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Meteos appreciation thread


You can say I was a casual puzzle gamer before Meteos was released. The only puzzle game I would play is Tetris, and then maybe some other stuff like Puyo Puyo and the like.


When Meteos came out I honestly did not think much about the game. I would hear at msg. boards that Lumines (sp?) was the superior puzzle game and that Meteos playability wore thin. I received this game for more birthday as I opened it 12:01 AM. 5:00AM later I was hooked. Meteos was almost like a revolution for me, like the Tetris affect that alot of people got hit with when Tetris came out long ago. So while the only 2 puzzle games I play are still Meteos and Tetris DS I consider myself a happy puzzle gamer.

The concept of Meteos is kind of unique I think. All movement is controlled by the stylus and you have to form a chain of 3 blocks vert or hori to blast of the meteos. What's really neat is that if you are doing well the tempo changes accordingly and if you are most likely about to get owned the tempo increases. I should note as well that the music, IMO, is top notch. My favorite level is probably Megadom when it comes to music.

What really extends the replayability is all the useless stats you get from the game (the producer of SSBM was director for this game, so you can see where that came from), like how many Meteos you have launched, how many hours you have playeed and etc. You can choose game modes such as the story mode and deluge mode to play with.

The only blemish from this appreciation thread is that while the Disney version of Meteos is coming for DS, the online version isn't. Whish suchs but I will probably get that for whatever platform it comes out in.

If you are thinking about buying a DS, this should probably be high on your list of games to buy. I would rank this as probably the best game of the DS if it weren't for NSMB and EBA/Ouendan.

So appreciate commence!


One of my favorite DS games. But it was the first game I got that was strictly played by the stylus and also required some fast scratching across the screen and such. And now my DS has a few scratches on the screen as a result. Should have picked up a screen protector but there was none around here. If i ever pick up a DS lite, I will not use it until I have a screen protector on it.


works for Gamestop (lol)
This game still kicks my ass. I've been trying to beat it on hardest difficulties and I always have problems. Not using continues, of course.


Pimpbaa said:
If i ever pick up a DS lite, I will not use it until I have a screen protector on it.

I have my DSL gathering dust for the same reason :lol but my DS Phat took Meteos like a champ. The Scratches are batle scars!

oh and yeah count me as a Meteos lover as well. Underated because of its PSP older brother, but worth while in every way.


One of the best puzzle games I've played. Really showed how the touchscreen can be used to make games unlike on any other system.


Llyranor said:
I was actually planning on ordering this game online *today*. The lack of online is a shame, but I'll survive.

You know, I would not have minded if Meteos was released Dec '05 instead of the early Spring of that year that it did release if it meant 4 player online. The DS onilne infastructure could surely handle it I think.


How limited is the singlecart local mp? The main mp I'd really care to play would be against my sister.

EDIT: And with that said, order is made. Now I just wait for the game to show up.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
great game I really liked how each planets have different gravity settings and such.

this game NEEDED online wifi :/


This is one of those games where I expected a lot due to the hype, and then... I didn't end up disliking it, but I don't see what's zomg hay **** about it or whatever.
I used to have Meteos but I sold it (because I'm poor) but I did love it. I ran into some girl at the bus station the other day playing it, so I busted out my DSL and we played some single-card multi. It was a lot of fun because she was good.

A part of me wants the disney version. A little thematics could help this game a lot.


Meteos is pretty cool. I havent really spent too much time with my copy, as theres too much other good shit on DS, I should really try and get back into this game.


playing gunpey ds really did remind me of how great Meteos is. I had dreams of launching 5 column rockets and then blasting them off the screen for weeks.

Disney Meteos really makes me think WTF, tho
i was addicted as hell when i first played it.
i remember i played it for 4 hours straight. holy shit the time passes by really quickly when you play it


Did anyone else get Meteo-vision? In the first 2-3 weeks when I was really hooked, I would see falling Meteos when I closed my eyes. Made it hard to fall asleep:)


Even by playing without scribbling all over the screen (randomly... you end up switching blocks all over the place at full speed which can be exhausting, both for you and the screen), Meteos is a screen killer. And it's dangerously addictive, I'm even afraid to play it now, because I know how it's going to end...

And after playing it, you always feel... satisfied. Incredible game.


Llyranor said:
I was actually planning on ordering this game online *today*. The lack of online is a shame, but I'll survive.

It works better as a single player game anyway. Buy it, one of the most fun games on the system.
JavyOO7 said:
If you are thinking about buying a DS, this should probably be high on your list of games to buy. I would rank this as probably the best game of the DS if it weren't for NSMB and EBA/Ouendan.

Huh... I own like 15 DS games ATM and I own none of those games.


Did anyone else have problems with the save function?

My mom had 2 save failures already, deleting everything she unlocked - she had everything unlocked 2 times already, played for hundreds of hours just to lose everything...


This is such an amazing game. Probably my favorite on DS up there with NSMB and Animal Crossing. I wish an online version would come out.

Single cart multiplayer is pretty limited in that you can only choose from 4 different planets when over 25 are in the game. Also, both players must use the same planet. Also, every time you want to change planets you need to reboot the DS's. Also, it doesn't keep track of Meteos launched in single cart multiplayer. So it's still pretty damn fun, but severely gimped.


What I really loved about Meteos was how coherent each planet's sound and art design are. Everything combines to make each planet a different aesthetic experience.

The gameplay mechanic is great, too, and surprisingly deep. I don't think the horizontal sliding they're introducing in Disney Meteos will help the gameplay at all.


I got the game a few days ago. Quite awesome and hectic, just as I expected.

The best part is that I got my mom (who doesn't play games except The Sims 1/2) to try it out. I managed to get her to try Tetris back in the day (which is already a better achievement that I could do with other games), but she didn't like it too much, and isn't really willing to try it again. However, I think I might have just gotten her hooked on Meteos. Now she's trying to beat her own score. Mind you, she's only playing in simple mode at the lowest difficulty right now.

Stylus controls = win.


That is true. Is the composer in this game the one who did SSBM? It sounds a bit similar, though maybe that's just me.


Great, great game. Haven't played it ages though.

For the record:

2 mins: 212,550
5 mins: 360,330
100 Meteos: 7.2 seconds
1000 Meteos: 1:24:46

Meteos 2: Online play please :D


My favorite DS game so far, I like how frantic this game can be, I really like to impose MY speed to the game, and contrary to most puzzle games, you don't have to play for 10-20 minutes for the game to be trully exciting, just after a 1 minutes or 2, the game speed is insane!

And there's the sweet turbo button too.

Model 500

Absolutely fantastic game. I concentrated mainly on the flawless 2 min time war. The other modes are good too. Strong recommendation.

2:00 Time War: 230 520

Beat that.


High scores eh.....

some that I'm proud of:

Grannest 579,080
Brabbit 452,860
Dawndus 399,750
Forte 386,300
Freaze 324,820
Wiral 321,380
Florias 320,990
Wuud 306,400
Geolyte 304,940

I'd still like to break a million someday.


I never got really into it that much, but hell... multiplayer is a blast. The music was great, too.
This was the first DS game I got after picking the system up with SM64DS in January '05 and watching it collect dust for the better part of a year. It is largely responsible for sparking the love affair with my DS that continues to this day. Oh and also the game kicks ass. I still play it from time to time if I'm bored or on the road.


hyperbolically metafictive
still the best original game on ds. not that it has much competition. but it's one of my favorite puzzle games ever, and i've always liked it better than lumines.
drohne said:
still the best original game on ds. not that it has much competition. but it's one of my favorite puzzle games ever, and i've always liked it better than lumines.

Yeah I am also a bigger fan of meteos.

But that is mainly because Meteos has kick ass multiplayer. Me and my friends had several months where marathons of Meteos were commonplace. Lumines is a better single player experience though.


Model 500 said:
2:00 Time War: 230 520

Beat that.
237,160. my #2 high is 235,130. of course i never did beat the main guy i was competing against, i think he got 240k or so.

the rest:
5:00 - 430,000
100 - 7.03s
1000 - 1:22.97

1000 is my worst out of the time wars. ive seen much lower times.
Oh man, Meteos.


I looked into this game pretty much completely due to the Mizuguchi name, though Sakurai designing it certainly didn't hurt. I remember playing it at E3 2005 when I didn't have a DS yet (I still thought the system was going to crash and burn right up until E3 2005 illustrated my foolishness on that point) and thinking it was sort of interesting but not really grasping it. When it came out a couple of months later, I bought it and was really disappointed for the first hour. After being befuddled by like eighty seven menu options before you even get into a game, it seemed too slow and fiddly.

Man that was wrong.

A few hours later I was totally hooked, and if I recall correctly I quite literally played no other single-player games for two or three months. I played so much Meteos it was ridiculous. I unlocked every single unlockable thing in the whole game and kept playing.

That July, I wrote a review of the game for Idle Thumbs ( http://www.idlethumbs.net/display.php?id=190 ) that I later learned had been passed around Nintendo of America.


Model 500

japtor said:
237,160. my #2 high is 235,130. of course i never did beat the main guy i was competing against, i think he got 240k or so.

Good one, will have to give it a go some day soon :)
I've got the Japanese version of this and even though I like it it hasn't hooked me in the way it seems it could.

Does the language make much of a difference?


This is one of maybe four or so games to use the stylus correctly--others being EBA/Ouendan, Brain Age, and Big Brain Academy. Not only is it the earliest proof of concept for the DS touch screen, but it's also still the best, and one of the DS' top eight games period across all regions. Anyone who missed out on Meteos should really go ahead and pick it up if they find it around.


......... My mother has first place for the 2-min, 5-min and 100-meteo time wars. None of us have been able to do 1000-meteo yet.

This is someone who does not play games.


I would bang a hot farmer!
BrodiemanTTR said:
This was the first DS game I got after picking the system up with SM64DS in January '05 and watching it collect dust for the better part of a year. It is largely responsible for sparking the love affair with my DS that continues to this day. Oh and also the game kicks ass. I still play it from time to time if I'm bored or on the road.
It was technically my second game since SM64DS came free with my blue DS. The best part, it only cost me $10 CAD. :)

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Still my favorite DS game, even over Ouendan and EBA. I wish it'd get a real sequel instead of this Disney one. Meteos 2 would have made me happy with online play, a planet editor, and more challenge modes (Like launching 75 meteos at one time). I'm not sure if I'll get the Disney version. I should, just to show my Meteos love. And it might have more challenges.


did anybody say addiction?


I was having those meteos-vision issues that break mentioned... every single day.
I had to stop playing a couple of hours before bed so I could catch some sleep :\


Jiggy37 said:
This is one of maybe four or so games to use the stylus correctly--others being EBA/Ouendan, Brain Age, and Big Brain Academy.
I would include Kirby: Canvas Curse, Trauma Centre, and even Nintendogs on that list, but that's pretty much how I feel too. I'm hoping that we will hear some game announcements this year that will look as innovative as these games.

There are a bunch of awesome traditional games coming this year, but I'd like to see some more cool touch screen stuff.
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