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Rise of the Tomb Raider timed Xbox exclusive for Holiday 2015 (No PS/PC, SE publish)

Tomb Raider 2013 managed to disappoint old school fans of the series, and this Xbox exclusivity pisses off their new Playstation and PC fans.

I have faith that Squenix has it in them to insult their remaining audience somehow.
The statement from the CD guy saying they still appreciate their Playstation fan base is insulting enough...
lol 100 million, do we just guess and throw out random numbers?

Yet again MS would rather buy exclusivity than to beef up their internal studios. Assuming this deal cost MS at least $100 million, that's 3-5 potentially high profile first party games they decided not to fund.


You love what Tomb Raider was. Tomb Raider is what Tomb Raider is today, and it could at any time dig back to what it has been. There is no circle, just a wall of denial and a wish for failure. I don't blame fans for not liking what it is, but those kinds of wishes are just ugly, really.

It's not ugly. It's actually logically sound. I want OG Tomb Raider to return, and the only possible way that happens is if it dies in this form.

Since there are zero games in the industry that play like OG Tomb Raider and a billion games that play like TR2013, I feel no problem whatsoever wishing that we get a return of the one game series that ever played the way OG TR did.

See, we're at the same points again. That's why I said we're going in circles. It's pointless to just keep going on the same points over and over.
lol 100 million, do we just guess and throw out random numbers?

The poster you quoted listed it as an assumption, they didn't try pass it off as fact. In lack of other evidence, you can generally make assumptions. Is it reasonable? Quite possibly. The lost revenue from missing PC + PS sales will be massive, even if it is only timed.
EA Madden strategy? i remember sony being offered the same program, and are you equally made at sony with there exclusive deals with 3rd party developers. The hate and assumptions are crazy

Stunning. Is this another Titan Fall or Bayonetta 2 situation where the project would have been shelved if one of the Big 3 didn't moneyhat it? Is Square Enix in that much trouble financially? I'm OK with exclusivity (timed or otherwise) if that's the case.

If not, then it would be sickening if MS just gave SE millions to turn a multiplatform title into an exclusive. If that's the case, it would suggest that they can't compete with their underpowered box and have decided to take away content from the competition, rather than provide compelling content of their own. AKA the EA Madden strategy.

We'll have to see. If it's the former, then good job MS for saving this game, even if I can't play it. If it's the latter, then I would suggest a boycott for this title.


I am confused, we dont know who paid for what, how much was paid or anything solid.... and why the double standard with sony? they get an exclusive in the ps3 days or now and its great, nobody questions money or the business involved.
Now here is another thing, regardless of what system it was exclusive for, it would LOSE sales.... if it was ps4 exclusive it would lose out on 5-6 million xbox ones out there.
If uncharted was not exclusive it would sell more, if halo was not exclusive it would sell more.
Everyone comments as if they know the business behind this deal, but lets not forget or confuse one thing, both systems have exclusives that i wish were on the other system...nobody are yelling about the lost sales of no mans land or day z?
I def dont know the business behind any exclusive deals, or times exclusives and id bet 99% of you dont either, so why not just enjoy the games you have one whatever system you have instead of the conspiracy theory.... MS isnt apple or google, but if they have loads of cash and could buy sony or any game company they really wanted...that is what id say is crossing the moneyhat line.

the thing is, RoTR was a multiplatform title
and both MS and SE just take that away? of course we assume there's money involved
especially SE was complaining the sales of TR2013 not high enough bla bla bla

good move SE, way to make your own TOMB
But thats the thing. They won't. They will buy and recommend used sales just to spite. Do u not see the anger in this thread =P
LOL, come on. No one isn't going to purchase this because of spite. Most people are upset out of principle of this (moneyhatting sucks) but it won't affect people's buying habits.

The people who are genuinely disappointed and was planning on buying this day one and doesn't have an X1 will be there when it comes to PC and PS4. I personally don't see the business side for MS. No one is going to purchase an X1 just to play this early. At most this will make ppl who already made up their minds on picking up an X1 more comfortable with their choice. Tomb Raider isn't a big enough IP to make a tangible difference.

Good business move for SE. They just end up getting more money. Uncharted was always going to be the premiere 3rdPS next holiday. Releasing this early next year or in the summer where there is a dead period and PS4 gamers are done with Uncharted makes too much sense.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
I am confused, we dont know who paid for what, how much was paid or anything solid.... and why the double standard with sony? they get an exclusive in the ps3 days or now and its great, nobody questions money or the business involved.

People always question exclusivity deals.

Now here is another thing, regardless of what system it was exclusive for, it would LOSE sales.... if it was ps4 exclusive it would lose out on 5-6 million xbox ones out there.

The thing is no one wants this game to be exclusive to any platform, since you know, the first one in the new series came to everything but WiiU.

If uncharted was not exclusive it would sell more, if halo was not exclusive it would sell more.

Completely different circumstances.


Because it gets a strong yank as far as exclusives go. Grabbing a game that's predecessor sold 2:1 on a competing system is a good move. Better option than many other franchises.

I question how much this type of move really accomplishes for MS and SE.

MS spent a ton of cash on this and I'm not sure this will do anything to flip more than a handful of PS4 purchases into Xbox ones. Tomb Raider isn't the type of title that carries that much weight these days and one game is never enough to make waves for more than a few weeks at best, in terms of console sales.

SE is going to have a ton of pissed off Sony fans for quite some time. More importantly, they crippled the sales potential of this title by excluding more than a hundred million potential customers (PS3, PS4, PC). By the time this game does come out, all hype will be down the drain and it will probably struggle to move a fraction of the copies it could have shifted if it had released at the same time.

Both companies should enjoy the afterglow of this deal as much as possible because the long term outcomes are going to be pretty disappointing.
The key thing to this is that you can say that for ANY exclusive that sony has... or is the missing revenue only because its a Xbox exclusive..

The poster you quoted listed it as an assumption, they didn't try pass it off as fact. In lack of other evidence, you can generally make assumptions. Is it reasonable? Quite possibly. The lost revenue from missing PC + PS sales will be massive, even if it is only timed.


Tomb Raider 2013 was like a middling summer blockbuster movie. You played it because it was there and you needed something to do. You didn't line up at midnight for it.

I don't see the new version selling a ton of systems, but it's not a bad way to strengthen a portfolio. Shitting on PS fans is shortsighted of Squeenix IMO, but who would expect anything intelligent from those clowns?


Tomb Raider 2013 managed to disappoint old school fans of the series, and this Xbox exclusivity pisses off their new Playstation and PC fans.

I have faith that Squenix has it in them to insult their remaining audience somehow.

Once they release the definitive edition on the PS4 the circle will be complete.
ton of cash...assumption, and considering how much money ms has, its a drop in the bucket.
Sont fans like any fan with forgive and forget...do i really need to list games that shunned certain systems and went there eventually?

I question how much this type of move really accomplishes for MS and SE.

MS spent a ton of cash on this and I'm not sure this will do anything to flip more than a handful of PS4 purchases into Xbox ones. Tomb Raider isn't the type of title that carries that much weight these days and one game is never enough to make waves for more than a few weeks at best, in terms of console sales.

SE is going to have a ton of pissed off Sony fans for quite some time. More importantly, they crippled the sales potential of this title by excluding more than a hundred million potential customers (PS3, PS4, PC). By the time this game does come out, all hype will be down the drain and it will probably struggle to move a fraction of the copies it could have shifted if it had released at the same time.

Both companies should enjoy the afterglow of this deal as much as possible because the long term outcomes are going to be pretty disappointing.


Never saw this coming. Timed exclusive trivial DLC? Sure. The full game? Wah?

TR is a pretty huge franchise for SE. Maybe it didn't meet the launch sales figures that was expected, but the long term sales were pretty impressive. Most games tend to plummet after a few months. A serious amount of money had be exchanged for this deal; assuming SE did not undervalue TR. If this announcement was for the next Hitman game, it would've made sense for SE, and I'd probably just shrug.

If it's not a timed exclusive, it's gotta suck for the PS4/PC devs at CD and any other supporting studio (Nixxes?). I'm assuming there were redundancies.

Anyway, the sleazy/weaselly PR statement is amusing. I fully expect the game to be delayed by a quarter to two, like most XB1/PS4 games that were announced too early. Rise of Tomb Raider is coming exclusively, Spring 2016, on Xbox.


The key thing to this is that you can say that for ANY exclusive that sony has... or is the missing revenue only because its a Xbox exclusive..

No, it's not, why are you being so obtuse?
This is not a first party game, this is a third party game which was multiplatform and most of the fans are on PS/PC (see sales). The difference is so big I don't understand how you are not able to see it.


It's lame but both parties do it. Sony moneyhatted the hell out of Bungie and whoever makes No Man's Sky.

I mean, no company is exempt. Just look at exclusives. Who is to say Nintendo games can't be on other hardware? But no, Nintendo wants its platform to reap the benefits of exclusives.

IMO a lot of people are just mad because they declared their "allegiance" this generation and Microsoft is managing to do a damn good job with software. Its pretty simple, really.

reductive and wrong.
i did forget the WII U... my bad, 3rd parties shun them so much, they should be mad...not sony or ms fans to be honest

People always question exclusivity deals.

The thing is no one wants this game to be exclusive to any platform, since you know, the first one in the new series came to everything but WiiU.

Completely different circumstances.
i should of specified, i meant 3rd party exclusive.... or did you miss that they had them?

No, it's not, why are you being so obtuse?
This is not a first party game, this is a third party game which was multiplatform and most of the fans are on PS/PC (see sales). The difference is so big I don't understand how you are not able to see it.


I would rather that Microsoft invest in first party development, but they are still recovering from the 360 generation where they took out their first parties and shot them in the head.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
What's more strange than salt is that people think SE will be putting this money right back into the game.
Saw this before I left for work this morning. Been mad all day. I liked their game enough to pre-order on Steam and double dip on PS4. I'm feeling salty enough to not even buy it if it does turn out to merely be timed exclusive. I HATE this kind of moneyhat bullshit, and fuck SquareEnix for being so welcoming to it.
I am confused, we dont know who paid for what, how much was paid or anything solid.... and why the double standard with sony? they get an exclusive in the ps3 days or now and its great, nobody questions money or the business involved.
Now here is another thing, regardless of what system it was exclusive for, it would LOSE sales.... if it was ps4 exclusive it would lose out on 5-6 million xbox ones out there.
If uncharted was not exclusive it would sell more, if halo was not exclusive it would sell more.
Everyone comments as if they know the business behind this deal, but lets not forget or confuse one thing, both systems have exclusives that i wish were on the other system...nobody are yelling about the lost sales of no mans land or day z?
I def dont know the business behind any exclusive deals, or times exclusives and id bet 99% of you dont either, so why not just enjoy the games you have one whatever system you have instead of the conspiracy theory.... MS isnt apple or google, but if they have loads of cash and could buy sony or any game company they really wanted...that is what id say is crossing the moneyhat line.

This is my first post about the subject as I have only just caught up on the news.

I take issue with the fact that the game was almost certainly in development for every console under the sun - or at the very least, PC/XB1/PS4. Porting between these 3 systems has to be easier than ever (or at least, no more difficult than it was last gen).
So either SE approached MS, or visa versa, and they began talking about co-marketing deals etc and now we have an exclusive for XB1 only.

It makes sense that Uncharted and Halo are exclusive. The games would not have existed in their current forms if it were not for the exclusivity and marketing push of Sony/Microsoft. More importantly, they debuted as new IP's, on new consoles and are now synonymous with the console brands.
Something like Bayonetta 2 is exclusive because the game would not exist without the financial arrangement.

But I think it's fair to say that regardless of the SE account balance, the Tomb Raider sequel was coming to 3 platforms - and now it's not.

In any case, I actually really enjoyed the TR:Reboot and would have quite happily bought a sequel on PS4. At this stage I have zero intention of purchasing an XB1, and I am unable to purchase the TR sequel. Their loss I guess? I hope the Microsoft cheques are substantial.
Wow. What an odd move. Is this a way generate a spotlight on the game and take money for SE while avoiding uncharted 4 that should be coming out around the same time?

I liked the first one but I can wait. It's not a game that move units. But hey that's just me
Such a strange decision by SE. Still if the game is good and is a return to actual tomb raider I'll eventually get the game when it comes to PC
The poster you quoted listed it as an assumption, they didn't try pass it off as fact. In lack of other evidence, you can generally make assumptions. Is it reasonable? Quite possibly. The lost revenue from missing PC + PS sales will be massive, even if it is only timed.

It's a terrible assumption though. No one would pay $100 million and only get timed exclusivity out of the deal. That would cover the cost of a game plus a mega huge marketing effort.

(S)he didn't pass the $100 million payment off as fact but that led to another assumption that Microsoft had foregone the development of at least four or five other games. The poster basically said that this project would force Microsoft to not invest in its own studios.

The poster could have said, "the money that they diverted to this project for timed exclusivity could have been better spent on the development of other games."


Tomb Raider 2013 is amazing. Cant wait for the sequel. Sorry Sony fans, you will miss a lot of incredible games staying just with Sony.


I take issue with the fact that the game was almost certainly in development for every console under the sun - or at the very least, PC/XB1/PS4. Porting between these 3 systems has to be easier than ever (or at least, no more difficult than it was last gen).
So either SE approached MS, or visa versa, and they began talking about co-marketing deals etc and now we have an exclusive for XB1 only.

you dont know that. it was never announced for ps4/pc

it was unveiled at the ms conference and got no mention from sony, it wasnt even in their list of e3 games.


To be honest, even if they announced that this game is going to come to PC and/or PS4 at a later date, I think I would pass. I no longer have any interest in supporting them.
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