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Offical Thread of Metal Slug 7...On the go

Now that Castlevania: OoE is done and over with one must move to the next piece of 2d goodness on the horizon, Metal Slug 7.


So what we have is the the first arcade Metal Slug to actually skip the arcades and go straight home. Not only home but to the DS of all places too. Luckily this is actually a good thing as this is the best portable Metal Slug available and it's got arcade quality graphics, level design and whatnot as opposed to the stripped down or changed up gameplay we've gotten in the past. Also, were treated to red blood as well, so no more "sweat".

An aspect I'm especially interested in is the 'combat school' mode which, as I understand it, is somewhat similar to the challenge mode found in Contra 4. Considering I found myself playing challenge mode the most in Contra 4, this mode could be pretty cool.

It's also seen some decent scores with a 7.0 from IGN and B- from 1up which is about what I expected and every Metal Slug that isn't part 4 has been worthwhile.

Now then, the usual OP stuff....

Roster(I take it Ralph and Clark are permanent MS characters now?):






Lastly, a heads up to the uber collector fans, Amazon is offering MS7 dog tags to the first 1200 shipped:


hyperbolically metafictive
an xbla version was announced at tgs, and i'm waiting for it. i assume the legacy sprites won't be downscaled as they are in the ds version
I played the jDS version a while back and found it atrocious.
I mean, it didn't play horribly it just looked incredibly ugly thanks to the lazy, gray, rendered backgrounds and downscaled sprites. And no 2p.

I'm ooking forward to the XBLA game, but I fear it'll be the same thing except with ugly, filtered, upscaled sprites instead :(


Besides no multi, SNK didn't bother adding Leona from the cell exclusive Slug.

SNK's Slug record as of late has been nothing but fail save for the Anthology.
CO_Andy said:
Besides no multi, SNK didn't bother adding Leona from the cell exclusive Slug.

SNK's Slug record as of late has been nothing but fail save for the Anthology.
Wasn't Anthology very poorly emulated?
When is the XBLA version out? It might be worth waiting for if it's out soon.

Having said that, $25 for my portable Metal Slug fix isn't half bad. Especially considering it comes with swag.


Waiting on XBLA version, too much on my plate right now. This was on my list, but was bumped when they stupidly announced the XBLA one months ahead of the DS retail release...

edit: Wait, no MP? Uhmmmmmm...


Llyranor said:
I'm holding off for the XBLA version, and hoping they add in 2p co-op to that one, online.

Same here. I was going to get it on DS...but as soon as the TGS announcement hit, the game fell off my list. Then again, its portable new Metal Slug. Damn I dont know what to do...


He's a pretty swell guy in my books anyway.
I'm waiting for the XBLA version too, I think the way they made it by scaling down everything instead of actually building it for the DS was the wrong way to go about it.


hyperbolically metafictive
jj984jj said:
I'm waiting for the XBLA version too, I think the way they made it by scaling down everything instead of actually building it for the DS was the wrong way to go about it.

or exactly the right way to go about it, if in fact it yields a nongimped xbla version
Yikes, I should have checked back on this thread earlier.

I think some of you that are awaiting the XBLA version have the wrong idea. Portability is the key here. What would just be yet another Metal Slug game becomes interesting because it's now an arcade quality MS game on the go. That's the greatest appeal of this version, or as I see it anyway. And I refuse to believe these comments citing this worse than MS4. I can't even fathom the series hitting a low point like that again.

Also, I don't know how many of you played MS3 on XBLA but without a stick that was just a miserable experience. Analog sucked and everyone knows about the 360's d-pad. Then there was that horrid filter you couldn't turn off. Uck, I'd rather have scanlines. I wouldn't put it past Playmore to pull that again.
I played the JP version and enjoyed it quite a bit. I plan on picking this up and then grabbing the XBLA version as well when it comes out.

Also, the screenshots make the downscaled sprites look a lot worse than they actually are. You can hardly tell when they are in motion and all sorts of crazy shit is going on.


hyperbolically metafictive
Space A Cobra said:
Portability is the key here. What would just be yet another Metal Slug game becomes interesting because it's now an arcade quality MS game on the go.

are you unaware of the psp slug anthology, or are you just ignoring it for some reason? the emulation isn't perfect, but there aren't any compromises as damaging as 7's downscaled sprites, and at least five of the games on that compilation are guaranteed to be better than this
drohne said:
are you unaware of the psp slug anthology, or are you just ignoring it for some reason? the emulation isn't perfect, but there aren't any compromises as damaging as 7's downscaled sprites, and at least five of the games on that compilation are guaranteed to be better than this

This. 7 is better than Advance, but I mean, what MS wasn't? Anthology is a great collection, and if SNK could get it on the DS that would kickass.
drohne said:
are you unaware of the psp slug anthology, or are you just ignoring it for some reason?
while this is a very good point, what are you to do if you don't have a PSP, or any interest in one for that matter.
drohne said:
are you unaware of the psp slug anthology, or are you just ignoring it for some reason? the emulation isn't perfect, but there aren't any compromises as damaging as 7's downscaled sprites, and at least five of the games on that compilation are guaranteed to be better than this

Actually I wasn't aware. I remember people awaiting the PSP and PS2 versions after the Wii release but I never saw what became of that. PSP isn't really my choice for portables anyway though I'd easily buy a DS port of the anthology, down scaled or not.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Ok, even if I hate you for stealing my thunder :lol I'm going to support your thread.


The game goes for just $19.99 on Amazon.com website! :D


Then, from my thread, here's my impressions 2.0:


As expected, the game feel a lot more like Metal Slug DS than the Metal Slug number 7 it's been titled by SNK PlaYmore.

Do MS7's graphics do justice to the franchise?

Graphically there's a lot of good to the game and some fail.

The main gripe it's due to the machine's screen much more than a lacking effort by the developer: the resolution used to show as a big play area as the other game in the series (as opposed to MSAdvance) makes for too tiny characters and, especially the tiny ones like characters/soldiers etc show little detail... but it's still all there and Metal Slug's charm is definitely retained.

I've played all the levels bar one and I'd say slowdowns are almost non-existent, framerate could be just a bit smoother though but really I'm nitpicking here.

Visually I don't like the choice, a bit like Slug 6, to go with prerendered backgrounds since DS limited capabilitis make for an even poorer color palette and grainy graphics, but under a gameplay point of view it definitely helps DS's screen to make enemies and bullets easy to spot (so it makes a lot more sense here than for the arcade chapters).

Well, those bgs are more often ugly than not, sometimes the styile works better than others, and I would have been happy if the result was always up to par with what we get on Mission 4. Mission 1 is easily the worst offender, and that gives you a bad taste right after having fired up the game for the very first time, so that doesn't help... as I said Mission 4 is quite pretty and reminds me of a water colored canvas a la Braid, plus the waterfall's backdrop is quite nice.

True to the roots, Slug 7's explosions are so damn awesome and detailed... and the bosses, holy crap the bosses don't have anything to envy to past games in the franchise, with some fantastic two or even three-parts fights

The bigger the sprites the better they are: this holds true for the whole game.
The game best achievement is to have retained intact what has made Slug game something special all these years, alas the awesome animations... they've really put to good use DS's cartirdges size.

How's the music/sound quality?

Did I mention the music is up there with the best in the series?
Mission 4 has probably my favourite MS track ever, I'm often playing the game just with BGM on and it's freakin fantastic: it's a whole other world playing with the headphones on, color me surprised but the sound quality is easily up to par with the home console's Slugs and you really can't compare it with DS's speaker: again, Slug 7's sound quality makes for a really nice show-off of what the DS can do.

What about difficulty?

Difficulty wise there's definitely a challenge here (3 difficulty levels, dunno about unlockables) and I applaud the choice to give the player only a limited amount of continues (9 for beginner, 4 for Normal and just 2 for Hard) and you have 6 characters to choose from (Marco, Eri, Tarma, Clark, Ralf and Fio) along the usual dual slot for selectable guns like the latter games in the franchise.
On the way to unlocking the 7 levels you'll be able to use any one of them as the starting point for your own adventure,
Let me rephrase it: the game is freakin' hard, I've played every Slug but we have a "winner" here, at Normal difficulty setting we have almost too much of a challenge.

are the controls up to par?

The controls are completely customizable, thank god there's optional Auto Fire, also pressing L + Y (default) makes the character throwing punches/kicks (imo completely useless... unless you wanna beat the game without ever firing a bullet?), or a ACME like retractable boxing gloves when you're crouching, doing the same while jumping gives you a knife swing combo. Nice.

What's unique for this DS version?

The game doesn't use any of DS unique capabilities but I'm not complaining, leave this action classic alone, even if I have to admit a more clever use of the 2nd screen (showing a useless minimap, the levels are such a straight and small affair that is not needed at all) would've been appreciated and, dare I say, expected.


It's easily the best handheld Metal Slug out there, but maybe playing Anthology on PSP from a memory stick (no loading) beats it, never tried it so I won't compare... but I was a lot more confortable with DS d-pad for the game then PSP's one, that's for sure but it all comes down to personal preferences.
Apart from that it's the usual godly Slug's fanfair with humour, great 2D art and animations, motherfuggin' big bosses, bodies' dismemberments a go-go (game's NOT censored!) and all that... I'm happy the franchise graced Nintendo's hendheld and it's worth your cash if you're looking for portable Slug action and you don't have a PSP/don't like Anthology PSP or you can't get enough of Metal Slug for the get-go, but as I said this should've been named Metal Slug DS, it does nothing to be the new game in the main series and not having multiplayer, not even with multicart, it's really a shame... so if you're going to bite you better be expecting a successfull portable spin-off or otherwise you could be disappointed.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member

That part on Mission 3 with the rolling ball.
There is like a platform with a down arrow but I can't make it go down and I just get crushed!

nvm just figured it out
gotta mash the shoot button lol.



This game is pretty bad IMO, Metal Slug Anthology for the PSP is the way to go as far as portable Metal Slugs go.


This game is bad. As said before, get MS Anthology on PSP if you want to play a handheld version of Metal Slug. It has some issues, but overall it is a great compilation. You can play the best Metal Slug has to offer.

This series has been down hill since Metal Slug 3. I don't even know why I try anymore...


go eat paint
Just bought this. Haven't played a ton, but to call it bad is a bit harsh. I'd call it derivative, which is good or bad depending on your own needs. This game is easily as awesome as Metal Slug 1, 2, X, or 3... but it does nothing really to exceed them or shake things up. More characters and some new weapons/attacks, but nothing that really makes you go "woah, this is different."

It's Metal Slug on a tiny screen.

And I'm liking it. I know that much, but I've played a bunch of these things too... so it's not exactly knocking my socks off. It's a mild "like," I guess.

I've spent $20 in worse ways.

The lack of multi hurts... but I'm not sure that's such a big deal unless it were to have online wifi.

Now, if the XBLA version has 4-players... that could get interesting.
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