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Unigine releases version 4.0 of their graphics benchmark Heaven and Valley 1.0


Update - Valley 1.0

Valley Benchmark is a new GPU stress-testing tool from the developers of the very popular and highly acclaimed Heaven Benchmark. The forest-covered valley surrounded by vast mountains amazes with its scale from a bird’s-eye view and is extremely detailed down to every leaf and flower petal. This non-synthetic benchmark powered by the state-of-the art UNIGINE Engine showcases a comprehensive set of cutting-edge graphics technologies with a dynamic environment and fully interactive modes available to the end user.

Offering a rare chance to experience a breath of untapped, crystal clear air, Valley Benchmark allows you to encounter a morning high up in the mountains when the snow-capped peaks are just barely glittering in the rising sun. Be it flying over the vast green expanses or hiking along rocky slopes, this journey continues as long you wish. Unique in every corner, this open-space world provides a wonderfully relaxing experience under the tranquil music and sounds of nature.



- Extreme hardware stability testing
- Per-frame GPU temperature and clock monitoring
- Multi-platform: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X
- Advanced visual technologies: dynamic sky, volumetric clouds, sun shafts, DOF, ambient occlusion
- Multi-Platform support for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X
- 64 000 000 square meters of extremely detailed, seamless terrain
- Procedural object placement of vegetation and rocks
- The entire valley is free to be explored in interactive fly-by or hike-through modes
- User-controlled dynamic weather
- Support for stereo 3D and multi-monitor configurations
- Benchmarking presets
- Command line automation support
- Highly customizable reports in CSV format


Heaven Benchmark with its current version 4.0 is a GPU-intensive benchmark that hammers graphics cards to the limits. This powerful tool can be effectively used to determine the stability of a GPU under extremely stressful conditions, as well as check the cooling system's potential under maximum heat output. It provides completely unbiased results and generates true in-game rendering workloads across all platforms, such as Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

Heaven Benchmark immerses a user into a magical steampunk world of shiny brass, wood and gears. Nested on flying islands, a tiny village with its cozy, sun-heated cobblestone streets, an elaborately crafted dirigible above the expanse of fluffy clouds, and a majestic dragon on the central square gives a true sense of adventure. An interactive experience with fly-by and walk-through modes allows for exploring all corners of this world powered by the cutting-edge UNIGINE Engine that leverages the most advanced capabilities of graphics APIs and turns this benchmark into a visual masterpiece.

New in 4.0
- Benchmarking presets for convenient comparison of results
- GPU temperature and clock monitoring
- Drastic improvement of SSDO (Screen Space Directional Occlusion)
- Stars at nighttime
- Improvement of lens flares
- New, improved version of UNIGINE Engine under the hood
- Detection of multiple GPUs
- Anti-aliasing support on Mac OS X
- Enhancement of automation scripts in Pro version
- New Advanced edition (see details below)
- Russian and Chinese localization

Haven 4.0 Youtube
Valley Youtube


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
just ran it in ultra with extreme tesselation and 4x MSAA. Looked mindblowing.

As I understand GI wasn't present in 3.0. If it is true then GI is a game changer that can make everything look next-gen.

DOF and refraction are annoying though.


just ran it in ultra with extreme tesselation and 4x MSAA. Looked mindblowing.

As I understand GI wasn't present in 3.0. If it is true then GI is a game changer that can make everything look next-gen.

DOF and refraction are annoying though.
Are they for sure running a more accurate GI model now?

I think it's still just faked with SSDO. Maybe I'm wrong?


Appearently they are also releasing their new Unigine Valley tomorrow. I'll update the OP when that happens.

After waiting nearly two years, Unigine Valley will be finally made publicly available on Thursday.

Features of Unigine Valley 1.0 include sixty-four square kilometers of extremely detailed terrain, dynamic user-controlled environment (day/night and weather effects), extremely deep distance of visibility, seamless terrain streaming, cinematic lens flares, interactive fly/walk modes in the open world, and similar benchmarking capabilities to Unigine Heaven.

A few samples, more at the link.



Fafracer forever
Izayoi said:
I think it's still just faked with SSDO. Maybe I'm wrong?
SSDO is as "fake" as SSAO is - ie. there's the typical inaccuracies you get from working in screen-space (assuming you don't play with depth-layers and multiple camera views), but beyond that, it's computing light-bounces and their respective occlusion, much as you would with other methods.


SSDO is as "fake" as SSAO is - ie. there's the typical inaccuracies you get from working in screen-space
Aye. That's why I was curious if it was something more accurate. I probably should've worded it better, "real-time" was a poor choice.

Still looks great either way.
SSDO is as "fake" as SSAO is - ie. there's the typical inaccuracies you get from working in screen-space (assuming you don't play with depth-layers and multiple camera views), but beyond that, it's computing light-bounces and their respective occlusion, much as you would with other methods.

SSDO plays with depth does it not?

Hence why it is much more accurate and inherits color


Got this and I'll grab Futuremark's stuff on a Steam sale. Can't wait to test out my new build when it's finally done.

Isn't there another benchmark from this company... One within a forest. When is that being released?


Isn't there another benchmark from this company... One within a forest. When is that being released?

tech demo/benchmark - Unigine Valley 1.0 tomorrow

and a quick compare 3.0 - 4.0 default settings on both..


things are definitely more... shiny.
tech demo/benchmark - Unigine Valley 1.0 tomorrow

and a quick compare 3.0 - 4.0 default settings on both..

things are definitely more... shiny.

Kind of defeats the point of benchmarking if you're going to turn down one of the biggest features (tesselation). (edit) just realized you only ran it on the defaults... no tesselation and only on high settings?

For those wondering how it runs on older graphics cards

Full Tesselation said:
Unigine Heaven Benchmark 4.0
Min FPS:
Max FPS:
Windows NT 6.2 (build 9200) 64bit
CPU model:
AMD FX(tm)-6300 Six-Core Processor (4199MHz) x3
GPU model:
ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series (1024MB) x1
1920x1080 fullscreen

And for giggles, without tesselation

notess said:
Unigine Heaven Benchmark 4.0
Min FPS:
Max FPS:
Windows NT 6.2 (build 9200) 64bit
CPU model:
AMD FX(tm)-6300 Six-Core Processor (4199MHz) x3
GPU model:
ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series (1024MB) x1
1920x1080 fullscreen


I'd be in the dick
The tessellation on this demo has always impressed me. One of the first implementations I saw of it and it looks great.

Lighting looks to be way better in this version as well.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Is this just a benchmark then? Why did I think it's an actual game engine they license out etc... Must be the name... Too bad...
So... why do they change their benchmark? This isn't a game or a tech demo it's marketed as a benchmark.

The whole point is to compare how older cards handle tesselation compared to new ones and they just either:
-made the old data useless since reviews/card tests will now bench 3.0
-made a redundant update (again I guess, didn't know it was already at 3.0) if everyone keeps using the old version

The whole ENTIRE POINT of a benchmark is to have a constant, a metric to compare something against, you don't fuck with the constant unless it's for compatibility reasons.

off topic: I always hated this benchmark , the early showings and presentations were so insulting with them pretending a bunch of stair steps would be a flat texture without their precious tessowlashiun.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Is this just a benchmark then? Why did I think it's an actual game engine they license out etc... Must be the name... Too bad...

they license it out. Not only games though - military, architectural applications mostly. It's more successful on that front.


I don't see how it's any different than Futuremark updates. All the benchmark data had to be basically thrown out with each successive patch as well. I can't wait to try the new shiny when I get home. Thanks.


I was going to buy the full version until I saw it's $500. I take it the basic version is more than enough for personal use?

Trying to warm up my new 680

edit: Scored ~1250/48fps on Ultra w/ 4x AA 1080P, tesselation. Is there a standard setting for comparing with others or do the scores scale?


I keep getting CTDs (causes 304% power spikes) where every other benchmarking tool works flawlessly with my 680. Meh to this.


I was going to buy the full version until I saw it's $500. I take it the basic version is more than enough for personal use?

Trying to warm up my new 680

edit: Scored ~1250/48fps on Ultra w/ 4x AA 1080P, tesselation. Is there a standard setting for comparing with others or do the scores scale?

The advanced version should be $14.95, $500 is the pro one. On the Sweclockers forum (Swedish site), we went with maxed out at 1080p. Might as well post my results.

If you want to compare some results you can go to the Swec forum and look, language barrier shouldn't be a problem.


I keep getting CTDs (causes 304% power spikes) where every other benchmarking tool works flawlessly with my 680. Meh to this.

Can you run Furmark? Very demanding on the GPU and if there's any OC instability you'll find out.


Unigine Valley is simply stunning! Look at how dense it is. What's more, it doesn't suffer from the potato land syndrome of modern RPGs where the terrain resembles a lunar surface; instead, you can gaze tens upon tens of miles into the horizon.
Unigine Valley is simply stunning! Look at how dense it is. What's more, it doesn't suffer from the potato land syndrome of modern RPGs where the terrain resembles a lunar surface; instead, you can gaze tens upon tens of miles into the horizon.

I know just what you mean! Games like Skyrim or Red Dead Redemption create these big worlds but in reality they are quite small to facilitate gameplay. But I've always wanted a game to create landscapes that are more to the scale of real life. This Valley demo showed just that.

Also, my dream is to be able to run around vast detailed worlds like this on the Oculus Rift. It would be incredible.


I know just what you mean! Games like Skyrim or Red Dead Redemption create these big worlds but in reality they are quite small to facilitate gameplay. But I've always wanted a game to create landscapes that are more to the scale of real life. This Valley demo showed just that.

Also, my dream is to be able to run around vast detailed worlds like this on the Oculus Rift. It would be incredible.
Exactly. Imagine the sense of scale and immersion on the Rift when looking up at this mountain:


Can't wait for my dev kit to ship...!
Goddamn is Valley amazing.

Does Valley sort of replace Heaven in standard benchmarking or should we proceed with the two in parallel?


Nice, although i'm sure Valley could use optimization and improved art.
It isn't always that impressive, but the scale is clearly the wow factor. Aggressive LODs, harsh lighting and invasive post processes tend to break down realism unfortunately.

(tested on ultra 4xAA on a GTX670)


Valley ran really nice for me. Stayed well over 30 frames for the most part. At some points I was reaching 80+ frames. This is on the GTX 590.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
I see that incredibly ugly HDR is still on the menu. Graphic effects designers still trying hard to put in stuff in games that filmmakers and photographers work hard to get rid of most of the time.


Holy shit at Valley. If TW3 looks even half as dense with a draw distance that big, I will be in next-gen heaven.

About to run the benchmark on my 7950.


Averaged 39.9 fps on my 3570k/7950 @ 1080p 8xAA. I've seen the future. We've arrived at the future. Even turned on 3D and my jaw was dropped the whole time just cheesing at the sense of scale.

That's about what I expect this rig to pull on most next gen ports: steady 30fps at 1080p with heaps of AA.


Valley looks ugly and amateurish.

Heaven looks the same as it has for years now. Version number should be 1.4.


Does anyone use the Uniengine to actually make AAA games or is there something wrong with it. It seems pretty insane from reading the website and such.
Gonna try running this later but jus looking at that Valley video just got me salivating. With all those sweeping camera shots Valley + Oculus Rift would bring tears of joy to my eyes.


Gonna try running this later but jus looking at that Valley video just got me salivating. With all those sweeping camera shots Valley + Oculus Rift would bring tears of joy to my eyes.

Honestly if I was one of the next gen consoles and had glasses coming out for my system, or if I wanted to show of Oculus Rift and what it could do. I would just have the entire valley opened up and let people walk through with full audio. I mean damn.
And call it "Go For A Hike You Fattie!"


2600K @ 4.8 , GTX670 SLI @ 1255/3800

Heaven looks improved compared to 3.0 , Valley looks very good in some points less in others

Valley suffers from agressive LoD and both have far too much DoF at certain points

great stress tests for your GPU overclocks though :p
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