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Bachelors degree, and 1.5 years without a job.

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Im sure several of you are, or have been in this situation. How did you keep your wits about you once you finally found a job and it was either way below what you used to make, and had to figure out where to readjust financially, or how to deal with it being below your "standards" (meaning going from being an intern architect to working at home depot?) I have to figure out how to be emotional support to someone in this situation, where the unemployment just ran out...

I need to know what to expect and how to handle being there for him (or kickin his ass for thinking incorrectly…either way).


Subete no aware
It's shitty, but doing an MA is a good way to accomplish something while waiting for something better. It's a way to keep busy at the very least and may in some minor way help with some careers.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
dicey... if it's your significant, doubly so. I think the main universal truth about this is that the person out of work will definitely feel a large bit of self-doubt/worthlessness that can easily lead to depression.


is now taking requests
I dont' know who this someone is but my general response would be: don't talk about it at all. And if you have to, don't act like you feel sorry for him. It could easily come across as patronizing.

When he complains about the shitty job, tell him it's only short time anyway, since he'll get his old job back once the economy picks up again. Even if you think that's not true =)


LunaClover said:
Im sure several of you are, or have been in this situation. How did you keep your wits about you once you finally found a job and it was either way below what you used to make, and had to figure out where to readjust financially, or how to deal with it being below your "standards" (meaning going from being an intern architect to working at home depot?) I have to figure out how to be emotional support to someone in this situation, where the unemployment just ran out...

I need to know what to expect and how to handle being there for him (or kickin his ass for thinking incorrectly…either way).

They just need to deal with it, the way I looked at it when I was in a similar situation is that some job no matter the shit wage or duties is better than $0

I still do not make as much as I used to but I figured if I just pouted that life was unfair and I deserved more money that I was not helping the situation any. My complaints did not pay all the bills me and my wife had.

Life is not fair, if he can swing it I would suggest going to get his masters while the job market is trying to rebound. It will give them something to do and ultimately make them able to apply for better paying jobs since now everyone has a Bachelors


Is it B Arch that he's got? Or a BA in architecture? If it's the later, doesn't he need more studying in any case?


As an intern Architect in title only myself, that is a tough one. The market right now is really in the shitter and right now I am making plans to go do my masters and cross my fingers that things pick up in the next couple years.
BA in architecture. And because no one is really building new structures, the job postings are all but halted. He's been fortunate enough to get 2 clients to draw out CAD for, but that's not going to pay the bills, yanno?


There is no lesser job (except gaming journalism) and there is no shame in working at a lesser paying job than usual. A job is a job


Get a non regular job. In a factory. Go to work in boots in blue jeans and boots. Don't shave. Cuss loudly. Talk about beer. Walk around with cool "good will hunting" chip on shoulder.

I miss my post college-but-not-in-my-field job. You can pull $15/hr easy. We're hiring temps right now for $13 and they're flaking out. Unbelievable.

Basically, swallow the pride and go make a bunch of money this summer.


Construction work is where its at right now. There is so much money to do, its hard work but they are ALWAYS looking for people.


When you have little-to-no experience, having a not-in-my-field job will look far better on your resume than not having a job at all. It shows that you're willing to work and be self-sufficient even when luck hasn't brought a job of your choosing.

shuri said:
Construction work is where its at right now. There is so much money to do, its hard work but they are ALWAYS looking for people.

Depends where you live. Here in FL, construction jobs are hard to come by.


he just graduated?? and he feels too good working in Home Depot?!?!

tell him to get his goddamn ass off the high horse.
shuri said:
Construction work is where its at right now. There is so much money to do, its hard work but they are ALWAYS looking for people.

Uhh...what state are YOU in?:lol No one is building here in TX.

Also- Basically having a degree means you get a fancy little stamp and mo monies. He does the same thing a "real" architect does, and doesn't need one for anything under 5ksf i think...


Get into security (armed guard)? Corporate armed $19-$39 an hour in general, and no you probably wont even draw your weapon on anyone ever. Just a suggestion to give you some ideas, you can also do regular sec guard training in a few days for gated communities or w/e position you can get your hands on.

Heres the good news about security guard jobs, they are abundant.

At least in NYC so far I know, and you never hear of any problems ever.

Sucks to hear that you are in that position dude but reinvent yourself man, at least til you find what you really want to do or to pass time while getting paid for simple work that just requires attention to your surroundings and the ability to report any issues.


canova said:
he just graduated?? and he feels too good working in Home Depot?!?!

tell him to get his goddamn ass off the high horse.

People don't go to four years of school and spend thousands of dollars to work at Home Depot.


LunaClover said:
Im sure several of you are, or have been in this situation. How did you keep your wits about you once you finally found a job and it was either way below what you used to make, and had to figure out where to readjust financially, or how to deal with it being below your "standards" (meaning going from being an intern architect to working at home depot?) I have to figure out how to be emotional support to someone in this situation, where the unemployment just ran out...

I need to know what to expect and how to handle being there for him (or kickin his ass for thinking incorrectly…either way).

Went through the same thing.... Went from making $50k a year down to $33k.

Rationalization is this....

People are the only thing that matter. My Family is the only thing that matters... I have self-worth.

That is something I had to struggle to get through on over 11 months of unemployment but I finally landed a job that was $12 bucks an hour less than what I was making before, way more shitty commute and only part time.

Didn't matter to me... felt like I had no choice if I were to make the 3 things above have any meaning anymore.

If I seriously hadn't found work, I would've gone back to Starbucks... Home Depot, lord knows where else and worked 2 jobs while I worked 1 tech job just to make the money to keep me and my wife afloat.

If your friend is in serious debt... you need to be there for the emotional support because that to me is what is killing a lot of potential rebounders--- is they just don't think they can make it with all of their financial burdens.

Look I'm not saying pay off the debt for him/her but maybe buy groceries or dinner out a couple times a month would help him/her rebuild their confidence.

That's what I'm doing right now with friends in the similar shoes... help each other out... it's the best way to build each other back up.


shuri said:
Construction work is where its at right now. There is so much money to do, its hard work but they are ALWAYS looking for people.

I know this to be true (where I live in Georgia, at least.) dumb motherfuckers keep building strip malls, apartments, houses, etc. Thing is... None of them are being filled, so we end up with more and more empty strip malls, apartments, houses, etc.

Edit: The "dumb motherfuckers" I refer to are the people making the decision to build all these unused places, not the builders. =P
Vox-Pop said:
even worse when you have two useless BA's/

No doubt. I think that's why he fears going back to get more education...more debt to what end? Eternal pessimist lol.

...And yes, this is my husband. And yes, I was in this exact same situation 4 years ago, before you go searching and posting and all that bs. Im really posting this for a different situation entirely.

Thanks for all the replies so far, helps out a bunch, seriously.


RiZ III said:
People don't go to four years of school and spend thousands of dollars to work at Home Depot.

Too true.

The only real recession proof fields seem to be the medical and security ones at this point, maybe some others (if construction is rebounding)

In the medical field if you do the legwork it can pay off big time.
It had to be an architect! :lol

I'm an architect and the situation in my country, Spain, is so unbelievably bad. It's really sad to see most of the people I graduated with without jobs or resorting to continue studying just because (if they have money) or abandoning the career altogether.

Luckily I got an internship here in Amsterdam a year ago and got a contract afterwards. I'm working like HELL but I'm also learning a lot so I consider this a blessing almos, considering how other people are.

I'd say to your friend to look really well into schollarships and grants, maybe even moving out of the country for a few months to work elsewhere like I did. That gives you experience and it will always look good in your CV and portfolio when you come back.

But, yeah, I hope the economy picks up at least a little bit, this is really fucked up.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Slayer-33 said:
Get into security (armed guard)?

Did that for a year in between undergrad and grad school. Best job I ever had. (Not armed though). It was from 10 pm to 3 am, and nothing ever happened. Played lots of Neo Geo Pocket Color.


LunaClover said:
Also- Basically having a degree means you get a fancy little stamp and mo monies. He does the same thing a "real" architect does, and doesn't need one for anything under 5ksf i think...

That still means there are a lot of more qualified people around that he's competing with. I'd thought it's pretty clear that he would eventually need to do the masters. Has he considered moving out of the US? It'd be good to get out just to learn a bit more. Most of my friends that graduated last year have found jobs both in the UK and abroad, a lot of times with top-tier firms, so I think he definitely doesn't have to be depressed.


bytesized said:
It had to be an architect! :lol

I'm an architect and the situation in my country, Spain, is so unbelievably bad. It's really sad to see most of the people I graduated with without jobs or resorting to continue studying just because (if they have money) or abandoning the career altogether.

Luckily I got an internship here in Amsterdam a year ago and got a contract afterwards. I'm working like HELL but I'm also learning a lot so I consider this a blessing almos, considering how other people are.

I'd say to your friend to look really well into schollarships and grants, maybe even moving out of the country for a few months to work elsewhere like I did. That gives you experience and it will always look good in your CV and portfolio when you come back.

But, yeah, I hope the economy picks up at least a little bit, this is really fucked up.

I almost decided to be an architect. I changed my mind when someone came to our school on career day and said they needed people in that field like people needed more cockroaches :(


LunaClover said:
BA in architecture. And because no one is really building new structures, the job postings are all but halted. He's been fortunate enough to get 2 clients to draw out CAD for, but that's not going to pay the bills, yanno?
Isn't Architecture one of those fields you really want to have a Master's in? Maybe going back to school would be a good move for you.
well, if he can do solid modeling and use pro engineer to do cad work why not look in to mechanical engineering positions. Honestly most of the mech e people at my work do no simulations all solid design work for moulds and stuff.

Seth C

Timbuktu said:
That still means there are a lot of more qualified people around that he's competing with. I'd thought it's pretty clear that he would eventually need to do the masters. Has he considered moving out of the US? It'd be good to get out just to learn a bit more. Most of my friends that graduated last year have found jobs both in the UK and abroad, a lot of times with top-tier firms, so I think he definitely doesn't have to be depressed.

It's quite a bit harder to work outside the country for a US citizen, as compared to living in the EU. He would require sponsorship and a visa, which means the company would really have to want him pretty badly.
pje122 said:
Isn't Architecture one of those fields you really want to have a Master's in? Maybe going back to school would be a good move for you.

Isn't a reply something you do after reading a post properly? It's not me. Anyway, he's (well, we) have published a local enviromental education magazine, have taught classes at local community centers about photography and evniromentalism...so he hasn't been dormant. And like I previously posted, going back to school isn't an option when the unemployment has ran out.


Guileless said:
Did that for a year in between undergrad and grad school. Best job I ever had. (Not armed though). It was from 10 pm to 3 am, and nothing ever happened. Played lots of Neo Geo Pocket Color.

Ya man if you are lucky enough to slide in to some lobby security shit in a gated community dude, free money... Bring your PSP or Laptop or whatever the hell you want :lol

If you tolerate being lazy in a sense and boredom (you can get over it) then this wouldn't be a bad idea for anyone


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
When my job was seriously threatened earlier this year, I started a side gig of my own. Nothing mega - just hopefully something that could pull in a few couple bucks and give me a little bit of a cushion if the worst happened at the day job.

Turns out three months later the "side gig" is now making 75% as much as my day job, and the day job itself didn't go away either (although I did have to take a big pay cut).

I know it doesn't always work out this way, and if just a couple of small things went differently I would literally be unable to pay my rent... but regardless, I am a firm believer that people need to MAKE opportunities for themselves. If someone goes into every situation feeling like a baller and with a strong desire to completely crush it, they will succeed.
GDJustin said:
When my job was seriously threatened earlier this year, I started a side gig of my own. Nothing mega - just hopefully something that could pull in a few couple bucks and give me a little bit of a cushion if the worst happened at the day job.

Turns out three months later the "side gig" is now making 75% as much as my day job, and the day job itself didn't go away either (although I did have to take a big pay cut).

I know it doesn't always work out this way, and if just a couple of small things went differently I would literally be unable to pay my rent... but regardless, I am a firm believe that people need to MAKE opportunities for themselves. If someone goes into every situation feeling like a baller and with a strong desire to completely crush it, they will succeed.

Someone make an inspirational poster out of this man. WORD.

Seriously tho, keep treating them ladies nice (and your hand strong), you'll be 100% pimp in no time :D


LunaClover said:
Isn't a reply something you do after reading a post properly? It's not me. Anyway, he's (well, we) have published a local enviromental education magazine, have taught classes at local community centers about photography and evniromentalism...so he hasn't been dormant. And like I previously posted, going back to school isn't an option when the unemployment has ran out.
Alright, sorry; heavily multitasking here at work... anyway, all the architects I know at architectual firms have graduate degrees. So if that's where he wants to go in his career, it might be pretty difficult without a Master's.

Seth C

I have a degree plus almost 10 years of experience in IT (desktop support and Windows admin stuff). I still can't find a job. My unemployment runs out in...exactly two weeks. Things are about to get exciting.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
GDJustin said:
When my job was seriously threatened earlier this year, I started a side gig of my own. Nothing mega - just hopefully something that could pull in a few couple bucks and give me a little bit of a cushion if the worst happened at the day job.

Turns out three months later the "side gig" is now making 75% as much as my day job, and the day job itself didn't go away either (although I did have to take a big pay cut).

I know it doesn't always work out this way, and if just a couple of small things went differently I would literally be unable to pay my rent... but regardless, I am a firm believer that people need to MAKE opportunities for themselves. If someone goes into every situation feeling like a baller and with a strong desire to completely crush it, they will succeed.

Nice, man. Haven't been in touch with the Hammersuit guys in awhile, hope everything's going ok.


RiZ III said:
People don't go to four years of school and spend thousands of dollars to work at Home Depot.

well then go find a job in his field!

what? he can't?!?

see my point


A scientist and gentleman in the manner of Batman.
kamspy said:
Get a non regular job. In a factory. Go to work in boots in blue jeans and boots. Don't shave. Cuss loudly. Talk about beer. Walk around with cool "good will hunting" chip on shoulder.

I do the same. Except I'm an engineer.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
SnowWolf said:
Nice, man. Haven't been in touch with the Hammersuit guys in awhile, hope everything's going ok.

As good as can be expected. We're still alive and kicking... IndustryGamers.com is doing very well. We've just been affected by the same macro ad spending trends as all the rest, the last couple years.

The fact that we're still in business puts us ahead of the curve, seeing as shop like 1up have declared bankruptcy. I've always said I'd rather employ 6 people and be profitable than 600 people and have to cut jobs, go in the red, etc.


I just started my unemployment. Though I saved money so I'm not doing bad. However, I've always wanted to go into the air force so I'm applying for that now. Hopefully I can get in soon. The recruiter did say that there is currently a list of willing and waiting. Anyone have any idea how long it usually takes for them to accept you?
GDJustin said:
I am a firm believer that people need to MAKE opportunities for themselves. If someone goes into every situation feeling like a baller and with a strong desire to completely crush it, they will succeed.

+1. Self-belief, self-worth and an unflinching belief that you cannot fail (in spite of past failures) will go a long way.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
I have a job (social work) and I have a bachelors in business administration. I'm far away from what I went to school for. I'm four months away from an MBA though. I'm here in Indiana but I have the luxury of Chicago being 30 minutes away.


After I graduated from my Bachelor of Communication, ranking in the top 5 per cent of students, at the end of 2008 my first job was as a telemarketer for six months. Then after that another six months in a retail store selling Australian souvenirs, and now I'm working as a casual at my dream job as an Online News Producer at the ABC. I'm also doing a postgraduate certificate in PR to further my skills at the same time.

Don't be afraid to take shitty jobs.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
mandiller said:
After I graduated from my Bachelor of Communication, ranking in the top 5 per cent of students, at the end of 2008 my first job was as a telemarketer for six months. Then after that another six months in a retail store selling Australian souvenirs, and now I'm working as a casual at my dream job as an Online News Producer at the ABC. I'm also doing a postgraduate certificate in PR to further my skills at the same time.

Don't be afraid to take shitty jobs.

That is what I was poorly getting it. Sometimes you have to take a step back to take two steps forward.


Agent Icebeezy said:
That is what I was poorly getting it. Sometimes you have to take a step back to take two steps forward.

It still is very depressing, I should have buckled down and did Engineering instead of Architecture.
I am torn right now deciding whether I should leave my job paying a mere 40k and going to do my masters. So many people being laid off from the bigger firms in the area, I know my space will be filled up (if/as soon as) I step out.
Currently I don't have an accredited degree from the US so essentially I can not go any further in the field as it is.

And to consider the fleecing FAFSA is putting on me as my EFC is ridiculously high, sigh.. so unclear what I should do.
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