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Study says 30 min of exercise a day not enough. You should double or quadruple that

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If you're among of the millions of Americans who dutifully carve out 30 minutes a day for the moderate-intensity exercise recommended by experts based on the idea that you're doing all you can for your heart, you're in for some disappointing news.

A new analysis published Monday in the journal Circulation finds that that amount of activity may not be good enough.

For the paper, researchers reviewed 12 studies involving 370,460 men and women with varying levels of physical activity. Over a mean follow-up time of 15 years, this group experienced 20,203 heart failure events. Each of the participants self-reported their daily activities, allowing the team to estimate the amount of exercise they were doing.

They found that those following the 30-minutes-a-day guidelines issued by the American Heart Association had “modest reductions” in heart failure risk compared to those who did not work out at all.

But those who exercised twice and four times as much had “a substantial risk reduction" of 20 percent and 35 percent, respectively.

The findings challenge the notion of a 30-minutes-a-day magic number for exercise. Instead, research found that physical activity and heart failure may be what they called "dose dependent," meaning that higher levels of physical activity appeared to be linked to a lower risk of heart failure. That association appeared to hold across age groups, gender and race.

Ambarish Pandey, the study’s lead author and a cardiology fellow at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, said the study was limited in its ability to compare the relationship of heart failure risk with different types of physical activity, as well as in differentiating between work-related physical activity vs. exercise for leisure.

“If someone runs to their work, that doesn’t count as leisure,” Pandey said. “That counts as occupational. If someone is an exercise trainer, then he will be more active at his workplace and that may not be accounted for in the leisure activity that we have looked at.”

More at the link.


Scaley member
So 2 hours of exercise per day. Got it.

It's what I do.

I don't pussy foot around either. 3k on the treadmill, 3k on the bike, 2k on the erg for the first hour. Second hour, weights like a boss, making sure to do a rep max set after every four sets. Currently maxing 500 bench, 70 dumbbells, 700 leg press, and 100 calf press.


I get 2 hours of exercise per day if you include walking.

But if only intense exercise like running or lifting weights count then, no, I don't get 2 hours per friggin day

I do very intense exercise but no way could I do that every day. No enough recovery time.


Scientists keep telling me I should do the exact opposite of everything I do. I'm just gonna stay the course.


really depends on the "exercise" doesn't it

for example 30 minutes a day of HiiT would be more than enough


So 2 hours of exercise per day. Got it.

The article has recommendations.

Basically, you should mix high and medium intensity sessions throughout the week if time starved.

Moreover, the healthier you are already, the less exercise you need.

It mentions that hypertension patients should aim more than 30 minutes of brisk walking per day for substantial benefit.
But I'm only awake 14 hours a day. Taking 2 hours of that removes 14% of each day, and probably 30% of free time. Is it going to increase my life expectancy 30%, from 40 up to 52? If not I'd be losing time overall, no deal.

Wait, no... it would have to increase my life expectancy 43%. 1.43 * .7 = 1, so you need a 43% increase in lifespan to counteract a 30% decrease in hours per day.


I do 1hr of high intensity interval work 5-6x per week...upping 1day a week to 2hrs at the moment.

Does my risk decrease by like 50-70%??


Junior Member
Instead, research found that physical activity and heart failure may be what they called "dose dependent," meaning that higher levels of physical activity appeared to be linked to a lower risk of heart failure. That association appeared to hold across age groups, gender and race.

Ehhh that's always been the case?

More excercise = more benefits. Well I never


From the article:

Jarett D. Berry, senior author of the study and an associate professor at University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, said the study shows that physicians and health policymakers should consider making stronger recommendations for greater amounts of physical activity to prevent heart failure.

Basically, physicians recommendations for exercise lack ambition for optimum health.

Again, this is also because we're more sedentary in our work lives. We're not all farmers like the 1700s. We're mostly office workers.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Companies should get on this and remove chairs at all desks, install stationary bicycles, and use them to power employees' computers.


at last, for christ's sake
It's what I do.

I don't pussy foot around either. 3k on the treadmill, 3k on the bike, 2k on the erg for the first hour. Second hour, weights like a boss, making sure to do a rep max set after every four sets. Currently maxing 500 bench, 70 dumbbells, 700 leg press, and 100 calf press.

that's entirely awesome, man


So wake up, gym, work, home, dinner, bed. Wake up, gym, work, home, dinner, bed.

Or, wake up, work, gym, home, dinner, bed, wake up, work, gym, home, dinner, bed.


Doesn't really look like diet, genetic disposition towards heart complications etc...were accounted for?


The recommendations show that's it's largely an environmental problem--too much sedentary work, long commutes (all sitting), and lack of walkable neighborhoods.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
I'm already a wreck after early start, a full day at work, gym, walking dogs, preparing dinner, cleaning up, and sitting my ass on the couch.
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