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[OT] This Winnie the Pooh Flash Game is Way Too Hard for Its Target Audience

Have you gotten to Tigger or Christopher Robin? Tiger's pitches are literally invisible and variable speed and Christopher Robin is just pure bullshit.

I just got to Tigger and hit 21 on the first try. He's going to be a piece of cake, actually easier than Owl.

Didn't use a single upgrade yet, either.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Game's not too bad early on once you get used to the timing and keep the ball near the sweet spot. Just like in any other baseball game, you should also adjust according to the previous ball hit - fouled straight back, swing a bit earlier next time. Pulling it foul? You're a bit too early.

Also, be sure Pooh's standing as still as possible when swinging for maximum power.

That's good for the first few rounds.

The later stuff is bullshit, though.
Just hit a mammoth 144.7m shot to right field off Tigger, that's gotta be a record. Never even hit the 144's before that, highest was 143.6.
Just hit a mammoth 144.7m shot to right field off Tigger, that's gotta be a record. Never even hit the 144's before that, highest was 143.6.

Maybe for non-upgrade people. You upgrade even a little bit you start smacking 160+ on a regular basis


For those wondering about the upgrades:

Top to bottom:
Power : Ball flies further
Meat: Makes balls easier to hit
Speed: Increase Poo's movement speed, allows easier adjustment


I'll be that guy

When does this get hard? I'm on rabbit.

Edit: Fuck this stupid ass rabbit I hope pooh gets stuck in his house again and never gets out

I can't beat this asshole all I get is foul balls


I just beat Piglet while lying in bed and playing on my laptop.

You guys have been made weak by playing all those casual games.


Tiggers the only one I've had a problem with so far.

Can't even get close. Gives me a fast pitch and it fucks my timing up completely


I've been stuck at the Owl for two fucking days and I find this thread and learn you can upgrade? Fuck this shit.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
I got up to Owl and I just had to give up. It's just not fun enough to keep trying.

My soon-to-be nephew-in-law who is only 5 though got up to Christopher Robin just fine and just restarted it. He is the target audience for age and nationality, so maybe it's just right... no wait, that's the wrong bear story tag line.... bother.
this game isn't that hard. just click on the ball essentially (the green spot on the bat follows your cursor). i find that if try to "click" on the baseball itself and not try to line anything up necessarily, i have a lot better success.

also, the upgrades make it easier.


If Eeyore is wrecking you, make sure you're holding the mouse button instead of just clicking. That's important. Get upgrades, also. I'm on the owl, and seriously, what the fuck.


I had 18/19 homeruns on the owl with 6 balls left. Didn't get a single homerun. That's when I closed the browser.


Holy hell please someone tell how Tigger makes sense, I beat Owl my first try but Tigger is literally cheating, I have no expectations for what robin can do at this point.

All those childhood years of backyard baseball on the pc have not prepared me for this.
Has anybody beaten Christopher Robin yet? I've played him a few times and my best so far is 25 home runs :(

I can hit the ball pretty much every time, but why won't it clear the fence? The shots are all in-play, it's not like I can hit the button harder...

Try to center the ball in the green "sweet" spot and hold your click. Also, try to keep Pooh still and upgrade if necessary. See this:
For those wondering about the upgrades:

Top to bottom:
Power : Ball flies further
Meat: Makes balls easier to hit
Speed: Increase Poo's movement speed, allows easier adjustment
I can hit the ball pretty much every time, but why won't it clear the fence? The shots are all in-play, it's not like I can hit the button harder...




I can hit the ball pretty much every time, but why won't it clear the fence? The shots are all in-play, it's not like I can hit the button harder...

Hit closer to the sweet spot of the bat and try to keep Pooh still during the swing.


Why are the British stuffed animals playing baseball in Japanese?

Pooh barely wakes up each morning, how did anyone convince him to participate in a home run contest?



fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I wasn't finding the game hard until this fucking owl. What is this bullshit? Every time I hit the ball it barely moves, if I can even hit it.

Fuck tigger and christopher robin, this retroactively ruined Whinnie the Pooh for me.


Trucker Sexologist
For those wondering about the upgrades:

Top to bottom:
Power : Ball flies further
Meat: Makes balls easier to hit
Speed: Increase Poo's movement speed, allows easier adjustment
"Pooh's promising baseball career was ended short after testing positive for performance enhancing honey. 'He was my friend and my hero,' Eeyore said, mere days before the clinically depressed donkey threw himself off the The Poohsticks Bridge."
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