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How is Nintendo hurt by not doing an E3 press conference?


That's not what I said at all. Press conferences help get information out far better than youtube videos.

It is still a press conference, the only difference is that it is prerecorded and not on stage.

The press are pissed because Nintendo is not filtering info through them like Gametrailer, IGN or Gamespot. Which means no extra money from ads for them

Nintendo is using youtube, ustream, twitch.


What motivation is there for IGN to promote or hype up the Digital Show? Or Kotaku, or Gametrailers, or whoever the hell else?

E3 being gaming Christmas isn't just a platitude- it's one of the highest periods of traffic and therefore revenue that gaming sites get. The bigger gaming sites run their own streams of the conferences, and can leverage them for advertising revenue and their own content. They simply cannot do that with Directs or whatever the equivalent is- they can link to or embed the stream, but that's absolutely nowhere near as helpful to them, so space and promotion that would go to a live Nintendo conference goes to someone else?

Believe it or believe it not, gaming media is a business. If Nintendo aren't willing to interact with these businesses, Nintendo will not be supported by them. It's quite simple.

And one of IGN's biggest games last e3?
The new Smash Bros.

Good games will ascend beyond their presentation.


I don't think a big conference is really necessary until they have new hardware to show, so maybe next year.

A lot of people say the mainstream press doesn't pay attention to the directs but I don't think that is true.

The news from those directs gets spread about enough to be effective.

I don't think the next couple of E3's will be all that notable for Nintendo outside of some cool game announcements. They just have to ride out the WiiU and the decline of the 3DS for at least another year to 18 months.

I'm still looking forward to their show. New Zelda with shiny graphics? FUCK YES, give me.


A live presentation is exciting, it brings electricity in the air. Thats enough to do it at E3 , the biggest games show in the world.


It is still a press conference, the only difference is that it is prerecorded and not on stage.

The press are pissed because Nintendo is not filtering info through them like Gametrailer, IGN or Gamespot.

Nintendo is using youtube, ustream, twitch.

Actually, some may even say "ironically" :p, Nintendo is being very forward thinking about this. A press conference mattered 6-7 years ago, but not anymore.
I don't understand the notion that an online E3 presentation will only reach people who are already Nintendo fans. I'm pretty sure there isn't a fanboy verification check. Most of the people who watch the live conferences aren't there anyway; they watch it streamed online. It appears to be the same amount of effort and the same process to watch either type of presentation: click a url. If you can't be bothered to do that, even though it's exactly the same as what you would do to watch a live event, then I don't know what to tell you.


The press are pissed because Nintendo is not filtering info through them like Gametrailer, IGN or Gamespot.

Nintendo is using youtube, ustream, twitch.

So did Sony, Microsoft, and every other publisher at E3.

And, you can bet IGN will have a side-stream of Nintendo's stream with commentary like they did last year.
All of that is preaching to the choir. Nothing that'll mean anything to just about anyone outside the existing Nintendo faithful.

Sure but games like MK,SSB, and perhaps Zelda is what Nintendo should be doing if they want really good sales.

At this rate, it is nigh impossible to expect SSB Wii U/3DS to outsell its predecessors, simply because of awareness and lack of people having a Wii U in the first place. It's my honest opinion that the 3DS version will outsell the Wii U version. An E3 conference could really remedy that situation in time for these games to do as big as they can.

I dunno, but I just really want Nintendo to be successful, and I think going and "breaking from the crowd" in the most arbitrary ways possible isn't what they need at this point in time.
Promotion of the Wii U as a console and redefining it to consumers.

Promotion of Smash Bros.

Promotion of Mario Kart

Promotion of Teased Zelda title.

Promotion of the highly likely Animal Crossing U.

Promotion of 3DS titles like Tomodachi life.

Promotion of NFC title that utilizes new feature.

Nothing though right? And these are all things known/highly likely that we know of as of yet.

The notion that Wii U can be saved by properly "defining" it to consumers is beyond absurd at this point. It's been thoroughly, resoundingly rejected by the market. The problem isn't marketing.

As for the software, all of that is preaching to the choir. Nothing that'll mean anything to just about anyone outside the existing Nintendo faithful.
They're not. But the fact they've elected not to hold one, just like last year, probably suggests to some that they've got a boring lineup to share, just like last year too.

This is the obvious conclusion. So no WiiU Zelda gameplay. Smash is their only big WiiU game this year, so they're doing a tournament. I feel like Nintendo is leaving the console business, and at this point they are just squeezing everything they can out of whats left of their fan base.
To the fans, it's the same exact thing, minus the journalists.
Depends on who you mean by fan.

If you mean the fan of gaming in general who vaguely follows the news, this is palpably untrue. We've had people in this very thread talking about the perception of Nintendo not being at E3 keeping them from thinking that last year's Direct was worth watching. Perception is absolutely everything at E3, and Nintendo are refusing to build that up.

If you mean the hardcore Nintendo fan, they'd largely be satisfied with a press release and a load of Youtubed trailers, judging by the reactions of those who are thinking that Nintendo is well-served by staying away from the artifice and glitz of E3. Besides, Nintendo appealing solely to its own fanbase is a problem that needs to be fixed, not exacerbated.
And one of IGN's biggest games last e3?
The new Smash Bros.

Good games will ascend beyond their presentation.

True enough.

That's the nature of Smash Bros, though. It would have been that big had it just been revealed on Twitter, so why both with an E3 appearance at all?
Most of the people who watch the live conferences aren't there anyway; they watch it streamed online.

Generally streams hosted by gaming websites, who promote them accordingly. That's how people find out about them.

There will be no IGN live stream, or Gametrailers, or whatever. As a result, there is less of an incentive for these to advertise, and so fewer people will know about them. The people who will will be those who seek Nintendo info out, by and large: ie. Nintendo fans.
Is having a prerecorded direct to the consumer recording that difference from a live one?
Uh, yes? I stated why directly in the post you quoted.

It is still a press conference, the only difference is that it is prerecorded and not on stage.
The only difference between men and women is their reproductive system. The only difference between water and air is the arrangement of their atoms. Furthermore, yes and no are both answers to a question, and therefore more or less the same thing :p


Actually, some may even say "ironically" :p, Nintendo is being very forward thinking about this. A press conference mattered 6-7 years ago, but not anymore.

Of course, that's why tons of major companies still hold press conferences, and not even just in the video game industry. Because they don't matter anymore.


A press conference mattered 6-7 years ago, but not anymore.

In the position they're in right now? They are better off NOT showing off their upcoming videogames at the biggest videogame news event of the year?

What is the argument being made by people who are claiming their presence at E3 doesn't matter, or in fact might be detrimental to them? Because no one cares about press conferences? Right, except every game related message board, gaming outlet, gaming TV show, newspaper articles that write about games, etc. They matter. Or maybe perhaps because they're spending some money on booths? I think they can afford a modest stage show to showcase their exciting new stuff.

I'm really not seeing how anyone can argue that NINTENDO not being at the biggest and most talked about videogame news event of the year, isn't going to negatively impact them in some way, namely, exposure and hype. I mean, they're still not doing too shit hot with the sales, right? Why not get some more exposure? Nothing to show? What the fuck have you been doing all this time? No one talks about things they didn't see.


In response to the question, I'm not sure they are... but last year Nintendo had both technical issues with their presentation and had essentially no content. Like, I don't think a 60 minute livestream is all that different than a 60 minute stage presentation. Sony or Nintendo or MS could easily do a pre-recorded livestream and still do a great job of interfacing with journalists and getting the message out... but a 35 minute livestream is definitely weaker than a 90 minute stage presentation, right? So for me, my main concern is "Do we take this as a proxy for Nintendo not having much of a lineup?" or alternatively "Do we assume that the amount and quality of content they have has no connection to how they choose to present it?"

Lack of content at E3 has definitely been an issue for Nintendo the past few years. At least the shorter format means they won't pad it out by reading the instruction manual to Nintendo Land, right?
I think E3 presentations are a great way of interacting with fans and showing that you care.

Seems dumb maybe to some but that's just me.
A live presentation is exciting, it brings electricity in the air. Thats enough to do it at E3 , the biggest games show in the world.

As generic as it sounds, it's true. Would you go see a video of your favorite band? Or just watch a recording of your favorite lecture? Seeing it live is awesome.

Plus, maybe they have nothing to show. That's what I read from it. Same shit, different video.


What motivation is there for IGN to promote or hype up the Digital Show? Or Kotaku, or Gametrailers, or whoever the hell else?

Their audience?

If they care about Nintendo fans visiting their site they have to report about it, it is that simple.

Press of any other kind has been adapting to the rise of social networks and how readily information is now for their readers, they have to give extra value, just being the source isn't enough. It is quite amazing the gaming press is the one stuck in the past.
In response to the question, I'm not sure they are... but last year Nintendo had both technical issues with their presentation and had essentially no content. Like, I don't think a 60 minute livestream is all that different than a 60 minute stage presentation. Sony or Nintendo or MS could easily do a pre-recorded livestream and still do a great job of interfacing with journalists and getting the message out... but a 35 minute livestream is definitely weaker than a 90 minute stage presentation, right? So for me, my main concern is "Do we take this as a proxy for Nintendo not having much of a lineup?" or alternatively "Do we assume that the amount and quality of content they have has no connection to how they choose to present it?"
To me, it came across more as a condensed version of their normal 60 minute presentation, without a lot of the fluff that normally comes along with a press conference. Certainly, Nintendo had a lot more to show that interested me last year than they did the previous two years combined via their press conferences.

I don't think shorter is necessarily weaker if you are making the best use of that time. Sony's last year went on forever, and I was honestly starting to nod off before they announced the price at the end. I don't think for a second that their show would have lost anything by being half as long. And frankly, had Sony done the same show via a "Sony Direct", I think the impact on their current position in the market would be negligible. The necessity of the pageantry and spectacle is grossly overstated.


Super Mario 3D World.
Mario Kart 8.
Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze.
Smash Bros.

Yeah last year was totally boring...

Game we already knew about that looked bad the first time they showed it.
Game we already knew about.
Game that turned out to be what Retro was working on and not some cool surprise.
Game we already knew about.


That's subjective. I didn't care for any of the games Sony and Microsoft were showing.

Yeah, of course. Generally, I didn't care for Nintendo's either. I'm sure I'm not alone.

edit: beat

Game we already knew about that looked bad the first time they showed it.
Game we already knew about.
Game that turned out to be what Retro was working on and not some cool surprise.
Game we already knew about.


I don't give a shit if E3 presentations are song and pony shows. I like them. They tried to take it away from the public and it sucked. I don't even know what Nintendo did. I enjoyed Sony's and MS's conference though. As well as the others.

To me, not going to E3 is bad business. I'm going to go out of my way in order to look at what Nintendo has to offer, they need to bring it to me. I'll be watching E3. This is not my problem, it's theirs.

Nintendo directs are for Nintendo fans from all the ones I watched, they aren't reaching out to a 'new' audience by doing something for Nintendo, by Nintendo, where you only find out about it through Nintendo channels.

Of course, it's huge. I want to see the developers talk without editing, I don't care if it's scripted. I could watch a video of some of the speakers I enjoy but I'd rather see them in person. Live is almost always better. It's more personal. What a silly question. There's a reason that tons of scientists, politicians, artists, almost everybody in every medium have live shows and presentations.

Why would that be huge? Buying a game or being hyped on it is based on being live or prerecorded?

There are still going to be dev interviews live from journalist, Nintendo is still going to be at E3. It is just the conference.


In the position they're in right now? They are better off NOT showing off their upcoming videogames at the biggest videogame news event of the year?

What is the argument being made by people who are claiming their presence at E3 doesn't matter, or in fact might be detrimental to them? Because they're spending some money on booths? I'm really not seeing how anyone can argue that NINTENDO not being at the biggest and most talked about videogame news event of the year, isn't going to negatively impact them in some way, namely, exposure and hype. I mean, they're still not doing too shit hot with the sales, right? Why not get some more exposure? Nothing to show? What the fuck have you been doing all this time? No one talks about things they didn't see.

Urggh, but Nintendo is not skipping E3.

I don't know how many times this has to be repeated, they'll probably have the biggest booth, again, and are doing a bunch of streams, and I live tournament, and a bunch of other stuff as they always do.
Some of you guys aren't really taking into consideration the importance of a live show.

Remember when Nintendo showed the Twilight Princess trailer at that one E3 and everyone cheered? Of course you do. You could probably tell me where you were when it happened too. (It's probably like when old people say they remember where they were when Kennedy was assassinated.) And it was with those cheers that you could actually feel the sales of the game rising.

Now, this year, if Nintendo shows the new Legend of Zelda game in one of their goddamn Nintendo Direct episodes, how am I going to know if I should buy it or not if I don't hear some clapping? Nobody's even going to be talking about it anywhere so I'll probably just pass on it when it releases. Same goes for anything they show. I need some positive reinforcement before I make a purchase like that.

And that's the problem. Nintendo needs to sell at least a few systems this year and if there isn't a live show on SpikeTV where Dave Matthews or some equally "Oh, I kinda know who that is, but why are they here?" celebrity tells us we need to play the latest Wii U game, I don't really understand how they think that's going to happen.
Their audience?

If they care about Nintendo fans visiting their site they have to report about it, it is that simple.

Why do you assume that they do?

Gaming media is largely focused in the opposite direction to Nintendo's fanbase. If there's more advertising revenue to be gained by marginalising Nintendo and offending fans who don't normally pay any attention to the site in the first place in favour of deals with companies who are willing to work with them, then that's precisely what they'll do. Sites don't care about appealing to everyone, they care about leveraging as much ad revenue as possible.

Urggh, but Nintendo is not skipping E3.

People think they are, though, and that's almost as important.


Just a combination of my posts in the last thread, but tidied up a bit more:

I think only doing a stream event is a bad thing for getting news out to potential consumers. I imagine a large majority of the viewers are going to be Nintendo fans, gaming journalists, and the most hardcore gamers due to the fact it's separated onto it's own corner of the internet (Ustream/YouTube/Twitch) while everything else is on the usual popular E3 streaming sites like IGN, GT, and GS and on TV. People who normally watch E3 aren't going to change from site to site once they've found a good stream.

Now while those sites last year listed the link to the stream in separate blog posts, they weren't played in the E3 live streams and probably weren't on their E3 schedules. They instead held round table discussions and game demos during the Nintendo stream. It's not like I can blame the gaming sites either. Their players get them ad revenue and embedding someone else's player into an already designed E3 layout is a great way to fuck it up. In a period of heavy traffic there's literally very little positives for them. They could very easily schedule in a live demo for a game and actually make ad revenue from their video player, while having everything look and work perfectly. Nintendo is basically giving IGN, GT, and GS reasons to not give them coverage during their E3 stream.

Most of the people on those sites wouldn't have known that a Nintendo stream was even happening unless they learned about it prior on gaming sites (the same ones currently misreporting Nintendo skipping E3). Just anecdotal, but my irl friends who play games (mostly Xbox and PS) thought Nintendo skipped E3 entirely. These are people who took off work to watch E3 together ffs. I can easily see how people who aren't invested in Nintendo hardware or games might not know Nintendo even had plans for E3 last year.

Personally as someone who enjoys Nintendo games, I don't really care how I get the information. I'll still get to have tons of fun when the games come out and hear the same news. But as a fan of Nintendo who wants them to stay relevant in the industry, I hope this year Nintendo realizes their mistakes of last year and lets IGN, GS, GT, etc stream the E3 presentation from their players. Because as it is, only the people currently interested in the Wii U (or those who purposely seek out the separate stream) will be seeing the Nintendo's E3 presentation. It'll essentially be them preaching to the choir.


In the position they're in right now? They are better off NOT showing off their upcoming videogames at the biggest videogame news event of the year?

What is the argument being made by people who are claiming their presence at E3 doesn't matter, or in fact might be detrimental to them? Because no one cares about press conferences? Right, except every game related message board, gaming outlet, gaming TV show, newspaper articles that write about games, etc. They matter. Or maybe perhaps because they're spending some money on booths? I think they can afford a modest stage show to showcase their exciting new stuff.

I'm really not seeing how anyone can argue that NINTENDO not being at the biggest and most talked about videogame news event of the year, isn't going to negatively impact them in some way, namely, exposure and hype. I mean, they're still not doing too shit hot with the sales, right? Why not get some more exposure? Nothing to show? What the fuck have you been doing all this time? No one talks about things they didn't see.

Nintendo are at E3 though. Their E3 booth was a big success last year too. You're arguing against a narrative no one has raised. Who here said that E3 doesn't matter? The guy you responded was talking about press conferences, and that's not the main thing E3 is about.

If E3 didn't matter, Nintendo wouldn't be making this huge effort to provide a special event of their own during it. That is taking the forefront instead of a traditional press conference.


The Nintendo livestream last year was bad because it was boring, and in a regular "Direct" format...Iwata, white background. Prerecorded, but in many ways it would have been doable live. They didn't exploit the format they chose, and this is what hurt them last year.

If they made their livestream as entertaining, as say, their Mega64 announcement video benefiting from it's prerecorded nature, they could produce a stream far more memorable than Sony or Microsoft.

I don't understand the frustration from some users here. I get most of it is born from a desire to see Nintendo compete well, but let Nintendo worry about website hits. If they've learnt from last year (early signs are positive, more streaming options etc.) the end result will be more enjoyable for the significant majority of people watching via. livestream, not at E3.


bish gets all the credit :)
It is still a press conference, the only difference is that it is prerecorded and not on stage.

The press are pissed because Nintendo is not filtering info through them like Gametrailer, IGN or Gamespot. Which means no extra money from ads for them

Nintendo is using youtube, ustream, twitch.
Live is always better, always. There's a reason people like awards shows and live concerts. They're simply more exciting.


Urggh, but Nintendo is not skipping E3.

I don't know how many times this has to be repeated, they'll probably have the biggest booth, again, and are doing a bunch of streams, and I live tournament, and a bunch of other stuff as they always do.

Ok, but is it going to be like last year? When they might as well not even have been there? I watched E3 coverage on G4 last year and I don't even remember seeing Nintendo coverage honestly. There was talk that they weren't doing a conference, then that they would be doing a little presentation, which went horribly from what I read last year. I did like seeing X and that looks pretty rad, but they need to put some fucking hype out there, like it or not press conferences can do that if you are bringing it properly - see Sony 2013 E3 press conference.
Why would that be huge? Buying a game or being hyped on it is based on being live or prerecorded?

There are still going to be dev interviews live from journalist, Nintendo is still going to be at E3. It is just the conference.

I can only speak from my perception. Along with all the other issues not even bothering with a conference (which I usually watch all 3 of them) just sends me a signal of "we don't care" or they "don't have anything to show".

Then again, I'm probably not their target as they have almost completely lost me as a customer (still love my 3DS).

The conference is where the big announcements come from. Now I'll probably just read a twitter feed or some random thread on GAF about things instead of knowing when/where I could have seen it LIVE.

I get why already entrenched fans don't care much, but for somebody that is mildly interested in Nintendo at this point, a conference with some actual thought and announcements goes a long way.

EDIT: I understand it's "just the conference" they are skipping. But it seems like a shitty way to go about things. Every company is going to have youtube videos, developer interviews ... and most people will look for what they want to see. The E3 presentation is for people that are interested enough to watch without having a 'direct game' or 'interest'. It's a big presentation that you'll only see once a year. And they are skipping that so they can show me Mario Kart videos on youtube.


What was Sony's Press Conference like last year?
What was Microsofts Press Conference like last year?

I bet you have a clear idea of what happened and what was shown at both in your head, even a year later.

What happened at the E3 Nintendo Direct? No one has any idea. It wasnt special.

That is the problem.

I remember a lot of xboning and drm outrage. Regardless, had nintendo held a conference it wouldn't have offered any solutions to what the direct was lacking, which was more content. Conference or direct, Ninteno would have put the exact same games on display.

The fact that Nintendo will do a stream is only an issue because game 'journalists' choose to make it into one and perpetuate it. I find it quite frustrating, but I have to admit that going for a preference would probably have been the better decision for Nintendo. Mind you, not because there's any inherent advantage to it, quite the contrary, it will slow down the pace of the presentation and there's potential for technical issues to pop up as compared to a pre-recorded show. But, because 'journalists' will opt to take 'nintendo won't be at e3' out of context ignore the rest of their recent PR and go for an easy nintendoomed kind of writing.

Having said that, it is absolutely imperative that there are ways to access Nintendo's stream through something else than their official youtube / twitch channels It can not be just visible in places that only Nintendo-minded people visit in the first place. A lot of people aren't going to bother to look up what is to them secondary sites, and just to keep to the ones that covers mostly everything, like IGN or gametrailers or other sites that offer up-to-date E3 coverage. IF their stream won't be visible on these kind of sites and only their own channels, I'll happily concede that they've made a poor judgment call on how to handle E3.



Wow, completely misinformed. They had the BIGGEST booth last year and I'm sure they will have one just as big this year, and did you not see the announcement of the Smash Tournament as well as the Smash demos at Best Buy? They're interacting with their fans MORE than most other companies.

I'm gonna stop reading GAF today. Can't take it anymore.

Yes, heavily pushing one game to a group of fans who likely already own a Wii U is going to do wonders for their sales. If Nintendo wants to right the ship then they need to sell consoles to people other than Nintendo die hards. As has been started multiple times, only hardcore Nintendo fans are going yo tune in to a Nintendo direct, and only hardcore Nintendo fans are currently purchasing the Wii U.
Live is always better, always. There's a reason people like awards shows and live concerts. They're simply more exciting.

Agreed. I prefer live shows, because E3 is basically just a hype conference, and live shows are perfect for building hype.

Nintendo's was completely forgettable last year, and no doubt their lack of a live presser was the reason for it. With the WiiU bombing I don't even know why Nintendo's being conservative about this. They should be out there and making the biggest splash they can make, have an active and lively presence at E3.

Not having a live show is a mistake, IMO. Yes, they have booths and demos, but what I really remember from E3 is always the presser. If they have no presser, I just don't remember them. Simple. I doubt I'm completely alone in that regard either.


I don't give a shit if E3 presentations are song and pony shows. I like them. They tried to take it away from the public and it sucked. I don't even know what Nintendo did. I enjoyed Sony's and MS's conference though. As well as the others.

To me, not going to E3 is bad business. I'm going to go out of my way in order to look at what Nintendo has to offer, they need to bring it to me. I'll be watching E3. This is not my problem, it's theirs.

Nintendo directs are for Nintendo fans from all the ones I watched, they aren't reaching out to a 'new' audience by doing something for Nintendo, by Nintendo, where you only find out about it through Nintendo channels.

Of course, it's huge. I want to see the developers talk without editing, I don't care if it's scripted. I could watch a video of some of the speakers I enjoy but I'd rather see them in person. Live is almost always better. It's more personal. What a silly question. There's a reason that tons of scientists, politicians, artists, almost everybody in every medium have live shows and presentations.
If watching a stream that is linked to or embedded on probably every major gaming site is too much to ask of you, I don't think you'd be honest in saying that you were even remotely interested in the first place.
Additionally, Nintendo didn't even have too many big things to unveil last year by a lot of accounts, anyway.
Nintendo will receive less coverage during the few days of E3 when absolutely everyone is paying attention. I know a lot of casual people who watch E3 and ride that information through the rest of the year paying little attention to anything new. It's a big week for the industry and not having a press conference like the other big Manufacturers/publishers also makes Nintendo appear much less relevant to the public.

Either way I don't expect much from Nintendo this E3 outside of Smash and Mario Kart. Probably another disappointing show like the last few years.


Without looking it up, can you describe one interesting thing from the E3 direct?

I am a Nintendo fan with a Wii U and a 3DSXL, I want Nintendo to succeed. They need hype to get some sort of traction in the market place.

Smash and Mario kart 8 were interesting things...


Uh, yes? I stated why directly in the post you quoted.

The only difference between men and women is their reproductive system. The only difference between water and air is the arrangement of their atoms. Furthermore, yes and no are both answers to a question, and therefore more or less the same thing :p

For the record your arguments are dumb. Men vs Women? Really?

So having a less than 2 hr conference(maybe 1 hr if you take out the issues, late start, fluff, clapping etc) is more important than the 3 days of the show which has discussion panels, demos, dev interviews, play throughs, etc?

Last year Nintendo was not live and yet Smash was the most requested game at E3 from IGN.


I can only speak from my perception. Along with all the other issues not even bothering with a conference (which I usually watch all 3 of them) just sends me a signal of "we don't care" or they "don't have anything to show".

Then again, I'm probably not their target as they have almost completely lost me as a customer (still love my 3DS).

The conference is where the big announcements come from. Now I'll probably just read a twitter feed or some random thread on GAF about things instead of knowing when/where I could have seen it LIVE.

I get why already entrenched fans don't care much, but for somebody that is mildly interested in Nintendo at this point, a conference with some actual thought and announcements goes a long way.

I'm not sure I follow you here. You, as a non-attending person, would learn of Nintendo's announcements the same way as you'd learn about MS / Sony's announcements; by watching a stream online. You choose to not watch Nintendo's presentation and rather learn about their announcements through other people? Fine, whatever, your choice. But that arguements appeals equally to Sony & MS
Without looking it up, can you describe one interesting thing from the E3 direct?

I am a Nintendo fan with a Wii U and a 3DSXL, I want Nintendo to succeed. They need hype to get some sort of traction in the market place.
They announced DK Tropical Freeze.

Mega fucking Man in Smash.


In my books this tree house thing, digital direct and smash invitational is wayyyyyy better than a boring e3 conference. From what I remember last year the sony press conference was a snooze fest until the zinger directed toward ms. MS Conference was also nothing special. At least this is something new and we'll get far more gameplay and info from it. Putting smash on such a big stage is a fantastic idea.


No thanks, manufactured demos and hype teaser trailers announced by people who don't even know how to play them, are not something I look forward to. Everyone complains about the wasted time, and yet Nintendo is actively making it better for us, and it seems some still want them to conform to that lame style so they can hear other nerds fake clap at an announcement.

Are people forgetting they will be doing live broadcast for E3? And there will be a live tourney of a new game, which hasn't ever been done at E3? And people are complaining about missing a boring stage show? Don't forget, GT is already twitch streaming Nintendo's directs so why would they stop on the biggest day of the year?
If watching a stream that is linked to or embedded on probably every major gaming site is too much to ask of you, I don't think you'd be honest in saying that you were even remotely interested in the first place.
Additionally, Nintendo didn't even have too many big things to unveil last year by a lot of accounts, anyway.

But that's the thing. I like live stuff (I also somewhat responded to this question above). It adds to the electricity of E3. Again, I'm only speaking for myself here. Having a big conference with information regarding "Nintendo" in general and not just links to specifics or a long video is just a better way to present it to me.

I'd rather watch a live conference where I am unsure what may happen than a recorded video. It's really that simple. The little glitches, the banter, the crowds reactions, that's all part of the show. If Nintendo can't be bothered to do that for an hour and a half each year, so be it. I'll wait for the twitter feeds and GAF threads for the announcements but it feels so half assed to me.

I'm not sure I follow you here. You, as a non-attending person, would learn of Nintendo's announcements the same way as you'd learn about MS / Sony's announcements; by watching a stream online. You choose to not watch Nintendo's presentation and rather learn about their announcements through other people? Fine, whatever, your choice. But that arguements appeals equally to Sony & MS

See my response above. I like watching the presentations. I like watching live shows. If Nintendo is doing a Nintendo Direct that is live that isn't part of the main conference, I'd probably watch that and I have misunderstood. But if it's just a video they are throwing up at a certain time, then that is half-assed promotion to me.
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