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Leaked document shows CCP's microtransaction plans, playerbase in an uproar

In the wake of controversy surrounding EVE Online's new microtransaction store and its not-so-micro prices, a document has surfaced that has raised more than a few eyebrows in the EVE community. The PDF is reported to be a copy of CCP's internal company newsletter Fearless. Ex-CCP employee and current CSM member Seleene was able to verify that the company does circulate an internal newsletter by that name and that the style is very similar to the leaked document. However, the absolute authenticity of the document can not at this time be proven.

The document dates back to May 2011 and discusses how microtransactions will be integrated into EVE Online, DUST 514 and World of Darkness. Most of the document is fairly harmless, but a few parts have stood out to players. According to the document, "Not all virtual purchases [in EVE Online] will focus on customization: some will simply be new items, ammunition, ships, etc. that can be purchased outright." Also mentioned is the possibility of buying faction standings. Both of these would be in complete contrast to earlier promises from CCP not to allow microtransactions that influence gameplay.

Authenticity of the document is still in question, but we can reveal that the leaked PDF has had several pages removed before being made public. A link to the full version was later leaked on twitter. Page 2 of the document, which was omitted in the originally leaked file, contains a disclaimer stating that the views presented are personal opinions and not company policies or decisions. This adds further confusion as players attempt to make sense of the file's contents. We reached out to CCP to ask about the document's authenticity and to request clarification on the discussions presented in it. We'll update this post with any response we get.

[UPDATE: The document's authenticity has been confirmed by CCP Pann from CCPs PR department. Massively has a hard-hitting interview in the works with CCP Zulu on the issue]


Document: Greed is Good

"Right now you can store 50 personal fittings..., thats more than enough for the average EVE player..., why not be able to add more storage for a small amout of money?" - EVE Lead Game Designer

"We're going to face an uphill struggle, and the reason many of us never talk about this publically is that we'd be burned at the stake by the players" - EVE Lead Game Designer

"...i think that's prett goddamn cool, and i'm not entirely sure why that makes me ****** to some EVE players" - EVE Lead Game Designer (a tip Mr, if you feel noone understands you, maybe its you)

"Giving people small amounts of micro-currency for beeing loyal subscribers, or even as a reward for high level gameplay like taking sovereignty..." - EVE Lead Game Designer (lol this quote made my day, you wan't to pay me for taking sov, like the russians do?)

From plain text: "...: we give players the means to buy stuff in addition to their base subscription, offering things like new "nano-paints", that allow one to customize ships while docked; new articles of virtual clothing, tattoos, and other avatar customizations, tokens for customizing Captain's Quarters and so on."

"Not all virtual purchases will focus on customization, some will simply be new items, ammunition, ships, etc. that can be purchased outright."

"First, we don't want to glut the virtual market with too many items...instead we want to provide a steady stream of digestible goods and services over a long period of time..."

"One other service we're looking at is selling faction standings. We want to offer convenience"...(hahaha)

"Incarna cannot be considered a product distinct from other parts of EVE. Incarna and flying in space are merely aspects of EVE...in virtual sales we must all adopt this way of thinking. Thus we will not and cannot focus on virtual sales only within the Incarna evironment, nor build that evironment around such sales, rather we will effect a universal strategy of micro-sales throughout the EVe experience.

Dust: "...to offset the cost of freeloading spectators Dust will have a nominal cover charge..." (i love it when you speak dirty)

Dust: "With no subscriptions in DUST, we have to be careful about selling permanent awsomeness, as there's a danger of saturating the market. When everyone has everything, there's no reason to buy anything anymore. ...(obsolescence referring to the deliberate shortening of a product's lifespan)"

Dust: "Selling 'weapons' for real money is very tempting. ...we are planning on doing so...but the real reason is that we have strong evidence that selling performance enhancers, in moderation, works."

"At a more detailed level, virtual goods sales give a direct, unmistakable line of feedback into what players want....this puts preassure on uns to develop things players actually use, in a way that a sub-based model doesn't" (yes, and thats why you will focus on MT items and not other features anymore)

WoD: "...there are three main areas that virtual goods sales will focus on in the game: cosmetics, items of convenience and items of power."

WoD: "Merit-driven items are locked from purchase until the player achieves specific criteria, hence having to earn the item as well as pay money for it" (this is just great, haha)

Quote: "The question of virtual goods sales is not 'to do ore not to do', rather 'how do we do this' (yep, we know by now, thx for confirmation)



CCP might have one issue that is hard to face. It is that while they are creating awesome and very hardcore games, there is an end to their revenues and that means the potential to growth is not as high as opposed to a model where microtransactions help further to the companies.

There seems to be a pretty thin line between "microtransaction helps us to see what players want" and "microtransatcions allow us to empty the naive and rabid buyer's pockets faster", and I am sure as human beings, the developers themselves might struggle with this idea too, especially when these are not enforced upon them by a higher publisher.

But regardless whether they want to use this income to create bigger, more awesome projects or personal gain, players will SCREAM. Even if it is optional.

Goon Boon

Isn't this the company that had an employee give a guild an ingame advantage via items they shouldn't have gotten, then when a hacker found this out they banned the hacker but didn't fire the worker?


Gotta say though, 68 fucking dollars for a virtual monocle is kind of a good reason to get pissed. :p
And Im still glad for not actually playing the game, but this is just sad and I hope CCP gets to their senses quickly.
CaptainAhab said:
Is the leaked document really titled 'greed is good'?

It's actually "Fearless: Greed is Good?"



I don't understand: did they not know it will make players upset when players find them after they are introduced in the game?

Goon Boon

RiverBed said:
I don't understand: did they not know it will make players upset when players find them after they are introduced in the game?
They probably planned on introducing them one by one to make players used to the idea, with the document leaked all their plans are laid out for them to protest against all at once.


In case anyone hasn't read through all the documents, the biggest issue is that they want to:

1.) Sell boxes, charge subscriptions, *and* have a microtransaction store.
2.) They want the microtransaction store to sell cheats.

This combination has killed a lot before, as it is the absolute worst way to implement microtransactions and there are tons of games others with vastly more consumer friendly options ranging from free 2 play with only a vanity store, box with a vanity store, and just a straight subscription with no shop.


Nirolak said:
Just to be clear, the biggest issues are that they want to:

1.) Sell boxes, charge subscriptions, *and* have a microtransaction store.
2.) They want the microtransaction store to sell cheats.

This combination has killed a lot before, as it is the absolute worst way to implement microtransactions and there are tons of games others with vastly more consumer friendly options.

#2 is really the biggest problem, honestly. That will never go over well in a game as PvP based as EVE.


Nirolak said:
Just to be clear, the biggest issues are that they want to:

1.) Sell boxes, charge subscriptions, *and* have a microtransaction store.
2.) They want the microtransaction store to sell cheats.

This combination has killed a lot before, as it is the absolute worst way to implement microtransactions and there are tons of games others with vastly more consumer friendly options ranging from free 2 play with only a vanity store, box with a vanity store, and just a straight subscription with no shop.

Having a overpowered cash-shop is a lowblow in F2P games.

But in account based subscription games? Thats just plain retarded.

If they made EVE F2P I'd consider it.


subversus said:
lol CCP

way to ruin your userbase
I think you underestimate the power of internet space ships. I don't really see this affecting EVE as badly as it might affect other games. CCP knows their userbase and they know they can get away with this.

Ofcourse that doesn't stop it from being completely stupid.


It's honestly not that big a deal. There are so many ways to get ISK in that game "legally or not" that it's kinda of a moot point.


Void Insanity said:
By this do you mean sell power or actual cheats?
I guess it depends what way you view it.

Starships in EVE (which are attainable by everyone through lots of time) or weapons that straight up do more damage than free weapons in Dust 514.
I don't give a rat's ass about the microtransactions as long as they sell vanity items. The moment they sell anything beyond that is the moment I'll stop playing the game completely.


Micro-transactions to enhance your account/characters is ALWAYS a bad idea, because it will destroy the game eventually, because the entire game-economy gets based on the people who DO upgrade their accounts, and eventually non-paying users cant compete or afford to buy stuff in-game.
CCP will also reintroduce the old hangar, which was removed in favor of Captain's Quarters. They're probably only going to make the old hangar available until they optimize their Carbon engine enough so that it won't blow up old GPUs.

I think the Amarr, Caldari, and Gallente CQs will be released sometime this month or in early August. The rest of the Incarna features, such as new nebulae and walking in stations, will probably be released this Fall or in early Winter.

EDIT: Note that the WiS footage is about two years old. The feature will probably look completely different in the final release.
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