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Far Cry 4's art is racist and the antagonist is (potentially) gay

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fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
"The moment I saw the picture below, I felt my heart sank. An evil character, wearing all purple, having an edgy stylish modelesque haircut, hand resting on a guys head...I instantly thought they could be making a gay antagonist."


that's one hell of a leap of logic there.
Artbox aside, I assume they're going for the mighty whitey angle again? We the main character (who will most likely be white) will save these poor people from the evil white man.


People say my opinions and threads are stupid, but from now on, I will point to this thread and all will be silent and fall to my feet!

* I'm not gay, and I won't make them fall to my feet cause I'm a racist. I'm brown and Canadian. I can't be racist.
White guy makes it racist? His outfit and hair makes him gay?

My first thought as well. In some way I hope that guy is the straightest character in the world just to make it less of a stereotype, but I also would love a ridiculously flamboyant homosexual as the most menacing villain. I'm good on this either way.


People are too quick to point the finger at things like this, just because it's a white guy with a hand on a black guy or visa versa doesn't make it racist. It can only be deemed racist when looking at the context as to why he has his hand on him whilst he kneels holding an explosive.
I really hate the internet's penchant to cause an uproar over anything that seems remotely non-PC. How about we wait and see literally ANYTHING but boxart before making assumptions.


Game is already causing an uproar? Seems like it will be a resounding success.

I hope that dude is gay and one bad motherfucker.


1) Gay antagonist? He just seems like some lavish rich bad guy to me. Gay? Possibly. But not definitely.
2) Racism? He seems like he's the bad guy. The bad guy could be racist. Doesn't make the game racist.


Damn straight people can't even wear pink anymore

We're not into a day of this game's announcement.
We know nothing about the characters/cast and their archetypes.
Stop making baseless assumptions on what you see at face value.
At least the villain is going to be cool and not boring. Far Cry always has cool villains.
Is he white ? He actually looks asian with bleached hair... I could be wrong.

Yeah. He's not white. By any stretch.

Gay? Maybe. The haircut, pink suit, leather boots, and man servant kinda lean towards a flamboyant dude, but it's not racist.

As for gay bad guy = bad?

I dunno. The stereotype of evil albinos or evil black guy is something that exists, but I've never heard of a real issue with evil gay men as something that's a problem.
Controversy this early on?

Excellent marketing.

Pretty much.

On topic, I have no idea what this game will be about, but I wish people were open to gaming being an outlet for commentary on sensitive issues. Yet here we are, with no information about the story and people are already jumping to conclusions.


That's a lot of assumptions for a game you don't know shit about. I think you're just projecting dude.
Has it been confirmed he's white? Because looking at him in that cover he looks a bit asian. And blonde hair is known as thuggish in japan at least so that could explain that.
I think I speak for most when I say...

"what the hell are you talking about?"

Sounds a lot like youre looking for a soapbox to stand on rather than looking out for peoples feelings.
I don't really care which way the villain swings so long as he's an interesting antagonist that I love to hate.

I have to echo other comments here, this really is reading too much into what is merely a simple box art cover.


as far as I'm concerned, the more gay people in games the better. heroes. villains. loyal friends. backstabbing traitors. courageous. cowardly. variety is the spice of life. This "othering" is bothering me. Sexual orientation is a pretty mundane piece of trivia about someone in real life, and only one aspect of a person out of many. I'm all for characters being incidentally gay in games just like in real life (or game of thrones).

If the character is a purple wearing lisping flamboyant stereotype, then, I don't know what to think, but I'm going to have a little more faith in ubisoft than that.
I couldn't help but feel concerned when

If a thread, post, or reply begins with this phrase, you really ought to rethink whether you're concerned and have grounds for engaging in a debate, or if you juse want to muckrake in an effort to make yourself feel better in some way.

There are instances in which the expression of the artist should not be infringed upon by the moral misgivings of the private person. I believe that far too often, video game "critiques" fall under this umbrella. If the studio and developer want to express their ideas badly, bring a proper critique, but leave your finger drumming and glances over your spectacles at home.
As others have said, the character may be Asian. It seems rather early to jump to any conclusions off a single image and zero game information aside from it taking place in the Himalayas.
I'm not saying that is racist, but he's the bad guy...he's allowed to be racist. He's not there to inspire the player or show you a righteous path, he's the guy you're supposed to take down.

It's like the idiots who post "B a Star" slogans next to Vince McMahon when he does bad stuff on WWE, they don't understand he's playing a villain who will eventually lose to the heroic face.


Neo Member
Oh man, the only people to think that this is racist are probably racists themselves. I see two asian guys there, one seemingly pimped out and one guerilla. FFS I don't even see a gay character, just a pimp.

Some people just want to be offended so badly they will call a ladybug sexist.

OP has a point, as soon as I saw that art I knew I was correct in my assumption that 100% of gay people are evil and also racists and so is whoever drew an evil gay racist. That's how brains work.


I am gay and I would love it if the antagonist is gay! I hate how in media the gay characters are always 'good'. This would be a welcome change.

As for the racism thing, he looks like an Asian dude with dyed hair. Or perhaps even mixed white/asian? Regardless, I don't see how it is racist.

I look forward to more information.


The moment I saw the picture below, I felt my heart sank. An evil character, wearing all purple, having an edgy stylish modelesque haircut, hand resting on a guys head...I instantly thought they could be making a gay antagonist.

While there is nothing inherently wrong with a gay antagonist

I instantly thought they could be making a gay antagonist.
I felt my heart sank.

Also, in case you didn't realize it, war criminals don't tend to be the most socially aware people on the planet.
Well he's clearly the villian, right?

I'm sure he probably is a racist, arms dealing, slave trader lording his rich, white privilege over the Himalayan natives... which is why you're not suppose to like him very much.
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