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Japanese Series of The Last Guardian Ads Focus on the Long Waits for Fans.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Sony has been releasing a series of new Japanese TV Ads for the The Last Guardian. One is released every day leading up to the launch of TLG this Tuesday December 6th. The entire series focuses on the experiences of gamers who have been waiting and anticipating the release of The Last Guardian for 7 years. They are short sweet and focus on a variety of different characters as well as alive reaction of fans to the rereveal of TLG at E3.

#1. Salaryman’s Episode

The First in the series focuses on a Japanese Salary(business)man gazing longingly at the posters for TLG with a release date in a storefront window and comments to a colleague about how he's been waiting 7 years for the game. His companion doesn't seem to get it and asks if he's not happy before leaving to answer a phonecall. It leaves off with the Salarayman mentioning how nostalgic everything feels.

#2. Game Jungle,

The second video takes place in a game store known as "Game Jungle" and has a manager asking his younger employee if he knows about a game called the Last Guardian while showing him a 2009 release schedule. His employee mentions they had heard about it but forgotten. They then receive a call for someone asking to preorder TLG which surprises him.

#3. Rereveal Reaction

The third video is pretty straight to the point and is of a group of people who are watching the Sony press conference from E3 2015 and slowly realizing what they're seeing is the Last Guardian being reshown for the first time in ages.

#4. What Did You Buy?

A husband returns home with a new purchase to which his wife asks what he bought and he tells her its a PS4. She responds that she thought he was done playing games and he tells he has been waiting 7 years to play this particular game. He then pulls out a PS2 copy of Ico and asks his wife if she remembers their wedding vows and recites,"Kono hito no te o hanasanai." to which she immediately continues,"Boku no tamashii-goto hanashite shimau ki ga surukara." which translates to: I will not let go of this person’s hand, because it would feel like separating from my soul from Ico. (Dualshockers clued me in to this one)

#5. Convenience Store

Two employees at a convenience store seem to be discussing TLG now that it has a cover on a magazine (Famitsu?). The female employee asks her coworker whats up and he responds that a game that was announced 7 years ago is coming out. He asks here if its ok to put the magazines in a place they will stand out and a customer enters and is shocked to see TLG on the cover of a magazine on the rack.

I really love these commercials as they acknowledge the long sometimes grueling wait for The Last Guardian and will continue to update the OP as new ones release.
Sony has been releasing a series of new Japanese TV Ads for the The Last Guardian. One is released every day leading up to the launch of TLG this Tuesday December 6th. The entire series focuses on the experiences of gamers who have been waiting and anticipating the release of The Last Guardian for 7 years. They are short sweet and focus on a variety of different characters as well as alive reaction of fans to the rereveal of TLG at E3.

#1. Salaryman’s Episode

The First in the series focuses on a Japanese Salary(business)man gazing longingly at the posters for TLG with a release date in a storefront window and comments to a colleague about how he's been waiting 7 years for the game. His companion doesn't seem to get it and asks if he's not happy before leaving to answer a phonecall. It leaves off with the Salarayman mentioning how nostalgic everything feels.

#2. Game Jungle,

The second video takes place in a game store known as "Game Jungle" and has a manager asking his younger employee if he knows about a game called the Last Guardian while showing him a 2009 release schedule. His employee mentions they had heard about it but forgotten. They then receive a call for someone asking to preorder TLG which surprises him.

#3. Rereveal Reaction

The third video is pretty straight to the point and is of a group of people who are watching the Sony press conference from E3 2015 and slowly realizing what they're seeing is the Last Guardian being reshown for the first time in ages.

#4. What Did You Buy?

A husband returns home with a new purchase to which his wife asks what he bought and he tells her its a PS4. She responds that she thought he was done playing games and he tells he has been waiting 7 years to play this particular game. He then pulls out a PS2 copy of Ico and asks his wife if she remembers their wedding vows and recites,"Kono hito no te o hanasanai." to which she immediately continues,"Boku no tamashii-goto hanashite shimau ki ga surukara." which translates to: I will not let go of this person’s hand, because it would feel like separating from my soul from Ico. (Dualshockers clued me in to this one)

I really love these commercials as they acknowledge the long sometimes grueling wait for The Last Guardian and will continue to update the OP as new ones release.

Pretty sure the third one is from this year's E3, not last year's.


That fourth commercial gets me, even as someone who really didn't enjoy playing Ico. I can still remember the subtle vibration of holding Yorda's hand. Probably the best part of the game. I can imagine that would be a tear jerker for longtime Ueda fans.


These are great; I feel a great deal of empathy - can't believe the game will be out in a few days.


I love these cms! Sonys Japanese PlayStation CMs haven't been as interesting as their old ps1 and ps2 days lately, but this series of cms are very similar to some of their campaigns from those eras. Really well done. Loved the wedding vow one a lot especially.


Yep. These commercials and really all the PS commercials here in Japan have been fantastic. Hopefully they translate into some decent sales numbers.


I love these commercials so much! I felt the same way about Final Fantasy XV. It's crazy how that and TLG are being released within a week of each other.


These are great and totally speak to me. Ueda is a huge inspiration for me and it's crazy how long we've had to wait for this game. Now it's so close...


Lol I like these.

I think they're a bit silly considering it's only been 7 years, and while that's a long time, it's not like we're going from Wasteland 1 to 2 time (That was 26 years) but the message is still good.


#4. What Did You Buy?

A husband returns home with a new purchase to which his wife asks what he bought and he tells her its a PS4. She responds that she thought he was done playing games and he tells he has been waiting 7 years to play this particular game. He then pulls out a PS2 copy of Ico and asks his wife if she remembers their wedding vows and recites,"Kono hito no te o hanasanai." to which she immediately continues,"Boku no tamashii-goto hanashite shimau ki ga surukara." which translates to: I will not let go of this person’s hand, because it would feel like separating from my soul from Ico. (Dualshockers clued me in to this one)

I really love these commercials as they acknowledge the long sometimes grueling wait for The Last Guardian and will continue to update the OP as new ones release.

That woman looks so dead inside. Like every fold of clothing is like one more nail in her coffin.

When she realizes it's a PS4 she's like eurghhhhhhh

Excellent acting.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Lol I like these.

I think they're a bit silly considering it's only been 7 years, and while that's a long time, it's not like we're going from Wasteland 1 to 2 time (That was 26 years) but the message is still good.

To be fair Team Ico's games tend to be pretty personal emotional experiences by their very design and tend to connect to people. We've had several big league developers talk about Ico or SotC affecting them and their ideas for game design for life. Its a pretty fitting reaciton for some that were longing so much for a third chance to experience Ueda's genius.


To be fair Team Ico's games tend to be pretty personal emotional experiences by their very design and tend to connect to people. We've had several big league developers talk about Ico or SotC affecting them and their ideas for game design for life. Its a pretty fitting reaciton for some that were longing so much for a third change to experience Ueda's genius.

Yeah you're right, that does make the wait seem longer.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I really enjoy these ads because of how intimate they are. They are the exact opposite of the usually bombastic in your face advertising for most every game out there. It speaks not only to the quality of the game but tries to connect directly to a passionate fanbase. All in all Sony has been really knocking it out of the park with their advertising for TLG and have gone above and beyond what I expected for the game. Glad to see the continued push and confidence in such an art house style game. At this point I don't think they could do much more except perhaps get Conan O'Brian to do a Clueless Gamer segment on TLG.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?

The next video has been released. Trying to get a friend to do a simple summary of what is said though I think you can get the gist of it. Seems two employees at a convienience store are looking at a magazine (Famitsu?) with TLG on the cover. Not sure what they're saying but a customer comes in and walks past the magazine rack with the TLG cover magazines are and looks taken aback by seeing TLG on the cover.

If anyone can give me a decent summary I'll update the OP.


They say something about waiting seven years, probably from 2009 announcement. And it ends with a written "one day remaining" or similar.


I like the husband and wife one a lot.

I'm not really into this series, but I hope that after the wait, it really is something special and ends up being one of the best in the system's library overall.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!

The next video has been released. Trying to get a friend to do a simple summary of what is said though I think you can get the gist of it. Seems two employees at a convienience store are looking at a magazine (Famitsu?) with TLG on the cover. Not sure what they're saying but a customer comes in and walks past the magazine rack with the TLG cover magazines are and looks taken aback by seeing TLG on the cover.

If anyone can give me a decent summary I'll update the OP.

Basically its the female asking the male whats up, guy says its a game that was announced 7 years ago and that its finally coming out, then asks if its ok to place it where it will stand out (be easily visible). Female says dont blame me if the manager gets mad.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Basically its the female asking the male whats up, guy says its a game that was announced 7 years ago then asks if its ok to place it where it will stand out (be easily visible). Female says dont blame me if the manager gets mad.

Cool thanks. I'll update the OP with this. Also should be another commercial coming out any minute now. I'll bump this and update the OP again when it does.
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