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Subete no aware
What do you mean Endless Eight does not work in book form, but perhaps as an eBook? The anime adaptation just took the story title a bit too far by making up extra timeloops with slightly different events. There were other short stories from the LNs that could have been adapted.
The whole idea of Endless Eight as a television event was the tension and anxiety of constant deferral, placing the audience into the shoes of Nagato. You could probably release the same book over and over again, with small changes between each volume... but no publisher is going to pay for what amounts as an elaborate art experiment, and readers probably wouldn't put up with it. It might work as an ebook since you could give it away or charge a couple of bucks per volume.

But on television, which is already serialized and "free" (depending on where you live in Japan, I suppose), the risk is much lower. Which is probably why they did it in the first place.
Love Live! School Idol Project (Season 1) - 01

Decided to hop into another idol show!

Nothing much to say here, typical high school setting, typical "save the high school" goal, and the uniforms don't do it for me. Most of the music is enjoyable, but it is to say that this was a typical introduction episode.... and then the ending happened.

What exactly was I seeing at that ending? The main girl suddenly bursts into song and dance routine (which she was failing at before) and her two other friends come and join her along (which one of them was initially against being an idol...). I'm probably looking too much into this but the main irk in this particular scene is the horrid use of CGI in 3-4 shots of them dancing, in addition it kept switching from 2D animation to 3D models making the entire scene appear ugly and mediocre overall.

Suffice to say since this is an idol show it shall be compared to other idol shows! Well atleast for this first episode. And so far iM@S had a way better introductory episode, oh well.

Edit: I forgot to mention that the artstyle is pretty 'meh' here. I would think this show will heavily benefit by being produced by a different studio to have their characters stand out more.
Ok the latest Mahouka made me laugh a LOT when they were trying to shove down my throat how the sister was supposed to be so cute. The camera was like 90% her blushing face, and then she did that head tilt close eyes smile and the background did that sparkling pink bullshit and I just couldn't.

This show entertains me in so many ways.


Mahouka 09

I'm getting the feeling this may be the kind of series that works better in book form. All this material really sounds better suited for a side story/universe compendium type of deal.


The best ending of Evangelion. The other versions don't even compare.


End of Eva > TV ending

Get on that at your earliest convenience!

Oh geeze you went through Episodes 23 and 24 haven't you? Poor soul, go watch End of Evangelion as a replacement for those last two episodes.


Guess its time to watch End of Evangelion..............................................................


Neon Genesis Evangelion Finale


The whole idea of Endless Eight as a television event was the tension and anxiety of constant deferral, placing the audience into the shoes of Nagato. You could probably release the same book over and over again, with small changes between each volume... but no publisher is going to pay for what amounts as an elaborate art experiment, and readers probably wouldn't put up with it. It might work as an ebook since you could give it away or charge a couple of bucks per volume.

But on television, which is already serialized and "free" (depending on where you live in Japan, I suppose), the risk is much lower. Which is probably why they did it in the first place.

It's not that the anime adaptation of Endless Eight was bad IMO, but the original LN only had the one timeline. There is also the fact that six short stories and two complete novels could have been adapted instead of seven extra episodes.


Don't bother. Nobody knows, Anno is just plain insane, he maybe don't know himself.

So in Terminal Dogma, the crucified giant was actually Lilith not Adam?


How the dicks did SEELE send or make Kaworu?

Nevermind, I hate anime. Fuck this show.

Link Man

So we're in the 90's and this thread is still kicking? That's the second thing today that didn't meet my expectations*.

*First was Maleficent. :(


In no universe could Captain Earth be defined as well executed, the show the needs a playbill for its internal terminology is sorely lacking in the execution department.

Guess what - I have a different opinion from you!

Not liking something is fine - it's more than fine - but the fact that you like to remind everyone relentlessly of this (and of your right to do so) makes you seem terminally negative. It seems like a near-Pavlovian impulse - SOMEONE LIKES SOMETHING I DON'T, I MUST REMIND EVERYONE THAT I DISLIKE IT!!!!!

Anyway, in my view, the terminology is essentially meaningless - they're just names, shortcuts for describing things that seem perfectly obvious and intelligible (or intentionally mysterious). I don't understand what's so offensive about it as a result. What do you propose instead? What's so difficult about taking the names as shorthand for "launch sequence stage" or "mysterious organisation"? That's all a name is, after all.
Guess what - I have a different opinion from you!

Not liking something is fine - it's more than fine - but the fact that you like to remind everyone relentlessly of this (and of your right to do so) makes you seem terminally negative. It seems like a near-Pavlovian impulse - SOMEONE LIKES SOMETHING I DON'T, I MUST REMIND EVERYONE THAT I DISLIKE IT!!!!!

Anyway, in my view, the terminology is essentially meaningless - they're just names, shortcuts for describing things that seem perfectly obvious and intelligible (or intentionally mysterious). I don't understand what's so offensive about it as a result. What do you propose instead? What's so difficult about taking the names as shorthand for "launch sequence stage" or "mysterious organisation"? That's all a name is, after all.

the show is bad for me because I can't stand the moe girl leads. Especially the LOGICAL LOGICAL one. I want her to be run over by a truck.


The fate stay night franchise needed Fate kaleid ...
Even if this was teased for how god know many months before they finally decided to do it.

>Congratulations !<

Is it worthwhile to even begin trying to figure out what happened, or was Anno too far gone?
Is it worthwhile to even begin trying to figure out what happened, or was Anno too far gone?

To give a rundown, which might tick off some people, the reason those two last episodes came off as... well as they are is because at the time the studio ran out of money.

After getting all the profits and moneys they made a redo of the ending episodes into a movie called End of Evangelion which is still pretty fucked up in itself but gives a better polished ending.


I just scanned through one of the Rebuilds, its not even the same show?

To give a rundown, which might tick off some people, the reason those two last episodes came off as... well as they are is because at the time the studio ran out of money.

After getting all the profits and moneys they made a redo of the ending episodes into a movie called End of Evangelion which is still pretty fucked up in itself but gives a better polished ending.

Yeah I have both movies too, Gainax actually ran out of money while this was running?
Mahouka 9

This show continues to be entertaining solely on the fact that onii-chan exists.

Onii-chan is love. Onii-chan is life. Also best girl got completely ignored, she wanted some onii-chan D.

Captain Planet 9

Meh. I think this might be the point I drop the show. Somebody tell me if it gets better but I was forcing myself to watch the show this episode and I don't want to do that.

Dropped until further notice.
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