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the trolling on this forum is seriously getting out of hand

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its becoming practically unbearable to read certain threads and i might add especially ps3 threads. not to mention a certain number of posters like who's post history is practically just trolling threads, and they're still here
this forum is one the few, actually let me rephrase that the only top class gaming forum on the net. the rest is either boring or the trols have practically taken over.
i'm not trying to backseat mod, but i'm appealling to the mods to start being a bit aggressive cos its becoming ridicilous and unreadable




Has problems recognising girls
Eh it's just the newbies from a year or so ago trying to grow bollocks. I usually let them be and heed no attention to them. They usually realise they are talking to a giant brick wall and fuck off.

People like Drinky, AniHawk and drohne are at least painfully witty in their backlashes towards fanatics.


Yea, this forum is a lot different from when I first started lurking/posting.

As someone has said, hopefully it will get better in time, when the trolls get bored. Then again, some of the more active members are jumping into threads (usually either PS3 or 360 threads) and trolling for their lives.


Trolls will never go away. For as long as there are jealous and insecure people, there will be trolls.

Of course, on the flipside, GAF is equally home to some of the most blind fanboys I have ever seen. Sometimes you can't visit a thread and give an opinion without getting ass raped.


Smells faintly of rancid stilton.
First time on GAF, is it. There has always been trolling on here it is just more noticeable since everyones precious Sony is the one being trolled...

HA You see what I did there....


mabuza said:
its becoming practically unbearable to read certain threads and i might add especially ps3 threads. not to mention a certain number of posters like who's post history is practically just trolling threads, and they're still here
this forum is one the few, actually let me rephrase that the only top class gaming forum on the net. the rest is either boring or the trols have practically taken over.
i'm not trying to backseat mod, but i'm appealling to the mods to start being a bit aggressive cos its becoming ridicilous and unreadable

are this kind of rant thread even allowed?

trolls are on all the platforms, creating thread as this (off topic andrant to one platform) can only drive things worse
next time write to an admin, if you want to say something about the board and not about videogames.


While flying into a tree he exclaimed "Egad!"
pswii60 said:
Trolls will never go away. For as long as there are jealous and insecure people, there will be trolls.

Of course, on the flipside, GAF is equally home to some of the most blind fanboys I have ever seen. Sometimes you can't visit a thread and give an opinion without getting ass raped.
It's not just trolling an existing thread. It's also those stupid threads that some people feel compelled to create.


I think the problem is that there's too much provocation going on. An obvious troll making ludicrous claims in no worse than someone being overly smug about sales figures etc.


justjohn said:
thats why we have ignore lists my friend

Well, ignore lists are pretty pointless for 2 reasons:

1) If you really don't want to 'accidentally' read someone's posts that much, then I worry about your sheltered life

2) If someone trolls, you can bet it will be quoted within 2 posts.

Of course, you can't see this because you have me on ignore etc etc


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
marvelharvey said:
I hope you realize that the next time you even vaguely troll, GAF will post a link to this thread.
if GAF itself posted a link I'd never come here agian


It's still a hell of a lot better than some forums where there's no longer any discussion about Sony, anyone even remotely interested in them got driven off by the incessant nuking of the slightest mention of the word.

GAF has lots of fans of all systems, but IMO a lot of them can at least hold civil discussions about gaming; and there are a lot more hardcore here who have all three so just care about the games. In short, the signal to noise ratio is better here than anywhere else.


After reading mabuza's post history, I really do agree with everyone about the irony in this thread.

Remembers all the Xbox 1.5 jokes and the fact that there was a time you couldnt read a happy Xbox thread. I don't see where the PS3 is being trolled so badly.


Ash Sparrow said:
Remembers all the Xbox 1.5 jokes and the fact that there was a time you couldnt read a happy Xbox thread. I don't see where the PS3 is being trolled so badly.

Sony has the biggest natural defence force ever. Even MS had to pay people like Arne and Che for theirs to build up the army.

Gadfly said:
What you quoted shows bias and maybe even unjustified one but I do not call it trolling.

It is a pointless thread that causes a typical war of the faboys which seems to be exactly what the OP is saying he doesn't want.


Most people still have trouble telling what's trolling or not, and every thread will turn to shit by page five because of it.


Yoboman said:
It is dead in Japan though

the ps3 is dead too with wii selling 8x

interesting you don't comment the '360 is basically irrelevant in europe

if 360 is basically irrelevant in europe, seeing the userbase, the ps3 is dead in europe too

are you a friend of mabuza?


While flying into a tree he exclaimed "Egad!"
pswii60 said:
It is a pointless thread that causes a typical war of the faboys which seems to be exactly what the OP is saying he doesn't want.
I did not realize that he himself started that thread. I thought he just agreed with OP.
yes, I agree he’s sitting in a glass house and throwing stones.


pswii60 said:
Trolls will never go away. For as long as there are jealous and insecure people, there will be trolls.

Of course, on the flipside, GAF is equally home to some of the most blind fanboys I have ever seen. Sometimes you can't visit a thread and give an opinion without getting ass raped.

Hmm, it depends on how one deliver ones opinion and ones posting history.

People who show a healthy interest in PS3 games (the threads I'm most experienced with because well most of the titles I'm interested in are on that system) and have substantiated worries/complaints are never attacked because the other people know that the person only want the game to be as good as possible.

But people with a known trolling history who constantly enters threads with games they aren't the least interested in mainly due to a console brand preference only write "meh it sucks" about everything the game does get a hard time as they very well should.

There's no need to be a twit who enters a thread just to say that one got no interest in the game. One only accomplish to insult those who actually are interested in the game.
Ex. you do not see me entering Halo threads complaining about the simplicity of the games and that's because it's one of Halo's fundamentals which can't be changed without alienating the core fan-base.

I hope the Gaf mods will ban all the "it sucks" posts where the poster don't even care to back up his statement with reasoning which isn't based on double standards. ^.^ but perhaps it's too much hard work.


FatalT said:
I'll have to check that show out because I've actually heard a lot of positive buzz about it.

It was made by Judd Apatow, who did The 40 Year-Old Virgin and Knocked Up. A young Seth Rogen (40YOV, Knocked Up, Superbad) plays one of the freaks. Martin Starr and Jason Segel also appear in Knocked Up. 18 episodes at about 45 minutes long each.
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