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Predictions for PSP sales by end of 2005


Let's say the PSP gets launched in mid March, does anyone have any predictions based on historical console/handheld performances how well the PSP might sell by the end of 2005?


Depends on Sony's shipments, really. I can see the following being possible, though:

JP: 3 million
EU: 2 million
NA: 5 million


The PSP will sell more than 10 million units worldwide by Dec 2005. If that doesn't happen, you can ban me for all of Jan 2006. :D


AniHawk said:
Do a breakdown of regions. DO IT!

I'm not going to push my luck! :) But I do agree with your breakdown, basically 10 million worldwide by Dec is a lock, and yes I believe Sony can easily produce that many by then.


they will sell nothing because Nintendo has a monopoly on the handheld industry plus Xenon is coming out and will make PSP graphics look outdated lol so then only innovative two screen will matter

Sales in my household for 2005 will be a definite 1. I also forsee but am praying against the high probability of exchange due to some kind of hardware issue :lol
I'm really not sure what their shipments would be. I would assume PSP would be close to 9-10 million by year end though and will begin to outsell the Nintendo DS slightly-to-moderately in US, moreso in Europe, and about even in Japan.


Midas said:
As many as Sony can produce.
The first post is the only one you needed. First-year sales are going to be production-limited. Hell, they can't even keep PS2s on the shelf...


It would be some kind of record if Sony can't keep up with demand for a whole year. Then again these PStwo shortages are retarded. I definitively think it will be more than 10 million.
Your kidding yourselves if you think the PSP will outsell the DS ever. Sony will be lucky if they can sell 15 million in its lifetime. Which in my book is still a success considering its going against what most casual gamers see as the new Gameboy.


UltimateMarioMan said:
Your kidding yourselves if you think the PSP will outsell the DS ever. Sony will be lucky if they can sell 15 million in its lifetime. Which in my book is still a success considering its going against what most casual gamers see as the new Gameboy.

The PSP's lifetime is going to be 10 years. You're suggesting that the PSP can only sell about 1.5 million in all regions combined every year.


UltimateMarioMan said:
Your kidding yourselves if you think the PSP will outsell the DS ever. Sony will be lucky if they can sell 15 million in its lifetime. Which in my book is still a success considering its going against what most casual gamers see as the new Gameboy.

Oh boy...


UltimateMarioMan said:
Your kidding yourselves if you think the PSP will outsell the DS ever. Sony will be lucky if they can sell 15 million in its lifetime. Which in my book is still a success considering its going against what most casual gamers see as the new Gameboy.

Is this post ban worthy?

Or just worthy of our undying sympathy? You know, because of the whole being certifiably insane part of this post.


Queen of Denmark
UltimateMarioMan said:
Your kidding yourselves if you think the PSP will outsell the DS ever. Sony will be lucky if they can sell 15 million in its lifetime. Which in my book is still a success considering its going against what most casual gamers see as the new Gameboy.
That's got to be tag worthy. How, I don't know. But someone will figure it out.
UltimateMarioMan said:
Your kidding yourselves if you think the PSP will outsell the DS ever. Sony will be lucky if they can sell 15 million in its lifetime. Which in my book is still a success considering its going against what most casual gamers see as the new Gameboy.

In Europe, I think its very likely the PSP will outsell the DS considerably. Europe is Sony country.

In the US, I think Nintendo is too slow getting software out. Sony could have a better launch lineup right from March than Nintendo has been able to get all together since launching here last November.

Japan I think will be tougher for Sony, but even there the more recent sales numbers show the PSP beginning to outsell the GBA SP and closing the gap between it and the DS.

The big problems with the DS I see right now is at $150 its overpriced compared to what Sony is offering for only $50 more, and secondly the software lineup is somewhat lukewarm and their release schedule isn't looking that hot right now either.


UltimateMarioMan said:
Your kidding yourselves if you think the PSP will outsell the DS ever. Sony will be lucky if they can sell 15 million in its lifetime. Which in my book is still a success considering its going against what most casual gamers see as the new Gameboy.

I'm as big an NDS fan as they come, and even I know it's going to do better than 15 million in it's lifetime, man.

Don't worry though, it's not going to outsell the NDS (and it should be especially spanked if Sony can't get their manufacturing plans in order by holliday 05)
While I believe the number of PSPs that will have sold by the end of this year is roughly equal to the number Sony can produce, I still have to laugh every time I hear the "PSP is a 10 year product" line. Maybe it is in the sense that they're still selling PSone games...
With the announcement of Grand Theft Auto for the PSP coming this spring, I think that's gonna be huge.

Madden NFL 2006 when it comes out on the PSP will also be huge. Obviously Gran Turismo Portable as well, but that's probably next fall.

For people who like the types of games they get on the PS2 (and to a lesser extent the XBox) ... they're gonna love the PSP.


Kobun Heat said:
While I believe the number of PSPs that will have sold by the end of this year is roughly equal to the number Sony can produce, I still have to laugh every time I hear the "PSP is a 10 year product" line. Maybe it is in the sense that they're still selling PSone games...

I read that on IGN. I'll have to find it. If it's not a 10 year product (like the original Gameboy was), are we going to get a new one around 2010 that's twice as powerful? Now there's an absurd idea.
Speevy said:
I read that on IGN. I'll have to find it. If it's not a 10 year product (like the original Gameboy was), are we going to get a new one around 2010 that's twice as powerful? Now there's an absurd idea.
Yeah, I know Kutaragi said it. I just don't think it should be taken at face value -- everybody knows the portable hardware life cycle tends to be around three or four years. If the PSP is off-the-charts successful then MAYBE they'll be able to stretch it to 2010 before they absolutely have to release a new handheld.


I'm going with an 9,000,000 number, held back only by extreme holiday demand that not even Sony can keep up with.
Midas said:
As many as Sony can produce.

IAWTP 100%

It's the only correct answer. Although, this is NOT to say that you will NEVER see them on shelves. It's just that they won't last long on the shelves without constant replenishment. Also, stores will presumably stock up closer to the holidays so they may not be that hard to find in August or September, but then the holiday sales will eat up whatever inventory might be out there and then some.


soundwave05 said:
In Europe, I think its very likely the PSP will outsell the DS considerably. Europe is Sony country.

In the US, I think Nintendo is too slow getting software out. Sony could have a better launch lineup right from March than Nintendo has been able to get all together since launching here last November.

Japan I think will be tougher for Sony, but even there the more recent sales numbers show the PSP beginning to outsell the GBA SP and closing the gap between it and the DS.

The big problems with the DS I see right now is at $150 its overpriced compared to what Sony is offering for only $50 more, and secondly the software lineup is somewhat lukewarm and their release schedule isn't looking that hot right now either.
DS has excellent Japanese support, arguably a bit better than PSP. It falls down in terms of western support though, Nintendo needs to do some major work there because PSP's western software lineup kills it. DS is close to mobile solutions, Nintendo should look more into bringing over cross mobile/DS software development (especially in Europe). This is actually happening already in Japan.
jarrod said:
DS has excellent Japanese support, arguably a bit better than PSP. It falls down in terms of western support though, Nintendo needs to do some major work there because PSP's western software lineup kills it. DS is close to mobile solutions, Nintendo should look more into bringing over cross mobile/DS software development (especially in Europe). This is actually happening already in Japan.

The absolute most interesting thing to me about the whole DS vs PSP argument is how Nintendo was able to line up such incredible support for their system so quickly. Support they've never had in the past. And publishers that were very, very quick to begin a TON of development. It's like

1) Sony must have said something to third parties that pushed them to the DS. Whether that was pushing the multimedia stuff too far or being too cocky in discussions, I just don't know.

2) Nintendo was the most active they've ever been in drumming up 3rd party support since the NES. They clearly were caught off guard by Sony and the PSP and worked their asses off to convince third parties to join them.

It's probably a mix of both, plus other factors, but clearly Nintendo has acted aggressively to protect their market.
I'll bet it outsells the DS 3:1 Christmas 2005, at LEAST.

Sony: Actually, I'm betting the DS has marginally better software support because it takes a much smaller budget to develop for and has a very simple hardware configuration with a common processor. The "oh, devs want to try something new" is just producer/director level rhetoric; in the end, it's all about the bottom line, and, well, it doesn't get more bottom line than the DS hardware.


PSP won't be a 10-year product. Sony's said the same bullshit for all their products (PS1, PS2 and PSP). It'll be a 4-6 year cycle like everything else. That said, I think they'll sell whatever they ship. That'll be 3M by the end of this fiscal year, and IMO, they'll want 15-20M for this coming fiscal year. They squeezed out 10M in the first year of the PS2's life, and I trust the PSP will be able to ramp up production quicker than that, so that's my guess. 15-20M, and they'll sell them all. I also believe they'll want a number this big b/c if they're really coming with GT4 and GTA in year one, that's huge. You don't use those titles to build userbase, you sell those systems to a userbase of at least 5M. IMO, GTA will be an early-Summer/late-Spring release, so could they sell 5M by that time? That would mean 2M units between March and when GTA launches (May?). Bah, enough guessing.

US: 10M
EU: 5M

Wow, those figures could be high, but who cares? PEACE.


US: 10M
EU: 5M


EU is as big as US gaming releated, i thin the numbers will be closer like
jpn 7.5 million
US 6.8 milion
EU 5.5 million

total: wow = 20.3 million :D


Midas said:
As many as Sony can produce.

I was gonna post this but beat to it in the second post. Any number you guys can think of will be it. Produced=shipped=sold. A number is a MOOT to this question.


Link316 said:
12M by the end of 2005 and it will be ahead of the DS

Thank the lord GAF doesn't purge.

I predict 6 Million worldwide.

June 2 EDIT: I change it to 8 Million since I hadn't been aware of US details then.


Thank the lord GAF doesn't purge.

I predict 6 Million worldwide.

Because of hardware production limitations? Because if PSP gets to 3 million by the end of March, which it will do if it launches in Europe and America before the end of March, and then you're allotting only another 3 million by the end of the year?

I mean, that's absurd.


Thank the lord GAF doesn't purge.

I predict 6 Million worldwide.

no kidding, considering that they're gonna have 3M by end of March, you think they're only gonna manage another 3M in the next 9 months? o k
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