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Official GRAW 2 360/PC/PS3 page Hype Page



Published by: Ubisoft
Developed by: Red Storm Entertainment / Ubisoft Paris (France)
Genre: Third-Person Shooter
Number of Players: 16
Release Date:
US: March 6, 2007
Japan: Unreleased
Europe: March 8, 2007
Australia: March 8, 2007
MSRP: $59.99
Also Available On: PlayStation 3, PC

Features: 720p Support, Dolby Digital 5.1, Xbox Live, System Link, Memory Unit, Custom Soundtrack, Downloadable Content

Media Size: 1 DVD


Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 builds off of the events in the first game and places gamers in control of the U.S. military's elite fighting unit, the Ghosts. In the year 2014, the rising conflict between Mexican loyalists and insurgent rebel forces has thrown Mexico into full-scale civil war. Under the command of Captain Scott Mitchell, the Ghosts are called upon to face an imminent threat to the United States. The fate of two countries now lies in the hands of the Ghosts as they fend off an attack on U.S. soil. Equipped with the most cutting-edge weaponry and technology, the Ghosts must battle on both sides of the border to neutralize the escalating rebel threat.

IGN's Top 5 improvements impressions:

1. Cross Com 2.0
The networked battlefield system in the first game, called Cross Com, made team management appear relatively powerful in the first game. With it you could tell your team mates and support units where to go on the battlefield… roughly. It was reliant upon using an overhead map to direct your troops, but you'd never really see things from your external unit's point of view. A small window at the top of the screen gave a small view into the hellhole of incoming rounds and grenades that you'd foolishly sent your squad-mates into, but it was more of a cosmetic effect than anything useful.

Cross Com 2.0 allows this window to be blown up into a full-screen virtual eye in the sky. Actually, it's more of a virtual eye over the shoulder - we're not actually sure how this view is possible, given that it would need a UAV to float near the team at all times. We're willing to forgive this stretching of reality considering the improved ability to rain pain on your foes it delivers.


2. A Smarter Battlefield
If there was one major weakness in the original, it was the carrot-like intelligence of your squad-mates. We lost count of the number of times these morons opened fire on a far-off target while we tried to sneak to a better fire position, betraying our location to every enemy within earshot. It's obligatory for every developer to promise better AI in their game's sequel; if we hear one more comment during the presentation of a sequel that the new, improved AI now flanks, advances and retreats, only to see the AI get stuck on a 12cm high curb, we'll shoot the presenter. Thankfully, from the few hours we spent testing it, the AI in GRAW2 appears to act exactly as promised.

The most obvious change is your team-mates' new vocabulary, making the original AI sound as talkative as a shy mute. They'll point out enemies, right down to how many there are, what they're hiding behind and in which direction. Their voice commands extend to their own actions, letting you know not to pop up just as they're about to reload. Hopefully there are enough voice commands that it doesn't get repetitive, something we couldn't determine during our afternoon recon.


Like Rainbow Six: Vegas, your squaddies can be set to one of two modes; kill-anything-that-moves, taken-too-many-'roids aggressive; or shy-as-a-kitten, wouldn't-hurt-a-fly, stealth mode. And it works - keep them in recon mode and they'll make less noise than a ninja mosquito farting. They seem to pick the best cover points available, as do your enemies.

Speaking of those dastardly enemies, they seem to have had their Dastard-Bix for breakfast this time around. As we cut them down, we noticed that they were more likely to move between bits of cover. Unfortunately we didn't notice as much flanking as we'd have liked. Then again, that could be because we'd shot most of them between the eyes before they had time to realise that flanking might save their butts.

3. The Scenic Route
Blasting the crap out of endless Mexican shanties got a little tiring in the first game, so it's nice to see a bit of added variety in the levels in GRAW2. Once again things kick off in the Mexican Outback, but the fight comes back to Uncle Sam's backyard, as the fight spills over the US border. The US area is in Texas, which bares an unholy resemblance to Mexico, but at least the signage will be readable to those who flunked out of High School Spanish.

While we're more than happy about the scenery change, another nice change that was immediately apparent in our preview session is the opening up of the maps. While GRAW's maps were large and seemingly open, they still funnelled the player through singular death alleys. GRAW2 now offers multiple routes through the levels, prompting the player to make the most of the increased power of Cross Com 2.0. Thanks to the ability to more accurately move your team using this network of magic, invisible cameras, exploiting the new level design via flanking moves is more of a focus than previously.

4. More friends at the party
Some of the finest moments in the original were when your armoured and flying friends dropped by to lend a helping hellfire. One level in particular stands out as a hallowed "Gaming Moment", where you were forced to manage a tank, an Apache, squad-mates and a UAV all at once. It was easy to freak out at the increased responsibility of this mission, but watching your bigger buddies rain death from above was a most satisfying experience. It was also a rare experience, with this co-dependence on vehicles taking a back seat most of the time.

That's all about to change. An increased emphasis has now been placed on vehicles, and while we still don't get to directly drive them, the full screen camera is almost as good. You'll be able to see exactly what that tank is seeing - which hopefully isn't a car load of civilians on the receiving end of a Ghost-shot shell. The skies will be filled with the roaring afterburners of your ground-pounders, and it seems as if the designers have a strange fetish for cramming as many choppers into a level as possible.


As well as the UAV, the MULE now makes an appearance. It's a rather rugged remote-controlled storage locker, and as you can read four million paragraphs about it elsewhere on the Net, we'll say no more. Helping to make those nasty fire-fights a little more friendly is the addition of a medic class, who can heal the player as well as other squad-mates.

5. War is a beautiful thing

We deliberately left this comment until last, for fear that we'd be labelled graphics whores. But after playing our session, there's simply no denying that GRAW2 is to the first game as Jessica Simpson is to Ashlee. Much, much, much hotter. At first glance the differences aren't huge, but it doesn't take long for them to shine through. The devs have dived into the 360's hardware to crank up the anti-aliasing, leading to much fewer jaggies than the first game. It's crystal clear as far as the eye can see, yet performance remains smoother than a polished 7.62mm cartridge.

Dust and debris effects have been pumped through the roof, and watching the smoke from a burning truck getting shifted by the downwash of an incoming chopper is a subtle, yet very realistic effect. In fact, all smoke effects are now subject to wind change, be it from a gentle North Easterly or a slightly more immediate explosion.

Heat rippling in the distance has been exaggerated greatly, and objects seem to cast a strange shadow, even while floating through the air. We've never seen this strange shadow in real life (except after rather heavy partying), but it looks cool in the game. Even the character animations look smoother, with better blending and less jerky time between different moves.


But where the graphics have improved most are the explosions, which now punch you in the retina like no game before. Instead of just the standard flamey, smokey components to a bomb blast, explosions are comprised of multiple graphical elements. First there's the rapidly expanding shockwave, flinging a shower of smoke-trailing debris through the air. This is then followed by the usual smokey, flamey bits.

We had minutes of fun slowly destroying cars with our machine guns. Fire a few rounds into a tire and it'll deflate, tilting the entire car. A few more rounds and the wheel falls off. Aiming at the windows resulted in the expected shattering, and even the doors could be shot off. After a good magazine or two, the car starts to smoulder, and then "Whump", she's in flames. Finish it off with another clip and the car explodes end over end. If we were to review GRAW2 from the perspective of a demolition derby driver, it'd get at least a nine.

GRAW is still one of the most enjoyable shooters on the 360, an astonishing feat considering it was a launch title, created on a brand new piece of hardware that was still a mystery to the developers. Eighteen months of playing with Microsoft's little white powerhouse has allowed the developers to delve deeper into the hardware's bag of tricks, and it appears they've used all of these in developing this highly anticipated sequel.

It's GRAW 2 Baby, and you better get R6:V out of your blood because this one's a different beast all together. Think you're going to run and gun? Ha! Think again.

Finally clan support for us Gaffers on XBL (the same should be the case with PS3 and PC)

Gaf Screen Shot page

Blimblim's stream (GRAW 2 developers Diary)

IGN Gameplay Videos

Gametrailers HD Preview
IGN Review


GAF clan: NEOGAF Regulars


Well for Ps3 owners this will be their first GRAW experience. Me? I'm stoked even though yes, it's been a less than a year since the last one came out, however things like the anti-spawn camping system (if it works) should be great as well as the Clan support. I hope, that the net code has been fixed too.

Can't wait to call in some airstrikes. Woot!

Wario64 said:
lol nice bullshot

Didn't you know that they've incorporated cell shading? :p


March 6th? Damn didn't even know it was coming out this early.

Seems to be very little hype for this game (though I'm sure it'll still sell a huge amount of copies).


flinging feces ---->
I didn't like the demo. I thought it was worse than what the original game offered, in terms of single player.

Graphically, it looks a bit better, but I don't like how they toned down the lighting. Sure, it was superfluous in the original GRAW but despite that, I thought the excessive lighting added to the atmosphere of the game, propelling it beyond other games in the genre. It gave it an interesting vibe.


The Inside Track
Sean said:
March 6th? Damn didn't even know it was coming out this early.

Seems to be very little hype for this game (though I'm sure it'll still sell a huge amount of copies).
Yeah I'm surprised that very little people seem to really care about this game. We did a rather big and exclusive feature about GRAW2 in Gamersyde Diaries 4 and seemingly no one commented about it and/or linked to it from other forums like we expected. Strange.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Blimblim said:
Yeah I'm surprised that very little people seem to really care about this game. We did a rather big and exclusive feature about GRAW2 in Gamersyde Diaries 4 and seemingly no one commented about it and/or linked to it from other forums like we expected. Strange.

it'll sell regardless


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Blimblim said:
Yeah I'm surprised that very little people seem to really care about this game. We did a rather big and exclusive feature about GRAW2 in Gamersyde Diaries 4 and seemingly no one commented about it and/or linked to it from other forums like we expected. Strange.

Maybe it's because people feel like it's too early for another GRAW?


mckmas8808 said:
Maybe it's because people feel like it's too early for another GRAW?

Agreed, but did you play it? R6:V didn't get a whole lot of hype either, however it's still the number 2 most played game on live.

Again, I agree that it is a bit to soon for another installment, however it is coming. So bow to your new overlord master that doesn't have Aliens/Bald space marines or chainsaws.


Hmm, had no idea it was coming out so soon. I figured late summer at the earliest. To be honest, I don't really have much interest in this even though I'm a big fan of the series.

I might pick it up down the road on PS3, unless Ubi butchers that version. Hopefully for GRAW3, they take their time (aka not a damn yearly release) and move it to similar settings/environments as the original Ghost Recon game.


adelante said:
Maybe once the demo hits Live, the hype will pick up....GRAW2 seems like too good a title for anyone to pass up...

SP demo is already out, and it seemed many where disappointed in the early results (I actually enjoyed though). The MP trial is planned to released today, so hopefully that adds a bit more hype.


Matix said:
SP demo is already out, and it seemed many where disappointed in the early results (I actually enjoyed though). The MP trial is planned to released today, so hopefully that adds a bit more hype.

Aside from a few gameplay elements (still feels like I'm trudging through mud) I liked it. The heat haze effects were great as well as the mortar fire (the explosions).

It almost makes me want to consider joining the Army again.

once was enough thank you :p


So having played the MP demo some more, I've gotten a bit skittish (Tombes very skittish) The frame rate actually seems a bit worse than GRAW, perhaps a result of only being a demo. The knee slide, while cool (and was present in the PC version of GRAW) is annoying at times. It almost seems that you barely walk a bit to activate it when all you want to do is crouch run.

Skittish Tombes . . .
An okay SP Demo (took multiple play throughs though) and a lame MP demo that runs like ass (seriously...it still feels like "getting to know the hardware") as well as the browser still being fundementally flawed.
I'm just can't drag myself to be interested in this...its just too early, feels like a cash-in as well as a attempt to stay in gamer's eyes because so much other shit has came out since....

I loved GRAW when it first came out...even with its clunky controls, "all flash" SP campaign, and good to great MP, but this is just a "Summit Strike" -type expansion with more stuff thrown on top =/


I am a bit late to GRAW and am just about finished the SP game on hard, so since im still in the GRAW mood, I cannot wait for the new one.


I'm not questioning the lighting, graphics et al, it looks great, however the frame rate does seem a bit suspect, and not as smooth as the first itteration, but this being GRAW I'll swallow it and show Ubisoft that I'm a GRAW crackwhore nonetheless.


Kabuki Waq said:
Alright so does MP have Framerate problems or not? is it caused by lag somehow?
I just tried out the MP demo last night on the co-op mission mode, and yeah don't expect 60 fps smoothness. But it doesn't affect the gameplay too much (being tactical and not run-n-gun), and will probably never be the primary cause of your deaths. It is not lag-induced, just what the game was made to run at. Its possible the retail release will be more solidified.


Kabuki Waq said:
Alright so does MP have Framerate problems or not? is it caused by lag somehow?

Warping was really non-existent. Could be much adieu 'bout nothing, like I said the Fr seemed a bit suspect and it appears some notice it while others don't, but I'm not going to pass full judgment on a demo otherwise I wouldn't have played Crackdown.


Love the clansupport, they should have that in every online game. But the fact that there's no coversystem online ruins everything.


acklame said:
Is there offline / split screen co-op?.
Last I heard, yeah up to 4-player split-screen for offline modes. You can even take all 4 players in split-screen onto Xbox Live (a great feature that was also in GRAW1 and that more games should have).


Just played a match with one of the developers, it was fun, too bad I had alot of lag..must be the demo.


XSamu said:
Love the clansupport, they should have that in every online game. But the fact that there's no coversystem online ruins everything.

No, it doesn't ruin it at all. I thought that too, however having played R6 almost religiously since it launched I find the cover system, while visually pleasing, actually unbalances gameplay. You're able to view way too much. Test it out yourself. Lean up against a wall and tell me if your able to see into the next room at all without peaking your head out. Since dropping R6 for now in favor of GRAW (1) I've come to appreciate the rather spartan cover mechanic that is used in this game, it just works better.

Plus now with the new lighting engine in GRAW 2 you're able to maximize shadows more effeciently so being concealed actually can make the difference, coupled with a more proper NVG mode that doesn't imbalance the gameplay like GRAW's previous offering did (even though its range was limited).


speculawyer said:
I hope GRAW 2 is more like R6:V than like GRAW. I got bored with GRAW and its online aspect was not nearly as nice as R6V.

Agreed, R6 gives you more options online than GRAW did, however let's not forget one came out in March '06 and the other in November, but back to your point. Yes options like retrieval, attack and defend, survivor (single and team) and sharpshooter as well as Terrorist hunt and Co-op Story take a dump in some aspects to the original GRAW's online offerings.

In my next post I'll put in the Multiplayer modes impressions from Gamespot (for the lazy :p ) that GRAW 2 will have.


For Graw 2 they did add new weapons including a .50 Cal Silenced Sniper, Full Screen-mode via CrossCrom, Much improved lighting/shadows for multiplayer, Each map you can select night or day, Clan support with 100 people and you can check the score from in-game!

These are enough reasons for me to purchase Graw 2! :D


In Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2, you'll once again get to play as Captain Scott Mitchell of the US Army's elite (and fictional) 5th Special Forces Group, otherwise known as the Ghosts. However, that's just the single-player part of the game. Like its predecessor, GRAW2 will feature a robust multiplayer suite. We've already covered the competitive multiplayer modes, but now we can talk about the game's cooperative multiplayer gameplay, which lets you play with up to 15 other players as you battle computer-controlled opponents together.

It's good to play together in GRAW2, especially when you can count on your buddies to watch your back

GRAW2's multiplayer suite is impressive in its sheer size and variety. Because you can customize the game modes and victory conditions, there are hundreds of different combinations that you can participate in online. At its heart, though, will certainly be the six-mission co-op campaign. While the single-player campaign has you fighting as Mitchell in the El Paso, Texas, area, the multiplayer co-op campaign will have you fighting as a member of a separate detachment of Ghosts in Panama. The co-op campaign ties into the single-player campaign, because whoever is funding the Mexican Army rebels is in Panama, and it'll be up to you and your fellow soldiers to put a halt to it.

One of the cool new features in GRAW2 is the introduction of dynamic objectives. These are basically secondary objectives that can make the missions easier or harder depending on whether you attempt to accomplish them. For instance, in one mission there may be two radio towers that need to be destroyed. If one goes down, the other will transmit a cry for help and enemy reinforcements will appear. So the way to avoid this is to take both down simultaneously, but that will require a considerable amount of teamwork and coordination on your part to do so. In another mission, you can make your life a lot easier by stealthily destroying a fuel tank to create a diversion. However, if you're detected or you engage the enemy and make your presence known before that happens, you'll have to deal with a lot more enemy soldiers.

Aside from the co-op campaign, there's no shortage of customizable co-op games that you can set up and play. For instance, you can set up a defend game where your team has to defend a number of zones on a map from waves of attackers. You can adjust the victory conditions so that you lose if the attackers overrun a single zone, or you can make it so the attackers have to overrun multiple zones. In a stealth-recon game, your job will be to enter a series of zones on the map that are guarded, but the twist is that you have to do so without alerting the enemy. If an enemy detects you, you'll have 30 seconds to eliminate the threat before an alarm is raised. This means that you'll want to rely on silenced weapons and leave the grenades and unsuppressed (nonsilenced) weapons behind, because if you make too much noise killing one enemy, the rest will hear you and it's game over. If you want a silly time online, you can set up a helo hunt, which basically pits your team against an endless swarm of helicopters. This can be brutal considering how hard it is to hit a moving helicopter, not to mention the incredible amount of firepower that the helicopters can unleash on you. But there's also something strangely hilarious about you and your team running around with rocket launchers and shooting at a sky full of hovering choppers.

While you can play any mode with an infinite number of respawns, the challenge will be when you try and play with no respawns. Indeed, while there will be plenty of achievements in the cooperative multiplayer mode, you can't unlock them unless you're playing with respawns turned off. But that makes sense, because where's the challenge otherwise?

One of the great things about multiplayer, of course, is the sheer number of weapons that you can select from. There's a staggering 62 weapons in GRAW2, which means that each of the game's four classes (rifleman, marksman, grenadier, and automatic gunner) have a diverse arsenal to choose from. And some of the new weapons in GRAW2 are going to be very popular. We managed to rack up an impressive 27-0 kill score with the new suppressed 50 caliber sniper rifle. Since it's suppressed, it doesn't make anywhere near as much noise as the regular sniper rifles, which means that you can use it in stealthy situations. The downside is that it does less damage because it has to use a subsonic round (the tiny sonic boom created by regular bullets would defeat the purpose of a silenced weapon). Still, if enemies can't figure out where you're sniping from, you can easily unload two or three subsonic rounds into them.

The co-op levels are large and have plenty of indoor and outdoor environments to fight in.

Another one of our favorite new weapons is the six-shot grenade launcher. While it's undoubtedly going to cause a lot of grumbles in competitive multiplayer, there's nothing quite like being able to unleash a rapid stream of grenades onto the target. Since enemy soldiers like to move around in groups, you can easily clear the area of hostiles. And the grenade launcher is pretty handy against light vehicles, as well. The downside to the grenade launcher is...well, there aren't that many. It's pretty much useless for close-in enemies, since you'll likely take yourself out in the process of taking them out. Then there's the fact that ammunition for it is fairly limited, though you can resupply at various crates throughout a level.
There's nothing quite like the feeling of a co-op game, as you're running along with a pack of your fellow players, all loaded for bear and ready to take out anything in your way. Teamwork and coordination is easy thanks to voice chat, but some of the new GRAW2 single-player enhancements also show up in multiplayer. For instance, you can select any of your teammates and get a full-screen view of what they're seeing by simply holding down the right bumper on the Xbox 360 controller. Or, you can take control of the aerial drone, get a full-screen feed of its video output, and pilot it around the map to detect enemies. Meanwhile, if a teammate goes down but isn't killed outright, you can patch them up by running up and healing them. This is a good way to foster teamwork, since you don't want to be all by yourself if you're shot. If someone doesn't get to you in time, you're a goner. GRAW2's co-op is a load of fun, and it'll certainly be one of the most popular features of the game when it ships next month.
i guess this would be as good a thread as any to ask this question......wheres GRAW1 PS3 that was originally to come during Nov 2006?????? anyone remember those leaked Ubisoft/ebgames release documents last year that showed GRAW1 as a PS3 launch title???? what happened?


frAntic_Frog said:
i guess this would be as good a thread as any to ask this question......wheres GRAW1 PS3 that was originally to come during Nov 2006?????? anyone remember those leaked Ubisoft/ebgames release documents last year that showed GRAW1 as a PS3 launch title???? what happened?

I'll speak from my ass on this one, but you can bet that it's been canceled a long time ago, especially since GRAW 2 should be hitting the PS3 some time in June/July (?)

Hell Rainbow , which launched for the pc and 360 in November is scheduled for a April Ps3 release.


I don't think GRAW1 will ever come out for PS3, unless it magically releases within the next few months before GRAW2 hits (apparently the PS3 version has been pushed back a couple months from the 360 version). And after that I highly doubt GRAW1 would be released after 2 is out.

What's with UBI not being able to deliver on the PS3? R6Vegas was delayed several times, and now GRAW 2 is not able to meet day and date with the 360 version... are they having that much trouble with PS3 hardware?


Is there any info on the PC version?
GRAW was 1st instead of third person, and most of the missions were different.


[Nintex] said:
Is there any info on the PC version?
GRAW was 1st instead of third person, and most of the missions were different.

Which I considered the Superior version. Not only did you have a cross com but you could see your weapon as well (There is no reason imo why they couldn't put this in the console versions).

Remember (this is for the new people to the series) if you've been playing games like Halo, Resistance,Gow and even Rainbow 6 (to some degree) you're going to get spanked hard. There is no health regeneration, there's no super jumps, seeing through walls etc. you must act as a team and don't be afraid to bark out orders. They may just say your life or your friends life in the game.

Rainbow 6/GRAW Vets will tell you that there is no "Lone Wolf" mode in multiplayer (although many play like it is). Heck this past week the team that I have been playing with shot our own sniper (and then booted him off) for not doing his part. Apparently all he did was fire at the enemy without giving us locations as to where they were. A bit Harsh? Eh, it's xbl after all, and it's serious business :p


Everyone fights, no one quits. If you don't do your job, I'll shoot you myself.


Wait, I'm a bit confused here. Is the PS3 version coming out next week along with the 360 version? Has there been any impressions on the PS3 version?
I believe GRAW 2 is coming out on March 6th for the PC/360, March 20th for the PSP and sometime between June and August for the PS3.


wartime1020 said:
I believe GRAW 2 is coming out on March 6th for the PC/360, March 20th for the PSP and sometime between June and August for the PS3.

Right, that's what it's looking like atm.
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