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ARROW Season 3 |OT| Welcome to the New Age

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Nope. Talia is an important part of the story, and you take her away, the parallels between them change. From there, there's no telling what kind of shape the story will take with Bane as the main antagonist or if it'd be better. I will agree that they should have found a better actress for Talia, but that's it. It feels like she and Hardy were chosen just because Nolan likes working with them rather than that they fit the roles. Also, in no way is Bane's achievements lessened for the fact that he is working under Talia, unless you similarly think Alfred, Lucious, and Gordon are pathetic for working with Batman.
If the first half of a movie was about Gordon or Lucius and in the third act they introduce Batman to reveal that they were just doing what Batman told them to do, it would kinda deflate the trajectory of the movie. The fundamental problem is that Bane was interesting (even if in hindsight he wasn't anywhere close to Joker or Ra's), but Talia wasn't, and it's hard to see the twist as anything other than sacrificing the development of a good character to try and salvage a bad one. Maybe if Catwoman wasn't in the movie and it focused more heavily on the Bruce/Talia relationship it would've had more weight.

In any case, I don't think continuing the discussion of Batman movies in the Arrow thread is a good idea.

If they were going for that, they shouldn't have had every character agreeing that Ollie was the one who holds responsibility for Shado's death. He doesn't, but the show doesn't seem acknowledge that. The best they offer him is that he was in a shitty position where there was no right choice, but that's different from saying he isn't at all to blame whatsoever.

Slade even lost his swagger once he became deathstroke. Before, he emoted and felt like someone who just talked with an awesome accent. After Miracuru, he just talks in this hushed, tense monotone voice all the fucking time, even in normal situations, so what was once swag became silly. He's got permanent Batman voice. Dude can't order a coffee without it sounding like he wants to rip the waiter's throat out. It's hilarious, but it's not intimidating anymore due to overuse.

Yeah, I think that's the one tragedy of Slade's plot issues in season 2. The Slade that everyone likes and wants to see more of is the Island Slade: the wisecracking badass that teaches Oliver how to not be a pussy, but that version of Slade is completely gone now and never really got a proper send-off. It seems like they'll use him again in the future, and if they do I hope they bring more of that characterization back instead of the angry irrational Slade they ended S2 with.
The female is there to note that one is talking about female characters specifically in the context of a conversation.

This is a seriously asinine complaint every time it comes up. This isn't "creating a divide;" it's basic language at work.

Bullfucking shit.

Female characters are held to a double standard.

A bad male character is just "bad" and we accept that.

A bad female character is nearly always considered worse, whether it's subconscious or conscious.


If the first half of a movie was about Gordon or Lucius and in the third act they introduce Batman to reveal that they were just doing what Batman told them to do, it would kinda deflate the trajectory of the movie. The fundamental problem is that Bane was interesting (even if in hindsight he wasn't anywhere close to Joker or Ra's), but Talia wasn't, and it's hard to see the twist as anything other than sacrificing the development of a good character to try and salvage a bad one. Maybe if Catwoman wasn't in the movie and it focused more heavily on the Bruce/Talia relationship it would've had more weight.

In any case, I don't think continuing the discussion of Batman movies in the Arrow thread is a good idea.

The actual relationship between Talia and Bruce is immaterial, since the point of interest in their connection is more how Talia is a dark version of Bruce in his most complete state. And the best parts of Bane, his badassery and his accomplishments, are still intact. He has lost nothing in terms of formidable in the story. Your comment on Gordon or Lucius doesn't mesh because they DO just do what Batman tells them. They're not any less good characters for it. Perhaps I can agree it throws the pacing off a bit, since we'd essentially switch protagonists, but they'd as badass as they would be otherwise, since they're doing the same actions for the same reasons.

We clearly fundamentally disagree, but yeah, I'll stop the batman discussion there and we should get back to Arrow Batman.

....you know, I just thought of something. If Arrow is cribbing all the villains from Batman, does this mean Flash is going to go up against Lex Luthor, Brainiac and Darkseid?
Bullfucking shit.

Female characters are held to a double standard.

A bad male character is just "bad" and we accept that.

A bad female character is nearly always considered worse, whether it's subconscious or conscious.
Right, okay, look to clarify what I mean, when I say this show has bad female characters, what I mean is more that it has sexist gender roles, and I use female characters to demonstrate those gender roles that are bad. But that's a mouthful. Even shortening it to "This show writes it's female characters badly" is clunky.

When people say 'bad female characters', it's almost always in reference to how personally distasteful they find them. God, how many posts I read about people calling Skylar a bad female character just because she's 'annoying' to them, but ignoring the similar things other male characters do, or what her character adds to the narrative. "She's annoying" is reductionist arguments that rarely ever add anything to the discussion. Annoyance is not something you shouldn't feel, obviously. I mean, I am annoyed by various characters in arrow, but I try not to center my criticisms at my personal displeasure at them and more at how they harm the narrative they are within.

And what your talking about, it does have merit. I took a rhetoric's class that examined how sexism operates in language. What your talking about is how, in the language, Men are the default. Male is the root word, while FEmale is an alteration to indicate gender. Similarly, Man is the root, WOman has to have a prefix. Mankind is a word that makes perfect sense to describe all people, but Womankind describes only women. So yes, there are a lot of subconcious factors working whenever we talk about sexism because it's so inherent that we cannot even speak it without making arbitrary distinctions that put women in a secondary position, including this very sentence.

But I try to make it a point to avoid that, and talk about gender issues in all shows I deem worth talking about at all, because it's something I want to help fix. Superhero shows like this are particularly important to discuss because they were built on the male power fantasy, which is built on males saving females to win their affection through their power. But I don't want superheroes to be a male power fantasy but a power fantasy for everyone, so placing extra emphasis on writing female characters in an empowering way is important to me. Because you're right. People see a bad male character, but they don't have him be representative of anyhting but himself. But people see a bad female character, and they are a bad FEMALE character, representative of women as a whole. And the ways in which they are bad are often because tropes that are prominantly used for female characters, like the damsel in distress, are disempowering. So, the solution as I see it is to level the playing field, empower female characters and avoid things like DID or atleast have it happen in the same frequency to men as it does to women. If they are disliked, then atleast they won't be disliked on the basis of gender. That is the key to having people think of female characters as just characters, and that's what I want to have happen.


special needs, sexual needs
"Into the Hornet's Nest"

Oliver woke up drenched in sweat. He was breathing hard, the cold icy air of the room stinging his lungs. The fan overhead was spinning fast; the summer had been brutal and the cool air was a relief when he wasn't covered in sweat after experiencing a very bad dream. He closed his eyes and counted to ten. Ollie laid his head back down on the wet pillow and tried to recall the nightmare he had just had.
“Is everything ok?” said the person sharing his bed.
“Yeah. Everything is ok, John . Just a bad dream,” Ollie said.
John Diggle laid shirtless beside Oliver, the moonlight shining on his dark muscular body. He leaned up on his side and placed a hand gently on Oliver’s chest. “Your heart is beating fast.”
“It’s nothing,” Oliver said as he turned on his side to face John.
“You can talk to me, Oliver,” John’s tone was serious.
“It was a dream about my time on the Island,” Oliver hated to admit that the memories still plagued him.
Diggle took Oliver’s head and pulled him for a kiss. It was a peck at first but it only intensified with raw passion. Soon Diggle found it hard to breathe as Oliver kissed him again and again. Ollie’s lips were soft as he moved down John’s neck and planted kisses on Diggle’s huge biceps. The blanket Diggle had around him began to rise.
“I see you’re awake, Mr. Diggle,” Oliver commented, nodding his head towards the rising Diglett.
“Why don’t you push it back down?” Diggle couldn’t help but laugh.
“Maybe I’ll take care of it like I do Starling City,” Oliver inserted his hand underneath the blanket and grabbed John’s Diglett. His hand barely wrapped around it.
“I like when you do that, Ollie,” Diggle said moaning.
“You’ll like this even more,” and Oliver began to work the Diglett. Dgglett Dig, Diglett Dig, Diglett Dig.
“Oliver, stop. Please.” Diggle’s face grimaced
Seeing Diggle holding back only excited Ollie even more.
Suddenly Oliver stopped.
“What is it?” Diggle sounded alarmed.
“I have an idea,” Oliver said pulling away the blanket from the bed and throwing it on the floor. “I want you to be my first, John.”
“Ollie, you sure?”
“Let’s make it fun,” Diggle said. He reached over to the bedside table and picked up a blindfold and tied it around Oliver’s eyes. Ollie couldn’t see a thing.
Diggle got behind Oliver and pushed his Digglet into his H.I.V.E.
Oliver screamed out in pain.
“Should I stop?” Diggle said.
“No, continue.”
Diggle didn’t continue. There was just silences and then Oliver heard the front door open and close. Footsteps echoed outside and they stopped outside the bedroom door. It creaked open and whoever it was joined them in bed.
“He looks like he’s enjoying himself,” said the stranger.
“Oh he is, Detective Lance,” Diggle said.
Oliver heard the zipper and he grimaced as Lance’s meat-glock was pushed inside the H.I.V.E. “I can’t take it much more, feels -”
“-so good?” Lance said.
Diggle and Lance continued to burrow when the bedroom door opened again. The footsteps were heavy. Whoever this person was they definitely carried swag. He felt the new stranger leap onto the bed.
“Hey, Kid. Hope you two left room for me,” the voice said.
It was Slade! Oliver knew that voice from anywhere. “Slade? How are you here?!” Oliver said.
“He’s with us, Oliver. Waller made him part of our team, the Suicide Squad.” Diggle said.
“It was hell getting from that cursed island.” Slade said as he undid his zipper. Oliver let out a moan as Slade entered the H.I.V.E with his Kantana. “I see you didn’t need to use Bing to find his H.I.V.E, John. I’m impressed.”
Oliver body felt like it was being stabbed continuously from three different angles. John burrowed his Diglett further in. Diglett Dig, Diglett Dig, Diglett Dig. The Diglett continued to dig even further until it ended with a sludge bomb. John collapsed back onto the bed. Lance brought his man-glock and fired his shots. Lastly, Slade continued to pierce Oliver until Slade could control it no more and the Mirakuru erupted from the sword and flowed through Oliver’s entire body, flowing up through his throat until Oliver spurted it out in a cascade of Mirukuru.
“Wow,” said Ollie amazed at the mess. He was just about to get up when he heard heel clicking. The sound seemed to be coming from the corner of the bedroom. Out of shadows walked Amanda Waller, her face was stern.
“Amanda?” Oliver said confused.
“Yes, Mr. Queen?” She said clearly irritated that Oliver could not grasp what was happening.
“What are you doing here?”
“I came to watch your initiation,” she said matter-of-fact.
“Initiation into what?” Oliver said.
“Wouldn't you like to know, Mr. Queen,” Amanda said, her arms crossed.
Oliver was getting nervous. He didn't know what was happening and he didn't care much to find out. He must have closed his eyes to think because when he opened them again, Amanda was beside Oliver her hand wrapped around Oliver’s knocked arrow.
“Ready to begin?” Amanda asked. She didn't wait for Oliver to reply.
"Into the Hornet's Nest"

Haha Wozzly strikes again! I'm surprised Roy's red arrow didn't make an appearance.

Still waiting for the Diggle Wiggle to become a thing.


I would bang a hot farmer!
I see a Wozzly story but I won't read it until tomorrow because I don't want it seeping into my dreams tonight.
And Vertigo is just a Druggie Joker rather than the Dr. Doom-esque villain he is in the comics.

My biggest letdown in the show. Count Vertigo/Waller interactions in the comics were great, and the Count was a unique villain. Even the Doctor Doom analogy doesn't capture it.
My biggest letdown in the show. Count Vertigo/Waller interactions in the comics were great, and the Count was a unique villain. Even the Doctor Doom analogy doesn't capture it.

I love Druggie Joker Vertigo tho. He's hilarious.

But now we got Vertigo 2.0. Bet you we'll get a 3.0 at some point. Vertigo, the drug that keeps on giving.
- Den of Geek: Caity Lotz, Paul Blackthorne, and Katrina Law Interview
Arrow sent quite a few actors to Dragon Con in Atlanta this year. We spoke to Paul Blackthorne (Quentin Lance), Caity Lotz (Sarah Lance), and Katrina Law (Nyssa al Ghul) at a press conference about their on-set experiences and their characters going into Arrow Season 3.

Paul Blackthorne, Caity Lotz, and Katrina Law had a lot to say about the development of their roles in Arrow, all the way from the audition process to the how the comics influence their performances and the show's remarkable stunt work. We joined some other reporters in Atlanta during Dragon Con to get their take on Arrow, which has its season three premiere this week.


Upside, inside out he's livin la vida loca, He'll push and pull you down, livin la vida loca
Stupid CW, wanted to rewatch S2 before S3 started but they had to postpone the Netflix release until tomorrow :(
I'll just stay clear of the topic until next week I guess.

"Into the Hornet's Nest"
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