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IGN: Future Forza Motorsport games are developed for PC and Xbox One



Turn 10 also confirmed to IGN that future Forza Motorsport games would be developed concurrently for PC and Xbox One.

Horizon basically confirmed as well:
Those future titles may not be Turn 10’s alone. We asked Beaudoin about Forza Horizon featuring a similar development plan, and while he declined to comment on specific future titles, Motorsport or Horizon, Beaudoin said that “as a franchise, we’re going to embrace that.”

I'm not really into Forza over PC sims, but I do love the shit out of Fujimi Kaido. Here's hoping for some VR headset support (even unofficial).


Welp, that pretty much means for me that it's time to sell the Xbox One. The only reason I even purchased the game was for this franchise and my rig is more than equipped.


Nice. Always liked the presentation and polish of the Forza games but preferred the simulation in other games. I hope there's mod support but that's unlikely.


Nice, there is a pretty big gap in the raver market in PC I feel for something like Forza, "sim-lite", etc. Should do well for them.


I hope they support the G27. I've refused to buy a steering wheel only for the Xbox for a decade so this news was a pleasant surprise to me.


I hope they support the G27. I've refused to buy a steering wheel only for the Xbox for a decade so this news was a pleasant surprise to me.
Is there even decent wheel support under xinput? I assume only XO compatible wheels will work with W10 store games for now.

ps3ud0 8)
Great for PC and Microsoft.

Sign of the times for Xbox One.

Eh, maybe. If it means greater return for MS on the Forza games, it will likely mean a greater investment, and therefore bigger and/or better games. As an Xbox One owner I feel a little bit slighted (I could have upgraded my GPU instead), but as a fan/admirer of Xbox' games and IP, this cross-PC stuff is fantastic news for some of my most loved games.


...lacks reading comprehension.
Could just mean that PC will always get a shrinked down version of the console game. Spencer said this after the event to PC Gamer:

"But we don’t think Forza 6 is what the PC racing fan thinks of as a racing franchise. If you look at the racing franchises that are on PC today and do incredibly well, they’re not, kind of, $60 shrinkwrapped products the way we built Forza 6."

Then you wonder why they would announce at the same time that future Forza games are co-developed.


Gold Member
After the Porsche pack my Xbox one is a goner and the money is going towards my next PC upgrade.

For me this is great news.
Eh, maybe. If it means greater return for MS on the Forza games, it will likely mean a greater investment, and therefore bigger and/or better games. As an Xbox One owner I feel a little bit slighted (I could have upgraded my GPU instead), but as a fan/admirer of Xbox' games and IP, this cross-PC stuff is fantastic news for some of my most loved games.
Yeah, exactly. Great for Microsoft. Great for PC.

Xbox One is being quietly shuffled off the stage.


Could just mean that PC will always get a shrinked down version of the console game. Spencer said this after the event to PC Gamer:

"But we don’t think Forza 6 is what the PC racing fan thinks of as a racing franchise. If you look at the racing franchises that are on PC today and do incredibly well, they’re not, kind of, $60 shrinkwrapped products the way we built Forza 6."

Then you wonder why they would announce at the same time that future Forza games are co-developed.

They didn't announce anything. They were asked and they confirmed. Besides, if Forza 6 arrives on PC, so will Forza 7 - most likely in the same format. I don't see why that is hard to comprehend, to be honest.
And that's a good thing for Xbox One owners??
It is not good for any Xbox fans who want to play Xbox on a console, in my opinion.

But we had a recent thread where lot of Microsoft apologists tried to argue that moving former Xbox One exclusives to PC was somehow good for Xbox One owners... I guess it depends on who you ask.


It is not good for any Xbox fans who want to play Xbox on a console, in my opinion.

But we had a recent thread where lot of Microsoft apologists tried to argue that moving former Xbox One exclusives to PC was somehow good for Xbox One owners... I guess it depends on who you ask.

I wouldn't say it is beneficial for XB1 owners immediately. But at a long run, if that means they're making more profit, it probably means they're gonna invest in more games which may be released for both PC and Xbox One.
It is not good for any Xbox fans who want to play Xbox on a console, in my opinion.

But we had a recent thread where lot of Microsoft apologists tried to argue that moving former Xbox One exclusives to PC was somehow good for Xbox One owners... I guess it depends on who you ask.

No, I totally understand what you're saying. I just don't think it's fair to think this is a move which strictly benefits MS and PC crowd, undermines the merits of an Xbone, and approves the puerile thought that those owners (like myself) defending this are purely corporate-indoctrinated 'Microsoft apologists'.
I wouldn't say it is beneficial for XB1 owners immediately. But at a long run, if that means they're making more profit, it probably means they're gonna invest in more games which may be released for both PC and Xbox One.
You are resting entirely on Microsoft's goodwill that those profits will be used to support a console with less-than-stellar sales. If Xbox One was on its way to sell "one billion" like they'd originally said, do you think they'd be making this move? No, they'd be leveraging their position to get 3rd party exclusives and pumping out as many games as they can. Currently, it feels like they're going the Nintendo route by strategically spacing out what games they have in order to bide time until the next platform.

No, I totally understand what you're saying. I just don't think it's fair to think this is a move which strictly benefits MS and PC crowd, undermines the merits of an Xbone, and approves the puerile thought that those owners (like myself) defending this are purely corporate-indoctrinated 'Microsoft apologists'.
I'm not saying X1 is a paperweight, and I'm not saying people who like it are apologists. But games going multiplatform has never been a good thing. Sure, you could argue "it's still the same ecosystem" but that doesn't exactly benefit Xbox One owners, specifically.

If the purpose of getting an Xbox One was to get access to a bunch of exclusives that Microsoft built for the Xbox One hardware as well as multiplats (which has been the purpose of consoles since the Atari), then Microsoft's decisions with making their games multiplat definitely "undermines the merits of an Xbox One".


But we had a recent thread where lot of Microsoft apologists tried to argue that moving former Xbox One exclusives to PC was somehow good for Xbox One owners...

I think their main selling point was that somehow it would lead to more sales and that would lead to more profits which would lead to more games being developed. But if you ask me, that sounds like wishful and naive thinking.

Sounds a lot more like trickle-down economics to me. Just give all the money to the rich and powerful and hope on hope that they will bestow some of that good fortune onto us.
But we had a recent thread where lot of Microsoft apologists tried to argue that moving former Xbox One exclusives to PC was somehow good for Xbox One owners... I guess it depends on who you ask.

TBF the title said "it's great!" and a lot of people in the thread said "it's fine, neutral, not bad news".


Neo Member
That is great for people who don't have Xbox One but have a powerful PC. Not so great for people who have such a PC but bought Xbox One for its exclusive titles.
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