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Sacred 2 |OT| Lootwhores of all Platforms, Unite!




PC, 360, PS3 - basically equal!


Homepage: http://www.sacred2.com

What you need to know
Tobor said:
Reposting the answers to the most common questions for a new page:


2. 360 and PS3, either will work fine.

3. YES, if you loved Baldur's Gate DA and Champions of Norrath, you will love Sacred 2.


b) READ THE Wiki
Sacred Wiki and FAQ: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacred_2:Fallen_Angel

EternalGamer said:
For anyone thinking about starting, here are seven beginner tips:

1) In this game, you should HOLD DOWN the button to continue attacking, don't mash the button, it will only slow things down.

2) Start a game on Silver difficulty. Bronze is super easy and for beginners, sort of like a "My first RPG mode." Silver is slightly difficult for the first few levels (the first 10-20 minutes) but becomes easier after that.

3) In this game you don't have magic points. Instead, every spell just has a certain amount of "cool down time" before you can use it again. However, if you keep holding down the spell button, rather than just standing there, your character will default to their basic attack until the spell/ability regenerates.

4) You upgrade spells ("Combat Arts") by reading runes (books). You can trade in runes for skills you may not be interested in focusing on for the specific ones you want at the town's rune master. More you trade in the cheaper the new one will be. This is the only way to upgrade a spell's level, using the runes for that spell.

5) You upgrade your "Attributes" and "Skills" by gaining levels. These are like other action RPGs, you get points to put in the various areas. But you only get 10 "Skills" over the course of the game, so choose them wisely. Choosing skills that are related to the spell category you use most is wise because it will allow you to add extra effects to the spells and lower the regen time. But you will also want skills in things like Armor Lore (which will allow you to wear armor without effecting the regeneration time of your spells and give extra defense) and Tactics (which will allow you to use modificiations for weapons, increase your damage and change for critical hits). If you hit left and right on the skills selection screen it will cycle through the different types of skills, the first one it brings you to is just the skills associated with your magic spells.

6) The more you upgrade spells, the longer the regen rate will be. However, there are ways to reduce this. One is by upgrading the Skill associated with the class the magic is from (each character has 3 different classes of magic, they are listed on the "Combat Arts" screen). The skill associated with the spell will allow you to upgrade it to a certain level without any regen penalty. When you upgrade this skill, this level will increase and you will also gain new attributes for your spell. Increasing your stamina and wearing certain items will also help reduce your regen time. But you want to keep your regen time in mind when you are decided whether or not to upgrade a spell further.

7) As you upgrade your "Skills," at certain levels, the skills associated with a certain group of Combat Arts (your spells) will grant you attribute points to put into your spells. These appear as little numbers next to red dots on your Combat Arts screen. These are not level upgrades (again, you get those from runes), rather they are extra attributes you add on top of your spells. You can add 3 total attribute upgrades to each spell. Each time you upgrade, you will have two options. When you select a spell to upgrade, it will show two paths with a description at the bottom the denotes the difference. You may bounce back and forth between these two paths at will.

PacoDG said:
All right, after spending a couple of weeks with this game, I wrote up something for complete noobs to this game (which includes myself):

A Beginners Guide to Sacred 2
- http://www.bingegamer.net/2009/a-beginners-guide-to-sacred-2/

* If you can, copy the game to your hard drive. Disc loading times on a game this large ie expected, so save yourself the time by copying the game before even starting your file.

* Don’t start on “Bronze” (easy difficulty.. which is far too easy), pick “Silver” and go from there.

* Pick a character you want, dark, light, focusing on magic, physical attacks, whatever. Just make sure whoever you pick, you stick with it. Here is some quick links so you know what you are getting into:
The list of the six characters
The list of the six Gods/Deities
The list of all the combat arts (possibly the most important, as you progress, you will want to have a good focus on what kind of character you are making, to ensure they are as strong as possible).

* Accept every side quest that is available (you will tell as the NPC’s will have little question marks above their head). You can do as many as you want in whatever order you want. Even if you choose to do the main quest, there is no reason to just queue up a bunch of quests on the side for extra XP and gold.

* Even if you choose not to do side quests, at the very least, make sure to do the Blind Guardian quest (yes, the metal band). You not only get a kick ass set of weapons (mic, drum stick, guitars), but you also get to see a concert.

* The other quest that is a ‘must do’ is get yourself an exclusive mount. Screw horses, each character has their own special means of travel, so click here for the best guide I’ve seen on this, and do the quest sooner than later (they are a god send for speeding across the vast lands).

* Hold down your combat button, don’t press repeatedly (you may learn this by yourself, but just in case, I’m letting you know now, just hold the buttons down).

* Turn the “Gore” on (it was off by default for me, so just go through the options and turn in on, games need blood!)

* If you see tombstones/graves, read them all, some of the funniest jokes are their random quotes (they range from WC Fields to Zsa Zsa Gabor, no kidding).

* When you get runes, read what they do before using them. As said above, know what you want to focus on as far as magic, combat arts, etc and choose what runes you wish to use accordingly (Click here for the rune listings for each character).

* Similar to runes, as you gain XP, you are allowed to up your personal skills. Read up on the skills so you know what you want to focus to be.

Custom Builds by GAFers:

EternalGamer said:
My Main Character: A Level 20 Inquisitor



His staff shoots alien laser beams.


vilmer_ said:
I'm dual wielding these on my melee Inquisitor :D

Not the best picture (really bright in here right now), but here's my current Inquisitor. He's level 35 and pure melee madness with Callous Execution and Ruthless Mutilation as the main slice and dice combat arts.



Jtyettis said:
Here's my badass Shadow Warrior;


One with his legion of undead;



Diseased Yak said:
Here's my dude:

Just hit 28 while co-op'ing. A friend and I went from the little hamlet north of the desert all the way to past the large city in the center of the desert. Wow, what a place! Lots of awesome stuff. Ended up having to turn back after getting into the southern part of the desert because of killer red scorpions.


Hammer24 said:
Here is what my Sera build looks like right now:




bjaelke said:
All 8 deaths were caused by Xanthiar :lol


Forging is expensive when you also have to buy a new mount every now and then (I'm on my third).


Mik2121 said:
Alright. But remember this is my first time! I have yet to use the runes (except for a couple I used randomly) because I still don't know how they work.

Here is my character:




Duke Togo said:


Here's my guy....man, I better get some fire resists happening. :lol I've kind of botched this build, but I seem to be surviving ok nonetheless.


Mik2121 said:
This is mah boy as of right now:


He looks alright I guess, and he has a weapon that seems pretty good (not the one he is using on the pic), it has a gold and a silver slots, but I'm not sure what should I use.

Also, I don't know much about the runes and all that... I've seen some people that has like 600 of armor on level 24 (Duke), but I'm level 19 and I have like 200 at most :(
I guess it's all about the runes and all that stuff, right? I will need to check some sacredwiki because I'm a bit lost :(


Mik2121 said:
If this is not awesome...


Riding a horse, on the balcony of someone's house, protecting the city!!


Kauza said:
All right, here's what my high elf has going on.



Tobor said:
This guy would be much higher, but I started over twice.


My HD CRT doesn't like being photographed. Sorry for the IQ.


Eric WK said:
Guess I'll join in and post my High Elf. Images are a tad blurry because my camera doesn't exactly perform very well in low light situations and flash just wasn't going to happen. But anyway, she's awesome. Blazing Tempest will easily take down as many enemies as I can possibly round up. Ancestral Fireball, Blazing Tempest and Incandescent Skin are fully modified and Grand Invigoration just needs its third modification.





PuMa said:
Here's my High Elf chick so far. I'm currently trying to put together the whole Celdrahil set, but I'm still missing 3 pieces so she looks a bit messy. Definitely not as cool looking as the SWs. I forgot to take a pic with my stats up, but I can post that later.



Phreaker said:
can't, stop, playing. :D

My High Elf at 40 with her Wind Serpent and Iridescent Wand:


My Inquisitor at 27


(360 version, pics off my TV)


Corran Horn said:
Here is my rebuilt char. 2 days old now.



Diseased Yak said:
So I recently completed the Light campaign with my Shadow Warrior (Silver difficulty). Here's his stats and what he looked like at the end (actually, these were taken when I restarted over again on Gold):





InGame Easter Eggs


DaVinci hommage "the vetruvian monster"


Ridley Scott asks you to kill this... mutant...


Loved "From Dusk Till Dawn"? Go here...


CSI: Ancaria



Do want. Apparently the PS3/X360 version was delayed until February in NA, we'll see if Europe follows suit.


I fear it really might be time to wipe my W2k partition and install XP. Sigh. This looks really nice, and lootwhoring is one of my weaknesses.

Neat OP. I want to try the demo now.


cant wait for b3d to get their hands on console versions, since both are supposedly "1080p" but we all know what that means on ps3 xxxX1080, 360 res will be interesting


So excited! What kind of co-op features are part of the console versions? As far as I know, there is 4-player online but can 2 people on the same console play online too?


Two players coop can go online, that was said on GC.

Stay tuned guys, I´ve got a couple more updates for the OP coming...


Kazenone said:
So excited! What kind of co-op features are part of the console versions? As far as I know, there is 4-player online but can 2 people on the same console play online too?

Yup. drop-in couch co-op for consoles... cool stuff!

The PS3 version will be mine, oh yes.. it will be mine!

http://www.oxmonline.com/ said:
Sacred 2's cooperative multiplayer could be the old-school edge the game needs to stand out. In addition to four-player Live matches, the game supports two-player same-screen play, where the second player can drop in or out at will without interrupting the game.

More info from the lead designer:

Daniel Dumont said:
* Online and offline MP will be supported, with hot-swapping (jumping into another player's game) capability in both. This will allow players to join or leave a game at any time they like.

* Offline MP will support 2 players on 1 console. The users will play in the same screen (no split screen).

* Online MP will support a maximum of 4 players in 1 session.


I was disappointed the shotgun toting Dwarf was axed, but a machinegun wielding cyborg will do just as fine! And he's got a motorcycle! Oh yeah.


Wollan said:
Do want. Apparently the PS3/X360 version was delayed until February in NA, we'll see if Europe follows suit.

delayed to Feb 2009?! son of a......no wonder finding the release date on the console versions was practically impossible.


I'm actually quite glad this game was delayed to February (this was confirmed in the last Sacred 2 thread.) There are so many games coming out for Christmas (see the List thread) that it's nice to have something to look forward too after the glut.

If this game is good it will be a time sink.


I'll try this for sure on PC. I liked the first one a lot. I eventually stopped playing because there was just too many bugged quests.

I hope this one will be more solid.


I had no idea this was on consoles! Looks like I'll be playing it after all. Funny cause CDV sends me screens and videos for this all the time and never seems to mention the console versions


Unconfirmed Member
I really enjoyed the first, so I'm going to grab this. I thought about getting it for the PS3, but I decided I'm going to get it for the PC.


Wollan said:
Do want. Apparently the PS3/X360 version was delayed until February in NA, we'll see if Europe follows suit.

Still no 100% confirmation of this but yeah,it looks like it.TXB has a section of their forums dedicated to the game and the main huncho from Sacred 2 posted there a lot,confirmed a November release for consoles at the beginning but since the "new rumoured console" delay to February,we have heard nothing from him.

Anyway,nice Official thread,i'm looking forward to this a lot...since i'm getting it for the 360 probably,it's almost better if it comes out a little later,i'll be knee deep in Fable 2,Fallout 3,Gears,Resistance etc etc if it does come in November.


I'm 7 hours into the game with my Lv. 14 Shadow Warrior (light campaign). Some more impressions:

+ The game world is huge. Seriously fucking huge. In the 7 hours I've played I've barely seen one tenth of it (according to the in-game map)
+ Beautiful graphics. The game looks fantastic, even on my laptop with medium graphics settings
+ Lots and lots of loot. And the first patch already added 200 unique items (according to the devs)
+ Your character says different phrases during battle depending on the enemies you fight. Some of them are silly, but in general they make battles more interesting (and it's seriously awesome when the Shadow Warrior says stuff like (rough translation) "I'm already dead, you can't kill me!" or "I don't feel pain!")
+ The battle music is awesome. It's different, depending on your character - the Seraphim for example has orchestral style music playing in the background while the Temple Guard's battle music sounds like egyptian sounds mixed with electronic music. It's very fitting and adds to the atmosphere. Also, the music changes depending on how hard the battle is
+ Customization is pretty sweet. You only get about 15 skills that get unlocked pretty early (you unlock them by collecting runes), but when you put enough points into specific abilities (which you can upgrade everytime you level up, along with your stats) you can
customize them. Each skill can be upgraded three times and each time you get to choose between two upgrades. For example you can choose whether you want your jump attack to stun enemies or get additional range
+ The in-game Blind Guardian concert is awesome (and you get special items afterwards, like a
flaming guitar than can be used as a weapon
+ Different weapons have a different feeling to them when used in battle. When you use a hammer it actually feels like you're pounding the enemy in the ground
+ If you hit enemies hard, they fly away when they die. If you kill them in front of a cliff, they fall down onto the ground - and it looks pretty realistic

+/- The game doesn't take itself seriously at all. Zombies complain that you have an unfair advantage because you can use healing potions, dying goblins realise that they should have listened to their wives, etc.
+/- There are many, many sidequests. If you try to do everyone in the game you'll be busy for a loong time. You can't delete finished quests from your journal so it get's cluttered pretty fast

- Many sidequests are boring. Most of the time you follow the arrow until you get a cave/house/temple, kill some enemies, collect an item and return to the person that sent you on the quest
- The phrases enemie sprout during battles get repeated too often
- Only parts of the main quest seem to be voiced, which is pretty disappointing
- Most of the story comes from the journal - often you don't even know what is happening until you look up what happened in your journal. That's a shame, because the different character stories are pretty interesting. The Shadow Warrior for example has been revived by the elves and wants to find out who he was before he died
- There are still some bugs after the 500MB patch (which will probably be included in the NA release) and the hotfix. But none of them are major, it's just some minor annoyances. At least that's been my experience so far.
- The AI of NPC characters that sometimes accompany you on side quests is a bit spotty
- On 'Bronze' the game is too easy so far - I didn't even have to use a healing potion until I was three hours into the game. 'Silver' seems more like hard difficulty - but I can't really tell as I decided to play on Bronze after I got killed two times in the first five minutes.

Corran Horn

May the Schwartz be with you
Been keeping an eye on this, any chance it coming to steam? If not Ill prolly get it for ps3 instead later on.


Kyosuke said:
(...)If you try to do everyone in the game you'll be busy for a loong time. (...)
:-O :-O :-O

Game of the forever confirmed!


Your impressions are greatly appreciated. More please.


Never even heard of this game until I read the OP. Very interesting -- looks exactly like the kind of game my roommate and I will have fun doing couch co/op. Certainly heavily on the radar for PS3 now. Looks sort of like Champions of Norrath and god knows how many times I've played that one through.

Good work OP.
The game looks awesome, always has.

I'm just glad we're getting a console port at all, I don't mind waiting 'til next year to get it.


Post Count: 9999
1080p BITCHES!!!

acm2000 said:
cant wait for b3d to get their hands on console versions, since both are supposedly "1080p" but we all know what that means on ps3 xxxX1080, 360 res will be interesting

supposedly the released shots were true 1080p ... and one of the dev's stated it is still going to be native 1080p ... we'll see.


Oh oh, I have a question. I seem to remember that the first game was edited for the US version. Something about reduced violance.

Any official comment from the dev/publisers ?


I'm highly interested. Looks worth 60 dollars!! A rarity these days.

Feb. 09. I can deal with that.


The confusion regarding the release date bothers me. The official site still holds the dates I put in the OP. I sent them an email asking for clarification - no answer yet.
My retailer of choice still has the console versions coming Nov. 7th.

OP updated with some videos and the latest impressions.


Well, looks I was wrong. The main quest is completely voiced. The character quests (which I confused with the main quest) on the other hand aren't. Anyway, onwards to chapter 2. Can't wait until I get my epic mount.


The German PC Games reviewed the game and gave it 79%.

- Score would have been in the mid 80s if it the game wasn't so full of bugs.
- long running distances
- Story is boring
- Quests are boring and repetitive.


Feb sounds like a good time, I'll have recovered from the Fall financial gaming crunch. Getting this to play online with the bro.


I can't believe the Seraphim mistake made it all the way through the development cycle without anybody noticing or correcting it.


Hammer24 said:
:-/ I hope they use the time to polish the console versions up. Want me a bugfree experience!

Yep. If you read the full review it sounds like a good game. They even say that it is the best thing until Diablo 3 arrives but the bug are dragging it down.


wierd that GAF aint more excited about this game, since its something to hold your hands until Diablo III.

This is a very polished, fun, good loot game.

Odd thing I found out; I can sell my inventory even though I'm nowhere near a vendor? CTRL+left clicking does that.


My god Sacred 1 was buggier than most beta's(in fact, ANY beta I have played was much more stable). If you thought games like Stalker or Morrowind were buggy at launch, you have no idea how bad this game was.
Mounts were broken, online was broken(huge lag, couldn't host or join half the games), quests were broken, items were broken, crashed all the time. I remember once when a sword bugged and grew so big it was the size of an island.

And from that German review it seems they didn't bother fixing them again.

I really recommend if you want this game to wait because if it is half as buggy as Sacred 1 then you won't end up finishing it, either by frustration or it being broken.
Someone should probably rename/repurpose this thread.. as the loot in this game is pretty fucking annoying. But the rest of the game is awesome.

Brashnir said:
Sorry for the long delay in response. Seraphim is the plural of Seraph. None of the other class names are plural.
I'm pretty sure no one gives a shit.
Darklord said:
My god Sacred 1 was buggier than most beta's(in fact, ANY beta I have played was much more stable). If you thought games like Stalker or Morrowind were buggy at launch, you have no idea how bad this game was.
Mounts were broken, online was broken(huge lag, couldn't host or join half the games), quests were broken, items were broken, crashed all the time. I remember once when a sword bugged and grew so big it was the size of an island.

And from that German review it seems they didn't bother fixing them again.

I really recommend if you want this game to wait because if it is half as buggy as Sacred 1 then you won't end up finishing it, either by frustration or it being broken.
Yeah, the mounts are annoying.
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