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What can Sega do to succeed?


With the recent news of Sega downsizing and refocusing on mobile and PC games, I'm wondering if this will actually, finally be their path to success... as much as I may hate this particular direction, does it make the most sense for them?

I think unfortunately for us long time fans, it may be. Considering that any time they release anything it seems to under perform, I'm not sure what else they can do. I was really happy when they released Jet Set Radio HD and I assumed it would usher in an age of them returning to their roots and classic franchises. It's the kind of release we hardcore gamers were clamoring for (as opposed to endless mediocre Sonic releases) but we just didn't buy enough copies and it failed, along with the remastered Nights. I know we would all love for Sega to give us our Shenmue, our Streets of Rage and Phantasy Stars etc. But I think it's been proven that they simply don't have enough fans to support such releases...

So if you were the president of Sega right now, what sort of route would you take to lead the company to profitability? And can they do that while still making us core gamers happy?


It does, long term, they have successful PC franchises, and mobile is a path to success.

It just sucks because their classic IP is so good. I wish they'd outsource it.


I really think they are throwing away money not localizing Phantasy Star and putting it on Steam..

If all these crappy Korean MMORPGs can make money somehow, then surely Phantasy Star Online will
Make good games.

Not so simple.

Really, the only way to truly do it is to go mobile for backup money (like they already do in Japan), stick their IPs on bigger name companies like Sony and Nintendo, and build up from the ground.

The whole reason Yakuza lives stateside is because of Sony. Sega couldn't fund it, admittedly so since the damn games are niche and translation costs a lot, so someone else stepped in.

If they ever want their IPs, new or old, to do good, they need backing until they hit it big.

Binary Domain, Vanquish, Yakuza games, all of those are great titles sold like shit. They need help.

Do the exact opposite of what Capcom is doing.

If anything, they should do what Capcom is doing lately. Playing it safe, pleasing the hardcore and casuals at the same time (DmC and DMC4 Remasters), bringing back cost effective games as HD ports, and hooking up with the big dudes. Capcom is going to get their money back with these methods, and Sega should follow suit, especially with that last part.
Flappy sonic.
Amy candy crush saga.
F2p pso remake.

Teach their customers native Japanese language so they can import any yakuza games.


The whole reason Yakuza lives stateside is because of Sony. Sega couldn't fund it, admittedly so since the damn games are niche and translation costs a lot, so someone else stepped in.

Do you think this was a wise decision for Sony? I'm certainly happy about it, but I don't think it'll sell. I'd love to be wrong.
They could have had a success like Destiny with PSO, they so dumm.



F2P games, Sonic games, PC games, and ports of older titles. That's really all they can do at this point.
Ummm actually bring games that we want to play

Localize PSO2

Remaster Skies of Arcadia

And for fucks sake give the Shenmue fans whT they want

Stop making Sonic games for a few years
Do you think this was a wise decision for Sony? I'm certainly happy about it, but I don't think it'll sell. I'd love to be wrong.

Sony is thinking long term. Promote this game so that future sequels get more exposure, become relevant again. Not the best idea a short term thing, but it's a smart route to go if they promote and advertise the game.

Ummm actually bring games that we want to play

Localize PSO2

Remaster Skies of Arcadia

And for fucks sake give the Shenmue fans whT they want

Stop making Sonic games for a few years

The "we" you are referring to isn't making the money right now.


I really think they are throwing away money not localizing Phantasy Star and putting it on Steam..

If all these crappy Korean MMORPGs can make money somehow, then surely Phantasy Star Online will

Hell no. The western MMO market is saturated. There's simply no room for something like PSO to succeed here.


Maybe make something other than Sonic for Nintendo platforms that's actually compelling? That audience seems to give a shit about Sega games, whereas the same can't be said of their efforts to make the Sony and Microsoft audience give a shit that they still exist.

But of course now we will never know if the road less traveled would have been a success and they really didn't bother trying much.
With my current look at things, nothing short of using the DeLorean to ensure that Bernie Stolar never leaves Sony/Never gets hired by Sega will be able to make Sega do an instant 180. And that requires in addition the miracle of getting FF7 landed for the Saturn instead of the PS1 by approaching Squaresoft with a better deal.

For now? Smart choices and safe investments - Take risks when there's an opportunity and visible demand, like the PC port of Valkyria Chronicles. Better quality control and willingness to take time to avoid unmitigated disasters like Sonic Boom - Having good PR and word of mouth can and will lead to success. Junk like Sonic Boom tarnishes the company name, makes consumers lose faith, and at the end of the day only garners sales from the most autismal of Sanic fans. The ones that aren't Mace'ing Gamestop employees as part of "peaceful protest" against blue arms, that is.
Release every Dreamcast game on PS4. Even the ones you don't have the rights to. You can deal with the lawsuits later with all that sweet Dreamcast port money.


Maybe make something other than Sonic for Nintendo platforms that's actually compelling? That audience seems to give a shit about Sega games, whereas the same can't be said of their efforts to make the Sony and Microsoft audience give a shit that they still exist.

I'm wondering if a Nintendo developed all Sega themed Smash Brothers spin off could put some of their old IPs back into the minds of young folks and they could follow that up with new entries in those old series. But considering how long/how much hard work it takes to make a Smash game, I doubt they'd bother with an all Sega spin off. But I wouldn't want anyone else to develop it because look how Playstation All-Stars turned out.


Release Skies of Arcadia HD and a psn/xbla port of PSO. Money will come pouring in.

No it wouldn't. If it would they would have done it. What makes you think there are millions of people that want to play SoA these days? JRPGs that aren't Final Fantasy aren't big money makers any more. The era you grew up in is over and never coming back.
Release every Dreamcast game on PS4. Even the ones you don't have the rights to. You can deal with the lawsuits later with all that sweet Dreamcast port money.

Yep. No easier path to success than porting unsuccessful 15 year old games to new consoles.

I guess my advice would be to stop listening to your fans. They don't want new games, they want a time machine.
Better companies than Sega died last gen. Sega stay put by releasing a wide array of high quality games and investing in well know developers. That sometimes backfired though and even the best team makes pure shit. Like World Destruction and Aliens Colonial Marine


Some of the answers in here are deluded/wishful thinking. Let's put some actual thought into it folks. We all want those Dreamcast games but you know that's not the way to success. If you think it is, I'd love to hear the argument for how to make it work.


PSO seems like it could be a gold-mine.

JSRF too.

I mean, Bass Fishing, a janky old platformer that was garnering 5s back in 2003, Space Channel, and Crazy Taxi with no songs aren't the greatest gauges. It's like they purposefully make really stupid decisions.

An actual old-school 2D Sonic game for 15 that.. no that's. Why is SEGA so bad?
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