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A Closer Look at GAF GOTY 2008 Voting



Since 2009 voting should be starting soon, and someone else is going to be taking over, I figured now would be a good chance to make a suggestion about changing the process a small bit. Specifically, the way that points are allotted to the choices.

#1 - 10 points
#2 - 9 points
#10 - 1 point

I suspected that this weighting scheme would result in a list of games that just got sold well, similar to what a lot of media outlets' lists look like.

I scraped the thread, pulling out as many of the votes as I could (it isn't perfect, but it is more than enough to be a good representation of the votes), and then tallied the scores using different weights to see how it impacted results. The link above shows those results.

I don't think that the weighting scheme that I ended up with on that page is necessarily the best, but I think it beats out the one we used to use. Thoughts?


listen to the mad man
I do think voting systems analysis is interesting.

I don't think GAFfers put enough thought into their votes to attempt to rig the vote by strategically ranking games they like less over games they like more.

No thanks, system should stick religiously to how it was done last year. What you are proposing would make the vote even more tactical which isn't the point.
SecretBonusPoint said:
No thanks, system should stick religiously to how it was done last year. What you are proposing would make the vote even more tactical which isn't the point.

How would the reciprocal function make it even more tactical? Wouldnt it disincentivize such compromising as the OP talks about in the beginning?

I like the #1 votes only metric. Everyone can only say one game, their GOTY, and thats it. Since you only get one vote, chances of horsetrading between gaffers (or between an individual gaffers top 10) is drastically reduced.

Interesting points OP.
Very interesting read, thanks for compiling it. What are your thoughts on giving each person 10 points to spread across up to 10 games, allowing people to list fewer than 10 if they didn't play that many games that they felt were deserving, and to focus points on one or two titles they really think deserve attention?

I think I offered to do it after Anihawk said he wouldn't be doing it again, but I don't think I ever heard anything about it. Not sure if somebody else had been selected yet or not.
By doing that you slim down the competitors. People will be putting forward their "most likely winner" only whereas the current system where if a game came in on lots of peoples lists mid-range, it still has a fighting chance. Either way you're gonna have the 20 or 30 crazy people here that will try and rig their votes mathematically but I don't feel last years list was poorly looked upon at all.


Bish loves my games!
I would be more interested to see a breakdown of who owns what system/s. It's all fine and well if NSMBWii is GOTY, but less interesting if a majority of the voters only have Wiis.


SecretBonusPoint said:
No thanks, system should stick religiously to how it was done last year. What you are proposing would make the vote even more tactical which isn't the point.

I don't think sticking to any idea about the GOTY stuff religiously makes sense, not even the idea I proposed. But I don't see how a 10/x weighting makes things more tactical.


#01 - 25 points
#02 - 19
#03 - 14
#04 - 10
#05 - 7
#06 - 5
#07 - 4
#08 - 3
#09 - 2
#10 - 1

What about this? (MotoGP system adjusted for 10 positions)
My only issue is it seems voting starts and ends too early date-wise. I'd guess a lot of people get major games for gifts at Xmas but tend to rush their list out before or get no time to play them before needing to cast a vote. I'm not suggesting wait months for people to catch up or the list going up on the 31st doesn't look nice, but I'd think giving a little more time would only be better. It's no biggie but that's what I've thought the past few years.


Only voting if the voting system discriminates which one owns which console.

GOTY (OVERALL) should only be voted by who owns more than just a PS3 or a Xbox 360.


Leonsito said:
#01 - 25 points
#02 - 19
#03 - 14
#04 - 10
#05 - 7
#06 - 5
#07 - 4
#08 - 3
#09 - 2
#10 - 1

What about this? (MotoGP system adjusted for 10 positions)

I can run this when I get back home from work. The results will probably sit somewhere between 10/x and the #1 only graphs.


I think the only reasonable solution is to hide the votes until it's complete. Maybe they should be in the form of a PM?


SecretBonusPoint said:
By doing that you slim down the competitors. People will be putting forward their "most likely winner" only whereas the current system where if a game came in on lots of peoples lists mid-range, it still has a fighting chance. Either way you're gonna have the 20 or 30 crazy people here that will try and rig their votes mathematically but I don't feel last years list was poorly looked upon at all.
Having the 10 games does make more interesting. Just one game with no runner ups would be boring.

A mid tier or niche game being in the top x is good "award" for it.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
That reciprocal function looks pretty good to me. It puts a lot of emphasis on personal GOTYs without favoring the niche products too much.
Stink said:
I think the only reasonable solution is to hide the votes until it's complete. Maybe they should be in the form of a PM?

This is not a bad idea either, but I dont see how the logistics would work.


listen to the mad man
WrikaWrek said:
Only voting if the voting system discriminates which one owns which console.

GOTY (OVERALL) should only be voted by who owns more than just a PS3 or a Xbox 360.

... why?


Never forget! I'm Dumb!
The best way to push a game in the existing scoring is to just name that game as your #1 and no others, is it not?
jetjevons said:
I would be more interested to see a breakdown of who owns what system/s. It's all fine and well if NSMBWii is GOTY, but less interesting if a majority of the voters only have Wiis.

WrikaWrek said:
Only voting if the voting system discriminates which one owns which console.

GOTY (OVERALL) should only be voted by who owns more than just a PS3 or a Xbox 360.

... Wow you guys really do have meetings. Is there a secret handshake and special Members Only jacket too? Anyways, fuck ya'lls 3/5ths clause.


The "silent" vote will probably get the most accurate results, but I always like seeing other's lists because I usually forget some of the titles.

In absence of a silent vote, I like the idea of people weighting their own votes. I just don't enough about statistics to comment on the MotoGP style of voting.

There has to be some statisticians on GAF who can lend their expertise.


sparkle this bitch
That was really a terrible top 5 outside of L4D:lol

I don't really think changing the scoring system is going to effect the outcome drastically. A few games will switch places, but for the most part. Not much would change. If we limit the games too much, the list is going look very dry.

I did like the idea someone mentioned in the Greatest Game awards. We don't vote till a month or two after the year is up. Let some time pass, so we don't have the "OMG Game of Forever" running abrupt. It would also give me a bit more time to play the 2008 games and I don't have to struggle as much to fill out a top 10. Even I admit, My voting is pretty shitty(More so because I don't even get a chance to play many of the games from that year. And base them on demos...Urggghhhh Eternal Sonata! *Cries*). It would go miles with helping the lists being a bit more positive. Instead of that feeling I'm getting now while looking back and just sighing at how it was chosen. I think Gears 2 would have fallen allot if we just waited a month or two for example. Once the online problems started to annoy more the fanbase. Most of the top titles would have, while ones like Mirror's edge and Dead Space would have risen since allot picked those up late.
Sanjay said:
I just kind of wish it was done at end of February.
It wouldn't work this time though. Or at least in my case by the time February rolls around there will be too many new games that it would skew my out look on the 2009 games.
shintoki said:
That was really a terrible top 5 outside of L4D:lol



Jealous Bastard
only people who own every system, and can prove they've played all the best games (as decided by a board of twelve gaf members who will convene at a to be determined location) should really be able to vote.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
only people who pay a poll tax should be able to vote, or can demonstrate that their grandparents were able to vote shall be allowed to vote


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
I'd rather a top 5. Not sure if there really is 10 games that would deserve to be "GoTY".


Bish loves my games!
Y2Kev said:
only people who pay a poll tax should be able to vote, or can demonstrate that their grandparents were able to vote shall be allowed to vote

Only those who join a Defense Force and are prepared to fight the menace of the 'other consoles' in the great fanboy wars should be allowed to vote (Starship Troopers reference btw).


only people who own every system, and can prove they've played all the best games (as decided by a board of twelve gaf members who will convene at a to be determined location) should really be able to vote.

i assume this is slightly tongue in cheek but i think this would be an interesting experiment.
Everyone has a level of bias even with multiple console ownership of course, but i'd like to see what games drop/rise.

It's going to be tight between Uncharted 2 and Mushihimesama this year, I don't think it's clear at all.

fixed for DC :D also still need to get back into Mario, Demons souls, Ass. Creed 2, L4D2 etc. Good year all in all. I'd say Uncha2 has it so far.
SecretBonusPoint said:
I find your lack of Demon's Souls disturbing, Commander.

Haven't played it (yet), don't think i'll get a chance to before voting's up. When's voting going to start this year anyways?


I did have a few games I had not played last year that I would have liked to. Although that was a lack of current gaming PC problem.

This year it looks like Demon's Soul and NSMBwii will be the games I don't get to play or play just between xmas and new years.

oh and ass creed, but i don't really want to play that one. will wait for a 9.99 sale like the first one.
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