
Well, no one else seems to be playing this game but me, but I'm just gonna keep posting pics because it's been lot's of fun.

Us fighting Nornagul with only 5. We barely beat him, but it was so worth it.
On german server Morthond we call him Schnappi.


I reupped my LotRO account this week thanks to the glacial speed at which patches come out for WoW. I was working on a mage alt but thanks to there being nothing to do right now at 70, the 70's are spending their time camping falcon watch and all other towns in Hellfire and Zangarmarsh. 1-58 took about 5 weeks, but 58-61 so far has taken about 3 weeks thanks to not being able to go anywhere without immediatly being raped in the face.

LotRO sates my carebear urges. Damn fine MMO to boot.
The one thing I liked about wow is that I could install on my pc and mac. I wish I could install this on my mac, want to play it now!


Jack Flack always escapes!
And I'm still playing! I have two level 50's now, my Minstrel Evehndor and my Loremaster Evehngar. Earlier this week I finally beat that Balrog:

This game is not raid heavy. There are only 2 instanced raids and 2 smaller ones out in the world. I raid the rift (added bk 11) almost every week. It's only a 12 man raid so it's easy to coordinate, but everyone has to be at their very best on every single fight. trust me, I've been through many many Leroy Jenkins moments. :lol


Jack Flack always escapes!
ag-my001 said:
What's the most prolific?

Probably why they didnt just use an eagle and fly to mount doom.
IMO, they would have been shot down shortly after arriving in Mordor

edit: oh yah, Tom! I forgot about that one. There's also a lot of debate on what the heck Beorn is and whether they should include other Beorn-like people as a race in the game. (he's not in the movies. He can shape-shift into a bear.)


Evenball said:
Probably why they didnt just use an eagle and fly to mount doom.
IMO, they would have been shot down shortly after arriving in Mordor

Fuck Mordor, most possibly they would have been assaulted by the Fell Beasts before they even got halfway there. Even convincing Gwaihir and the others to take them would have been difficult; they do not suffer men easily to ride them, and it's not immediately clear they would have even understood the great danger to Middle Earth in the early stages as the shadows grew.


Evenball said:
Probably why they didnt just use an eagle and fly to mount doom.
IMO, they would have been shot down shortly after arriving in Mordor
If the eagles didn't want to go near human bows and arrows in The Hobbit, it's doubtful they'd take on Mordor (by themselves, anyway). Also, because there's very little story otherwise.

edit: oh yah, Tom! I forgot about that one. There's also a lot of debate on what the heck Beorn is and whether they should include other Beorn-like people as a race in the game. (he's not in the movies. He can shape-shift into a bear.)
This always bothered me. He goes from being a loner to becoming the namesake for an entire people, even if most of them weren't related to him. To keep this game-related, I don't think Beornings would make a good race, since (I believe) they're never given the same ability. They're just a bunch of human woodsmen and farmers.

Also, what's the current fee structure look like. The site says $15/mo., but to check Turbine for more options. I see no other options on Turbine. I was going to pick this up when I get my new computer and was hoping to maximize the number of months I could play for the $60 my brain accepts as a (relatively) reasonable price to pay.
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