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Game Center CX: Arino no Chousenjyou (DS) Official Thread of Retro Awesome


force push the doodoo rock
Funny writing, the actual "classic" games are a blast, the mission system keeps things fresh and omg you get to play with Arino kachou cheering you on ;_;

I don't have much else to say, but I do know there are a couple GCCX fans on the board who would be happy to know the game rocks your socks.

john tv

I picked it up on a whim today with almost no prior knowledge of it except that A) the show is cool, and B) I think I remember reading that the DS game got good reviews in Famitsu (8's maybe?). Anyway, I've only played about 30 mins so far, but so far, it's really good! Retro fans will dig it. Hoping the rest of it holds up -- will report back after playing more.


(more a nerd than a geek)
I thought I heard someone mention something about this being localized for the USA, but I'm assuming that was just wishful thinking.
Here are the relatively spoiler-free impressions (the link above goes to some pretty intense spoilers of how things break down):


I think it's great except for that stupid Rally King game; it's filled with inside jokes for the NES generation, the presentation and writing style are spot-on, and the games themselves... I mean, to simply create this whole gallery of fully realized retro-games-that-never-were would have been achievement enough, but they put them into this really neat, addictive framework, too. Clever.


How import friendly is this?

I'm guessing not at all based on the whole reading mags thing, but I still need to ask.


Saitou said:
How import friendly is this?

I'm guessing not at all based on the whole reading mags thing, but I still need to ask.

well you need to understand the objective but that can be done thanks to kohler guide
a bigger problem is that
one of the later game is a japanese rpg and it can be hard to navigate without proper help
reading mags just provide you for tips & tricks,none of them are required but they do help and make the entire game more awesome

john tv

OK, this is really good. :)

Basically the premise is that Arino sends you back in time to the 80's to play games with his kid self, and the entire thing revolves around you sitting in front of the TV with him playing all the "new" (i.e. 80's style retro) games that he buys. It starts off in 1984 and moves forward a few months with each new game (I'm at the end of '86 right now). Arino gives you four challenges per game to clear -- stuff like reaching a certain area or score in the game, or clearing a level with a handicap (i.e. finish a course in a racing game without ever drifting once), etc., and once you clear all the challenges, you unlock the game so you can play it whenever, and then you move on to the next game's challenges.

It's really cute and clever -- the conversations you have with Kid Arino are hilarious, loaded with in-jokes and references to gaming back in the day. You can read each game's manual from cover to cover, and he also brings back new issues of "Game Fan Magazine" every couple of weeks, and you can actually read the mags and look for tips and codes on how to play the games. The mags are awesome -- they have top 5 rankings, letters to the editor, pages that feature the ADs from the TV show, and lots of running gags. For example, the last several issues have been hyping up "Guadia Quest", a big RPG that keeps getting delayed (the publisher keeps promising release dates and then delaying, the magazine ponders if it's ever coming out, etc. etc. -- basically mimicking what happened with Dragon Quest back in the day).

Best of all, the games you actually play aren't half bad! I'll spoiler tag the rest of this, but so far, here's the games I've unlocked:

Game (Publisher) / Release Date
1. Cosmic Gate (TOMATO) / Nov. 8, 1984
Basically a Galaga clone. Really fun though -- the regular stages are a lot like Galaga, and the bonus stages are asteroid shooting segments. You can power up your weapon so every third bullet pierces through multiple enemies, you can unlock warp gates and then destroy them to zip forward several stages, and so on.

2. Karakuri Ninja Haguruman (GEARS) / Sept. 13, 1985
Not sure which game this is parodying since I've obviously never played it, but a basic platformer where you're a ninja who can attack enemies by jumping on them, opening doors on them, and stunning them with ninja stars. Not nearly as fun as Cosmic Gate, but grew to be oddly compelling after a while.

3. Rally King (SimpleSoft) / Nov. 21, 1985
Top-down rally racing game, kinda like a cross between Rally-X and...I dunno, something slightly more complex, heh. Four stages, you can drift, you can also get a speed boost if you're good at drifting, cars take damage and if your health meter runs out you explode and lose, etc. Not bad at all for a retro-styled racer. More fun than Pixel Junk Racers, at least (hah).

4. Star Prince (TOMATO) / June 3, 1986
Total Star Force clone, and a very good one! Several different types of power-ups, that slight background parallax thing that Star Force does, mid-bosses and bosses, and a few secrets too (i.e. if you unlock the letters P R I N C E in any given stage, you get a big bonus at the end of the level).

5. Rally King SP: Cup Chicken Ramen & Contrilla Edition (SimpleSoft) / No Official Date
This is hilarious. One of those "special edition" carts like back in the day -- a sponsored tie-up between Game Fan Magazine and "Cup Chicken Ramen".:lol Contrilla is the name of GFM's mascot chicken, LOL (sounds similar to "Controller" in Japanese). It's got slightly remixed stages from the normal Rally King, and there's Cup Chicken Ramen ads all over the place (including a splash screen after each stage with Contrilla and the words "cheap!" and "tasty!" flashing about).

6. Karakuri Ninja Haguruman 2 (GEARS) / Dec. 10, 1986
Sequel to Karakuri Ninja Haguruman. Similar gameplay, but better graphics, more types of enemies, and larger stages.
And that's what I've unlocked so far. They keep promising Guadia Quest will be out soon, so I'm hoping that's next. Looks like a total DQ clone, so I have a feeling I'll like it. :)

You can see pics of some of the games here: http://watch.impress.co.jp/game/docs/20071115/gcx.htm. I didn't want to post the images here in case anyone would rather not see the actual games you unlock.

Anyway, to be fair, this game is very Japanese, but if you like retro games, can read basic Japanese (there's very little kanji, since the two main characters are kids), and you have at least a little knowledge of what gaming was like in the 80's in Japan, I'm pretty sure you'll love this. And of course, if you're a fan of the TV show, it's a must-buy. :)

Will check back in after I've gotten further.


Love the show, I might pick this up. Can you put ice packs on your character's forehead? Or does Arino have them on his kid-version forehead?


(more a nerd than a geek)
Kobun Heat said:
I think it's great except for that stupid Rally King game; it's filled with inside jokes for the NES generation, the presentation and writing style are spot-on, and the games themselves... I mean, to simply create this whole gallery of fully realized retro-games-that-never-were would have been achievement enough, but they put them into this really neat, addictive framework, too. Clever.

Hey, Chris... I have a great idea. Why don't you lobby to get Atlus or someone to get the publishing rights for this in the USA and release it under the title "GAME LIFE!". I think you'd make a fine replacement for the game character, and I'm sure the GAFfers could come up with wacky story elements.

john tv

I can't see Namco licensing this out to someone else, especially since a couple of the games are obvious rips of their own work. But it'd be nice if they brought it over themselves. With clever writing and a few tweaks to Westernize it a bit, I think it could be really big.


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
part of me wishes there were more games, but I know this wasn't in development that long. it would be really nice if it peaked with something other than
another freakin' Haguruman
(OR DOES IT???), but I still dig it.
I'm really tempted to pick this game up, but I'm concerned that the Japanese barrier will create several roadblocks preventing me from getting very far into this. My Japanese language skills are at the beginner-beginner level (can read katakana, and not much else).


Inexplicable Treasure Hate
NCS only sent us one copy (despite my ordering two) and I had to give it to jooey. I shall be weeping bitter tears, all weekend long.
The funniest part is the magazine article about Guadia Quest, where it says, "The game has a new release date of December 31, 1986! We are totally confident that we are going to make it!" and then the next issue, it's like, "We were very concerned about the quality. Also, there's a ROM shortage."


Kobun Heat said:
The funniest part is the magazine article about Guadia Quest, where it says, "The game has a new release date of December 31, 1986! We are totally confident that we are going to make it!" and then the next issue, it's like, "We were very concerned about the quality. Also, there's a ROM shortage."

It's amusing how little some things have changed between 1986 and 2007.

john tv

Guadia Quest is long, LOL. Probably been playing it for like three hours or so now. My guys are around level 13 and I'm headed to the main (?) dungeon to try and clear the fourth challenge. It's a total DQ parody, only not as slow and plodding. Good times.


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
How many references does the game actually make to the show? Does it have that guy in it much? I'm hoping it can be localized under a different name, hopefully someone will pick it up if B-Namco doesn't want to bring it over them-selves.

I'm also glad the game seems to be doing well, by the impressions here it sounds like it deserves it. :)


force push the doodoo rock
jj984jj said:
How many references does the game actually make to the show? Does it have that guy in it much? I'm hoping it can be localized under a different name, hopefully someone will pick it up if B-Namco doesn't want to bring it over them-selves.

I'm also glad the game seems to be doing well, by the impressions here it sounds like it deserves it. :)

Arino is your friend who comments during gameplay. Like if you die he goes AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and stuff. Its awesome.

I agree with Chris about Rally King :\

I would totally buy a stand alone Haguruman, or Huggleman.

Edit: Apparently "haguru" means to turn something over (I see) so maybe he could be "The Flipper" or something.

Edit 2: Haguruman is kind of a parody of Ninja Jajamaru kun, I think.

john tv

sp0rsk said:
Arino is your friend who comments during gameplay. Like if you die he goes AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and stuff. Its awesome.

I agree with Chris about Rally King :\

I would totally buy a stand alone Haguruman, or Huggleman.

Edit: Apparently "haguru" means to turn something over (I see) so maybe he could be "The Flipper" or something.

Edit 2: Haguruman is kind of a parody of Ninja Jajamaru kun, I think.
Rally King is good. I'm betting you guys just got no skill so you're not enjoying it. :p

john tv

jj984jj said:
How many references does the game actually make to the show? Does it have that guy in it much? I'm hoping it can be localized under a different name, hopefully someone will pick it up if B-Namco doesn't want to bring it over them-selves.

I'm also glad the game seems to be doing well, by the impressions here it sounds like it deserves it. :)
Some of the ADs have editorial pages in the magazines. Apart from that, it's just Arino, but he's basically all over the game. Not that he couldn't be replaced easily -- he probably could.

And yeah, his comments are funny, both the voiced ones and the written stuff that takes place whenever you guys are chatting in the game.

Just paused the game while playing the RPG and he asked me if I was going to take a bathroom break, LOL.:lol


force push the doodoo rock
Just read Chris' article about the game, seems like I wasn't the only one to make the Jajamaru connection!


I'm glad to hear that this game is awesome.

Were that Nintendo could just find a way to localize this baby, and maybe commission G4 to do a "Sasuke -> Ninja Warrior" translation of the show....


john tv said:
I can't see Namco licensing this out to someone else, especially since a couple of the games are obvious rips of their own work. But it'd be nice if they brought it over themselves. With clever writing and a few tweaks to Westernize it a bit, I think it could be really big.

I will so buy three copies of the game if NamcoBandai gets the ZD/EGM license and have young Seanbaby and Mangod playing those games. That would be too awesome but I wouldn't mind getting this game as it is.


Matt_C said:
I will so buy three copies of the game if NamcoBandai gets the ZD/EGM license and have young Seanbaby and Mangod playing those games. That would be too awesome but I wouldn't mind getting this game as it is.

Ew. If they do that, I'm changing this from a "must-buy" to a "disgusting, will never even consider buying."

john tv

Just finished
Guadia Quest
. Next up is
Karakuri Ninja Haguruman 3.:D This time it's a completely different style of game -- now the graphics are realistic, and the gameplay is closer to games like Ninja Gaiden or Legend of Kage (kind of a cross between the two, really).
Not bad!


Please help me with my bad english
Oh well. I doubt we'll see this game coming in NA, I guess I'll import it.


I guess the only thing I'm concerned about is the actual number of games (and my shitty Japanese), but this sounds like it might be a fun one to import anyway. Last year it was JUS and PW2 under the X-Mas tree. Maybe a little Arino this time around?


All of you, japanese speakers sharing happy comments about the game make me jealous (thanks for the impressions ;)).

I assume is not very gaijin friendly because I keep hearing about missions and magazine news.
Jesus shit.

The challenge after Huggleman 3 is
beat every one of the eight games, all the way through to the end.



force push the doodoo rock
Kobun Heat said:
Jesus shit.

The challenge after Huggleman 3 is
beat every one of the eight games, all the way through to the end.


You are now Arino-kachou.
sp0rsk said:
You are now Arino-kachou.
I know, I guess that's the whole point.

What a remarkably clever game. About halfway through Guadia Quest I realized that they had just suckered me into playing an RPG. All thoughts of finishing challenges were gone, I was just leveling up and buying crap.

john tv

Kobun Heat said:
I know, I guess that's the whole point.

What a remarkably clever game. About halfway through Guadia Quest I realized that they had just suckered me into playing an RPG. All thoughts of finishing challenges were gone, I was just leveling up and buying crap.
It's not a half-assed RPG, either! That demon's dungeon is huge and complex, and the equipment and battle systems actually had some thought put into them. I'm impressed.

I don't think
beating all eight games
will be *too* bad. I already did a couple of them along the way. GQ is probably the longest, but my guys are like level 18 now and I have strong equipment so I think it's possible.

Anyway, gluck!


The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
unlocked all the games last night, but i'll definitely have to take more time completing them all (and by that I mean I will wait until someone completes GQ to see how much is left).

I assume is not very gaijin friendly because I keep hearing about missions and magazine news.
OK, people seem over-worried about this. if you just want to unlock and play the games freely, there are already multiple English sources that spell out the challenges for you, and then you can play them whenever the hell you want in either the story or ranking modes. otherwise, yes, you miss out on understanding the cute magazine articles, story dialogue and much of the RPG (but it's a Dragon Quest parody; it's not like having to figure out FFXII or something). it depends on what you want out of it.

sp0rsk said:
Edit: Apparently "haguru" means to turn something over (I see) so maybe he could be "The Flipper" or something.
also, haguruma = gear
oneathose tricky gyakuten saiban-esque double entendres.

The Game Center CX guy was doing some PR today for the game and up coming DVD release.

I like the picture where he's touching the girls head and she's cracking up.
I really enjoy this pic

john tv

I think I'm at the final boss of Guadia Quest. Not positive, but he sure looks final boss-ish.

My guys are level 28 but he's still whooping my ass. Time to power level a bit, I guess...

There's no clock but I swear I've been playing this game for 10 hours now, at least. Crazy how huge the dungeons are -- they really packed in a fair bit of content for such a minor part of the overall Game Center CX package. :)

EDIT: Damn, apparently I'm nowhere near the final boss. Just looked up some info in Japanese and there's at least one more major boss battle after this one, if not more. Crazy!
I hit a wall on Guadia Quest, I am totally lost about what im supposed to do.

reading the translated challenges, the first one says "Reach the "Town of the Farthest Ends" (さいはてのむら)and then save the game", but where is that?

ive just been walking around near the initial town area leveling up so I can complete challenge 2 and 3 easily later on.


Linkzg said:
I hit a wall on Guadia Quest, I am totally lost about what im supposed to do.

reading the translated challenges, the first one says "Reach the "Town of the Farthest Ends" (さいはてのむら)and then save the game", but where is that?

ive just been walking around near the initial town area leveling up so I can complete challenge 2 and 3 easily later on.

go south?
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