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Trauma Center Appriciation Thread


I know that Trauma Center, truly an underappriciated gem, has a fair number of devoted fans out there that rarely ever get a chance to voice their fanaticism. Let us do so here now, both by recognizing a great game already out and anticipating another one on its way.

Trauma Center: Under the Knife said:
Trauma Center is an arcade-style surgery game from Atlus on the Nintendo DS that was released in November 2005. Since its release it's gained something of a cult following, and with good reason - the touchscreen-only title is absolutely addictive in its gameplay and engrossing with its atmosphere, successfully creating a intense feeling as if one is actually performing surgery with lives on the line. The game ultimately ended up scoring a respectable 81% on Gamerankings.


You play as a rookie doctor, Derek Styles, who starts the game off with (relatively) normal missions combating realistic injuries and diseases.


All gameplay is handled with the touchscreen, as you must cut up your patient, sew them back together (if you feel like it), inject miraculous green stuff to stablize their vitals, use a surgical laser, and more.


This game is hard, notoriously so. It will really push your speed and reaction times to the absolute limit if you intend to complete the game in its entirety and save all your patients.


After a chapter or two, a new plot element and medical threat is introduced, which proves to be more sci-fi than realistic, and yet makes things much more interesting (and harder).


The action is always fast-paced and the sense of urgency never abates. This game truly sucks you in and doesn't let go easily at all. It's one of, if not my most favorite DS title, and is the finest answer to anyone who still believes that the DS' has never been used in a unique and extraordinarily awesome fashion. The touchscreen controls truly make you feel like you are the doctor, and this could not have been done on any other system and have been as awesome...until the Wii was introduced with it's 3D motion sensing controller

Trauma Center: Second Opinion said:
I think it's also appropriate to mention the upcoming remix/sequel for Wii - Trauma Center: Second Opinion. Why a "remix"? Apparently, half the storyline has been reused. But what's new, you ask? For starters, the gameplay has been totally revamped with new missions, tools, graphics, and controls - essentially making it almost a completely new game.


Players will actually be able to reach inside their patient with the Wiimote, change tools with the analog, as well as shock them back from a flatline using both parts of the nunchuck as a difribulator. New missions include organ transplants and treating broken bones.


The art is still in the anime style, but seems to be done by a different artist than the one responsible for Under The Knife.


Graphics have been greatly improved, but retain a cell-shaded apperance.


The soundtrack (the one song we've heard from it anyway) seems to borrow liberally from Under The Knife, though the quality is noticably superior.

Download Second Opinion Music Here

You can view the brief E3 teaser here (in the bottom right corner). It showcases the character art and some screen stills that can't be seen anywhere else. These shots includes the return of the evil triangle things...except with much more impressive and intimidating graphics.

The biggest new element and most surprising addition is that in addition to Derek Styles' storyline (apparently a retelling of his adventures in Under The Knife) there is also a seperate, parallel story in which you play as his rival, who is as yet unnamed. This rival is said to tread a much darker path than Derek, and his story will feature completely all-knew missions in which you can weild a special power completely different from Derek's Healing Touch. Once you have completed both individual storylines, additional missions are unlocked in which both doctors must combine their respective talents.

Trauma Center: Second Opinion is due to be a Wii launch title. I for one know that, even alongside the likes of Zelda and Metroid, this will be the game that I'll open up and savor first.


Emotions said:
Trauma Center rocks, one of the best Atlus games ever hands down.

Yeah, I'll be preordering Second Opinion right along with my Wii. I wish the game got a bit more love on the DS. I know it gets brutally hard, but it's so satisfying when you succeed.


about the same metal capacity as a cucumber
One of the first games that amde me feel that the DS was far and away the best thing since sliced bread. It put a smile on my face to see the hardware truly being realized, and used to it's full potential.

Not that I demand every DS game uses all the DS's quirks, but when something is done right, it just feels good.

I hope they truly get the formula perfected in the future, since this franchise has a ton of potential.

Long live TC!
I just finished "Something Precious" last night. That wasn't a fun hard, it was just retarded. I've never been so pissed off at a game before. The controls need some serious work. It's hard to use the suction tool, especially when things get near the top of the screen. The bomb mission I'm on doesn't look too fun either.

I really liked the game in the beginning when you were doing real surgeries, but all this bio-terrorism stuff just sucks. Tumors that move like that are horseshit, let's do some heart transplants.
Shalomi said:
Waait a minute...analog stick to change instruments?

-1 (on a scale of 100).

Would you rather use the remote? That would be cumbersome. I think using the analog stick will make for faster transitions between the tools and a more seamless experience.


Trauma Center is my favorite DS game as things stand now. I don't see it getting outclassed any time soon.

The game is fantastically outrageous in not only situation, but dialogue as well. This adds to the soap opera-esque feel of everything. The game sets this up perfectly by having you pull a gigantic piece of glass out of someone’s heart on your first surgery.

The difficulty is just right too. It is difficult--aside from one "operation"--but it never feels like the game is cheating. It kicks you while you are down and you quickly learn the tricks of the trade for how to not get hurt too badly.

The touch input is very well implemented also. Not only in the cutting, injecting, and bandaging, but also in the healing touch. While not noticeable at first you slowly come to realize that better star you draw the more time you will get. This all goes back to learning the tricks of the trade.

All these things combined lead to such an excellent experience and game, that I found everything about it a pleasure, even the beating it gives you. Top notch game from developers who knew what they were doing. I am also glad they dropped using the mic to keep the patient calm... that would have probably ruined the game.


pretty cool game... what pisses me it's that not only it's so f*cking hard but the game rank you too and almost all the time it will give you a C... what the hell! i sweated enough already! :/
other than that it's a really good and creative game
also i'm the only one pissed by the fact that in the end
you save seven nameless children... what the hell! for the final boss i wanted to save someone important! a president, the pope,angie not a random nameless baby! :(


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
first time hearing the Trauma Center wii song, is that from a trailer?


Error2k4 said:
first time hearing the Trauma Center wii song, is that from a trailer?
there is one on the atlus site but it's just the screenshot we already know with some cool effect and that music...


Error2k4 said:
first time hearing the Trauma Center wii song, is that from a trailer?
I ripped it from the teaser and added that flatline thing to the end for dramatic effect.


Never played this actually (even though I've owned a DS for awhile now). I've always been interested but I'm afraid of dropping down the cash and coming away feeling ripped off. If it's cheap enough ($20ish) I will buy it and depending on how I like it will determine my Wii purchases for launch. :)
I avoided this game for a long time, I don't know why. But I finally gave it a chance about a week ago and holy hell it was intense. I actually broke out into a sweat during one mission and my eyes were watering because I forgot to blink!

Really really great game, and it was an experince very unlike anything I'd had before / in a long time.
Oh I love this game. It gets really hard but every completed mission means an orgasm.
Spoiler (and question :p ) for chapter 5-9 ahead...
Right now, I'm in chapter 5-9 where you have to rescue Angie's father. My problem is, when the GUILT suddenly starts to rip his body and Derek uses the Healing Hand automatically. I just don't know what to do...It can't be hit with the knife nor the shot. It just escapes evertime I try to do something. Laser doesn't work, too... :(
Asskicker064 said:
I just finished "Something Precious" last night. That wasn't a fun hard, it was just retarded. I've never been so pissed off at a game before. The controls need some serious work. It's hard to use the suction tool, especially when things get near the top of the screen. The bomb mission I'm on doesn't look too fun either.

Yeah. :( After the twentieth time on "Awakening" I just gave up on the game entirely. Even if I go into the surprise aneurism segment with healing touch, full health, and no other aneurisms remaining, the massive spamming of them is enough to either kill me in short order or make the clock run out. The best I ended up getting to was solving the problem but running 5 seconds short of sewing the guy back up.

Which sucks because up to that mission it was a lot of fun; a way to skip missions after repetitive failures (or some form of reduced difficulty) would have done a lot to improve this experience of otherwise F-ZERO GX ridiculousness.


Schnicktick said:
Oh I love this game. It gets really hard but every completed mission means an orgasm.
Spoiler (and question :p ) for chapter 5-9 ahead...
Right now, I'm in chapter 5-9 where you have to rescue Angie's father. My problem is, when the GUILT suddenly starts to rip his body and Derek uses the Healing Hand automatically. I just don't know what to do...It can't be hit with the knife nor the shot. It just escapes evertime I try to do something. Laser doesn't work, too... :(
touch the hand icon and draw another healing touch... this will stop the savato from moving then use the serum


I've never found the difficulty to get overwhelming, unless you count the X Missions, and those were designed so that only the absolute best of the best gamers could complete them. With this type of game, I enjoy a good challenge, and Trauma Center delivered that more than any other game I can remember playing. If you gave up in the normal game, you would piss your pants at the mere sight of the X Missions, gaurenteed. I only know of one guy from the PA Forums who managed to clear them.

Do The Mario said:
Wow I am so interested in this DS game right now, mainly based on what people are saying about the difficulty!
If you want hard, this is definitely the game for you.


I don't find it too difficult. This game is great I'll get it at launch along side some others. Those screens in the teaser seem much more realistic and detailed than the original.


TC is definitely challenging and continues to be my favourite game on the DS, even after completing NSMB. The Wii version will most likely be fantastic as well. Can't wait to see how it turns out.


Zyid said:
I've never found the difficulty to get overwhelming, unless you count the X Missions, and those were designed so that only the absolute best of the best gamers could complete them. With this type of game, I enjoy a good challenge, and Trauma Center delivered that more than any other game I can remember playing. If you gave up in the normal game, you would piss your pants at the mere sight of the X Missions, gaurenteed. I only know of one guy from the PA Forums who managed to clear them.

If you want hard, this is definitely the game for you.
did you watch this?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wifBQCmcYoE&search=trauma center
WordAssassin said:

I was thinking about getting this game until I saw that. I know that's a super hard level but oh my God, I would never be able to play a game at even half that speed. That's too much quick changing of the items and my head would fucking explode.


No no, you have the ability to use "bullet time" essentially, but he didn't use it. Plus thats on like uber hard difficulty. The game really isn't that hard. But it is intense.


WordAssassin said:

I was thinking about getting this game until I saw that. I know that's a super hard level but oh my God, I would never be able to play a game at even half that speed. That's too much quick changing of the items and my head would fucking explode.

That's an X Mission, which was what I was talking about earlier. They're not part of the main game, you don't need to clear those to win - they're bonuses available after you beat the game (they do tie in with the story, however). I personally have never come close to beating a single X Mission. The X Missions are dramatically harder than those found in the main games.

That said, the guy in that video is crazy. He didn't even use healing touch, seriously, O_O

EDIT: And WTF, he never even injected the green stuff! I never knew you could spam heal jelly to increase the vitals that way.


I just recently started replaying Trauma Center (I initially gave up because one mission was kicking my ass... can't remember which), and I am absolutely in love with the game now. There's no greater thrill than when you eventually beat a mission that has been killing you for a while. Speaking of which, I beat one of those type of missions with less than half a second left. I was so proud.


Truly goes to show that you can't give up even at the last second.

Neo Child

Haleon said:
I just recently started replaying Trauma Center (I initially gave up because one mission was kicking my ass... can't remember which), and I am absolutely in love with the game now. There's no greater thrill than when you eventually beat a mission that has been killing you for a while. Speaking of which, I beat one of those type of missions with less than half a second left. I was so proud.


Truly goes to show that you can't give up even at the last second.

If only I took a picture of me on the mission "Under the Knife" with 00:00:01 to spare.


It is a cool game, but for me it is hard. Frustratingly hard at times. I'm not quick enough to get all the operations done in a timely fashion.

I'll probably only buy Second Operation if the difficulty is easier.

Neo Child

Mrbob said:
It is a cool game, but for me it is hard. Frustratingly hard at times. I'm not quick enough to get all the operations done in a timely fashion.

I'll probably only buy Second Operation if the difficulty is easier.

I don't mind, apart from the fact that Nurse Angies looks less cute, I love the new graphical style, very Flash-esque.


Mrbob said:
It is a cool game, but for me it is hard. Frustratingly hard at times. I'm not quick enough to get all the operations done in a timely fashion.

I'll probably only buy Second Operation if the difficulty is easier.
The thing with TC is that there is usually a "right" way to do the operations. Once you figure out the correct method to operate on the patient, the difficulty level becomes manageable. If you're trying to operate on a patient and you lose so much that you're thinking "It's not possible to beat this ****ing mission!" you're probably right. There is no way to beat the mission the way you're trying to do it. As cliche as it sounds, think outside of the box. Try a different method. Try different strategies. Usually you'll stumble across one that is really effective.


Running off of Custom Firmware
What impressed me the most about Trauma Center is really a combination of factors that rarely happens in something so "new":
1) Very well conceived concept, from beginning to end
2) Very well EXECUTED, all throughout
3) Highly original concept
4) Hit the DS so early in its life, pretty much without compromises!

Hell, within its first year, the DS allowed us to successfully role play doctors and investigative lawyers, two arguably silly concepts! Woo!


Neo Child said:
If only I took a picture of me on the mission "Under the Knife" with 00:00:01 to spare.

Oh man, is that the mission where you have to save five ppl? I got .1 secs left on that one :lol

BTW, for the final boss
It's not the children, there is a hidden boss you have to operate. The one in the tube. It's ridicurously hard.


Under The Knife... best DS game to be released. And it feels so nice and more accurate to play on a DSlite as the touchscreen doesn't have the floating piece of plastic above the screen.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
This game has been on my mind lately as a potential addition to my DS catalogue when I get my DS Lite on Friday. But I dunno...dont think I'm the type to get maximum enjoyment out of this game so I may wait until its like budget priced.

Nice timing though :p Next time I walk into a game shop I'm going to be severely tempted thanks to all the GAF loving this game gets.
How much better does Trauma Center look on the Lite? I know many DS games have a dramatic difference while some other less-colorful games don't have much of a difference other than being much brighter.

That said, Trauma Center is the best DS game in large part to the difficulty. I'd be a bit disappointed if they toned it down because some have a problem with it.


SumGamer said:
Oh man, is that the mission where you have to save five ppl? I got .1 secs left on that one :lol
You're actually allowed to run overtime on that particular mission.
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