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Ex-Sony spokesman: "You have to question the priorities of the company as a whole"

An ex-Sony PR representative has publicly slammed his former company following a recent round of layoffs that left him out of work late last week.

It's hardly unusual for laid-off staffers to harbor ill will toward their former employers, but ex-PlayStation PR Will Powers voiced some striking criticism on Twitter this afternoon. He had harsh words for Sony, PlayStation, and many of the company's recent decisions.

"You have to wonder what the hell PlayStation was thinking laying off more than half of their software PR team going into the holiday season," Powers wrote. "In typical fashion they're sending titles out to die, because they have no PR support — [Little Big Planet Karting], Sports Champions 2, Wonderbook.

"Worst part it, the PR department was already under-staffed. I feel sorry for those that remain there, because their workload just doubled."

Powers, best known as the winner of season 1 of The Tester, Sony's reality show, also said scathing things about Sony's PlayStation Vita handheld.

"That being said, you have to question the priorities of the company as a whole - What the point of AdHoc multiplayer when no one has a Vita?"

In an earlier exchange, Powers wrote that "[Sony's] [priorities] aren't what they used to be. They've definitely [lost] touch with their audience."

Full Twitter exchange here


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Kinda hard to judge this either way - could be true (recent Sony actions enforce this) but it could also be a disgruntled employee making things seem worse than they are.


Sad to see how far Sony has fallen.

They don't seem to be learning any lessons either.

I don't think they'll be around much longer.
Sonys PR has been petty lacklustre given the potential of many of their products, you know maybe they layed these guys off to get someone decent in instead? Hope so...


Sony and not-the-best-decision-makers are becoming synonyms.

That said, their PR department have been pretty lacklustre save moments of brilliance.


So he's the winner of some reality show? I can't even slam PR people for having an over-inflated sense of worth. Because he's not even really that.
This doesn't make much sense to me:

"That being said, you have to question the priorities of the company as a whole - What the point of AdHoc multiplayer when no one has a Vita?"

I'm sure Sony thought that the Vita would do well, and adhoc is just local multiplayer right? What's wrong with that?


Will Powers is an awesome name. Should have shown more will power to resist slamming his former employer though, no matter how accurate he was.


Smart move. Little big planet kart, wonderbook and Sports Championship 2 would have done shit anyway. Better to save the money.


So he's the winner of some reality show? I can't even slam PR people for having an over-inflated sense of worth. Because he's not even really that.

He's the winner of Sony's reality show... and they laid him off.

That there is the sign of a company in trouble.


Sony is a company under ridiculous financial pressure, and Playstation is not immune to those pressures.

Sony didn't raise the price of the new PS3 slim to "add value", they did it to add a few more dollars to the Playstation line item on their P&L.

Playstation has a bit of a tough rode ahead; Sony will need to spend less to make more, so things like PR staffers and marketing budgets are going to get axed.
Disagree theres not a benefit in cutting PR staff though - there are other companies that can provide a far better job for you and who can afford more of the very talented due to working with multiple clients as oppose to having to fund it for yourself.

The reason their laying off is their paying these other companies to do the same job an entire department would do.
Its cost effective in the end and I don't think Powers 100% sees this.

Sony is in a very difficult position, the idea the games section can be 'untouched' by cut backs is hilarious when you consider its monumental failures and massive costs over the years. Its not all about TVs.

Truth is Playstation has had 2 products that were entirely not for the market, this is not the likes of Powers faults, but its hard for him or his team to fix. Some of the rant in this context is a bit silly and Powers has a bit of fanboyism but hes obviously a Playstation fan. Within this I think his criticisms are a bit 'misplaced' but not unfair or necessarily wrong.

Agree on sending products out to die. Sony are not a functional company, when a product is coming out for release - it seems to take everyone by surprise. Look at the spotlight Twisted Metal got at E3 then the silence on release (yes, its out - I was shocked too).


Mobile, Digital Imagining and Games...those are the three priorities of Sony. No need to question them, they're sound ideas.

And honestly, heads should have rolled in pr and marketing much sooner so it's actually the right step along the way.
I never understood why they continually let their marketing/PR fall behind. They had some awesome moments with Kevin Butler and stuff but then came the hilariously bad Marcus PSP commercials, and the nonexistent Vita commercials, not to mention how several of their awesome exclusives like Starhawk and Twisted Metal basically got zero support as well.
Sony's PR this generation has been a disaster. From "get a second job" to historically-accurate "giant enemy crab", to racist PSP adverts, to goats being sacrificed for God of War promotional events, to "Playstation family" NPD responses, to slagging off the competition, to not communicating during the hacking scandal, to demanding the IP address of YouTube and Slashdot accounts, to more slagging off of the competition, to blackmailing Kotaku, to tweeting their own PS3 security key, to pissing off the entire Linux community, and to most recently inferring that their customer base are idiots that do not understand that things are cheaper than other things.

I mean, shit. Who else, anywhere, can compete with that?

I really, really hope they get their PR act together next-generation. They can't afford to piss about like this any more, and the industry is better when they are a part of it.


PR and marketing are separate, right?

I came in to sheepishly ask this very question.

The idea of an individual game title needing to be handled by a PR person is slightly baffling to me.

Like a Vita title is going to phone the PR person at 3 in the morning after they got pulled over drunk by cops while driving in LA with Linsey Lohan.
[Little Big Planet Karting], Sports Champions 2, Wonderbook.

i just appreciate the fact Sony has the balls to invest in those types of titles. and they've been consistent this whole gen about investing in risky/niche IPs, while at the same time having the big titles.
Sad to see how far Sony has fallen.

They don't seem to be learning any lessons either.

I don't think they'll be around much longer.

I hope you're wrong here. I can't imagine what console gaming would be like without Sony in the picture. I love Nintendo and everything and MS is alright but they seem to be going in a casual direction. Sony has always been about hardcore gaming.
Sony's PR this generation has been a disaster. From "get a second job" to historically-accurate "giant enemy crab", to racist PSP adverts, to goats being sacrificed for God of War promotional events, to "Playstation family" NPD responses, to slagging off the competition, to not communicating during the hacking scandal, to demanding the IP address of YouTube and Slashdot accounts, to more slagging off of the competition, to blackmailing Kotaku, to tweeting their own PS3 security key, to pissing off the entire Linux community, and to most recently inferring that their customer base are idiots that do not understand that things are cheaper than other things.

I mean, shit. Who else, anywhere, can compete with that?

I really, really hope they get their act together next-generation. They can't afford to piss about like this any more.

You're blending PR, marketing and corporate into but you're right. All 3 should be gone.


Sony's PR this generation has been a disaster. From "get a second job" to historically-accurate "giant enemy crab", to racist PSP adverts, to goats being sacrificed for God of War promotional events, to "Playstation family" NPD responses, to slagging off the competition, to not communicating during the hacking scandal, to demanding the IP address of YouTube and Slashdot accounts, to more slagging off of the competition, to blackmailing Kotaku, to tweeting their own PS3 security key, to pissing off the entire Linux community, and to most recently inferring that their customer base are idiots that do not understand that things are cheaper than other things.

I mean, shit. Who else, anywhere, can compete with that?

I really, really hope they get their act together next-generation. They can't afford to piss about like this any more.

It's not like they're going to be any better by under staffing them. They'll probably get immensely worse.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Isn't Wonderbook supposed to be big

J.K. Rowlings Big!

Also you got Mr. Powers who caught an awesome lucky break and got his foot through the door into the industry, and now some Twitter lines will be his downfall =/

Not many companies will wanna hire him
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