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The Last Airbender (the REAL Avatar movie) News Thread

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SUPER BOWL TV SPOT: http://lastairbenderfilm.com/2010/02/05/super-bowl-tv-spot-in-1080p/


Ask any knowledgeable movie fan over the age of fifteen about “Avatar,” and they’ll hardly be able to control themselves as they geek out over James Cameron’s 2009 comeback movie. Talk to anybody too young to have seen “Titanic” in the theaters, however, and that same word will summon a very different potential blockbuster.

“I wrote the first [movie], which I’m just finishing and polishing up – that’s what I was doing this morning,” grinned M. Night Shyamalan this week when we caught up with him to talk about “The Last Airbender,” his upcoming film based on the hugely-successful Nickelodeon series “Avatar: The Last Airbender.”

While making a film for a younger audience is a big change for the man behind such thrillers as “The Sixth Sense” and “The Happening,” he told us that the gig is a great chance to stretch some new muscles. “What’s great about doing something like that is that let’s say your instinct is to distill me down into three characteristics: thrillers, scary, twist. Let’s just say, ‘Oh, that’s what he does,’” Shyamalan explained. “Then when they come see ‘Last Airbender’ – which has none of those three things in there - and yet, you’ll be able to tell in 30 seconds that I directed it. Now you’ll have to go, ‘Wait, I realize there are other things that define him. [Things] I knew, but was never really acknowledging them on the same level as these other characteristics.’”

According to the Indian-born, Philly-raised writer/director, his “Avatar” is far from kid’s stuff; in fact, there’s plenty of adult themes to capture the attention of fans of all ages.

“The spirituality, the centering on relationships and family, on inherent optimism. Things like that, you’ll see,” he explained of the series, which tells the story of Aang, a 112-year-old monk who appears to be 12 years old, and can control the elements. “It seems like an odd fit [for me], but when you see the movie, literally, it’s full of Buddhist philosophy, it has all this stuff. All the elemental stuff that really lends itself to…almost a Hindu kind of connotations; there’s a lot of Hinduism in it. So suddenly you’ll see those kind of things in the [future] movies, and I think it’ll reflect really well and make the relationship more accurate and more complex, which will be a great thing.”

And yes, you read that last quote correctly. Although Shyamalan has held off on re-visiting hits like “Sixth Sense” and “Unbreakable,” he is eager to break into the sequel business with future “Avatar” flicks.

“I’m supposed to write the second one this Fall when we’re prepping,” he said, noting that the first “Avatar” will hit theaters in July 2010. “I don’t want it to feel like ‘Oh, the first one made a lot of money, let’s make another one.’ It’s not that at all. This is a story told over three movies. A very clear, Shakespearean story that’s told over three movies. And for me, that’s when a franchise works the best, like ‘The Lord of the Rings.’ It’s when it’s all plotted out in advance [that sequels work], and this is the clarity of what we’re doing.”

So no twists, and lots of Buddhism, and Hinduism influences? :D

Can't wait for casting news.
You gullible disillusioned fool; this movie is based off of a slightly above average cartoon and it's going to be directed by M. Night Smalamalamadingdong. It won't be anywhere close to good.


Greatness Gone said:
You gullible disillusioned fool; this movie is based off of a slightly above average cartoon and it's going to be directed by M. Night Smalamalamadingdong. It won't be anywhere close to good.

We'll see how you change your tone when they cast Jake Gyllenhaal as Zuko. :D


the show and M. Night Shimichanga suck so I expect this movie to be a little bit above the crap level of The Happening.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
“The spirituality, the centering on relationships and family, on inherent optimism. Things like that, you’ll see,..”

Huh. At least it seems like he knows what to focus on, instead of just mentioning flashy fighting special effects. It's still much too early to know what to think really.
Littleberu said:
He's good. You hate.
Yeah right. The day he makes a good movie, I'll gladly let Snaku throttle my mouth so hard that I vomit all over his penis and slurp it down afterwards while Shyamalan fucks me with a big metal cat penis-like strap on.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Greatness Gone said:
Yeah right. The day he makes a good movie, I'll gladly let Snaku throttle my mouth so hard that I vomit all over his penis and slurp it down afterwards while Shyamalan fucks me with a big metal cat penis-like strap on.

was that really necessary?

as much as the last few episodes of avatar redeemed the 3rd season, im still a bit cautious with shamalamadingdong on board. i just have a gut feeling hes gonna pull a st elsewere on us...


Master of the Google Search
Chance of being good: Low
Chance of being bad but still somehow better than the upcoming Dragonball movie: High
what's with all the avatar hate? its like the best cartoon on tv, at least its my fave cartoon. Can't wait for the movie, if M.night is anything, he's at least a good cinematic director and that should fit well with the franchise. I'm crossing my fingers for this to be at least at harry potter level

White Man

I've never seen the cartoon, but I am glad Shyamalan is taking on something he hasn't written. I am sure he will write the script to this, or at least have heavy input, but still, it's not his. I think he's a considerably talented director, but as a writer and creator, his well ran dry long ago. Maybe he can finally impress us again.
White Man said:
I've never seen the cartoon, but I am glad Shyamalan is taking on something he hasn't written. I am sure he will write the script to this, or at least have heavy input, but still, it's not his. I think he's a considerably talented director, but as a writer and creator, his well ran dry long ago. Maybe he can finally impress us again.
Pretty much my feelings. I'm excited to see what he does with this.
Whats with all the people hating on the animated series? It was far and away one of the most enjoyable series I've watched in recent memory.

Season 1 had a few low points but everything from season 2 onwards was pretty much stellar and the finale had some of the best animation I've seen.


Scullibundo said:
If this is the real Avatar movie, why isn't the movie called Avatar?

Because even though Mike & Bryan came first, they're man enough to let the lazy man-child have his way.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
mellowyellowod said:
what's with all the avatar hate? its like the best cartoon on tv, at least its my fave cartoon.

Haters dismiss the show because it's on Nick or think it's some sort of crappy anime ripoff. Anyone who likes good TV with well developed characters and a complete and satisfying story arc will like it.
Calling Avatar a run of the mill cartoon show is horribly off.There's genuine character development in the series beyond "lol im stronger now"


You'd think Shyamalan would have gone with a more diverse cast, instead of a bunch of unknown white kids. Though he pretty much nailed Sokka...


I'm genuinely surprised.

Looking at the people that have been cast so far, I think that they look legitimately similar to their cartoon counterparts (not exact, mind you, but they do seem to have somewhat similar facial structures). Color me surprised, and maybe a bit intrigued.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
*Face palm* at choice for Zuko.

Yay for white-washed Water Tribe Siblings! Throw in awful actors from the garbage that is Twilight while you're at it too!


Chances of anything remotely approaching the quality of the show is rapidly diminishng.


BorkBork said:
*Face palm* at choice for Zuko.

Yay for white-washed Water Tribe Siblings! Throw in awful actors from the garbage that is Twilight while you're at it too!


Chances of anything remotely approaching the quality of the show is rapidly diminishng.

Overreact much?


That about wraps that up.

I was willing to give this thing a chance, but I this is insulting.

Offensive even.


Snaku said:
You'd think Shyamalan would have gone with a more diverse cast, instead of a bunch of unknown white kids. Though he pretty much nailed Sokka...



Am I the only one who thought that that was


at first?

Anyway, he looks pretty great, but the other two pics... well, I just wish I could see them show some emotion.

Maybe I should ask my ex how good that Twilight actor is, though...


for someone who has never seen a single episode of this show can someone summarize the general story or what this is about?
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