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My friend wants to borrow my console GAF

My friend is salivating at GoW 3 and wants my PS3 for a weekend marathon. I stalled him once already by saying I havent finished the game myself. I stalled him again by saying I haven't finished FF13. Its true on both accounts. I haven't finished the games. But he will want my system after I finish those games. There are a few problems though. I never play my PS3 for more than 3 hours max, and when doing so I place it right in front of a window for good ventilation and cool air. I take double care of it ever since some people told me that my system is showing (warning, heavy rain spoiler) signs of artifacting. I'm thinking that a weekend marathon in a place where he probably wouldn't care much about ventilation will cut my PS3's life short. Second, he's a total dudefratboy type. I really don't think he'll handle my system with care.

I honestly do not think my system will die if handled with mis-care for a weekend. But I paid $399 for it and don't wanna take risks. I want to say no to him, but I'm too much of a nice guy to say no to someone's (especially a friend) face. What should I do GAF? Did anyone else had to go through this?
man up and say no

you're obviously concerned, and i don't think it's worth a broken console and damaged friendship just because you're such a "nice guy"


"You should be willing to work extra hours to get your own PS3."

Try that.

Also, call him a filthy poor, it may motivate him further.
Gomu Gomu said:
Did you just spoil Heavy Rain on me?????
Oh shit I just realized that my system is showing signs of artifacting (its a 60gb too :C) I was not aware that that was the the reason for the glitch in that spot in heavy rain.
RustyNails said:
My friend is salivating at GoW 3 and wants my PS3 for a weekend marathon. I stalled him once already by saying I havent finished the game myself. I stalled him again by saying I haven't finished FF13. Its true on both accounts. I haven't finished the games. But he will want my system after I finish those games. There are a few problems though. I never play my PS3 for more than 3 hours max, and when doing so I place it right in front of a window for good ventilation and cool air. I take double care of it ever since some people told me that my system is showing (warning, heavy rain spoiler) signs of artifacting. I'm thinking that a weekend marathon in a place where he probably wouldn't care much about ventilation will cut my PS3's life short. Second, he's a total dudefratboy type. I really don't think he'll handle my system with care.

I honestly do not think my system will die if handled with mis-care for a weekend. But I paid $399 for it and don't wanna take risks. I want to say no to him, but I'm too much of a nice guy to say no to someone's (especially a friend) face. What should I do GAF? Did anyone else had to go through this?

tell him to give you some collateral, since the system costs so much. If that doesn't send him running for the hills, you'll have peace of mind in case it does break.


I would give him a stupid looking face and just say "HELL NO, fuck outta here." Thats some expensive hardware to just lend to people who probably wouldnt give a shit about it if it breaks.


Generally speaking, a good friend will understand that you do not want to let them borrow a $400 piece of equipment that you use on a regular basis.

On the other hand, a good friend will generally let his friends borrow stuff even if he really wants to use it because they're, you know, friends.
XenoRaven said:
Generally speaking, a good friend will understand that you do want to let them borrow a $400 piece of equipment that you use on a regular basis.

On the other hand, a good friend will generally let his friends borrow stuff even if he really wants to use it because they're, you know, friends.
Gomu Gomu said:
Did you just spoil Heavy Rain on me?????

This caught my eye, before I finished reading the OP, so I'm not going to finish reading.

I got as far as you putting your PS3 in front of a window after 3 hours of play... that seems a little extreme to me. Your friend wants to play a kick-ass game, I suggest you help him out. A near total stranger who worked with a friend of mine loaned me his PS3 aso I could play through MGS4 (I bought the game, still own it without a console to play it on now).

He didn't have the machine online at all, so the only thing I did for him was download a crap-ton of demo's. Cool guy, I returned his machine after a week, no problems.

I swapped my Saturn with a friend for an N64 for a two week period as well, had to marathon through Mario 64, Zelda, Goldeneye and Mario Kart too. That was a fun two weeks.

Console swapping is fine by me, but if the idea annoys you so much, you shouldn't do it.


If anything, have him over to play some of it at your place. I don't know of any friends that would actually ask to borrow my console that costs several hundred dollars for a weekend. Most of them actually have, you know.. jobs and buy their own. Or they don't care about games.


hide your water-based mammals
pseudomyxoma said:
Oh shit I just realized that my system is showing signs of artifacting I was not aware that that was the the reason for the glitch in that spot in heavy rain.
Your GPU may be on the fritz.

And TC, HELL NO. Fucking hell no, that son of the bitch. Who he think he is? SWHO!?!?!!

Games are one thing but that console they are played with, that's in another league.
Tell him that if it breaks on his watch than he's paying for repairs then instruct him on how to keep it cool and well ventilated. Simple

Edit: Honestly, I would let any of my good friends borrow my console if they really really wanted but my friends are all generally good at taking care of shit like that. I may not have the right perspective, if you're really truly worried that he'll break it and think there's a better than average chance he'll fuck up your machine than just tell him no.


RustyNails said:
If it's for a close friend, I would say just let him use it, and just explain just how much care you take with it and ask him to agree to do the same. It's only a weekend, after all.

If it's for a guy you're just sort of friends with, I would say just tell him you're not comfortable lending it out.


Confirmed Asshole
I gave my 360 to a friend about two months ago. I don't think it's a big deal.. As long as you don't need it, that is.


andycapps said:
If anything, have him over to play some of it at your place. I don't know of any friends that would actually ask to borrow my console that costs several hundred dollars for a weekend. Most of them actually have, you know.. jobs and buy their own. Or they don't care about games.
I'd suggest the same. Hell, I did the same thing when my friend always had the latest consoles. I'd just go over to his place and play. We were both super into games and we pretty much had the same consoles.

But he had the Sega Saturn when I was still using the Genesis. He also had the N64 the first season it was out. He also got the Playstation before anyone else. But I never (or would have) asked him to borrow any of those consoles. They're expensive, and I'm the same way. I would never lend out my console. Sure, come over and play. But it's staying here.


I once gave my ps2 to somebody so they could play ff10 and 12. Took like a year to get it back, and the second ds2 was rattling.

Second, he's a total dudefratboy type.

Ok, don't do it.
Sorry about the spoilar, I didn't realize it even though I finished Heavy Rain. Shame on me. Its in the link though, not in my post.


:( I know its my fault. I should have done what you guys said and told NO from start. Yesterday on AIM he asked the same question, and I replied with "haha" and then pretended to be away. I doubt he wants to come and play it over my place because he wants to do a continuous weekend marathon. I disapprove of it because 1) I don't like doing marathons on my system and 2) Don't like people in my apt for long ass time :D
spats said:
Ok, don't do it.
mug said:
Ask for his girlfriend as collateral - if she's hot.
He THINKS he has a girlfriend, but she merely thinks of him as a 'friend'...she's Chinese and average-ish. Not worth my PS3 :p


Don't do it. Never, ever do something that your gut instinct tells you not too.

Use one of the excuses in this thread.
you never get your stuff back in the way you gave it to someone. I don't lend out anythign after being burned by friends that are slobs and just people, in general, treating their stuff much worse than I treat my own stuff.

I would say no. That is my steadfast rule in lending electronics


Don't do it. Every time I let someone borrow a game, or a console, it comes back in bad shape. Games look like someone wiped their asses with it, they lose the game, my controller comes back with chicken grease on it, or shit barely works. I would never let someone borrow a modern day console simply because they aren't made well, and well they will probably break very easy in the wrong hands. Thank god I don't let people borrow my more important games of my collection, because I would probably punch them in the throat.


RustyNails said:
:( I know its my fault. I should have done what you guys said and told NO from start. Yesterday on AIM he asked the same question, and I replied with "haha" and then pretended to be away. I doubt he wants to come and play it over my place because he wants to do a continuous weekend marathon. I disapprove of it because 1) I don't like doing marathons on my system and 2) Don't like people in my apt for long ass time :D

Just tell him no, then. Tell him that you don't loan out expensive things, if he had the system and wanted to borrow your copy when you're done with it, that's one thing. Borrowing your entire system is another. Saying no really isn't that hard.


Do not say it like it was the end of the world. Say it with a smile and just like "OMG, MAN NO WAAAY HAHA; NO WAY; THE PS3 is super sensitive it cost like 399 and i play it under a window, max 3 hour! SERIOUSLY YOU WOUL DNO TWANNA HAVE IT ON YOUR CONSCIOUS; OKAY WORD UP"


"like you promised?" Nice. I guess it depends on how much you're willing to backpedal. If he's really your friend, I don't see why you can't reiterate how important good care of the system is to you.
My mates wanted to borrow my 360 for the night, after a long convo and them telling me they'd take good care of it and nothing would happen I gave in and let them borrow it. The next day I came round it had E74 error, apparently it got knocked over somehow. Don't loan anything valuable to to those guys anymore.
Say no. If you can't be honest or you're afraid to say no to a friend than he/she is not a true friend.

Have you heard the saying, "A true friend stabs you in the front?"

I wouldn't let a friend borrow a $400 system or my 360. Heck, I wouldn't let him borrow my DS.
Llyranor said:
"like you promised?" Nice. I guess it depends on how much you're willing to backpedal. If he's really your friend, I don't see why you can't reiterate how important good care of the system is to you.
No I didn't promise at all. That's just him being an ass. When he first broke the topic, I said "we'll see... I'm really busy, gotta finish games, bla bla". Never promised nothin.

There's an overwhelming NAY votes and not enough YEA votes. Looks like I'll have to man up and smoke a couple cigs.
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