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Jade Empire 2. Where is it?

Many moons ago at either E3 06 or E3 08 someone mentioned that EA was working on a Jade Empire sequel. Nothing has been heard since, much to my chagrin. It's Biowares best IP ( I was in the 9.9 defense force lol) It's the last traditional RPG that I've enjoyed from them. ME is great, but it lacks what their old games had, and DA wasn't my cup of tea. Morrigan disapproves - 10.

Anyway here are some good memories.

Outlander debate (this guy was a huge asshole lol)

Spoiler evil ending
Not shown here, but near the endin you can enslave one of the main villains in
the game, and also corrupt your lover into being evil with you lol


Luckyman said:
they have ME and DA, Starwars.

not enough people. probably got cancelled years ago
I'd be surprised if it ever started.

Most of the team went on to Dragon Age: Origins.


Well, except the combat designer, who went on to Diablo 3.


The direction they're taking DA2's combat in should please you.

Complaints about the combat mechanics aside, seeing them take their pseudo-Kung Fu flick bastardisation of an ancient Chinese setting so serious was the worst part of JE in my eyes. But eh, ymm obviously vary.

edit: actually, it's not all that bad if you take it as a goofy Kung Fu "the journey is the goal" story, but Shenmue did that much better and in a much less insulting way.
I would love a sequel, but would prefer it it got outsourced to some other team. CD Project?

Jade Empire was the greatest idea ever for an RPG, but I myself didn´t like the execution of it. It was way to linear to be interesting as an RPG, and I got frustrated by all long range attacks from enemies when I was supposed to be a melee fighter.


I enjoyed the story and actually enjoyed the combat, despite it being really simplistic. With all of the things they have learned from ME2, a new JE could be truly awesome.


The only Bioware RPG that I was really disappointed with. Combat was dull and I didn't like the setting that much either. I am glad they didn't continue the series.
If Bioware improves the melee combat enough that JE2 actually passed for a good hand-to-hand combat engine, then people could complain about how it wasn't really an RPG and doesn't deserve awards, amirite? :lol

All I remember from JE was the vaguely Asian theme and hitting X, X, X, X over and over again and occasionally A to jump over and behind the enemy before resuming hitting X, X, X, X over and over again. :lol


I'm actually playing though the PC version right now and so far I'm finding the game to be pretty dull. The setting is boring, but the combat is just horrible. It really feels like some fans tried to hack KOTOR or something.


Loved this game's setting and story. The combats was mediocre though. They need to make a sequel to this with improved combat. A world like the one in JE should not go unused.
I found the game excellent, but just too damn short

love the setting, atmosphere, story, quests and characters. Hope they revive the project someday


It's MIA as of right now. Bioware has said several times that they would want to revisit it but they have other projects to work on.


The idea had a lot of potential, so I'd be interested in seeing it revisited and given a more proper treatment. I could see them maybe making time for it after they get DA2 and ME3 out. But who knows, EA hasn't really been in risk taking mode lately.


I hope it stays dead. Sorry. Jade Empire was the first game that ever truly made me doubt the validity of professional reviews. The game was so dull and uninspiring, I'm surprised it managed to score anything above a 70% let alone have publications claiming it was a AAA title.
Why would I want to ask 10 million question just to be told that I'm the chosen one? That was my only gripe about BioWare games.

Do you know who you are?

No. Can you tell me who I am?
I know who I am, but can you enlighten me (the player)?
I seem to lost my wallet and have amnesia. Also, I don't have a strategy guide. Please, HELP ME!

Those are my only gripes about the game. Spend 2 hours of asking question to NPC just for 5 minutes of combat. EA can keep Jade Empire on the shelves.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
I'm actually interested to see where Bioware goes once it wraps up ME and DA. Obviously the MMO team will be focused on the MMO for a long time to come, and the handheld squad will be doing their thing. Love to see where Bioware goes from here as I feel they have fantasy and sci-fi covered with their current games.
It's where it belongs: in a garbage can. [/metalocalypse]

But seriously, a sequel might be worthwhile. JE was much better than most people give it credit for, but I played through the whole thing and so little of it stands out for me now. (Aside from the atrocious "shump" minigame. Ugh...)
John Cleese
was far and away the greatest surprise in the game, in my opinion.

Enkidu said:
I'm actually playing though the PC version right now and so far I'm finding the game to be pretty dull. The setting is boring, but the combat is just horrible. It really feels like some fans tried to hack KOTOR or something.

As shallow as JE's combat was (and it was), it was way more interesting than the barebones, boring-as-hell AD&D system in KotOR. It's a testament to the quality of everything else in KotOR that I love it so much because the combat is balls.
I miss Jade Empire a lot. It wasn't as good as KOTOR by any stretch, but I like it more than ME, actually. The side quests were much better than ME's "Every planet is the same" side quests, and I actually liked the story and side characters.

Plus my woman was fucking badass!


I cant be the only one thinking
. That being said they probably canned it, because lots of people (me included) thought it was slow and boring. The combat wasnt satisfying enough no weight to the attacks, graphics were good though and I loved the idea of Jade, so I'd like to see what they could cook up with for part 2.
They need to do a better job with the lore and setting. JE felt like a wrpg patched with western interpretation of Chinese imagery.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
shuyin_ said:
We'll be getting The Witcher with combat system from Arkham Asylum.

you know the difference between medieval european and oriental settings, right?

also that's just CD Project's word for now.

ThatGuy said:
Well it was (maybe is?) at some point in development.

LinkedIn Profile of Rafael Brown

Jade Empire 2 (360/PS3/PC)

He worked from April 2006 — April 2007 at Bioware as a Lead Level Designer.



played KOTOR 1, then Jade Empire, liked the latter better - it was a fun setting (i love kung-fu flicks) and had all the right troupes. yeah, combat wasnt excellent, but it often isnt in RPGs, so i'm pretty forgiving there.
would trade Dragon Age 2 for a sequel here, ymmv etc etc.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
IrishNinja said:
played KOTOR 1, then Jade Empire, liked the latter better - it was a fun setting (i love kung-fu flicks) and had all the right troupes. yeah, combat wasnt excellent, but it often isnt in RPGs, so i'm pretty forgiving there.
would trade Dragon Age 2 for a sequel here, ymmv etc etc.


Wild guess - we'll be geting Jade Empire 2 as a launch title for next-gen console(s). Or may be just an early title like Mass Effect.
Anasui Kishibe said:
I found the game excellent, but just too damn short

love the setting, atmosphere, story, quests and characters. Hope they revive the project someday


The combat didn't really bother me either.
I loved Jade Empire. It had some great characters (Wild Flower, Henpecked Hou, The Black Whirlwind), and the best side-quests of any Bioware game. After almost 6 years, I can still remember side-quests like "Aishi the Mournful Blade", or "The Drowned Orphans".

Yes, you could use the combat in a very simplistic way, but I had a lot of fun trying to complete as many Harmonic Combos as possible (which most players don't know about). If this game would have had achievements for Harmonic Combos, much more of the combat's possibilities would have been used by players.


Yeah, the combat had some interesting interactions clearly intended, but I think they were afraid of scaring away too many 'stat' rpg diehards or something. It's a bit like how ME1 was dumbed down shooter mechanics, Jade Empire had a ton of stuff within the combat that you simply never had to do because it was pathetically easy to just beat things to death and occasionally avoid an attack. There was no compelling reason to use the vast majority of what it offered. it was still shallow anyway but it was just too abuseable even within the shallow systems.

Regardless, the plot was excellent, the quest and dialogue systems and all of that were just as great as they've always been in Bioware rpgs, and the characters were memorable and awesome.

What else is there to ask for? I mean along the same lines do people really find the combat in KOTOR compelling? Cause I hate to break it to you but KOTOR consists of spamming 'attack' and occasionally a spell, it's certainly not any better (More complex under the hood due to its pen and paper roots, but in terms of player interaction Jade Empire probably offers MORE, so the combat complaints are valid but to say that you can't play the game because of it is absurd).
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