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DNA shows King Tut born of incest, had cleft palate and club foot

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CAIRO - Egypt's most famous pharaoh, King Tutankhamun, was a frail boy who suffered from a cleft palate and club foot. He died of complications from a broken leg exacerbated by malaria, and his parents were most likely brother and sister.

Two years of DNA testing and CT scans on Tut's 3,300-year-old mummy and 15 others are helping end many of the myths surrounding the boy king. While a comparatively minor ruler, he has captivated the public since the 1922 discovery of his tomb, which was filled with a stunning array of jewels and artifacts, including a golden funeral mask.

The study, which will be published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association, provides the firmest family tree yet for Tut. The tests pointed to Pharaoh Akhenaten, who tried to revolutionize ancient Egyptian religion to worship one god, as Tut's father. His mother was one of Akhenaten's sisters, it said.

The newest tests paint a picture of a pharaoh whose immune system was likely weakened by congenital diseases. His death came from complications of the broken leg - along with a new discovery: severe malaria.

The team said it found DNA of the malaria parasite in several of the mummies, some of the oldest ever isolated.

"A sudden leg fracture, possibly introduced by a fall, might have resulted in a life-threatening condition when a malaria infection occurred," the JAMA article said.

"Tutankhamun had multiple disorders. . . . He might be envisioned as a young but frail king who needed canes to walk," it said.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Dude its cool incest was in back then.
SazerVisuel said:
I thought it was a well-known fact that back in the day, royalty liked to keep it in the family, if ya know what I mean.

Back in the day? Queen Elizabeth II is the second and third cousin to Prince Phillip. The gene pool is still pretty shallow at the top of most monarchies.


Wii said:
They still do

Say what!?
ConfusingJazz said:
Back in the day? Queen Elizabeth II is the second and third cousin to Prince Phillip. The gene pool is still pretty shallow at the top of most monarchies.

To be fair to the European Great Houses, they did eventually figure out their inbreeding was leading to some truly astonishingly deformed and deranged future rulers and quit doing it, but it took many generations of inbreeding before they gave it up. The current entanglement of family trees is largely a result of past misdeeds and so the gene pool will remain shallow for many generations to come.


Tence said:
Because his dad shagged his sister?

His father began to reform the belief system into a monotheism focused on the sun god. Historically, he is seen as the liberal, progressive pharaoh and there might have been a lot of the holy clergy who were upset with him. He also ushered in a very different and interesting period of art in Egyptian History.



I would say some of the silly "they were aliens" or "helped by aliens" theories come from this art period. The elongated faces and long curving lines are quite different from the classic Egyptian, and their depictions of the human form had an advanced sense of tension, weight and motion missing from classic Egyptian poses.

The incest part of Pharaohs may have lead a bit to this. Some think Akhenaten was slightly androgynous due to genetic mutations.


You don't really see hips like that on classic Egyptian or early Greek art.

Then he died and the clergyhood that had prospered under the older, conservative religion took up Tut and tutored him into restoring their religion. They were probably all too happy to see him die young so they could keep returning things back to the same way.


Napoleonthechimp said:
They saw their lineage as being holy and sacred so they didn't want to pollute it. Which ironically makes it much worse.
For what it's worth...
Q: Where do you elites store your mentally ill relatives caused by centures of inbreeding?
A: It is a myth that inbreeding always causes problems. If the 2 persons who procreate carry genes which are of better quality than the rest...
From page 4 of
Wii said:
From the same book.
The Revelations of an Elite Family Insider (2005) said:
Q: what commonalities do the bloodlines share?
and have you ever fucked a child?

Understand that "bloodlines" have been chosen to rule, it didn't just appear out of air.
The souls which incarnate into these bloodlines who rule are picked by Divine Law.
Other things don't have to be mentioned.
The author is clearly an expert on genetic disorder.


Unknown Soldier said:
To be fair to the European Great Houses, they did eventually figure out their inbreeding was leading to some truly astonishingly deformed and deranged future rulers and quit doing it, but it took many generations of inbreeding before they gave it up. The current entanglement of family trees is largely a result of past misdeeds and so the gene pool will remain shallow for many generations to come.

What was the name of the Spanish King whose death caused the Succession war that led to separating the kingdom of France and Spain (meaning Louis XIV was denied ruling Kingdom of Spain)?

that guy truly bore every single stuff you could get by inbreeding for so long, heck even the offical painters couldn't make him look good (but they did a pretty darn good job still)


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
Mael said:
What was the name of the Spanish King whose death caused the Succession war that led to separating the kingdom of France and Spain (meaning Louis XIV was denied ruling Kingdom of Spain)?

that guy truly bore every single stuff you could get by inbreeding for so long, heck even the offical painters couldn't make him look good (but they did a pretty darn good job still)

Charles II of Spain?


Deacan said:
Charles II of Spain?

Yeah him!
They bloody love him in Brussel I don't even know why (and Louis XIV is some kind of bloody interbred murderer if you ask them :lol)


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
thank god European leaders never practiced incest


The thought of having sex with a family member is repulsive to me.

I'd rather die than have sex with my mother, grandmother, sister, or niece.


Second said:
The thought of having sex with a family member is repulsive to me.

I'd rather die than have sex with my mother, grandmother, sister, or niece.

But if you had a hot sister, it would be another ball game.


fanboi said:
But if you had a hot sister, it would be another ball game.

I have twin sisters and they're gorgeous. But the thought of having sex with them makes my penis invert.


I bet Tut wasn't really a big deal to the Egyptians. He was probably pitied by the people for his suffering her endured during his short life and in turn given a more honorable tomb so that he wouldn't suffer in the afterlife then he otherwise would.

The only reason he's such a big deal to us is because of how richly decorated his tomb is/was. Maybe it's something as simple as that, or maybe he inherited it all and had nobody to leave it to...

Not to completely derail the thread, but it's assumptions like these that skew history from probably reality. Take for example Atlantis. Why is it generally not thought that Plato wasn't just making up a story? Did they not have fiction writing back then? Or the Bible? Why is it believed it should be taken literal?

Common sense seems to just be thrown out the window because, it happened several thousand years ago, so it must be true!

Fucks sake
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