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Adam Boyes was in a meeting with Tretton when #PS4NoDRM started trending

It's from a banned site so I can't link it - but it's quotes from a roundtable so hopefully someone else brings it up soon.

"Moving onto the gamers themselves, specifically the #PS4NoDRM campaign, Adam was actually in a meeting with Jack Tretton when it was trending, and he got on his whiteboard, putting “here’s the world, here’s what we’re leaning towards right now, and here’s the feedback, so we’re leaning in that direction, let’s just lock it in.”"

Banned site dot com

From my original OP on #PS4NoDRM:

The gist of it is that Sony is listening to the backlash that Microsoft is getting and they are basing decisions off of this. I would assume MS is also, but I don't know that for sure. But I can say, for sure, that the past week's PR nightmare for MS has not been lost on Sony and they, in fact, do have a used game 'solution' working and have been going back and forth for months on whether to use it. This past week is pushing them strongly into "Yeah, let's not use that."

Do you want to give them an extra push? It can't hurt. I've been told by lower level people in the company that tweeting to yosp specifically is quite effective as he likes to gauge what people are thinking. Will a couple hundred posts from neogaf change the entire industry? No. Can it help give a little more momentum to something sony seems to be leaning towards already? I would think so.

I wish I could claim i'm a genius but that is just dumb fucking luck. WOW!

Everyone who joined in... ya'll did this. This is crazy.


I can't take any credit for it as I wasn't even in Sony's camp until E3.

But to everyone who did, well fucking done.


Congratulations and thank you man, you (and everybody who spoke out) really made a difference.
This was only the first step.
We need to continue speaking out.
To our friends, our family, our co-workers, our independent game store owners.

And this fall we need to back up our words with our wallets.
If we do, no gaming executive will dare to ignore the will of the people ever again.


So all the people in that GAF documentary saying GAF doesn't have an impact on the video game industry were wrong?


You and the people that made this are teh reason Im buying a PS4 since used games and trading is my gaming echosystem!

Thank you!

Ploid 3.0

You may have changed the course of history. Butterfly effect in real time, what will happen next though? Will aliens invade us?

It's all on you, what have you done?


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Yes! Feels good to take part in something like this that is successful.
I don't deserve any thanks. I was given info and I posted it. The people that picked up the ball and ran with it are what made it happen.

If it was just me and I tweeted to adam boyes I don't think he would have said "here's the world, here's what famousmortimer is thinking, LOCK IT IN!" :lol
Well according to Edge and CliffyB Sony is just lying to us to ride the positive PR buzz.
I really hope Sony proves them wrong.
Fucking awesome.

Boyes and Tretton and Yoshida and everyone are so fucking awesome.

Everyone who participated is fucking awesome.

I love you GAF.
So all the people in that GAF documentary saying GAF doesn't have an impact on the video game industry were wrong?

It's a tricky thing. There's a line crossed when the industry does listen, but it's only when a truly massive collective of gaffers start sending a message in unison, and one that could very well affect the company's bottom line.

It won't work when people "boycott" a game because of some DLC shit they don't like. It has to be big, it has to go viral, and it has to involve a lot of money for the company. It doesn't happen often, and for every successful consumer-driven "movement" (for lack of a better word), there are 10 failed ones.


I don't deserve any thanks. I was given info and I posted it. The people that picked up the ball and ran with it are what made it happen.

If it was just me and I tweeted to adam boyes I don't think he would have said "here's the world, here's what famousmortimer is thinking, LOCK IT IN!" :lol
Still you were the one that made the first move so thanks now I'll enjoy a more friendly PS4. :D


Not Wario
I don't know whether the journalists and personalities- TB especially- should feel worse now that the credit is out or before when they, as representatives for the consumers of this hobby, downplayed, scoffed, and outright dismissed those same consumers while the efforts were underway- nevermind the fact that the effort was, regardless of the actual level of impact it would have, worth carrying out. What a pathetic industry. Would be nice to be able to come out of this with a little bit less bitterness, but this episode has done more to cement my hatred of certain journalists and spokespeople than it has to elevate my appreciation of a corporation, which is something I'll always be wary of doing, regardless of their actions.
I actually was snuck into their presser by someone. I think I know who...

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