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You can play Fallout 4 for 400 hours without seeing everything

From gamespresso,

"That’s almost unheard of, but according to Bethesda’s lead producer Jeff Gardiner it is true of Fallout 4. Speaking to OXM, Jeff had this to say."

Jeff Gardiner said:
I’ve played the game for probably 400 hours, and I’m still finding stuff that I haven’t seen.

Also some interesting stuff on how electricity works in the game.

Edit: Guys, try to read the article before posting yeah? Thanks.

Call me shallow if old.

Sou Da

From gamespresso,

"That’s almost unheard of, but according to Bethesda’s lead producer Jeff Gardiner it is true of Fallout 4. Speaking to OXM, Jeff had this to say."

Also some interesting stuff on how electricity works in the game.

Call me shallow if old.
So you can make your own shopping lists for crafting huh?


Not sure if I like the sound of that...

I like the sound of that! :D


For the record, I'm not sure how to feel about this.


bish gets all the credit :)
You can play Fallout 4 for 400 hours without seeing good animations

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I guarantee you by the time this game comes out, through the power of "chinese whispers" people will say it has 1000 hours of unique content.


Yes, but how much of that is good content exactly?

I don't want fetch quests and samey looking buildings filled with bandits and mole rats.
We live in a world with games like No Man's Sky.

Boasting about hours is no longer impressive. Devs need a new marketing hype tagline, IMO, especially in this case since Bethesda games are some of the most static and empty open-worlds out there.


Call me crazy, but after 120+ hours in W3, not a good thing. Unless they somehow manage to make all those 400hrs interesting, but I somehow doubt it.
But is everything actually worth seeing, that is the question.

I guess that's up to the player to decide. I think at this point if you are buying a Bethesda rpg you know what you are in for. A long game is fine as long as it doesn't force everyone to experience 100% of it. Your average gamer is definitely going to zip through it and that is fine as long as what is there on the short path is done right and entertaining enough for them. But those that love the series will absolutely want to scour the landscape during their roleplay sessions. Either way you cant say you aren't getting enough game for your buck.

Crosses fingers their aren't many bugs...
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