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**The Official** Wii Sports Thread

I didn't think it was possible for bowling game to make me start grinning like a maniac but this just feels too damn good. I've played a bit of baseball, tennis and bowling thus far and while they are limited they're still crazy fun. The potential in a baseball and golf game are incredible, with more options and a closer 1:1 ratio these games could be amazing. I'm so psyched, can't wait to see the first batch of baseball and tennis games.

Wii Sports - secret most fun game of 2006 :D

Off to play some more

<3 Wii


My high scores so far

Golf: +9, putting is hard to get the hang of
Bowling: 103
Baseball: Lost 1-0
Boxing: KO'ed the guy in the middle of the 2nd round, was too easy
Tennis: Won 60-45 in a deuce
I rock at golf (+0) and boxing (KOed the first dude in like 20 seconds).

I suck at baseball and bowling.

I haven't played Tennis yet.


Professional Schmuck

I freaking love the tanooki suit.

I'm most interest in the Golf game and the Boxing game. I really want to box my wife. :)
threeball said:
It's hard to get used to the short shots in golf(chip and putt). But I got it down.

Yeah anything less than half of the first bar section is a pain the in the ass to have register. Thankfully at least with the putting it is pretty forgiving with over powering the shot.


A friend of mine just called me saying that this game is so great that he forgot to play TP today.

Still, im waiting for a pic of Amir0x's burned copy.


Wow. Seems like I won't really need another mutliplayer game for a while. Hows Tennis multiplay? Is it as fun as it looks?


I played it with 4 people tonight. Tennis is awesome. Boxing is cool, but takes some getting used to. Bowling takes a loooong time with 4 people. That's all we tried so far, then started playing Red Steel multi.


MY mom is obsessed with this game. She wouldn't stop playing. Had to kick her out so I can play Zelda. She was like

"damn, this is a lot better then that Playstation! And that was 600 dollars!"



Scored 3/100 on an Exam
ant1532 said:
MY mom is obsessed with this game. She wouldn't stop playing. Had to kick her out so I can play Zelda. She was like

"damn, this is a lot better then that Playstation! And that was 600 dollars!"

ant1532 said:
MY mom is obsessed with this game. She wouldn't stop playing. Had to kick her out so I can play Zelda. She was like

"damn, this is a lot better then that Playstation! And that was 600 dollars!"



The training mode adds some much needed depth and Fitness Age is a nice add on. I woke up this morning in my cold 60 degree room and after one romp through Fitness Age I warmed right up.

Bowling training is amazing, knocking over 70+ pins in one shot is so satisfying.


So is it possible to do a curve ball in baseball? The pitching really sucks. Worst part of the game.

Boxing ****ing rocks though.


Bowling is amazing. It's so ridiculously intuitive, so genius; high score is 134 on my first run, not too terrible for my first time.

Baseball is doing well with guests at the moment, and it works fine...but it's a tad too easy, I won 13-3 in Two Innings (Mercy Rule) first time out.

Tennis is fantastic, especially for others. A lot of fun, some good times overall, I'm enjoying it.

Will try Golf/Boxing later, for now I try to wrestle the controller away and make some more Miis (Zelda will come later).


Andonuts said:
So is it possible to do a curve ball in baseball? The pitching really sucks. Worst part of the game.

Boxing ****ing rocks though.

Yeah I did a curveball, I think(think) you hold down B-Trigger and A when you pitch. I was experimenting really. I lost 1-0 though :(

Wii Sports is a solid pack in game. Honestly, its no slouch for a pack-in.

I haven't touched Zelda yet, mainly because I am exhausted from the past week with PS3 camping and such so I was too tired to start Zelda. I am going to start it soon though.
Golf is awesome! I've only played 3 holes so far, but I birdied the first two and par'd the third on my first try. I don't know why people have been complaining about it being brutally hard. I actually find it really intuitive and accurate from what I've played.


Ugh, I let my mom and her friend play Wii Bowling...

Shes amazing at it...

I cant pry them away from it... :lol :lol


I can't seem to understand Wii Bowling. The reviews said that the control you had on the ball was a lot more responsive - like you can toss the ball into other lanes and whatnot. But I can't seem to infuence the ball all that much.


Do you like my tight white sweater? STOP STARING
darkbanjo said:
Just out of interest, does Wii Sports come in it's own DVD case?

Unfortunately no. It's a (admittedly sorta sturdy) cardboard sleeve with manual. It's durable, but it's no DVD case.
Bowling doesn't have an animation for when you get a turkey. FAIL!
I'm packing it up right now and returning it to the store!

Bowling is AMAZING. Can't wait to get a 4 player game going

I friggin' suck at Tennis. That's how you know it's realistic :)

Haven't tried the rest yet.


Junior Ace
threeball said:
I just got even par on golf for my new high score

My Wii Fitness age is 58

44 here, and I didn't hit a single homerun. Ended up hitting like 15 spares, though.


Update :

I threw out my arm between tennis and home run derby.

Gaming now requires stretching. Lame, Nintendo. Lame.


Tennis is definitely the best! Baseball was ok. I sucked at bowling and haven't touched Golf or Boxing yet.


My roommate and his girlfriend is playing wii sports right now. She's having a ball and he's laughing his ass off as they're boxing each other...I don't have a wii yet....

bastards. :*(


all that he wants is another baby
I'm finding it interesting that everyone's favorite element of this game is different. Reviews made a point to say how cruddy boxing was, yet...

boxing is the shit


I'm looking forward to this.

/Wii still in the box, on my parents' table.
//Still need to drive 1 hour home, go out to dinner with friends, bring friends back to my house, set up Wii, smash friend's Mii faces.


Wii Sports is great. I don't really think much of Boxing. It just seems like too much luck is involved and damn does it wear you out. :lol

Golf is pretty simple, but enjoyable in small bursts.

Baseball is crap, although playing it makes me wish for a full on game where you can select your pitches and location, etc. Omg, it's going to rock.

Bowling and Tennis is where it's at. They are both addictive and the most fun multiplayer.


Linkup said:
Some of you guys get into it WAY to much.

That aspect has the major side effect of making the games intensely fun. If I sat on the couch and waggled my wrist I'd be slightly amused with a smirk on my face. I'm looking at you, GameSpot.

I'm playing every sport in the proper stance and the nuances are amazing. From the ability to affect wicked topspin and lob in tennis, to waggling the bat in my baseball stance, to using an interlock grip in golf.

In short, if anyone is playing this game sitting on a couch and smirking they're simply being pretentious nimrods.


How long before someone makes full fledged sports games using these control set up? I'd die for a fleshed out tennis game with these controls.


Bat said:
How long before someone makes full fledged sports games using these control set up? I'd die for a fleshed out tennis game with these controls.

Mario Tennis control player with the D-Pad, drool

Anyway, just got 148 on bowling. I am getting better.

Wii Golf is my favorite, followed by bowling. Baseball and Tennis are tied, boxing is my least favorite. But all of them are fun.


Haha, were having my moms side of the family's thanksgiving today.

So far the adults are hogging it more than all their kids...

all the 5-12 year olds are pissed at them, we cant get the adults of bowling!

First time my mom played, she picked it up perfectly, 195 in bowling, she's got the high score.

Wii sports for the mother ****ing win


Loving Wii sports, I played each sport once, got a 153 on bowling. I really see the potential in Bowling and baseball, It was easy to tell how to do a good/bad motion and what types of information the game was actually using. My order of favorites from best to worst:


Baseball and golf will make great real games some day
I can't believe my four friends and myself (all in our early to mid 20's) just spent this entire afternoon playing Wii sports instead of watching NFL football. My arm is so freaking sore from playing tennis and bowling for like 5 hours straight.


I love this game. I've played it almost non-stop today, taking about an hour and a half break to play Zelda.

My fitness age is fifty. My high score in bowling is 167. I have around a seven hundred ranking thing in boxing and haven't lost a bout yet. I'm getting better at tennis finally, sweeping my last two best out of fives.

I really want to play Zelda, I just can't bring myself to do it.
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