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I thought Nintendo was supposed to be able to ship 4M Wii's this year?

600k - 1st week NA
400k - 1st week Japan
50k - 1st week UK
Nintendo backing away from 1M units sold in NA by Dec 31st.

They're likely up to 1.5M by now, but with the Wii shortshipped in Europe and retailers getting regular, but much smaller than expected Wii shipments, I guess it's pretty damn hard to pull of a worldwide launch, even with 5 year old hardware.

Don't get me wrong, they've done a spectacular job, and compared to the competition (and every other launch in history) they're to be commended, but I guess the optimism going around was a bit much.

Of course, maybe those millions of DS' they have to produce are causing a problem.

It's looking like 3M+ might be more the right number?

In any case, all of the folks who thought you'd just be able to stroll into a store and pick it up easily were dead wrong. EVERY SINGLE DAY in my area, there are people lined up at EB/Gamestop/Target, etc hoping the latest shipment of Wii's has come in.

BTW, If I'm working off of bad data or am missing the latest news updates, of sales in Japan, please let me know)
sonycowboy said:
600k - 1st week NA
400k - 1st week Japan
50k - 1st week UK
Nintendo backing away from 1M units sold in NA by Dec 31st.

They're likely up to 1.5M by now, but with the Wii shortshipped in Europe and retailers getting regular, but much smaller than expected Wii shipments, I guess it's pretty damn hard to pull of a worldwide launch, even with 5 year old hardware.

Don't get me wrong, they've done a spectacular job, and compared to the competition (and every other launch in history) they're to be commended, but I guess the optimism going around was a bit much.

Of course, maybe those millions of DS' they have to produce are causing a problem.

It's looking like 3M+ might be more the right number?

In any case, all of the folks who thought you'd just be able to stroll into a store and pick it up easily were dead wrong. EVERY SINGLE DAY in my area, there are people lined up at EB/Gamestop/Target, etc hoping the latest shipment of Wii's has come in.

BTW, If I'm working off of bad data or am missing the latest news updates, of sales in Japan, please let me know)

dude tha ti s 3 weeks, with 3 more weeks to go. so hold off on that


Yeah it doesn't sound like they are going to come close to hitting that number to me either.

Although I don't know what the issue is with supply.


I wouldn't at all be surprised if the NA/Japan/Europe total at the end of December is closer to 3 million than 4 million.


Well they did say NA would have 2 million by the end of the year and now they are saying 1 million probably.

So like the PS3 it seems they actually shipped about 50% of what they claimed.


listen to the mad man
Assuming Japan, North America, and everywhere else each end up getting 1/3rd of the 4M units, that's 1.3M per. North America has already had at least 800k of the 1.3M it needs to have, and with 3 weeks left that's around 130k per week shipped.

I'd say they'll fall short of the target by not shipping enough to Japan or elsewhere, and they'll end up around 3-3.2M shipped which is all told not really a bad launch supply.


I thought it was 2m by years end? Then 4m by the end of march 2007. If it was the other way around they would have less than 2 months for 4m and 3 months for 2m, which doesen't make sense unless they were really bunking on the holiday season.


sonycowboy said:
600k - 1st week NA
400k - 1st week Japan
50k - 1st week UK

You're missing Europe (you only have UK), you're also missing Canada and Australia. Also, your Japan numbers are low and they're for 2 days, not a week.

I think they'll come close to 4 million, just a bit under. They're probably fairly close to 1.8 million by now.

I heard 4 million by the end of December, 6 million by March.



Professional Schmuck
..and I heard something like they could do 6 million if they wanted!

I honestly just think its false shortages, used to generate interest and value.
Remember when people laughed at the idea of a system launching with only 400k units? And Canada is counted in the NPD by the way, isn't it?


Yahoo and others linking to them did report 4m worldwide by years end. Everyone else just said 6m worldwide by end of march 2007. I can't check Nintendo's press site and haven't been able to find any official press releases relating to it.


Won't ANYONE think of the non-gaming moms and grandmas? How are they supposed to drop $250 on gaming hardware for the first time ever if Nintendo won't allow them? Nintendo is mean. :(


Iwata een bom zal droppen
typhonsentra said:
Remember when people laughed at the idea of a system launching with only 400k units? And Canada is counted in the NPD by the way, isn't it?
Yey, you're here. And no, canada is not counted, I'm sorry to break it to you.


sonycowboy said:
BTW, If I'm working off of bad data or am missing the latest news updates, of sales in Japan, please let me know)

You're working off bad data and missing the latest news updates.

and OMG this is so sad! Someone named SonyCowboy trying to troll Nintendo!

It sounds to me like you are a little jealous of Nintendo's success. Don't worry. I'm sure Sony will be fine. The PS3 is futureproof. It will never stop being cutting edge! It can never be beaten by other consoles. Does that make you feel better?

Maybe you should stick to Sony threads and stop trying to cut others down.


The guys working at my EB games (i.e. idiots to most Gaffers), said they think Nintendo must be sitting on a ton of them to release in the last couple of weeks before Christmas.

Maybe to create a media frenzy?

I don't know. But its the only explanation I can think of if Nintendo still claims to have 4 million shipped by the end of the year.

I still can't get one anywhere. I've not been able to camp out or line up at the crack of dawn when they've been advertised. I've tried arriving 1-2 hours ahead of store openings and its been useless.


PantherLotus said:
..and I heard something like they could do 6 million if they wanted!

I honestly just think its false shortages, used to generate interest and value.
I'm curious. What value is generated by interest when you don't translate that interest to sales? Sony would love to know...

Seriously, these guys are not short-shipping. I think any suggestions along those lines, to Sony or Nintendo, are absurd.


For those that missed it before:
In the news release, Wii-MARKABLE! November Sales Show Nintendo Hardware
Systems Outsell All Others Combined, issued yesterday, Dec. 7, by Nintendo
over PR Newswire, we are advised by the company that the fourth paragraph,
last sentence which reads, "Despite spot shortages in some locations, well
more than a million Wii systems will be available in the United States by the
end of the year," should be disregarded.


PantherLotus said:
..and I heard something like they could do 6 million if they wanted!

I honestly just think its false shortages, used to generate interest and value.

Yeah, but the interest is already there, shouldn't there be Wiis everywhere now? Christmas is in two weeks and I'm starting to doubt they're about to deliver twice as much consoles as they did on launch day.


I agree there is something going on with the Wii production (at first I thought they were saving most of the units for December with a staggered shipment to retailers). My suspicions are in the 'Worldwide Launch' that is taking its toll. Such a worldwide launch has to be a logistical nightmare.

PS3 dropped off Europe and they are still having production issues. Xbox 360 had major production issues but they had little demand in Japan and more of a lukewarm response in Europe. But Wii just got sucked dry when it was released in Japan, NA, etc. almost as if the demand was fairly universal (rather than in certain 'spots').

At this rate, we may be seeing DS Lite Japan style shortages in most markets further in 2007 (which is a BAD thing).

After the holidays and the worldwide launch is 'done', we'll have to see if supply increases since Nintendo won't have to stock Wiis to launch somewhere.

Why the hell do console companies launch their systems during the holidays? I know that is the time of the game industry's biggest sales but launches never seem to put out enough supply to fill the holiday demand. Why not launch a system during a slower time and, by the holidays, the system will be good supply for that huge holiday demand. DS Lite did this and look at its results.

pantherlotus said:
..and I heard something like they could do 6 million if they wanted!

I honestly just think its false shortages, used to generate interest and value.

Shortages mean losing sales especially due to production difficulties.

Many product shortages occur when the market grows, hence the interest and value of the system go up. For example, the constant shortages of NES in NA or the DS in Japan.

There is no artificial shortage because there is no profit in that. Why withold your product during the holidays, where the market is at its greatest interest for it?


jacktion said:
You're working off bad data and missing the latest news updates.

and OMG this is so sad! Someone named SonyCowboy trying to troll Nintendo!

It sounds to me like you are a little jealous of Nintendo's success. Don't worry. I'm sure Sony will be fine. The PS3 is futureproof. It will never stop being cutting edge! It can never be beaten by other consoles. Does that make you feel better?

Maybe you should stick to Sony threads and stop trying to cut others down.

Well, sunshine, why don't you correct and/or provide some of that bad or missing data. Clear up the confusion. Bring the force back in balance, and all that mess.


PantherLotus said:
..and I heard something like they could do 6 million if they wanted!

I honestly just think its false shortages, used to generate interest and value.
I am quite sure the big 3 know by now thats the worst thing they can do.

Not being able to deliver as much as hoped or later than expected is the more likely reason and something pretty common the last generations.


Gabriel Knight
i dont get this whole 5 year old hardware thing..
they arent using the same chipset as the gamecube right? new chips are being produced right?

correct me if im wrong..


_leech_ said:
Sales always slow down after the holidays.
Bingo. And it will happen irrespective of how popular a system is - holiday demand is by definition seasonal.

Which is why sales lost during the holidays are....lost.


drohne's insight on the matter gets me every time:

drohne said:
red laser diode shortage confirmed. serves nintendo right for putting a fancy "dvd" drive in their game console.


seriously though, WTF? A few people were all up on Sony's jock questioning whether PS3's shortage was/is "manufactured" or not, yet Nintendo gets a free pass on account of what, they're above such practices? ;p


listen to the mad man
jacktion said:
You're working off bad data and missing the latest news updates.

and OMG this is so sad! Someone named SonyCowboy trying to troll Nintendo!

It sounds to me like you are a little jealous of Nintendo's success. Don't worry. I'm sure Sony will be fine. The PS3 is futureproof. It will never stop being cutting edge! It can never be beaten by other consoles. Does that make you feel better?

Sonycowboy isn't a pro-Sony troll and in fact just recently got his current tag from over-predicting X360 numbers. I've never seen him troll Nintendo before, and given that he has actual access to NPD figures it's pretty unlikely he's working off bad data and you aren't.

But hey, don't let that stop you from being overly defensive!


koam said:
You're missing Europe (you only have UK), you're also missing Canada and Australia. Also, your Japan numbers are low and they're for 2 days, not a week.

I think they'll come close to 4 million, just a bit under. They're probably fairly close to 1.8 million by now.


I think Canada would be included in the NA number... seeing how Canada is in North America...
Schattenjagger said:
i dont get this whole 5 year old hardware thing..
they arent using the same chipset as the gamecube right? new chips are being produced right?

correct me if im wrong..
New, sure, but it's essentially GCN's chips at a higher speed with significantly more RAM, plus the various doodads like the controller, flash storage, and wifi.

xaosslug said:
seriously though, WTF? A few people were all up on Sony's jock questioning whether PS3's shortage was/is "manufactured" or not, yet Nintendo gets a free pass on account of what, they're above such practices? ;p
Buh? Who the hell could claim with a straight face that launching with PS3-style low numbers was intentional?


railGUN said:
I think Canada would be included in the NA number... seeing how Canada is in North America...

The NPD numbers we get are for USA only. NPD tracks sales for Canada completely different. As a rule of thumb, Canada is about 10% of the USA market. However, we have some different preferences. NHL sells much more than Madden here for example. We also seem to have a bit of a Nintendo bias as Dalthien says his data shows the LTD of GCN was higher than that of the XBX by the end of 2005 and that the N64 ended up selling more than the PSX at the end of its lifetime.


In Nintendo's original press release yesterday, they said they'd have well over a millions Wii's in stores by the end of the year (referring to North America). They've never really said before how the 4 million worldwide by year's end would break down other than mentioning NA would be getting the most. So everyone just assumed that meant that NA would get about 2 million and Europe and Japan about 1 million each. But it looks like NA got 750k at best by the end of November so who knows if they'll be able to hit their original assumed target.

What's interesting is that Nintendo revised the press release from yesterday, removing only one sentence: the one mentioning that there would be well over a million in NA by the end of the year. So did they do that because they are going to be well short of that number or much closer to the "original" 2 million number?


JoshuaJSlone said:
New, sure, but it's essentially GCN's chips at a higher speed with significantly more RAM, plus the various doodads like the controller, flash storage, and wifi.
All in a much smaller case.

It's new hardware, not as expensive or difficult to manufacture as Cell + Blu-Ray, but they're still limited as to how many they can initially make.


aeolist said:
All in a much smaller case.

It's new hardware, not as expensive or difficult to manufacture as Cell + Blu-Ray, but they're still limited as to how many they can initially make.

Pikmin haven't adapted well to the more confined space. :(


suaveric said:
In Nintendo's original press release yesterday, they said they'd have well over a millions Wii's in stores by the end of the year (referring to North America). They've never really said before how the 4 million worldwide by year's end would break down other than mentioning NA would be getting the most. So everyone just assumed that meant that NA would get about 2 million and Europe and Japan about 1 million each. But it looks like NA got 750k at best by the end of November so who knows if they'll be able to hit their original assumed target.

What's interesting is that Nintendo revised the press release from yesterday, removing only one sentence: the one mentioning that there would be well over a million in NA by the end of the year. So did they do that because they are going to be well short of that number or much closer to the "original" 2 million number?
the same sentence also mentioned there were 'spot shortages' which as we all know is false as its a full sell out and people have to lineup to get one.

PS. I think they will ship 4 million by Dec 31 but not all 4 M will be in stores.


JoshuaJSlone said:
Buh? Who the hell could claim with a straight face that launching with PS3-style low numbers was intentional?

some certainly were, there was a thread about it too, a little after PS3's launch, I think it was locked. :lol


sonycowboy said:
Don't get me wrong, they've done a spectacular job, and compared to the competition (and every other launch in history) they're to be commended, but I guess the optimism going around was a bit much.

Wasn't the gamecube a stronger launch than this? Or are you only talking worldwide here?


Arsenal said:
Wasn't the gamecube a stronger launch than this? Or are you only talking worldwide here?

Not that I recall, but we'll need the sales-age people to confirm this.
Arsenal said:
Wasn't the gamecube a stronger launch than this? Or are you only talking worldwide here?
Worldwide, and more specifically the X360 worldwide launch or the PS3 "worldwide" "launch". Even if Wii falls short of the 4 million number it should easily top those two combined.


Arsenal said:
Wasn't the gamecube a stronger launch than this? Or are you only talking worldwide here?
GameCube moved slightly more units in the US first week, but had more supply (thanks to a staggered world launch) and wasn't an immediate sellout iirc. I sort of doubt it moved 350k+ first day either...

Worldwide though, Wii's doing somwhat better in a similar timeframe... it took Gamecube until spring 2002 to sellthrough 4m units worldwide while Wii will pass that in early/mid January most likely.


go eat paint
What I wanna know is how many launch systems did they have to replace due to the online update killing the system's ability to go online? I know they ate $60 to overnight me a brand new system and to retrieve the "broken" one.
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