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Kojima vs Konami. Who(ooo) is to blame for MGS V's shortcomings?


It's crazy to me that so many people are so unsatisfied with this beast of a game.
What's surprising? Chapter 2 is horrible execute. I don't get it, honestly. Game started wonderful than rush in a 'partial' ending with subsequent main missions recycled at higher difficult. Plus, bosses are totally uninspired and the story is fragmented in an horrible way. That's a real pit.


What's surprising? Chapter 2 is horrible execute. I don't get it, honestly. Game started wonderful than rush in a 'partial' ending with subsequent main missions recycled at higher difficult. Plus, bosses are totally uninspired and the story is fragmented in an horrible way. That's a real pit.

I'm discovering this while trying to wrap up chapter 2 right now. There's a steep drop off in quality after chapter 1. Really, the first few missions go back to minor, meandering tasks, then there are a bunch of retreaded missions from the first chapter with just a few cutscenes advancing the plot in between. Mission 43 is the first one that really brought back that feeling of "wow, this is a really great game."

Otherwise, I'm pretty let down by how obviously the game suffered from it's truncated development. I'm actually a little surprised it got such high reviews, considering that it's really 2/3 of a game hastily padded into a full experience.

I'd prefer it much more without the recycled missions. The game is long enough already, just skip the filler and keep the missions pure. I can't even advance at this point without completing more of these junk repeat missions, which is killing my interest in seeing the game through.
I really don't know why chapter 2 wasn't just labeled Epilogue. That's a guaranteed way to mess with people's expectations and piss them off.


I'd prefer it much more without the recycled missions. The game is long enough already, just skip the filler and keep the missions pure. I can't even advance at this point without completing more of these junk repeat missions, which is killing my interest in seeing the game through.

You don't have to do those repeat missions to unlock anything. They really messed up by numbering those missions and including them in the main mission list as they're completely optional.


It's crazy to me that so many people are so unsatisfied with this beast of a game.

Gameplay is Great, but thats all it has (for me).

Im a Big Metal Gear fan, I started playing at when Snakes Revenge came out on NES (I know its not canon), but MGSV didn't feel like a Metal Gear game to me.

I bout the CE edition and actually traded it in for Mad Max, which Im enjoying much more


How delayed was MGSV anyway?

I don't think it was ever considered to be a next-gen launch game or to be released in the launch window so it can't have been delayed for more than 1 year max. A year over schedule isn't that bad these days. Look at how supportive Sony have been with their visionary, Fumito Ueda.

Anyway how Chapter 2 could have been easily fixed:

Called it Epilogue instead of Chapter 2.
Move the important side-ops into the story missions category.
Move the repeated story missions into side-ops category.
Polish up and release the missing Episode 51 as an ending cutscene.

That would have taken very little time and money to do and I doubt anyone would be calling the game unfinished now.


Kojima deserves criticism concerning his project-planning and executing skills. For sure...
And I do get what people mean when they say "the story sucks", because many people consider a "story" to be something wholistic - Introduction, plot, ending, character dev., etc.

I don't want to put the man on a high pedestal here and I've surely grown out of personality cult habits...
But now when I take a distanced look at Kojima's work, I come to the following conclusion: Kojima is not a genius because he is one of the best game-designers out there -No- the man needs to credited for being a post-modern philosopher expressing himself through modern pop-culture. This may sound far fetched and "high-horse", but please take a while to think about it...

The "story" (see traditional definition) in MGS has always been all over the place, but there is something very consistent about the series: the refelction about the world and where it is heading.

MGS 1+2 featured pretty Sci-Fi driven concepts like transhumanism. With Snake Eater Kojima started to discuss ideas like patriotism and nationalism. In MGS4 he showed us a world where this ideas don't seem to matter anymore (=post-modernism). From our present perspective we might ask "why would something like this happen?"

Kojima's fails to tell a traditional story in TPP, meaning: what happens to character x and y how is a linked to b....BUT as for now MGSV closes his arch of reflection (see above):
The whole "lingua franca" concept is absolutely brilliant. The execution may not deliver, but holy fuck...there is some really deep stuff to be found here (in a video game!!!) if you are only slightly into this kind of topics. Skull Face's monologue is basically an answer to the underlying topics in MGS3 and 4 - "What defines a nation and what does it take to break it appart?"

He started with "far in the future" concepts like nanomachines and Human-AI-fusion and ended with something very tangible and relatabel - language.
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