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No DLC for Watch_Dogs on Wii U, tweets the official Twitter for W_D

Of course not.

Mr. Guillemot (Ubisoft's CEO) basically confirmed that Watch_Dogs would be the last mature title on Wii U regardless. So why bother with DLC?


So the WiiU game will be the default game the other consoles had? It will not come with the DLC and game fixes included?
Why did they even bother? They still have to print the discs. I mean, I doubt it would have sold anyway, but it's better than releasing a half-assed version half a year later and pretending that you tried.


I'm not one to blame publishers for the poor sells of 3rd party games on the WiiU, but this one is really impossible to pin on anyone else but Ubi. Late release and no DLC? Yeah; it's not gonna do well.
but will it still be full-priced, considering not only is it late, but it will also not/will never be fully (or even comparably) featured or supported by its publisher?


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
Yet another self-fulfilling prophecy. Five months later, cut to: "Our games do not sell on Nintendo platforms."
First it was seemingly delayed to not compete with Mario Kart 8, but then it was delayed to directly compete with Smash Bros and now it's missing features and it's apparently full price based on what I've seen. Not sure how anyone at Ubisoft could think that was a good idea
Why did they even bother? I mean, I doubt it would have sold anyway, but it's better than releasing a half-assed version half a year later and pretending that you tried.

To fulfill some kind of deal with Nintendo. Maybe a very old deal...like...a deal made back in 2011 so Nintendo could start bragging that Watch_Dogs would release on their console.

I'm convinced it's the only way the game is actually getting a release.


Watch Dogs on Wii U is just a commitment Ubi would rather shit out and forget about for the sake of not angering Nintendo fans at this point.


First it was seemingly delayed to not compete with Mario Kart 8, but then it was delayed to directly compete with Smash Bros and now it's missing features and it's apparently full price based on what I've seen. Not sure how anyone at Ubisoft could think that was a good idea

I wonder if its some executive game of chicken, because it hasnt made sense for them to bother for a long time


It wouldn't sell even if it had all the DLC. It wouldn't sell even if it had exclusive DLC. Nothing would have made this sell. Ubi shouldn't have bothered in the first place.

It might have sold if it was released concurrently. But to release a game after the hype has died down is just bad business.


I don't want to say it because I know there will be people who do want to genuinely play this because they were interested to see what it would be like on the Wii U but I think they should've just canceled it :/
Its gonna be released months late, no after launch support is already confirmed, at this point we just need the $60 release price point announcement.


I assumed it would have had the DLC included since it's a late release. Was going to get the game if it had good tech performance, but not sure now.


why even bother releasing it? it's obvious they don't care, then they'll whine and complain when it doesn't sell


WB thought it made more sense to REFUND people than port the Batman DLC

No surprise other companies are not even pretending to entertain the idea of DLC on WiiU.
To fulfill some kind of deal with Nintendo. Maybe a very old deal...like...a deal made back in 2011 so Nintendo could start bragging that Watch_Dogs would release on their console.

I'm convinced it's the only way the game is actually getting a release.

My thought as well. The dlc may be different since they aren't the only company to eschew it on the Wii U, which causes me to wonder what costs are involved there but that's a topic for a different thread.


I'll be honest here. Even though this isn't the style of game I usually enjoy, I was still interested in the Wii U version depending on if they used the gamepad in interesting ways, and that Ubisoft didn't screw me over as a Wii U owner. Now the delay I didn't mind as much as some did. Sure it pissed me off but I am honest with myself about the consoles position, and I wouldn't mind the delay as long as it meant that we got a polished version of the game that took advantage of the gamepad. Then they revealed that the gamepad would only be used as a map, and what interest I had just nosedived. I was still considering getting it though, if for nothing else than to broaden my horizons and to support Ubi for not giving up and bringing it to the system when everyone assumed they would drop it. This however has pushed me over the edge to not getting it. I don't know if I am the only one that will feel this way, but this was the final nail in the coffin for me.


Junior Member
"We couldn't find any cool things to do with the gamepad for the DLC so we decided not to have any for the Wii U version. It would be an injustice to put the game out without any gamepad specific features."

-Ubisoft PR in the coming days
why even bother releasing it? it's obvious they don't care, then they'll whine and complain when it doesn't sell

Not this time.

Ubisoft's CEO:

“It’s very simple. What we see is that Nintendo customers don’t buy Assassin’s Creed. Last year, we sold in very small numbers."

“[Watch Dogs] is coming to Wii U. It will be the only mature game we publish on it.”

This is consistent with NPD and GfK data reports.

Ubisoft has already written off the Wii U for their mature titles. This last title...is a courtesy, probably to Nintendo to fulfill a contract.

No point in whining and complaining when you've already written a console off.


they dont want WD to sell on WiiU.

I'm sure they do (I mean seriously why waste money making it if they didn't want it to sell). But I'm also sure that when they decided to put WD on Wii U that it might sell enough to make it worth doing. But in between that decision and now, they realized it really wasn't going to sell enough to justify it. But they already said they were putting it on Wii U. So they're doing so to stick to their word but they have decided it's not worth more resources. They never promised DLC so they don't have to put that on to keep their word and in their eyes waste more money on something they see isn't going to sell enough to make it worth it. They're not going to complain about it selling some copies, but they just don't see making DLC making enough difference to justify putting the effort in.

They don't want to sell to sell it on the WiiU period at this point.

This is a much better assessment honestly. They're only even bothering cause they already promised they would put it on Wii U.
Yet another self-fulfilling prophecy. Five months later, cut to: "Our games do not sell on Nintendo platforms."

Funny I would have thought that they would have had enough evidence of that from all of their previous games, including the exclusive Zombi totally tanking.

Want to blame someone? Blame Nintendo for designing a system that nobody but hardcore Nintendo fans want to own.
I'm sure they do. But I'm also sure that when they decided to put WD on Wii U that it might sell enough to make it worth doing. But in between that decision and now, they realized it really wasn't going to sell enough to justify it. But they already said they were putting it on Wii U. So they're doing so to stick to their word but they have decided it's not worth more resources. They never promised DLC so they don't have to put that on to keep their word and in their eyes waste more money on something they see isn't going to sell enough to make it worth it.

Nah. Companies cancel games all the time without remorse.

See how Sega just abruptly cancelled Aliens: Colonial Marines for Wii U right before release. Or how EA / Take-Two just abruptly announced they wouldn't support the Wii U anymore.

Ubisoft is loyal to no one. If they weren't receiving some sort of incentive for this, the projected ROI just wouldn't be worth the time and effort.

It makes no sense to release Watch_Dogs on Wii U given how abysmal prior mature Ubisoft games have sold on the console in North America and Europe.
they dont want WD to sell on WiiU.

Yet another self-fulfilling prophecy. Five months later, cut to: "Our games do not sell on Nintendo platforms."

why even bother releasing it? it's obvious they don't care, then they'll whine and complain when it doesn't sell


They were one of the few 3rd parties to support the WiiU hard out the gate. It back fired on them miserably. The Wii U is a failure with some great games. I don't blame anyone who stays away from that dumpster fire. Go look at the sell through numbers for the Wii U.


Nah. Companies cancel games all the time without remorse.

See how Sega just abruptly cancelled Aliens: Colonial Marines for Wii U right before release. Or how EA / Take-Two just abruptly announced they wouldn't support the Wii U anymore.

Ubisoft is loyal to no one. If they weren't receiving some sort of financial incentive for this, the projected ROI just wouldn't be worth the time and effort.

It makes no sense to release Watch_Dogs on Wii U given how abysmal prior mature Ubisoft games have sold on the console in North America and Europe.

Wait, where are you contradicting what I said?

Edit: Nevermind, I see where you highlited what I bolded. I am thinking they are keeping their word on that cause they decided the bad PR from reversing the decision isn't worth not putting it out. And they might have already ported a lot of it when they gave up on the Wii U. So probably it was worth what little effort was left to at least keep their promise. But not worth putting more effort into DLC.
Yet another self-fulfilling prophecy. Five months later, cut to: "Our games do not sell on Nintendo platforms."

It's not exactly self-fufilling when Ubisoft has actually made a lot of attempts at selling games on Wii U and have gotten poor sales anyway.

Really, they're pretty much the only western third party that has been putting effort into the Wii U. And it hasn't worked out for them.


Funny I would have thought that they would have had enough evidence of that from all of their previous games, including the exclusive Zombi totally tanking.

Want to blame someone? Blame Nintendo for designing a system that nobody but hardcore Nintendo fans want to own.

are you saying that their Wii U games, including the exclusive Zombi U which was a total PR disaster that got lots of uninformed reviews with low scores, were promoted well enough to sell better?
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