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New study says spanking children causes long-term developmental damage, lower IQ

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article said:
Spanking children can cause long-term developmental damage and may even lower a child's IQ, according to a new Canadian analysis that seeks to shift the ethical debate over corporal punishment into the medical sphere.

The study, published this week in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, reached its conclusion after examining 20 years of published research on the issue. The authors say the medical finding have been largely overlooked and overshadowed by concerns that parents should have the right to determine how their children are disciplined.

While spanking is certainly not as widespread as it was 20 years ago, many still cling to the practice and see prohibiting spanking as limiting the rights of parents.

That point of view highlights the difficulty in changing hearts and minds on the issue, despite a mountain of accumulated evidence showing the damage physical punishment can have on a child, says Joan Durant, a professor at University of Manitoba and one of the authors of the study.

"We're really past the point of calling this a controversy. That's a word that's used and I don't know why, because in the research there really is no controversy," she said in an interview.

"If we had this level of consistency in findings in any other area of health, we would be acting on it. We'd be pulling out all the stops to work on the issue."

Durant and co-author Ron Ensom, with the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario in Ottawa, cite research showing that physical punishment makes children more aggressive and antisocial, and can cause cognitive impairment and developmental difficulties.

Recent studies suggest it may reduce the brain's grey matter in areas relevant to intelligence testing.

"What people have realized is that physical punishment doesn't only predict aggression consistently, it also predicts internalizing kinds of difficulties, like depression and substance use," said Durant.

"There are no studies that show any long term positive outcomes from physical punishment."

While banned in 32 countries, corporal punishment of children retains at least partial social acceptance in much of the world. Debates on the issue typically revolve around the ethics of using violence to enforce discipline.

With the study, Durant hopes parents will start to look at the issue from a medical perspective.

"What we're hoping is that physicians will take that message and do more to counsel parents around this and to help them understand that physical punishment isn't getting them where they want to go," she said.

She also hopes that countries that allow the practice - including Canada - will take another look at their child protection laws.

Canada is one of more than 190 countries to have ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, a 1989 treaty that sets out protections for children.

The treaty - which has been ratified by all UN member states except for the United States, Somalia and South Sudan - includes a passage stating that countries must protect children from "all forms of physical or mental violence".

"If we had two or three studies that showed that if you took 500 mg of vitamin C a day you could reduce cancer risk, we would all be taking 500 mg of vitamin C a day," Durant said.

"Here, we have more than 80 studies, I would say more than 100, that show the same thing (about corporal punishment), and yet we keep calling it controversial."

I get that this is an emotional issue for a lot of people, particularly those whose parents did physically discipline them as a kid. But the fact that your parents were great people who you owe everything to, and the fact that you generally turned out okay, doesn't mean that they were infallible while raising you. To the best of science's knowledge, spanking hurts children. It is also antithetical to the values of nonviolence we attempt to instill in our children and in our culture. End the cycle of violence.

EDIT: forgot the link. Here it is http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/02/07/us-spanking-idUSTRE8161R220120207


I'm not spanking. It's definitely the inferior form of discipline. Short term effectiveness with the trade off of long term damage.

I think something like 80 studies now have all demonstrated that spanking has no positive long term effects and often long term negative effects. Seems straight forward to me. Then again, I'm a scientist so I actually use evidence-based practices.

Hunter S.

Theses studies only show correlations, causation is the worst word to use, an ignorant word.

Anal I know, but accurate scientifically.
I would like to know the intensity of the spanking that they're researching, as well as the frequency of said spankings. Would a single time cause such damage? What type of homes are these children coming from? Intelligence of parents? Religious correlation? Also, why does it do what it does? Is it because of the pain? Then why wouldn't falling, for example, cause it? Is it because of a close person harming them? Then what about divorces (emotional side)?

I really would like more specifics than "spanking harms children."


I'll save everyone some time and summarize the next 30 pages:

"Herrrp derrrrrp I got spanked and I turned out fine! herrrrrrrrp"


I guess it works some kids and not for some. For me it didn't work, I just made sure I didn't get caught for my misbehaviour.


I dunno seems like they need to provide more data on what they used.

Spankings and such have gone on for a long time and generally households that were more strict and enforced punishments have had better children as far as growing up etc.

I can easily see excessive physical action can lead to issues though
I'll save everyone some time and summarize the next 30 pages:

"Herrrp derrrrrp I got spanked and I turned out fine! herrrrrrrrp"


Theses studies only show correlations, causation is the worst word to use, an ignorant word.

Anal I know, but accurate scientifically.

It's an extremely strong correlation. So either spanking is causing the problem, or those kids were born damaged and enrage their parents into spanking them. Whichever it is, only one of them can be fixed by behavior change, the other is a crapshoot of genetics. Given the severity of the situation, it would make sense to take the cautious route.
Can you point out specifically what was bullshit about the study?

"I got spanked and am fine" does not count by the way.

The study is bullshit due to its vagueness. That's my biggest problem. I don't even think the study defines what "spanking" actually is. Are we talking about popping a kid on the rear or beating a kid with an electrical cord?


Funny, nowadays less and less people are spanking their children,

and more and more kids are getting dumber.
I was on the fence before but that settles it. Conclusive evidence or not, I won't be spanking my kids. There are better forms of discipline that do a better job in teaching imo anyway.


I will still spank my future kids
This. My IQ is close to 140, so I'm pretty sure that's not exactly low. Also graduated from college and enjoy a successful career. My parents spanked me whenever I lied or tried to talk back and I'll be doing the same with mine.


no its not.
your understanding of child abuse is very skewed.
is grounding your child with no videogames considered child abuse too?

There's a difference between depriving your child of a luxury item and hitting them.

But nah, hitting kids is fine as long as you tell them they're bad while you do it.

For the record, I have spanked my kid, but the defiant little bastard just gave me that look...

Funny, nowadays less and less people are spanking their children,

and more and more kids are getting dumber.

MUST be connected!


So wait.. wasnt corporal punishment like the norm in schools and parenting for anyone born before the 70's?
Are they all idiots with mental problems today?


I guess it works some kids and not for some. For me it didn't work, I just made sure I didn't get caught for my misbehaviour.

Um that's what the study basically said. It NEVER works, kids just become bigger liars and have a poorer relationship with their parents and other people in general.
Wouldn't you have to do a large scale study for that? I mean like literally hundreds of thousands of kids to even be able to say these results? I just know how situational each case could be and this honestly sounds like a waste of time.


Black Canada Mafia
Question to pro spankers:

1. Do you think there are alternatives to spanking that are at least just as successful?


Let's see that source, OP. *Please don't tell me they're using correlation to imply causation, please....*


no its not.
your understanding of child abuse is very skewed.
is grounding your child with no videogames considered child abuse too?

I don't really care either way on this subject, but that is one of the worst comparisons I've ever seen. Striking your kids physically = taking material objects away?
I was spanked and turned out fine. Without sounding like bragging, I was even in the gifted program throughout middle school.


This. My IQ is close to 140, so I'm pretty sure that's not exactly low. Also graduated from college and enjoy a successful career. My parents spanked me whenever I lied or tried to talk back and I'll be doing the same with mine.

The point isn't that it makes you dumb and a failure, just dumber and less successful. You might've lost 5 IQ points, and could have potentially been even more successful without spanking.
This. My IQ is close to 140, so I'm pretty sure that's not exactly low. Also graduated from college and enjoy a successful career. My parents spanked me whenever I lied or tried to talk back and I'll be doing the same with mine.

This reasoning is fallacious by the way.

"I knew a guy who had [insert disease] and just prayed for it to go away, and it did go away! I don't need modern medicine for my case of [disease]."

I mean there was once a woman who survived a fall out a plane. Would you jump out of a plane without a parachute?


I could have been MORE intelligent had the spanking not occurred?
I feel robbed! It's probably produced some kind of anxiety and internalized anger in me as well. xD Not quite sure though~!

Anyway, I plan on not spanking my future children if at all possible. I think I much prefer the taking them away from their activity source and time out kind of deal, which is unpleasant enough an experience to get the "DON'T DO THAT" message across. Parents just seem to have a consistency problem and spanking is so "fast and effective" for shocking a kid out of their behavior in the short-term, but it sure teaches problem behavior/development in the long term it seems.
Um that's what the study basically said. It NEVER works, kids just become bigger liars and have a poorer relationship with their parents and other people in general.

Again, I would like to know further details behind this study. Because saying it never works is a tad ridiculous, imo.

Again, frequency, intensity, etc.

EDIT: And of course, why it causes these things. Could taking things away have the same effect? Is it an emotional thing? An anger thing? Honestly, what?


Question to pro spankers:

1. Do you think there are alternatives to spanking that are at least just as successful?

I would hope it was a last resort, and never done while you, the parent, are angry.

I was spanked and turned out fine. Without sounding like bragging, I was even in the "gifted" program throughout middle school.

Yeah that's we told those kids in our school what it was too...

Just screwing with you.


This. My IQ is close to 140, so I'm pretty sure that's not exactly low. Also graduated from college and enjoy a successful career. My parents spanked me whenever I lied or tried to talk back and I'll be doing the same with mine.

140 huh? You sure about that? It seems with so much intelligence you'd be able to see what a shitty point you're making. Was this one of those online tests maybe?


spanking shouldn't be the primary form of punishment, and it shouldn't be done so hard as to leave marks...but sometimes it takes a little oomph to help a kid learn what is right and what is wrong


Kids don't rationalize - there is nothing wrong with minor spanking, which they do understand.

Thank you. I was trying to word this but couldn't get the right words out. Kids will forget a grounding and continue to do what they did, because to them nothing really happened.


So wait.. wasnt corporal punishment like the norm in schools and parenting for anyone born before the 70's?
Are they all idiots with mental problems today?

That's not what it says. Just that they are dumber and more messed up than they would've been without spanking.
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