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Summer 2013 Anime |10th Dimensional OT| the first ignoble truth: all of life is anime

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Not on the wall of shame this time.

Aww yeah, i'm slowly on my way to normalcy.



World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Watamote - 03

The dirty joke bit had me in stitches. Also, totally guilty of watching over a sibling when they had a cold in hopes of getting it myself so I can be absent from school.


Megas XLR 105

I think one of the aspects of this show I like most is that Megas controls like a video game. Like, I don't know that just seems like such a reasonable control scheme, really. A controller with joypads and buttons makes more sense than PC Gamer Master Race Kira who was controlling his Gundam with a keyboard at one point.

Also Coop trying to restrain his natural Hot Blooded tendencies. Poor Coop. He just wants to HAMMER HELL and stuff. I liked that his console had buttons specifically for "destroying bug moth things" and "anti cocoon". And that pounding these triggered some crazy J-Phoenix mode. Coop clearly understands the value of button mashing.

Also "You second rate Mothra wannabe" is the best kind of trash talk.


I'm surprised to see Secret Base come up in this thread. A friend introduced me to that song over a decade ago, and I still listen to it every once in awhile. This is literally probably the first time I have ever witnessed anyone else bring it up. Very interesting, AnimeGAF.

Great lists, Corvo. I've pretty much enjoyed every episode of Attack on Titan so far, but it definitely shifted to a less interesting place at some point.
The mood of episodes 1-6 or so isn't really there anymore. There was a certain momentum earlier on, where it seemed like Eren was finally going to begin realizing his dreams. It was fun tracking his character growth, from his early struggles with the 3D Maneuver Gear to his engagement with the Colossal Titan. But then he was suddenly eaten, and all I could think to myself was, "Oh, okay, so it's this kind of anime..." Whereas it once seemed the show was going for a really compelling, shounen-esque character development thread (with the combat taking place through this amazing 3D Maneuver Gear concept), it ended up going in a completely different direction. Different, yet at least equally compelling. I couldn't help but be impressed by the storytelling at this point.

Then it turned out that Eren wasn't dead after all. This actually made me really happy, because I already missed him. And his death was just too sad for me overall. But in him coming back, the anime made another shift: no longer emphasizing Eren's developing skill as another small human struggling against the Titans with 3D Maneuver Gear, no longer merciless in its willingness to show just how grim this world really is, and instead...well, Eren is sort of just floating along in-between becoming a uniquely powerful Titan. "Injected with something and can now trigger God Mode" is far less interesting than what the show was originally conjuring up, at least so far. The concept has plenty of potential, but undoubtedly everything has slowed down a bit.

(Too much spoiler tag?)



Real stupid, occasionally problematic, incredibly enjoyable. Kinda made me want an XCOM movie. I bet I could script one real easy.


I'm surprised to see Secret Base come up in this thread. A friend introduced me to that song over a decade ago, and I still listen to it every once in awhile. This is literally probably the first time I have ever witnessed anyone else bring it up. Very interesting, AnimeGAF.

Great lists, Corvo. I've pretty much enjoyed every episode of Attack on Titan so far, but it definitely shifted to a less interesting place at some point.
The mood of episodes 1-6 or so isn't really there anymore. There was a certain momentum earlier on, where it seemed like Eren was finally going to begin realizing his dreams. It was fun tracking his character growth, from his early struggles with the 3D Maneuver Gear to his engagement with the Colossal Titan. But then he was suddenly eaten, and all I could think to myself was, "Oh, okay, so it's this kind of anime..." Whereas it once seemed the show was going for a really compelling, shounen-esque character development thread (with the combat taking place through this amazing 3D Maneuver Gear concept), it ended up going in a completely different direction. Different, yet at least equally compelling. I couldn't help but be impressed by the storytelling at this point.

Then it turned out that Eren wasn't dead after all. This actually made me really happy, because I already missed him. And his death was just too sad for me overall. But in him coming back, the anime made another shift: no longer emphasizing Eren's developing skill as another small human struggling against the Titans with 3D Maneuver Gear, no longer merciless in its willingness to show just how grim this world really is, and instead...well, Eren is sort of just floating along in-between becoming a uniquely powerful Titan. "Injected with something and can now trigger God Mode" is far less interesting than what the show was originally conjuring up, at least so far. The concept has plenty of potential, but undoubtedly everything has slowed down a bit.

(Too much spoiler tag?)

I think my problem with Attack on Titan is that it just kinda bottomed out in that episode where "20 seconds" became 18 minutes. If the show picks up again, I'm willing to move it up a few notches, but for the meantime, there it is.

Turn A Gundam 1

Is this actually a Gundam show? I mean, it feels more like a Miyazaki movie, what with the weird Victorian stylings and world and stuff, instead of advanced tech and space junk and I mean there were also no mechs in this episode at all. I get that all that is gonna change, but coming off of shows that do Gundam by the books (AGE) where the hero falls out of his space colony and into a Gundam or 00 where things are blowing up from episode 1, it's almost jarring to see the entire first episode of a Gundam show spent instead just introducing the protagonist.

That said, here are some thoughts:
-Loran DEFINITELY has that Marth thing going on. They show him naked so you specifically know he ain't a girl. Cuz lots of people make that mistake in this episode, and Loran's Marth-hair ain't helpin' it.
-Is Loran black? And if so doesn't that make him the one and only black Gundam protagonist? That's pretty awesome.
-Someone told me I wouldn't like Sochie. She does seem kind of bratty and meddlesome so I'm steeling myself for that possibility, but in the meantime she just seems like a stuck up 14 year old rich girl, so like, no biggie.
-Loran totally didn't stage being naked and saved by naked rich girls. Nope. He definitely isn't a secret master ladies man.
-How did he work in that coal mine and get coal everywhere except in his perfect white hair?

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
I just noticed that Pixiv just started a Revolutionary Girl Utena art contest, with the winning entries getting displayed at an exhibition and the winners getting a high-quality print of their illustrations autographed by Ikuhara, manga artist Chiho Saito, or character designer Shinya Hasegawa.
Are these gonna be exhibited at the Utena/Penguindrum gallery?


Aw shit, I missed the thread changeover due to silly things like sleep! It doesn't look like it was a particularly exciting changeover though, so at least that's a comfort.

Also, I made 7th place on the Wall of Shame, so that's my personal goal of making the top 10 achieved! The only question is, IS SEVENTH REALLY GOOD ENOUGH?! I MUST CRUSH ALL COMPETITION! lol the idea of posting more than cajun is vaguely hilarious.

The latest episode blew my mind btw.
It made me question all anime eyes I've seen to date by pointing out how foreigner eyes are drawn differently and racial differences are actually accounted for.

Hang on, I remember eye contrasts being brought up in that episode, but wasn't it just the standard tsurime/tareme (sharp/droopy eyes) distinction which has more to do with personality if anything than it has to do with nationality? I mean, Karen is tsurime but Alice is clearly tareme, so I don't think that's a RACIAL IDENTIFIER thing at all.

Hell, it's not even much of an indicator on the family-resemblance level. The classic example of the tsurime/tareme distinction is Kagami vs Tsukasa in Lucky Star, and they're twins!

My 9 year old niece always watch Precure and sometimes I watch it with her

What is this? Little girls watching Precure?! What a strange notion.
The real question is, which series?

but i'm a deviant

I liked SAO too!

It was decent for 14 episodes then I have no idea what happens in it.
You really should watch the rest, if only so you can say that you've seen it. It's not nearly as bad as Corvo makes out, and I'd be interested to hear you form your own opinions on it. Plus it has an adorable pixie character, how can you say no to that?!

Box art is missing a certain best character.

I know, no Platinum?! What's up with that?!

a Makoto is fine too. Mmmmmmm fluffy tail.


Kiniro Mosaic
Servant x Service

See, this is the kind of thing you ought to be ashamed of, not spreading the Precure love!

[Futari wa Precure] 26

In which Toei stops stealing from Sailor Moon and goes straight to Dragon Ball. Even Honoka makes a Goku face.

I do like how they make the big deity figures CGI only to barely animate them. Laziness to the max.

The King of Standing In The Distance Looking Threatening doesn't need animation. He has CHAINS! CHAAAAAAAAAINS! Look at the CHAINS!

Well if you didn't like the designs then I literaly have nothing, that's what sold me on it and the anime still doesn't have that "OH GOD, JUST WATCH IT" I just like to watch my lolis cry.

Surely if you want to watch lolis cry, the only correct choice this season is Kaminai.

Haven't watched C3bu's third episode, but it's sad to see it's not doing well with people.

Hey, my impressions of that episode were positively glowing!

Yeaaah... no. Maybe, and at most, I could give you the first ten or so episodes and that's if we're making plenty of concessions but anyone who considers that anything past
the introduction of Yui the moe adopted AI child and the whole fucking ending of the first arc
can be qualified as "perfectly fine" is very clearly not someone whose judgment can be trusted.

Yui's arc was sweet. No hating on Yui's arc.

Even the "hacking" that everyone hates on made perfect sense (even if the anime made it look a little silly).
Kirito wasn't really hacking anything, since Yui had left the terminal open with full admin privileges unlocked. He was just racing to find the commands to save Yui's data to a safe location before the system noticed what was going on and locked him back out.

I'm surprised to see Secret Base come up in this thread. A friend introduced me to that song over a decade ago, and I still listen to it every once in awhile. This is literally probably the first time I have ever witnessed anyone else bring it up. Very interesting, AnimeGAF.

Blame AnoHana.


And then I move on with my life.
You wish.

Get with the times grandpa!
It's 2007 so Dennou Coil is pretty new.

K-On!! 20
The last 3 minutes of the episode ;_; anohana/10, amazing.
You haven't even seen the most :firehawk episode yet!

I love Sailor Moon (unironically) and I absolutely adore Mawaru Penguindrum.

What are the chance I will fall in love with Revolutionary Girl Utena?
100% maybe.

I guess Nafe doesn't stalk everyone's birthday on this board. This is good. An improvement. lol.

EDIT: K. I didn't want this to be a bait post but I guess it turned out that way and I should've clarified. lol. my bad.
Happy belated Birthday(?)

Why do all the Sailor Senshis wear white panties? Kinda boring.

I mean Ami could have stripes.
Most of the shots you've seen are in their senshi-wear and those are actually leotards.

Hang on, I remember eye contrasts being brought up in that episode, but wasn't it just the standard tsurime/tareme (sharp/droopy eyes) distinction which has more to do with personality if anything than it has to do with nationality? I mean, Karen is tsurime but Alice is clearly tareme, so I don't think that's a RACIAL IDENTIFIER thing at all.

Hell, it's not even much of an indicator on the family-resemblance level. The classic example of the tsurime/tareme distinction is Kagami vs Tsukasa in Lucky Star, and they're twins!
But I never noticed it before.


So while I'm still mulling over how to reasonably describe why Astral Ocean is a horrible show, I'd like to get the ball rolling with a few things that are just stomach knottingly terrible.

As such, Eureka Seven Astral Ocean, Pocket Full of Rainbows and of course, Eureka Seven spoilers follow:

The Nirvashes. At the end of the original series, Renton has the Nirvash Spec 3, but in Astral Ocean he's in the vastly less cool Spec V. I didn't catch this at first because I thought maybe my memories were playing tricks on me. I caught that Renton was sitting instead of standing, but the whole thing didn't make sense to me just yet. Anyway, Renton has a Nirvash, this Spec V3 as the show labels it, in addition to Eureka piloting the Spec 2, and then there's Ao's Mark I. None of this makes sense. Eureka mentions that Renton is building one, and the Japanese apparently built one or something, so one might conclude that the Spec 2 is the one Renton built and the Mark I is the one that was made by human hands, but what about the Spec V3? It cannot have been the TypeZero, because the TypeZero took Eureka's place in the Coralian to save the world. That thing is gone and out of commission. Where did any of these come from?

Also it was just plain shit putting Renton into that PFoR shit. That movie was bad and the people who made it should be made to feel bad.

Briefly gonna touch on this cuz I feel I don't have the right to say it since it didn't effect me when watching the show, but giving Renton Holland's voice? What the hell? Way to fuck up the entire dynamic of Eureka's relationship with Renton and Holland, BONES. I mean, so much of E7 is devoted to how Eureka chose Renton over Holland, and to that ensuing conflict, and to setting things up so that Renton would not want to be like Holland that it baffles me that in the end you made him into what someone who missed the point of Holland's character would think Holland was.

Which moves us along to the next point. Making Renton "cool"? Renton was cool in his own right at the end of Eureka Seven. He didn't need to dress in black, tout a gun, have white hair and dress in black. Just like with Akito Tenkawa's transition from MSN to PoD, it misses the point. Oh sure, it looks cool, but that's contrary to the character. Renton wasn't cool. He was a total dork who, in a fit of love, tagged the moon. That was Renton. He practically chose not to be cool after meeting Holland and finding out what kind of bastard being cool made you into. And making Renton into Holland extends beyond the surface, as his entire character essentially amounts to Holland's role in Pocket Full of Rainbows (nevermind that that particular Holland was also removed from the actual Holland we see at the end of E7) and that that final fight was lifted from PFoR.

So hey how about that bullshit "Trapar makes hybrid babies become stone"? I mean 1)When does this ever come up in Eureka Seven at all? That trapar makes something stone? 2)Eureka Seven flat out says "Coralian and Human can interbreed." The Coralian spent AGES analyzing humanity to make their own human interface in Eureka and then they just magically slip up and miss out on the properties of their own product and how it would effect this master plan they had dedicated ten thousand years to execute? Basically the Coralians spent ten thousand years planning to have Eureka and Renton have babies so that their species could combine with humanity in a nonviolent way, and they just fucked up in a spectacular way? That doesn't even begin to make sense and contradicts everything the series laid out.

Then there're the Secrets? Where did they come from? That's just kinda handwaved as "part of the Earth to protect it from invaders." But it is kinda a big deal that they never ever come up during Eureka Seven. They're billed as something that was always there, and yet they were never once mentioned in the previous series.

Also that horrible shipping of Naru and Ao at the end. Like this bitch has stabbed Ao in the back repeatedly over the course of the series and then suddenly we're supposed to root for her over, you know, Fleur, the girl who we've actually seen Ao interact with and have romance with? Yeah no.

How bout all them trainwreck abandoned plot threads, huh? Elena is built and built and built and built and then BOOM SHE'S FUCKING NOTHING. I'd say the same of Truth but why repeat myself? It's all neatly symbolized by Naru's stupid hair clips. Oh and that jazz about how even Ao and Naru might get hurt from the coral hijinks if things went wrong and then that stuff just gets forgotten to rush us through Renton's hurried explanation at the end.

Oh and it isn't lost on me that Renton is up and murdering aliens and humans alike in this show, which makes no sense, since this is RENTON and he'd reached Kira Yamato's plane of Mecha Kick Ass and Spare Lives. You know who hadn't? Holland. Moving beyond that, why'd they cast Scub Corals as villains when so much of the series was spent explaining how the Scub Corals weren't evil, just not really sure what to do and kinda unaware of humanity. You know who thought and preached that the Scubs were evil and that they needed to all be destroyed? DEWEY NOVAK. And Renton bent over backwards to stop this guy. Now he's carrying the sword for him? Was there any theme that they didn't corrupt from E7 to AO?

On that note I really still have no means of grasping what exactly did set all this jazz in motion. Like I guess the scubs time traveled or something because . . . ? I dunno. It'd require that there be a coherent explanation of so many things and there so wasn't.

And like, way to not punish Truth for the millions he's murdered. I mean, Bruno is dead forever no matter what history Ao moves us to, and yet Truth is shot in the face with the Retcannon and that's that? Get out of Hell free card?

Oh and all the side switching at the end. Mama Hannah betrayed us! No she didn't! Yes she did! The Japanese are our enemies no they aren't! Truth is the enemy no he isn't! Naru is the enemy no she isn't wait yes she is! The Secrets are evil no they aren't but sorta they are! The Scubs aren't evil yes they are! I mean make up your minds, jeez.

Also Team Gazelle kinda fails to matter after a certain point and at the end Gazelle is just like, having this emotional moment with Apollo Justice but it means nothing since neither of them have been important for at least five episodes now.

What a terrible show.


There was a gallery a few months back with both exhibitions, but it seems this something else entirely.

It's the same exhibition as last time - they're just bringing it back to Tokyo again due to demand. There's no promise of further Yuri Kuma Arashi news/footage, but we can always hope.

Speaking of Yuri Kuma Arashi, the Penguinbear website has been quietly updating with more pictures of whatever it is that Ikuni is up to. They still reveal pretty much sod all, but it's nice to know that after five months or so of nothing he's getting on with something.

(knowing my luck it's all pictures from work he did on the BroCon ED...)


You really should watch the rest, if only so you can say that you've seen it. It's not nearly as bad as Corvo makes out, and I'd be interested to hear you form your own opinions on it. Plus it has an adorable pixie character, how can you say no to that?!

Did you see Garzey's Wing? It had a pixie, too. That's how I say no to pixies.


So while I'm still mulling over how to reasonably describe why Astral Ocean is a horrible show, I'd like to get the ball rolling with a few things that are just stomach knottingly terrible.

As such, Eureka Seven Astral Ocean, Pocket Full of Rainbows and of course, Eureka Seven spoilers follow:

My god that's a giant wall of black text.


Ah, so this explains all the inactivity.

Most would take (repeatedly) escaping the wall of a shame good thing, but not me! I've become distant, jaded, complacent. I need to strengthen my resolve...

I give it a week.


Setec Astronomer
What miserable fuck existence this fanbase must be. Guess there's not much substantial to Renamon then.

I'll fap to Angewomon instead. Or that Fairy chick from Frontier as mediocre as that season was.
This from the guy looking up skirts.

That still doesn't explain why that digimon has that ammount of fanart and fanfics, but well I think if you are into furries she is an easy target.
Pretty much. Just add bust.


What miserable fuck existence this fanbase must be. Guess there's not much substantial to Renamon then.

Renamon is also very calm, serious and "grown up" compared to the other Digimon in Tamers, which I remember finding very likeable when I watched the show at the time.

I don't get my jollies off anime characters, though, so I can't even begin to tell you what potentially makes her wank bank material.
I'm late, but I felt like making one of these lists too.

Cream of the Crop
The Eccentric Family
Love Lab
Kiniro Mosaic
Silver Spoon
Space Bros

Will Keep Watching
Servant x Service
Railgun S
Majestic Prince
High School DxD
Prisma Illya
Teekyu 2
Turning Girls

Haven't Dropped Yet
Day Break Illusion
Fantasista Doll
Kimi no Iru Machi
Dog & Scisscors

Gatchaman Crowds
Attack on Titan
Blood Lad
Sunday without God
Makai Ouji
Going Home Club

Yeah, I tried out way too much stuff.


Subete no aware
I'm surprised to see Secret Base come up in this thread. A friend introduced me to that song over a decade ago, and I still listen to it every once in awhile. This is literally probably the first time I have ever witnessed anyone else bring it up. Very interesting, AnimeGAF.
Blame AnoHana.

Kimi to natsu no owari shourai no yume
Ookina kibou wasurenai
Juu nen go no hachigatsu
Mata deaeru no wo shinjite
Saikou no omoide wo...


I'm late, but I felt like making one of these lists too.

Oh, why not. Since everyone else seems to be doing it (shows within tiers are in no particular order):

Insert It Directly Into My Veins Tier
Monogatari SS

This Be Some Good Shit Tier
Hunter x Hunter
Gatchaman Crowds
Kin'iro Mosaic
Servant x Service
Stella C3-bu
Love Lab

I'm Enjoying This But Not Quite As Much As I Feel Like I Should Be Enjoying It Tier
Uchouten Kazoku

Not Quite Awesome Enough To Make It Into Those Tiers Up There But I'm Still Loving It Tier
Silver Spoon
Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi

I Don't Really Know What To Call This Tier Tier
Shingeki no Kyojin

Shows Promise But Not Really That Amazing Yet Tier
Gen'ei wo Kakeru Taiyou

It Keeps Me Entertained Tier
Kitakubu Katsudou Kiroku
Blood Lad
Fantasista Doll
Inu to Hasami wa Tsukaiyou
Symphogear G

I Vaguely Enjoy It But Cannot Conceal My Disappointment Tier
Futari wa Milky Holmes

Is This What They Call Hatewatch? Tier

Precure Defies Traditional Notions Of Tiers And Quality Tier
Yes! Precure 5

I Swear I Will Actually Find Time To Watch More Of These Beautiful Shows Someday Tier
Hidamari Sketch

Oh, and I guess I should include

Dropped Tier
Kimi no Iru Machi


Cool Tier
Ryokan Kurita, he's my namesake after all... (wait, or am I his namesake? I never know how I'm supposed to use that word.)

Man I just noticed he's crying :kurita
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