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Driftmoon Trailer / Alpha 4


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Driftmoon is an upcoming indie adventure RPG by the creator of the oldie freebie survival game Notrium that some of you may have heard of (also, the Magebane games). You can prepurchase the game (11.99 Eur) and gain access to the alpha versions (4 is the latest), similar to Minecraft (I guess). I haven't done that but Notrium was awesome so I will at some point. Oh, the game's also going to have powerful editing tools. Anyway, here's the new trailer:


I'm sorry if this is old, I searched and found no threads about Driftmoon at all. Bullet points:

Driftmoon is an adventure-oriented roleplaying game, with focus on storytelling, exploring and quests. In Driftmoon there are always plenty of things to find and people to meet, and instead of killing all of your enemies, you can sometimes talk your way through.

Filled with personality, wit and goodwill!
Explore the dungeons, wilderness and villages of Driftmoon, you never know what you might discover!
You can talk with the people you meet. You may make new friends, you may find quests to solve, or you may encounter a hostile cultist of Ixal.
Driftmoon comes with the full editor tools used to create the game. We have our own easy scripting language, a great level editor, animation tools, the complete set!
You can drag things around!
You only need one hand to play! (Any one handed players out there?)
Memorable and melodic music by the talented Gareth Meek.

New features in the latest alpha release, to give you an idea of how development progresses.

Game changelog:
A new level in the start of the game.
Full Talent tree.
Recipes can be used to create new items with ingredients.
Quick Travel. Traveling in Driftmoon was very fast anyway, but this makes it even better.
Improved terrain and plant graphics.
Critical hits. Take that, you evil undead monster!
Enabled VSync by default, for smoother graphics and less CPU usage.
You can now pick up an Astrolabe to tell the time. There’s a quest that needs you to know the time, so it’s even partially useful!
Improved texture caching, requires less video memory. You’ll see it as a faster load time when changing levels.
Feedback button. You can now send feedback directly from the game.
Stealing prompt. The game now asks if you really want to steal from someone.

Modding changelog:
Script action to fire a projectile from a trap. For example, see the arrow traps in the tomb level labyrinth.
The selected object ID is shown in the lower left corner. Useful when you need to know the id for a script.
Possible to force intro sequences from scripts. For example, see the start of the tomb level.
Scripted objects are highlighted. No longer need to search for that one scripted object.
Zooming out in the editor now immediately shows the complete map area, no more waiting for it to render.
Greatly improved minimap rendering time. From 10 seconds to 1 or better. Not that you will need this very often.
Added a button to reload all textures. No longer need to restart to see your recent changes to a texture.
Particles can now have a gravity. For example, see the fountain in the starting village.
Items can now be placed on moving objects, and they move with them.
Script activation type StartRandom activates a random script at startup. For example, see the smithy basement, where it’s used to select the kind of chests placed there.
Shop prices can be edited within the shop by pressing +/- on the item. This only works if the level was started from the editor.

As you can see, they're developing the modability equally to the gameplay. I really don't want to post screenshots, it's not the best looking game in stills, but I think the trailer looks pretty decent already. The game is going to have super low requirements, currently only listing Windows XP (and Wine and a way to run it on Mac OS).

It's my first thread so be gentle...


I just discovered this game thanks to this thread. I'm at work so I can't view the new trailer but I kind of liked the top down perspective from the screens I've seen.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
I'm pretty sure you can still use full top down, adjusting the angle by keys.

The new camera isn't third person or anything, just more isometric style, since you can't see it.


Is this like open world? I'm getting an Ultima vibe here.

I only played the demo but from my impression, not really, but there's lots of sidequests and the like.

I liked the demo, the ambience, music, graphics and dialogue are all very charming, but the combat is unfortunately really simplistic.
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