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Why are fat ladies always bitter/angry?

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Seems like every time I deal with one, they're just angry at life. You can be as nice to them as the day is long, and they still cop an attitude. Like it's my fault you're some tons of fun, wtf?


because they have to deal with jerkoffs all day that can't keep their dumbass opinions to themselves that's why.


woman are pretty confusing as is, being fat just throws another layer into the mix

My mother, who is herself a large woman (like 5'5 200lbs, like some stout dwarf), is pretty bitter but I'd think it's more due to the fact she had 5 kids (and really never had time for herself in her 'prime') than her girth.


Lelielle said:
because they have to deal with jerkoffs all day that can't keep their dumbass opinions to themselves that's why.

so... you go take it out on someone that's being nice to you? Yeah, that makes sense.


My mum isn't bitter/angry..although shes not as fat as an American fat lady..and also has a boyfriend..


Even the nicest person will start getting snappy if they have to deal with ignorant people day in and day out telling them to lose weight, or that their lazy etc. etc. etc. (like they didn't know that already) its not an excuse to be nasty but everyone has their limit. and If you're a fat women you get way more a$$holes attracted to comment


Lelielle said:
Even the nicest person will start getting snappy if they have to deal with ignorant people day in and day out telling them to lose weight, or that their lazy etc. etc. etc. (like they didn't know that already) its not an excuse to be nasty but everyone has their limit. and If you're a fat women you get way more a$$holes attracted to comment

Lose weight fatty


So... why not take it out on the person that says that, instead of some other person who said nothing? I was fine with this lady today until she acted like a **** over nothing. Now I hope she chokes on a hambone.


talking to people who make fun of peoples weight is like talking to an infant (in every way) so next time you have a rough dayof dealing with morons and get snappy, just remember that.


Lelielle said:
Even the nicest person will start getting snappy if they have to deal with ignorant people day in and day out telling them to lose weight, or that their lazy etc. etc. etc. (like they didn't know that already) its not an excuse to be nasty but everyone has their limit. and If you're a fat women you get way more a$$holes attracted to comment

I dunno man, a lot of them seem to be in dneial. My mom, for example, think's she's fat due to stress. No, not that she thinks stress makes her eat more and thus gert fat, she thinks the actual concept of stress is calorific.


Lelielle said:
talking to people who make fun of peoples weight is like talking to an infant (in every way) so next time you have a rough dayof dealing with morons and get snappy, just remember that.

So I'm just supposed to take whatever shit some cow shovels my way, because someone else was rude to her? what the hell backwards world do you live in?


No I'm saying that you gotta at least empathize a little, its called being human, theres no real excuse for being a jerk.


Lelielle said:
No I'm saying that you gotta at least empathize a little, its called being human, theres no real excuse for being a jerk.

I wasn't a jerk to her, that's the whole point! I was nice and she was still a cock! So why should I be nice to a cock, especially after I tried to be nice?


and the infants speak!

i just be civil no matter how awful the person is if you give in and act like a jerk too then you're just as bad.


Lelielle said:
and the infants speak!

i just be civil no matter how awful the person is if you give in and act like a jerk too then you're just as bad.

Dude, nyanko... are you on the hash today?

I didn't act like a jerk to her AT ALL. What part of that are you not wrapping your brain around? She was a **** to me for NO REASON, and I made a thread asking why. That's all.


Because certain people need something to talk about.
bjork said:
Dude, nyanko... are you on the hash today?

I didn't act like a jerk to her AT ALL. What part of that are you not wrapping your brain around? She was a **** to me for NO REASON, and I made a thread asking why. That's all.

Maybe she wanted your nuts?


I did say why she might be pissy and i never said you were a jerk, getting worked up over it isn't worth the time though , by the way your avatar gives me the creeps sometimes o_O

Edit: oh yeah and I don't have enough monies for hash :(


it's implied in like every post you made, like I was somehow rude to her. I guess I wasn't clear enough in the first post.
bjork said:
Seems like every time I deal with one, they're just angry at life. You can be as nice to them as the day is long, and they still cop an attitude. Like it's my fault you're some tons of fun, wtf?

I like you bjork, but this is a pathetic and insulting thread. You can't make such statements based on knowing a few women like this, just as I can't say all guys who work at hentai shops and disrespectful and childish based on you.

I've known fat women who are extremely gossipy and mean. I've known fat women who are the nicest and most sincere people in my life. Luckily I've met more of the latter.

Stereotypes FTL


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
X26 said:
woman are pretty confusing as is, being fat just throws another layer into the mix.


My kid's mom got out of shape and never looked back. Her stomach has an uncanny resemblence to Kato in Total Recall. Really affected the love making.


Ninja Scooter said:
more like 10 layers into the cake mix lol

...oh my god :lol

Actually the worst thing is when you see a fat girl with a whole bunch of hot girls that thinks she's the shit too, no bitch.


PhoenixDark said:
I like you bjork, but this is a pathetic and insulting thread. You can't make such statements based on knowing a few women like this, just as I can't say all guys who work at hentai shops and disrespectful and childish based on you.

I've known fat women who are extremely gossipy and mean. I've known fat women who are the nicest and most sincere people in my life. Luckily I've met more of the latter.

Stereotypes FTL

I'd agree with this if I said ALL fat ladies. But if I'd said "why are bitter/angry ladies always fat", that would've been just as bad!

butt insides
Many fat ladies are in a severe state of denial.

Few people who are obese really think its because of the large amounts of empty nutrition, high sugar foods they consume. Most hold dearly to that less than 1% chance that their obesity is from a reason other than gluttony.

Yet at the same time, they know they are addicted to sugary and fatty foods and know that the problem lies within themselves. Still, they refuse to budge because they want to hear that "new study" that proves that their obesity comes from other sources.

So this makes them bitter and angry. Its no different than a virgin PC nerd. He thinks there is reasons out of his control as to why he isn't getting laid but he knows exactly that he isn't making the effort to get some either. So, they become angry (see: Ark-AMN and Shawn).

This is the only acceptable answer and I say it with 110% confidence.


What makes you think it was being fat that made her so grumpy?

Whenever a stranger acts particualrly jerkish towards me, I just simpy go, "WTF?" in my head, and carry on. There could be more to the story than I can see - we all have our bad days our bad moments, so I don't see people as being grumpy on a once off basis -they have to show me multiple times before I pass judgment.


mrkgoo said:
What makes you think it was being fat that made her so grumpy?

It just seems to be a common trait among the people I've had run-ins with over the last while. Maybe I just missed all the snotty stickwomen?
bjork said:
It just seems to be a common trait among the people I've had run-ins with over the last while. Maybe I just missed all the snotty stickwomen?

Where do you live? I know far more skinny ass mean women than fat ones, by far. Many of the ones I've met seem to feel entitled to act however they want since they're so good looking (or at least they think they are).


PhoenixDark said:
Where do you live? I know far more skinny ass mean women than fat ones, by far. Many of the ones I've met seem to feel entitled to act however they want since they're so good looking (or at least they think they are).

So Cal. And seems to range from young to old, so I dunno if it's a local thing or what, but it's not an age thing apparently.


Wow, Lelielle getting just a bit too defensive. bjork, maybe you should post what happened to clarify.


Mute said:
Wow, Lelielle getting just a bit too defensive. bjork, maybe you should post what happened to clarify.

Just had a lady come in and I helped her because she was the only person in here, and she was just very short and rude with everything, from what she said to her mannerisms. But she's like the 500000000th snotty fat lady to give me grief when I didn't say or do anything to them. I just help them find what they want, ring them up, and tell them to enjoy or to take it easy. If I did something to piss them off, I could understand, but I hadn't.


Women have a tough time dealing with stress, and they usually get unbalanced and angry. I think large women has a bit of extra stress from dealing with their body.

Slo said:
Obese people don't deserve empathy any more than alcoholics or heroin addicts do.
Please go spray graffiti near your local train station.


Almost every girl I know seems to get defensive not just about their weight but anything about their appearance, the minute they see girls that are more attractive then themselves they get angry / envious of what they don't have physically and well basically anything in every day life makes them angry if it all reminds them of this. They just get so used to being made fun of throughout their life that no matter how nice you act towards them they can't help but think that you're thinking of their appearance negativly despite the lack of saying anything to show such an opinion.
I've always thought the opposite. Fat people in general are always jolly. They're human, though, and can be just as cruel and bitter as anyone else.




As an associated question, why is it always the fat as hell men that feel it's appropriate for them to parade around naked in the locker room at the gym? I mean, they drag their sloth around the locker room completely naked and stand at the counter shaving for ten minutes completely naked (granted, they can't get their genitals out from under their bellies to actually have it make contact with the counter, but it's still gross).

The fit men, for the most part, have the decency to wrap a towel around themselves or put on their underwear if they're going to have to walk around the locker room for whatever reason before getting dressed.

I mean, really . . . c'mon.
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