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Bowser is Nintendo's greatest character and here's why


[This thread includes spoiler of various Mario games, including the final boss of Super Mario 3D World]

Of all the villains that Nintendo ever created, Bowser is without any doubt the one that stuck out the most. Part of why is probably due to the popularity of his nemesis, Mario, but it’s also because of his personality that has been managed so well that no one want somebody else instead of Bowser. The thing is, in over 30 years of games, he stayed the same, with some variations: an egocentric guy who does evil things because it’s fun and the only way for him to get what he wants, even though in the end he’s not that much of a bad person. Let me give you some examples :


Super Mario RPG. It’s not really a Nintendo game but nonetheless it’s the first one where Bowser gains some personality and where he starts talking in a significant way. So, once you’ve beaten him and made some progress, he actually joins your team and you can play as him. He’s the leader of an army full of dumb soldiers, that make him go mad and, sometimes, led him to some poetic moments, like this famous Haiku quote.
He’s egocentric, nasty, full of hatred against Mario but that didn’t stop him to temporarily team with him, because he knows that the fate of the world is more important than his personal interests. That’s precisely what makes him so different than other antagonists like Ganondorf, which is evil for disturbing reasons.

Now, the Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi series. I must say beforehand that I didn't play the last entry of each, and I'll mostly talk about Mario & Luigi : Bowser's Inside Story, and the first three Paper Mario.
In Bowser's Inside Story, you control Bowser for half the game, while the other half consists of Mario & Luigi wandering inside Bowser, looking for ways to get out of there. When you play as him and aren’t battling against giant walking fortress, Bowser talks a lot. And when he talks, it’s usually to throw punchlines, the kind of stuff that only a self-deprecating villain could make. Here are some quotes that I find fantastic :

"MAAARIO! Are you seriously trying to start with me again?! I hear about this big meeting, and I'm all ready to act nice... But man, the second I see your face, Mr. Nice Bowser is GONE. Yeah, forget your dumb meeting! I'll pummel you and grab Peach!"
"I'll build a bridge or something! BECAUSE I GET THINGS DONE."
"But... But I'm Bowser! I'm grade-A, 100% prime-cut final boss! I'm going to take over the world any day now! No way am I helping Mario! He's always trashing my awesome plans."
"What'd you say? If the world ends, there's not gonna be any world for me to rule?"
"Don't get all cuddly with me, Mario."

He’s basically a tsundere with a very huge complex of superiority
And finally, I’ll end with how awesome he looks in every game. Everyone has a favorite Bowser. Mine’s from Super Mario 3D World :

He has such a great design, you can apply almost any theme to his character without hurting it.
So, what do you think of Nintendo’s greatest villain ? Which one is your favorite ? Oh, by the way, I couldn’t end the thread without the best Bowser music ever made :

L Thammy

I still dislike how they made him in love with Peach. The guy's a genuine army-commanding, dead-raising, haiku-dropping evil overlord. All he's lacking is the actual effectiveness.

I do agree that Donkey Kong is better though.

I still dislike how they made him in love with Peach. The guy's a genuine army-commanding, dead-raising, haiku-dropping evil overlord. All he's lacking is the actual effectiveness.

I do agree that Donkey Kong is better though.

One of the greats.

Bowser is my number 2 though. It's a shame the Mario RPGs are getting less good. Maybe Rabbowser will be good?
I endorse this thread. Even outside the RPGs, Bowser is consistently one of Nintendo's funnier and more endearing characters. And this (SMG spoiler) may be the most poignant moment in the whole Mario series. Poor guy!
I agree that Bowser is a pretty good nintendo villain, mostly because of how long he stayed relevant, but they have games with much better bad guys.

Hades from Kid Icarus Uprising is probably the best imo

followed by the Black Knight from Fire Emblem.



My avatar indicating any possible bias aside...I'd agree.

He's one of the few characters in any media who can operate on a sliding scale of genuinely menacing to bumbling oaf, and...it all works for him.

How he has still has yet to have a solo title, when everybody else in the immediate Mario pantheon has had at least one or two (especially back in the 90s), is beyond me.


Bowser is great, especially in Inside Story. I felt the whole game was a way of Bowser to reclaim some semblance of dignity after being a throwaway threat and tool for whatever new villain comes along in the RPGs. I love the finale of that game, it really made Bowser into a badass.

That part where the whole world was collapsing due to the influence of the now complete Dark Star, everyone collapsing, except for Bowser, who either through Starlow's encouragement or sheer force of will held on.
Starlow: Nevermind... just remember...we're in this fight too...DON'T FORGET!
Dark Bowser: Still here? Has the dark power not crushed your puny hopes? Soon this kingdom will vanish along with all who dwell within. And you, too, will sleep eternally in the dark power's embrace!
Bowser: GWAHAHA! Great dark hurricane! Seriously, perfect backdrop for an awesome final battle! You really sweat the details! Listen up! You're saying the kingdom will vanish? NOT TODAY! THIS KINGDOM IS ALL MINE! SO YOU VANISH!

And then that fine music plays...

And that last exchange...

Dark Bowser: Huuh huuh huuh...Haah haah haargh...I have...fallen...To come so far...so far..to lose...
Bowser: Hey... You just ACTED like me. That doesn't mean you ARE me. You're not match for the real deal, original Bowser.
Dark Bowser: Dark...Even with the dark power completed...The unthinkable happened...
Bowser: Right...You... ...lost

And while I didn't like the sequel as much, I did smile at
Bowser becoming more genre savy and betraying the new villain, Antasma, before he could betrayed him.


Bowser is great, especially in Inside Story. I felt the whole game was a way of Bowser to reclaim some semblance of dignity after being a throwaway threat and tool for whatever new villain comes along in the RPGs. I love the finale of that game, it really made Bowser into a badass.

That part where the whole world was collapsing due to the influence of the now complete Dark Star, everyone collapsing, except for Bowser, who either through Starlow's encouragement or sheer force of will held on.
Starlow: Nevermind... just remember...we're in this fight too...DON'T FORGET!
Dark Bowser: Still here? Has the dark power not crushed your puny hopes? Soon this kingdom will vanish along with all who dwell within. And you, too, will sleep eternally in the dark power's embrace!
Bowser: GWAHAHA! Great dark hurricane! Seriously, perfect backdrop for an awesome final battle! You really sweat the details! Listen up! You're saying the kingdom will vanish? NOT TODAY! THIS KINGDOM IS ALL MINE! SO YOU VANISH!

And then that fine music plays...

And that last exchange...

Dark Bowser: Huuh huuh huuh...Haah haah haargh...I have...fallen...To come so far...so far..to lose...
Bowser: Hey... You just ACTED like me. That doesn't mean you ARE me. You're not match for the real deal, original Bowser.
Dark Bowser: Dark...Even with the dark power completed...The unthinkable happened...
Bowser: Right...You... ...lost

And while I didn't like the sequel as much, I did smile at
Bowser becoming more genre savy and betraying the new villain, Antasma, before he could betrayed him.

Yeah, the ending in Bowser's Inside Story was fantastic, in particular the very last part, when
Bowser receive a present from Princess Peach, he wait for everyone to get out of his room and quietly open it to find a cake dedicated to him
I would have to give the edge to Wario on account of how good his games are, but Bowser certainly has the best dialogue and the most character. I agree, I'd buy a Bowser brawler or RPG day 1. Bowser character action by Platinum anybody?
Bowsers character in the Mario rpg's is my absolute favorite. Next to The Thousand-Year Door Bowsers Inside Story is my favorite rpg with him in it. Lots of fun gameplay ideas and hilarious writing.


One thing I feel about the rpg games is that Bowser is only entertaining when he's not the main villain. His entire character concept boils down to "is the big bad", which is more than enough from a game-play perspective (he's big, he's intimidating, he's satisfying to beat), but for anything with a story it means he's an incredibly bland villain.

His greatest story appearances (RPG, Thousand Year Door, Inside Story) all cast him as a spanner in the works interfering with the story's current big bad.
I enjoy Bowser more than any other Nintendo character too. His characterisation in recent years has is simple, but effective. Very pleased to see World 8's music to be added to the OP, since linking it was my prime directive coming into this thread.

I even enjoyed what he brought to the table in the recent Colour Splash. Colour Splash villain-motivation spoilers inside. Stuff you won't see until pretty much the end of the game:
He saw a pool of paint, and wanted to do a sweet canon-ball into it, and emerge with a swanky rainbow pride shell. Sadly enough, he ended up accidentally mixing paints into all-consuming black ink.

When you do finally bring him back to his senses, he asks what you're doing over there, and asks if it's time for Karting already. It's endearing in the dumbest ways, but it totally works on me.

One thing I feel about the rpg games is that Bowser is only entertaining when he's not the main villain. His entire character concept boils down to "is the big bad", which is more than enough from a game-play perspective (he's big, he's intimidating, he's satisfying to beat), but for anything with a story it means he's an incredibly bland villain.

His greatest story appearances (RPG, Thousand Year Door, Inside Story) all cast him as a spanner in the works interfering with the story's current big bad.
I do agree with this too. He works best when he is out-staged at "his thing", because those are the roles where he tends to get the most dialogue and cutscenes.


I'd go with Mike Tyson. He congratulates little Mac after his defeat. Bowser and real Tyson would never do that


No Nintendo villain comes close. Bowser's great because he's not a serious character like a Ganon. They've added so much humor to him that you can't help but find him lovable.


Ask me about my Stream Deck
I still dislike how they made him in love with Peach. The guy's a genuine army-commanding, dead-raising, haiku-dropping evil overlord. All he's lacking is the actual effectiveness.

I do agree that Donkey Kong is better though.

Omg that kid's face!!! Thank you for sharing, cured my hangover.

Madame M

All the Mario villains are amazing, Bowser is hilarious, Wario is hilarious, Waluigi is hilarious, Fawful is hilarious, Booster is hilarious, I'm sure i'm forgetting someone else freaking hilarious too...


Well, I mean, Bowser has kind of an edge because he's played multiple parts. Mario characters have a little more freedom because Mario follows the Looney Toons approach where every game is its own story and characters are actors that can play whatever parts the script calls for. Bowser is by far the most versatile actor in the Mario universe since he's had the widest range of parts. Villain, hero, cartoon villain, super evil villain; his personality changes a lot from game to game. Personally, I like when he does evil things but still acknowledges that he's down for a go kart race.


Unconfirmed Member
Replaying the beginning of Super Paper Mario the other day reminded me of how funny Bowser can be.

"Who are those hairy guys in the back? We shave around here!"
Agreed, OP. Bowser is definitely one of my favorite parts of the RPGs.
One thing I feel about the rpg games is that Bowser is only entertaining when he's not the main villain. His entire character concept boils down to "is the big bad", which is more than enough from a game-play perspective (he's big, he's intimidating, he's satisfying to beat), but for anything with a story it means he's an incredibly bland villain.

His greatest story appearances (RPG, Thousand Year Door, Inside Story) all cast him as a spanner in the works interfering with the story's current big bad.
Can't agree with this. I absolutely love TTYD, but Bowser is one of my least favorite parts of the game since it's just the same running gag over and over and over again, the entire game--Bowser being two steps behind both Mario & co., and Grodus & the X-Nauts. Ever Bowser scene is just Bowser showing up in some old location looking for a Crystal Star and coming up with naught because Mario/the X-Nauts have already been there. Yeah, it's fun at first but it got old for me real quick, when it was the same old shtick each chapter of Bowser being shocked and enraged that he's still two steps behind again.

Even at the end, when he finally catches up to Mario & Grodus in the Palace of Shadow, it's still just played for laughs and it doesn't matter at all because instead of his fall actually stopping Grodus, he was just fine and uses the opportunity to run away. ...Which is really kind of weird, because even if Bowser had accidentally killed/disabled Grodus right there and then it still wouldn't have made any difference whatsoever because we know that Beldam and the Shadow Sirens were there anyway, would have taken Peach and revived the Shadow Queen anyway, Grodus or no Grodus.

I get what you're saying with Bowser being a bit bland in the games where he's just like "final boss" and nothing else, but TTYD went too far to the other extreme by just making him a complete joke through and through and putting him on the same level as someone like Lord Crump. I mean, yeah, Bowser's definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed and that's part of what makes him so lovable and such an endearing character and villain, but that's only part of the story but it's the only part TTYD focuses on and just repeats the same joke every chapter so it's one of my least favorite of his appearances for that reason.

Yeah, it's cute, but it just gets stale by the end repeating that same basic joke every-time. I don't need Bowser to actually be the final villain or anything, but for him to fuck up every last thing he does, every last time he shows up, and for the game to have been able to proceed exactly the same way with nothing really changing if he wasn't even there at all (as, like I said, Beldam could easily replace Bowser in the Palace of Shadow by stabbing Grodus in the back/taking over for him, since that's what she does anyway)? Nah, I can't say that's a good appearance--too far to the other extreme. Just like focusing on him being just "final boss material" and that's it produces meh versions of him, focusing on just him being an incompetent, easily manipulated idiot is also just meh to me.

Like I said, I do absolutely love TTYD for many reasons, but Bowser's not one of them. I mean, PM64 had a very similar depiction of Bowser, what with Peach making him a dolt in every intermission and sneaking out of her room every time and Bowser never investigating to figure out how she keeps doing that, but at the same time at least he's still somewhat competent and still has the Star Rod and manages to recapture her each time and never actually lets her successfully escape (while balancing that with his not-so-bright side of still letting her sneak out at all to begin with). TTYD only had one half of that equation though, so not so much a fan.
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