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Valve: "We're not PS3 developers"



Valve's main marketer Doug Lombardi was on hand recently to show off the latest version of the awesome looking PC, 360 zombie shooter, Left 4 Dead. But PS3 is being left out of the loop.

Lombardi told us, "We're not PS3 developers - we're doing PC and 360 like with Orange Box. EA came to us and said 'Wow, Orange box was an incredible project, can we do a PS3 version?'"

So does that mean if it's a hit someone else (EA again, maybe?) could port it over to PS3? "Left 4 Dead doesn't have that guaranteed appeal yet - it's a new IP," Lombardi explained.

"If you mention a new Half-Life, people want to make as many versions of it as possible. If Left 4 Dead is big, then we may see a PS3 version later, or if and when we do a sequel, people may be more interested in that.

"We're only 150 people, so there's only so many things we can do. But it's one of those things with partners, wanting to take on that investment and risk. I think until L4D is proven, you'll probably just see what we make in that franchise."


y'all should be ashamed
Valve: "We're not cnnsole developers"

Fixed. They're handling of Team Fortress online for both 360 and PS3 is pretty poor compared to the PC version. They should just stick to what they know.


Uh, the 360 version of TOB is awesome.

This is pretty harsh coming from one of the biggest developers out there right now.


I'm a PS3 owner. Valve should have never allowed EA to butcher the Orange Box for the PS3. Either do a good port designed for the system or don't do one at all. Especially if they're not going to support it like the 360 and PC versions.
Publishers the bidding is open! You want to port Left 4 Dead to PS3? It's in the microwave.

edit. Also this is kind of spitting in the face of Sony's Phyre Engine that was supposed to bridge the gap between PC and PS3 development.


magus said:
I'm a PS3 owner. Valve should have never allowed EA to butcher the Orange Box for the PS3. Either do a good port designed for the system or don't do one at all. Especially if they're not going to support it like the 360 and PC versions.

This. And meh at Valve.

The fact that they have Steam almost makes up for it though.


Bearillusion said:
If you fire a gun you are responsible for the bullets.

They're testing to see if the gun works properly in a known environment before they try to make one that may backfire on Valve.



chubigans said:
Fixed. They're handling of Team Fortress online for both 360 and PS3 is pretty poor compared to the PC version. They should just stick to what they know.

Didn't EA handle all that nonsense?


As an owner of the PS3 version of the Orange Box, I would like to give a big 'SCREW YOU' to the decision makers at Valve. As much as they would like to wash their hands clean, they gave the ok probably knowing full well that EA would not be able to deliver a decent port.
magus said:
I'm a PS3 owner. Valve should have never allowed EA to butcher the Orange Box for the PS3.
Why do you think this is what happened?

The port is shoddy, but it's not like EA said to Valve 'let us port it to PS3, we'll do a really crappy port, is that ok?', and Valve were like 'sure, whatever'.
chubigans said:
Fixed. They're handling of Team Fortress online for both 360 and PS3 is pretty poor compared to the PC version. They should just stick to what they know.

well maybe certain affinity will be able to help them out seeing as they're doing the 360 port of l4d

Safe Bet

I guess it would be hypocritical to rejoice each time a developer spurns the Wii yet mourn when another does the same to the PS3.

Do your thing Valve.

I aint hating....


It's interesting to see the difference in Valve between when the Mac port of Halflife was canceled - where Gabe made a very strong stand that if the port was going to be incomplete and not well supported, they would rather shitcan the project - and now.
Visualante said:
edit. Also this is kind of spitting in the face of Sony's Phyre Engine that was supposed to bridge the gap between PC and PS3 development.

That only helps when the game is designed for the Phyre engine on the PC as well. Source is not a multi-platform engine so ports are difficult. The next Valve engine may be (or the next big update to Source might change things around so that it is) in which case porting will become easier.


f_elz said:
Valve didn't want to port it to ps3 themselves... so what? At least you got it.

Yay, and we're so fucking happy about it too.

Here's how people will see this:
Orange Box PS3 has problems -> Orange Box is a Valve game -> Valve sucks (-> Gabe sucks)

Note: I got it on PC.
Why are people so upset that Valve aren't developing for all platforms? A massive amount of developers aren't supporting all three platforms either, so why is Valve particularly targeted? Is it because people feel they 'owe' Sony and the PS3 something? As if.
Kamakazie! said:
That only helps when the game is designed for the Phyre engine on the PC as well. Source is not a multi-platform engine so ports are difficult. The next Valve engine may be (or the next big update to Source might change things around so that it is) in which case porting will become easier.
Valve said the code-base (engine?) was running on all three platforms. Before OB PS3 was released. I don't understand how EA screwed up it up really.
Zedsdeadbaby said:
Why are people so upset that Valve aren't developing for all platforms? A massive amount of developers aren't supporting all three platforms either, so why is Valve particularly targeted?
Because Valve make good games, Duh.
"We're not PS3 developers"

No kidding, since Gabe Newell publicly stated the PS3 is a "waste of time" why would you?

If you don´t have the competence to do multiplatform titles you may just leave it to the others.


Zedsdeadbaby said:
Why are people so upset that Valve aren't developing for all platforms? A massive amount of developers aren't supporting all three platforms either, so why is Valve particularly targeted? Is it because people feel they 'owe' Sony and the PS3 something? As if.

Its due to Gabe's PS3 comments last year and the need to "settle the score."

See above for example.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
venne said:
LoL at people who pick up Valve games on consoles.

360 version of Orange Box was just fine. kb/m controls are no doubt superior, but still. TF2 is the only part of the box that isn't up to par compared to pc. Lag is fixed most of the times, but it's clear PC users get the first class treatment there.

Truant said:
You're all responsible for this shitty thread, I know that.

You might want to edit that, meta thread statements are a no-no now


Remy said:
It's interesting to see the difference in Valve between when the Mac port of Halflife was canceled - where Gabe made a very strong stand that if the port was going to be incomplete and not well supported, they would rather shitcan the project - and now.
money money money

Not that I care. No amount of bitter console fanboy tears will ruin my enjoyment of the excellent products Valve creates on the best gaming platform available.


I love all the OUTRAGED PS3 owners that feign surprise in every. Single. Valve thread.

Anyway, PC is the way to go here.


spindoc said:
I don't think that thread title is inflammatory, despite what you might think :lol

Yup, it's not like they're saying "oh no the PS3 version of TOB was crap so we're never working on the system again" (besides who speaks in accronyms) what they are saying however is "We're making Left 4 Dead for the PC and 360 as we are more familiar with their architecure if another developer wants to port Left 4 Dead to the PS3 than that is something we'll seriously consider"


sparkle this bitch
Zedsdeadbaby said:
Why are people so upset that Valve aren't developing for all platforms? A massive amount of developers aren't supporting all three platforms either, so why is Valve particularly targeted? Is it because people feel they 'owe' Sony and the PS3 something? As if.
Because people are fanboys. It has to be on their system now. Or else...developer sucks, they are lazy, they hate the PS3, and all that other crap.

Never understood it really with Valve. Its not like thier games are demanding on PC specs(Anything remotely recently it should play well on, not to mention PC is superior version) and you could always buy a 360...So whats the problem other then its not on your system?:lol


Junior Member
What the hell is wrong with the Orange Box PS3 port?

I swear most people who criticise it have never played it.

The GTA4 PS3 version runs at a lower res than the 360 version, does that make rockstar lazy devs? Of course it doesn't, so why bash the ps3 orange box (which actually has graphical improvements over the 360 version)?
AmMortal said:
is what I read...
I wouldn't call them lazy. They are optimizing their resources--talent and time--for high quality products. Remember, they are probably working on other projects as well.
CowGirl said:
What the hell is wrong with the Orange Box PS3 port?

I swear most people who criticise it have never played it.

The official FUD on that matter is that is has terrible framerate whereas the truth from friends that have actually played it is that is rarely has framedrops.
Don't forget, Gabe Newell is a "Microsoft Millionaire" and probably retains some loyalty to his old bosses. I have a good feeling that is where most of the bad feelings come from.
fortified_concept said:
The official FUD on that matter is that is has terrible framerate whereas the truth from friends that have actually played it is that is rarely has framedrops.

The framerate does rarely drop (usually in relation to quicksaving). However, I experienced several lockups. Especially in the Citadel in HL2. Even restoring from a saved game wouldn't fix it. I had to use the stage select code and restart the chapter.


chubigans said:
Fixed. They're handling of Team Fortress online for both 360 and PS3 is pretty poor compared to the PC version. They should just stick to what they know.

No thanks. I'm plenty glad they released Orange Box for consoles. Sorry you aren't.
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