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The anti-region fanboy thread


Why does it matter what region a game is from? A game is a game to me. A great game, no matter where it's from, it doesn't matter, kicks all ass.

Why is there such a big regional bias in people? A lot of the games you grew up playing were Japanese, a lot of them were American or European too. So where does this whol mentality come from, and how can we stop it?

"American games are repetitive and generic and only feature men in space suits." - some random Japanophile

"All Japanese games feature female looking men and archaic gameplay." - some Westernphile

This stuff makes no sense. In the end, the question that remains is,"Why does it matter?". It's like you people aren't gamers, but pawns of companies. Who cares where the games originate from? What happened to when we could just play and enjoy a game? You guys take your gaming way too seriously.

You're just now noticing this? It is pretty damn horrible here, yeah. Even worse, I used to act this way. =/

though I thought this thread would be about Region Protection.

Which, hey, I'm also really against.


Himuro said:
I'm not just noticing it, it's just that it's gotten on my last nerve.
General statements are easy to say. That's pretty much it.
I'll even do it right now, but I think in most cases when people say "all X" they mean "all X that I've had experience with or care to remember right now" just to make their point.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I don't think it's so crazy. Japanese games definitely prefer certain aspects over their American counterparts. Maybe one or the other region will be more your thing.

But what is dumb is if you'e a fundamentalist to that preference. You're a failure if you dismiss games offhand because of their region.

I prefer Japanese games, but sit me down in front of any well made game and I'll certainly enjoy it. Love Valve and any well made FPS, for example.

Joe Molotov

Hmmm...let's take a look at some of the topics of the day...

First Battlefield: Bad Company Screenshots (PS3/360)--->0_o ( 1 2 3 )
New MGS4 trailer to be shown at Leipzig says Eurogamer (Doom_Bringer meltdown #2) ( 1 2 3 4 5 )
Leipzig Games Convention ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )
Evolution 2006 Fighting Game Championships: Right Now!!!
how can hot shots golf improve for next-gen~?
Miyamoto Says Fans Wants Sonic In SMBB! ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )
Media Create Sales: August 7-13 ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )
Xenosaga Episode III (Official NA website updated)
New GI Scores (Dead Rising, Saints Row, 99 Nights, Yakuza, etc) ( 1 2 )
1up interview with Hideki Kamiya (Capcom's greatest unique game designer) ( 1 2 )
Official OBLIVION Thread (Go 10,000!) ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )
Cute single DS game case from my wife
Anyone buy Madden for X360 directly from EA?
Graph-Age: 16-Bit J.RPG LTDs (U.S. Sales) ( 1 2 )
About Devil May Cry genesis
If Square did FFVII Advent Children theatrical instead of Spirits Within... ( 1 2 )

Yep, obiviously a massive anti-Japanese conspiracy at work at GAF.

P.S. Buy an XBOX360, Madden, and Oblivion! It's only way to defeat the Axis of Evil!!


It's easy to rag on games that you don't play.. I'm definitely not fond of the fact that every western RPG seems to be set in the D&D universe, though. Or else it's licensed from an epic movie. Where's the imagination?
sonarrat said:
It's easy to rag on games that you don't play.. I'm definitely not fond of the fact that every western RPG seems to be set in the D&D universe, though. Or else it's licensed from an epic movie. Where's the imagination?

For serious, I can't stand most western RPGs becaues they have that gay-ass D&D feel and are overly complicated and brutal. Oblivion is a step in the right direction, but I'd absolutely love to see some western RPGs that have a strong story and great writing and isn't a DND dice-rolling simulation knockoff.


blindrocket said:
80 or 90 percent of the games I own are from Japanese developers. That doesn't mean I hate good Western games though.

100% of the games I own are from Western developers.
That doesn't mean I hate good Japanese games though.

(it just means Japan hates PC gaming and there haven't been any cool Japanese games on 360 yet for me. That is, until Dead Rising comes out here :p)
I'm totally sick of the whole J-RPG, J-shmup ( are there even A-shmups anyway? :lol ) shit too. They're just RPGs and shmups OK, people? I believe most of this shit comes from bitter Xbox fans and elitist PC gamers.

Joe Molotov

ZeromusMog said:
For serious, I can't stand most western RPGs becaues they have that gay-ass D&D feel and are overly complicated and brutal. Oblivion is a step in the right direction, but I'd absolutely love to see some western RPGs that have a strong story and great writing and isn't a DND dice-rolling simulation knockoff.






Take your pick.


Himuro said:
Who cares where the games originate from? What happened to when we could just play and enjoy a game?

I realise this is not the way in which you intended this statement, but the entertainment industry is to blame for the existence of region coding, and their attempted enforcement of same may have contributed to gamers' regional bias. It would indeed be nice if people could just buy any game from any region and expect to be able to play and enjoy it, but sadly that situation is still quite far from becoming reality.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Oni Link 666 said:
I'm totally sick of the whole J-RPG, J-shmup ( are there even A-shmups anyway? :lol ) shit too. They're just RPGs and shmups OK, people? I believe most of this shit comes from bitter Xbox fans and elitist PC gamers.

Nooooooo.... jRPGs and wRPGs are practically different genres.
Joe Molotov said:





Take your pick.

Anachronox - Never heard of it before but upon looking at it it looks intersting. I'll have to read more.

Planescape Torment - I might as well get my ****ing star trek uniform on and hit on girls while buying the entire highlander DVD set at the mall. Just not my cup of tea.

some vampire game - vampires D:

Fallout - I've heard good things but it seems that it is a rule that western RPGs have to have that weird isometric thing going on. Looks to be an "overly complicated game that likes to kick your ass" though

KOTOR - I've heard tons of star wars fanboys wank over this game but never actually tried it. I might have to try this one, too.

Still, I love how games like Final Fantasy are immediately engaging and tell a story slowly (western games are keen to throw a wall of text at you and expect you to read it as an intro... ugh. I liked that Oblivion didn't do this.) that gets gradually more engaging. More often than not, the story to Western games and RPGs tend to feel like tacked-on chores. Contrast that to FFX where it is almost to the point where you mash X to see the next cutscene. Obviously this type of gameplay doesn't appeal to everyone but it appeals to me a lot more than "wall of text, walk outside, get killed by flies" which seems to be my general experience with most Western-style RPGs.

I'm always looking to be proven wrong on this though, and I'll be checking out some of the games you reccomended, thanks :)

EDIT - There was a western RPG made for the PC once that I really liked but never got far in. It had like layered worlds and stuff and was kind of like a PC-western Final Fantasy VII. I never got around to getting far in it though and I can't remember what it was called :( I was sad that it did terribly, as I was really looking forward to more games like that.


I agree. Play what you want to play, no matter where it's from. If a western company developed RE5 I'd gladly still play it.


Subconscious Brolonging
I dunno, I just tend to prefer RPGs from Japan. There are a few western-developed RPGs that I like, Fallout being a good example.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I'm sure I'm not the only jRPG fan who looks at that list of non-fantasy wRPGs and shakes his head.

I respect them all, but that is not even close to the same type of entertainment as the Japanese ones. jRPGs are like interactive movies with a Japanese bent.... wRPGs are D&D or sci-fi sims....

Your preference is all due to your personality, and the styles are divided down regional lines I'm afraid.


Gigglepoo said:
Everyone knows European developers are the best

Yes, yes they are.



And to the Person who likend jRPG's to interactive Movies.... thats why they are so different. Why does anybody want to compare those two?? If i want to live my own Story and have ton's and tons's of Freedom i play a Baldurs Gate 2 or Oblivion. If i want to have a Cinematicly Told Story, FFIX might be a good pick for you, and so on and on.

Let your Gaming Habit become a big stew of different Flavours. A giant Lovefest of all things good. Don't hate, appreciate.


BocoDragon said:
I'm sure I'm not the only jRPG fan who looks at that list of non-fantasy wRPGs and shakes his head.

Exactly. jRPGs seem to take a lot of crap for being "all the same," but I get that feeling from most Western RPGs. That being said, Fallout is still my favorite game of all time.
The weirdest thing was when people started saying that japanese developers in general are incapable of doing next-gen visuals. It was always confusing to me, but now it seems especially hilarious. Namco shows 2 ugly games and people scream it's the end of the world.

Last Hope

I like the question that this thead posses.

This is not a problem limited to this forum. I think many of these people who think games will be great just because they are Japanes are angry anime nerds. Everything that is Japanese is really cool for the fact that it is Japanese.

The problem really isn't that bad here. It is much worse on other forums. Just one of the reasons that I enjoy this community more than most.


ZeromusMog said:
There was a western RPG made for the PC once that I really liked but never got far in. It had like layered worlds and stuff and was kind of like a PC-western Final Fantasy VII. I never got around to getting far in it though and I can't remember what it was called :(

Septerra Core.

Man, it hurts my head when people say Bloodlines was good.
momolicious said:
i guess alot of people dont like anything related to Dungeons and Dragons

They're ****ing fruity and overly complicated, and don't lend well to a good console game unless you already really like D&D. I don't, so no, I don't like anything related to dungeons and dragons.

get ye flask :V

D2M15 said:
Septerra Core.

Man, it hurts my head when people say Bloodlines was good.

Thanks! :D I'll have to see if I can track it down now.

And I just saw vampire and am like "no"
MoxManiac said:
If people here respected other peoples' opinions, this place would be boring!

shut the **** up you ****ing retard god you must still live with your parents you greasy piece of shit and you're probably fat, SAILOR MOON RPG WAS THE BEST GAME OF ALL TIME OK



ZeromusMog said:
For serious, I can't stand most western RPGs becaues they have that gay-ass D&D feel and are overly complicated and brutal. Oblivion is a step in the right direction, but I'd absolutely love to see some western RPGs that have a strong story and great writing and isn't a DND dice-rolling simulation knockoff.

It happened the day when nearly all Western developers decided to moved on and abandoned the successful formula employed in the Bard's Tale, Might and Magic, Wizardary and Ultima series. The modern day incarnation of these games are just not my cup of tea. Those were the good days.

As an aside, it's interesting to see that it's the Japanese who are keeping the Wizardary series alive.

Joe Molotov

ZeromusMog said:
They're ****ing fruity

And you play J-RPGs? :lol

and overly complicated

J-RPGs that play themselves.

and don't lend well to a good console game

There's more to gaming than consoles.

unless you already really like D&D. I don't, so no, I don't like anything related to dungeons and dragons.

Only one game that I posted was D&D.

get ye flask :V

Get Ye TFO

And I just saw vampire and am like "no"

No wonder you don't think there are any good Western RPGs. Maybe trying playing one or two? OMG, Final Fantasy VII has a vampire too! Bail out!
Probably 65% of my games are eastern. I don't really care what region a game comes from, and lately I've been returning to PC gaming a bit. Variety is good.

By the way, as much as I love the infinity engine games, Planescape is seven years old and even the BGII expansion pack came out five years ago. They're awesome and all, but if you go back and play them the age is starting to show. Similarly, Fallout, Deus Ex and Anachronox came out a long time ago. Western RPGs were kicking ass at the start of the decade, but the pickings are pretty slim these days. It's basically Bioware and Bethesda, and I don't care much for the Elder Scroll games.


Joe Molotov said:
And you play J-RPGs? :lol

J-RPGs that play themselves.

There's more to gaming than consoles.

Only one game that I posted was D&D.

Get Ye TFO

No wonder you don't think there are any good Western RPGs. Maybe trying playing one or two? OMG, Final Fantasy VII has a vampire too! Bail out!

You win this thread. :lol

****ing teenagers. "Fruity"? Since when are skinny boys with pretty costumes and gelled up hair not fruity? And bad writing in western RPGs?! I thought that was one of the best reasons to PLAY western RPGs. Because the writing is miles ahead of the stereotypical "pretty boys watch their homes be destroyed and then ride mechs to rescue childhood crush who's being held by God (who must be destroyed)" that I see in so many JRPGs.

Stereotypes work both ways.

But seriously, I do not care what region games are from. As long as they stimulate and keep me on my fat ass for hours on end, they win.
ZeromusMog said:
shut the **** up you ****ing retard god you must still live with your parents you greasy piece of shit and you're probably fat, SAILOR MOON RPG WAS THE BEST GAME OF ALL TIME OK


I'm surprised I haven't said something like this to Mox yet. :lol


To be fair, I can completely see the categorization. There are definitely design differences in various genres between the regions.

But the main gigantic problems have been pointed out:

You guys take your gaming way too seriously.


But what is dumb is if you'e a fundamentalist to that preference. You're a failure if you dismiss games offhand because of their region.

But for emphasis:

You guys take your gaming way too seriously.

You guys take your gaming way too seriously.

You guys take your gaming way too seriously.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
why is it when there is a community problem with games, it's allways someone's fault for taking it too seriously? Can't games be serious? If movies and books can be, games can be aswell imo.


Waku said:
Yes, yes they are.



And to the Person who likend jRPG's to interactive Movies.... thats why they are so different. Why does anybody want to compare those two?? If i want to live my own Story and have ton's and tons's of Freedom i play a Baldurs Gate 2 or Oblivion. If i want to have a Cinematicly Told Story, FFIX might be a good pick for you, and so on and on.

Let your Gaming Habit become a big stew of different Flavours. A giant Lovefest of all things good. Don't hate, appreciate.

Ancel is in Quebec.


The Inside Track
M3wThr33 said:
Ancel is in Quebec.
Ancel is in Montpellier, in the southern part of France. There are 3 french studios at Ubisoft, Montpellier (Rayman, BG&E, King Kong), Annecy (Splinter multiplayer) and Montreuil near Paris (GRAW 360 single player, Red Steel)


I don't understand your point, Himuro.

Games are games, yes, but there is a general trend of design/style/story/etc in different regions. That's just the fact of the matter. That's not to say that Japan can't make a decent Western style FPS or US/Europe can't make a decent Japanese style RPG, but to say that there's no difference between the regions is downright ignorant.

Someone else mentioned movies, and there's an obvious difference between American horror, Italian Giallo and Japanese horror too. So what's the issue with differentiating for games?
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