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Japan GAF |OT| I'm not planning a trip; I live here!


Yep, quit my job at CyberConnect2, now working in a company here in Osaka!
How are you doing? :p
I remember wanting to apply to CC2's Tokyo branch, but their site said that they won't help you with any visa related stuff, so I didn't even try.
Would you mind if I shoot you a pm sometime? ;p


What made you interested in Japan?
Scale models/Gunpla, aircraft and ships of WWII (I used to live close to Planes of Fame in California and would watch their Zero fly, the only one still flying with an original Sakae engine), cars (used to work at Mazda corporate while in the US), games at one point, wife is reason I came.

Why did you learn the language (for those who are not learning, are you interested?)?
Its useful to know when you live here. Still learning... will always be learning.

Are you currently living in Japan?
Yup. Down in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka prefecture.

How long have you lived in Japan?
Going on 6 years. Got my permanent residence visa two years ago. Have to wait another year and a half till I have a gold drivers license though (as long as I don't get pulled over haha)

What is your favorite Hotto Motto meal?
They recently discontinued the steak bento boxes so now I don't really have a favorite.

What is your favorite place in Japan?
Hmm... That's a tough one kana... I spent 5 years working at Disneyland in California so I'm always happy to go to Disney Sea and Land (though California DL is superior to TDL).

Hobby shops! Yodobashi Camera, Volks Hobby, Yellow Submarine in Akiba are also favorite places to go. Volks and Yellow Submarine recently moved into the same building but haven't managed to go yet. Used shops like Kanteidan, Hard Off/Off House and the like are fun to hunt for cheap rare model kits. Also love going to the Shizuoka Hobby Show every year.


I remember wanting to apply to CC2's Tokyo branch, but their site said that they won't help you with any visa related stuff, so I didn't even try.
Would you mind if I shoot you a pm sometime? ;p

Sure, feel free.

You have to do the visa paperwork but otherwise they give you all the documents needed, at least in Fukuoka. Anyway, ask whatever you want.


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Staff Member
I laugh at jijidasu picture every single goddamn time.

This is the picture.




What made you interested in Japan?
Some family members are japanese and they would send us a bunch of japanese stuff. As a kid I grew up watching more anime through vhs than cartoons on tv. My video games were in japanese. etc etc

Why did you learn the language (for those who are not learning, are you interested?)?
My cousins and aunt would try to teach me when i was little. Ive been exposed to multiple languages but for some reason don't feel like spending the time to learn them.

I know i should thought, couple of friends and people i date keep asking me to learn it, haha.

Are you currently living in Japan?
Yah, Chatan, Okinawa.

Only have 1 cousin left in Japan (yokohama) that I go visit now and then.

How long have you lived in Japan?
about 2 years.

What is your favorite Hotto Motto meal?
Screw Hotto Motto.

I don't know, I never liked it.

Funny thought as I like most other ones
Burgers? MOS
Curry? CoCos
Noodles? Ringer Hut, Sukiya, or Yoshinoya
Ice Cream? Blue freaking Seal

I mean, more often than not I ll go to hole in the wall kind of places, but those tend to close early, those places mentioned above close pretty late.

What is your favorite place in Japan?
I've been to too many to mention, but I'll say....mmm...

okay so there was this hippie party up in one of the small islands in Nago. I was already tired and tipsy by the time we got there.
Anyway, we were there the whole weekend (yeah people were camping) and it was amazing. Met so many cool people, people from Spain, Georgia, UAE, a dude who claimed he was a cop from Poland and kept asking me if i had coke haha

But yeah, that memory of me playing chess at the beach with people speaking so many different languages while drinking vodka out of half a watermelon while listening to trippy music......oh man that was just such a great weekend (which ended with me standing at the beach with a japanese girl asking me to go skinny dipping with her as the sun was rising haha)


( ≖‿≖)
Haha that dumb Hotto Motto question was a joke I don't think people should answer it. I didn't even know it was popular outside Ibaraki anyway. Sukiya or something would make more sense.

Or maybe what conbini has your favourite lunch :v


Christ. Feeling the affects of travelling only now. Feel like I'm gonna puke.

On the plus side, it looks like I got everything sorted for my scholarship.


I added some questions at the bottom if people want to answer.

What made you interested in Japan?

Why did you learn the language (for those who are not learning, are you interested?)?

Are you currently living in Japan?

How long have you lived in Japan?

What is your favorite Hotto Motto meal?

What is your favorite place in Japan?[/QUOTE]

What is your favorite Japanese food & drink?

What is your favorite season to be in Japan?

Where are you from, and which languages do you speak? (conversational and above)

What should we call you if we ever met you IRL?
Hi everyone. This actually my first off topic post. It's a strange new world over here!

What made you interested in Japan?
It probably started with video games and anime in high school, but what sealed it was that my sister was on the JET Program when I was in HS. I visited her over Christmas and hung out with some of her HS students and went bowling and such. I just had an awesome time and decided to come back one day.

Why did you learn the language (for those who are not learning, are you interested?)?
I always wanted to learn a second language. My two older sisters both got to study overseas in uni and I was always jealous. I'm N2, failed N1, but I'm hoping to pass it eventually.

Are you currently living in Japan?
Yeah, Chiba just outside of Tokyo.

How long have you lived in Japan?
A little over six years.

What is your favorite Hotto Motto meal?
The vegetable stir fry. I don't really eat it any more though. I used to eat it kind of a lot but then I noticed how salty it was and thought I probably should cut that out.

What is your favorite place in Japan?
I lived in Miyazaki prefecture for awhile and loved it. The wide roads, the bike lanes, the laid back people, the pace of life, the clean sea air... I miss it. As for cities, I love Osaka. The people are so outgoing and friendly. I made a friend every night I went out.

What is your favorite Japanese food & drink?
Hiroshima style Okonomiyaki. Thetrin knows what I'm talking about :)
I guess I mostly drink Kirin Lager (not Ichiban). Hot sake is good in winter.

What is your favorite season to be in Japan?
Any time but the summer. I guess I'll say autumn.

Where are you from, and which languages do you speak? (conversational and above)
I'm from America and speak Japanese and my slowly eroding English.

What should we call you if we ever met you IRL?
I'll let you know when I see ya!


Haha that dumb Hotto Motto question was a joke I don't think people should answer it. I didn't even know it was popular outside Ibaraki anyway. Sukiya or something would make more sense.

Or maybe what conbini has your favourite lunch :v

Nah man, Hotto Motto is popular in many places. Not so much here in Osaka, but in Fukuoka it also was everywhere. My fav. is the kimchi one. Forgot the actual name.

Anyway, conbini lunch is terrible so none! If I had to choose I'd go for something that wouldn't need to be warmed up because then it becomes even more disgusting...

What is your favorite Japanese food & drink?
For food, probably Okonomiyaki. Or motsunabe if I'm in Fukuoka, otherwise it's quite meh. Oh, and typical yakiniku with their sauce. So good.

What is your favorite season to be in Japan?
Definitely not winter (too cold and dry) nor summer (too hot and humid). Probably fall, with all the fall maple trees, making everything look so pretty.

Where are you from, and which languages do you speak? (conversational and above)
Spain. I speak Spanish, English and Japanese.

What should we call you if we ever met you IRL?
Miguel (my real name)


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Staff Member
What is your favorite Japanese food & drink?

Sushi. The best 炙りサーモン i ever had was in Kagoshima.

What is your favorite season to be in Japan?

When there is not soo hot. Mainly Winter, Spring and Fall.

Where are you from, and which languages do you speak? (conversational and above)

Spain, I speak Spanish, English, Japanese.

What should we call you if we ever met you IRL?

People usually call me Raúl.


Pizza, Bourbon, and Thanos
I added some questions at the bottom if people want to answer.

What is your favorite Japanese food & drink?
Katsu curry all day every day.

What is your favorite season to be in Japan?
Autumn of course, but honestly I enjoy every season. Weather reminds me a lot of back home in North Carolina. Even the summer. The nostalgic sound of cicada bugs.

Where are you from, and which languages do you speak? (conversational and above)
English and conversational Japanese... that's it. Just enough french to survive.

What should we call you if we ever met you IRL?
Whatever you want. (usually some derivative of Robert or Frost)


Haha that dumb Hotto Motto question was a joke I don't think people should answer it. I didn't even know it was popular outside Ibaraki anyway. Sukiya or something would make more sense.

Or maybe what conbini has your favourite lunch :v



I only grab food from conbini for drunk food heh

What is your favorite Japanese food & drink?
Hard to narrow it down, but if available i always get gyoza and butter mochi.

If im staying home and im feeling too lazy to cook or go out, ill just make some rice with sesame dressing on top.

as for drinks
Peach flavored water, so refreshing

when it comes to alcohol though....any of these bad boys...
except for the grapefruit ones, screw grapefruit

What is your favorite season to be in Japan?
Fall. Summer is just too hot and humid.

Where are you from, and which languages do you speak? (conversational and above)
Born in Peru, moved to US (Florida) around 14, and then moved to Japan about 2 years ago.

Spanish and English are fluent, outside of romance languages, I can only understand and talk a lil bit of japanese. But yeah, hardly any japanese.

What should we call you if we ever met you IRL?
Nosh, Peter, Pete, Pita, Chu, Chewy, one lady used to call me Kimchi.
I get called different names lol.

Nah man, Hotto Motto is popular in many places. Not so much here in Osaka, but in Fukuoka it also was everywhere. My fav. is the kimchi one. Forgot the actual name.

Anyway, conbini lunch is terrible so none! If I had to choose I'd go for something that wouldn't need to be warmed up because then it becomes even more disgusting...

Yeah it has to be cold haha


Haha that dumb Hotto Motto question was a joke I don't think people should answer it. I didn't even know it was popular outside Ibaraki anyway. Sukiya or something would make more sense.

Or maybe what conbini has your favourite lunch :v
Isn't Hotto Motto one of the biggest bento chains in Japan? Or is it just Tokyo?

Having 2 bento shops near my house spoiled me and I can't even look at conbini bento.

What is your favorite Japanese food & drink?

Gyuudon, shabushabu, yakiniku, sushi, depending on my mood.
As for the drink...

So good.

What is your favorite season to be in Japan?

Spring and Fall. Summer is way too hot and Winter sucks because of the paper thin walls in Japanese apartments.

Where are you from, and which languages do you speak? (conversational and above)

Poland. I can speak Polish, English and Japanese.

What should we call you if we ever met you IRL?

Jack or Hasemo, since most people aren't able to correctly pronounce my name (Jacek).


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Staff Member
Where are you from, and which languages do you speak? (conversational and above)
Spain. I speak Spanish, English and Japanese.

Oh no! Another spanish guy! :D



Oh no! Another spanish guy! :D


That's what I was going to say! Encantado :)

But it seems you live in Tokyo, huh? I moved back to Osaka about a month ago and this time I don't think I will be able to join you guys, but maybe next time... For now I'll hopefully be able to hang with some of the people living here in Osaka. I know at least thetrin is around and we'll be having some drinks soon! :)


( ≖‿≖)
That's what I was going to say! Encantado :)

But it seems you live in Tokyo, huh? I moved back to Osaka about a month ago and this time I don't think I will be able to join you guys, but maybe next time... For now I'll hopefully be able to hang with some of the people living here in Osaka. I know at least thetrin is around and we'll be having some drinks soon! :)

Stop drinking and release G-Bike iOS pls (._. )


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Staff Member
That's what I was going to say! Encantado :)

But it seems you live in Tokyo, huh? I moved back to Osaka about a month ago and this time I don't think I will be able to join you guys, but maybe next time... For now I'll hopefully be able to hang with some of the people living here in Osaka. I know at least thetrin is around and we'll be having some drinks soon! :)

I didn't know you were Spanish or in Japan.

I went on August to a Spanish Speech Contest in Osaka.

Good times.

I will poke you next time i go there!


Stop drinking and release G-Bike iOS pls (._. )

I already did all my job on G-Bike (I worked as an environment artist for 2 months on that project, but then someone else got on it when I moved to another project). I'm not on that company anymore so I can't do much! :p I can ask my new workmates to release Bayo 2 faster, though? I'm not on that project though...

I didn't know you were Spanish or in Japan.

I went on August to a Spanish Speech Contest in Osaka.

Good times.

I will poke you next time i go there!

Well, I didn't know you were Spanish or in Japan either! Now I do!
And yeah, whenever you come by, let us know and we can also go and have some drinks.


Here's what I chose to answer (I suck at questions):

Are you currently living in Japan?
Shibuya-ku, close to Omotesando.

What is your favorite place in Japan?[/QUOTE]
Akita, Shizuoka and Fukuoka! (I love Tokyo & Kyoto too).

What is your favorite Japanese food & drink?
Yakizakana, tempura, taco rice (Okinawan cuisine), TKG, takoyaki, chirashi-zushi ++
I eat and love pretty much anything! Also yesssss, I love anything w/ chicken or rice.

Edit: Forgot to mention that I would choose Umeshu over anything else! I also love nihonshu!

What is your favorite season to be in Japan?
Summer! I love the heat (yes, I'm crazy) and then I can wear cute clothes without freezing to death~ Autumn is pretty great too, since it's not too warm and not yet cold.

What should we call you if we ever met you IRL? [/QUOTE]
Ayu or Ayumi is fine! Some call me Miffy for some reason, but if you do that I'm gonna have to kick your ass. =3=


What made you interested in Japan?

I have been fascinated with Japanese culture growing up and watched a lot of translated Japanese cartoons (Captain Tsubasa, Anpanman, Detective Conan etc). My mother also worked with a few Japanese work colleagues and she'd always tell me about their way of life.

Why did you learn the language (for those who are not learning, are you interested?)?

I have no intentions in going to college/university to study Japanese but I am slowly learning a couple of words and phrases on my own pace.

Are you currently living in Japan?

No, however I am interested in working there sometime in the future if I find a good job.

What is your favorite place in Japan?

Nara Park. Been there twice and it is - hands down - my favourite park in the world.

What is your favorite Japanese food & drink?

Can't get enough of Takoyaki. I really can't :D

Don't really have a favourite drink but I do like choosing a new iced coffee or tea drink whenever I'm at a 7/11. I'm always open to try new things in Japan.

What is your favorite season to be in Japan?

Only ever been to Japan during the summer (September last year and July this year). Kinda prefered September since it didn't rain. Ideally, I'd like to visit during sakura season.

Where are you from, and which languages do you speak? (conversational and above)

I'm from Scotland. Languages I speak are English and Arabic.

What should we call you if we ever met you IRL? [/QUOTE]

Either my username or first name. Not really that fussed :)


Some more answers: (good idea, by the way)

What made you interested in Japan?

As a high school student I was into a Japanese rock group from Okinawa and as well as various video games. I was set to enter university in Australia but friends from an online game (FFXI (I played with Gromph a decade ago!)) suggested a study abroad trip and I kind of just floated along. I couldn't speak much at all at the time, basic greetings and I hadn't mastered the most basic alphabets.

Why did you learn the language (for those who are not learning, are you interested?)?

At the time it was just something to do, I went to school 6 days a week for one year and managed to get JLPT1 at the time however I soon lost my ambition to join a development company and fell in love with the language. So I went onto university and beyond pursuing perfection.

Are you currently living in Japan?

As before, Yes. I live in Nagoya now instead of Tokyo.


Homeroom teacher at a junior\senior high school. I only teach English once a week the rest of it is Japanese and I get to lecture on a range of topics which is quite fun. It's in a way my dream job because I can use Japanese all the time but I would still rather something along the lines of interpretation of translation which would get better use of my attention and language ability. Still thinking of starting my own little translation shop up for smaller things but I need to flesh out the ideas more.

I also run a small fitness and nutrition consulting business which I do with my fiancee. It's mostly just post-maternal mothers and some older guys wanting to get waxboard abs but it pays an allowance when they come for help. Think I'll drop it when I get working on the translation thing.

What is your favorite meal?
I enjoy miso katsu as a local favourite in Nagoya. I like Mabotofu more than anything else though and eat it when I can fit it into my diet.

What is your favorite place in Japan?
I really like Nagano, Maki shuraku.

What is your favorite Japanese food & drink?
Unagipai and hato mugicha.

What is your favorite season to be in Japan?


Where are you from, and which languages do you speak? (conversational and above)Small town a few hours south of Sydney, Australia. I speak Japanese and English natively and a bit of Swedish as is my current study agenda.

What should we call you if we ever met you IRL?


What is your favorite Hotto Motto meal?

In my 14 years here i have never eaten a Hotto Motto meal.

What is your favorite Japanese food & drink?

Plain old onabe for me - drink wise - when i did drink the canned whisky water :bow

What is your favorite season to be in Japan?

Autumn! Japan in Autumn is awesome. I have to wear a suite at all times for work so summer is offensive :(

Where are you from, and which languages do you speak? (conversational and above)
Cumbria, England - English and Japanese

What should we call you if we ever met you IRL?

I answer to just about anything, most people call me DC as it relates to my handle and my actual name.


( ≖‿≖)
You guys should include what you're doing here (for work or whatever) as well maybe. More interesting than hotto motto ( ≖‿≖)


You guys should include what you're doing here (for work or whatever) as well maybe.

Client Service Manager for a firm that provides solutions to investment banks - basically, making angry people less angry, making sure we understand their pain/requirements etc.

I was at an investment bank for 13 years prior to this job, stagnating for the final 3 years. This role has had it's ups and downs but i genuinely love what i do now.


Hey guys, is Japan a generally racist country?

How would a mixed race person like myself get by?

Im hispanic and i really haven't had many problems.

I mean, the worst for me was when at one club 2 dudes kept going around telling girls that we weren't japanese, which kinda back fired as most of them would still talk to us anyway.

there are japanese only places, but those are few and far in between, and have never gone inside so i don't know.

other than that really no other issues, on the contrary, japanese people tend to be super cool about socializing (at least the ones i've met)


Hey guys, is Japan a generally racist country?

How would a mixed race person like myself get by?

What do you mean by mixed race?
I'm half Japanese and I don't look really Japanese, so people do tend to look at me differently.

Though if you are able to converse in Japanese and just be polite, they accept you very fast is my experience. Of course I'm biased since I have family living over there and over the years I've gotten used to it.

Funniest reaction is always when I start speaking Japanese that people don't expect it and are very surprised. Once I was at Shin-Osaka station with my GF and we were talking in our own language while looking at a map and discussing our trip. A guy came over and asked us in broken english if he could help and I just automatically answered back in Japanese and he almost had a heart attack. Also he was the laughing stock of his friends that were standing a few feet back.

To be honest me not looking Japanese is more of a blessing since the expectation people have are much lower.


Hey guys, is Japan a generally racist country?

How would a mixed race person like myself get by?

You guys should include what you're doing here (for work or whatever) as well maybe.

I work in a mobile game company.
Please don't hate me.


Hey guys, is Japan a generally racist country?

How would a mixed race person like myself get by?

Not really, but at the same time yes. People won't call you out on being hafu or black, or whatever. Though, kids who are half Japanese tend to get "bullied" in school a little. Japan is worse at discriminating Chinese and Koreans due to disagreements and national rivalry. In short, I wouldn't worry about it (even if you are Chinese/Korean).

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Not really, but at the same time yes. People won't call you out on being hafu or black, or whatever. Though, kids who are half Japanese tend to get "bullied" in school a little. Japan is worse at discriminating Chinese and Koreans due to disagreements and national rivalry. In short, I wouldn't worry about it (even if you are Chinese/Korean).

This is only true if your kid is a little bitch. My son steals the show anytime be walks into a room. Adults go crazy over him, kids want to be his friend, we can't even walk down the street without getting approached by a modeling agent (he's already signed to my old agency). Couple more years and he'll be the next Joy. Cha ching.


This is only true if your kid is a little bitch. My son steals the show anytime be walks into a room. Adults go crazy over him, kids want to be his friend, we can't even walk down the street without getting approached by a modeling agent (he's already signed to my old agency). Couple more years and he'll be the next Joy. Cha ching.

I didn't say it was true in every case! And I'm sure your son looks gorgeous - half Asian kids always do. :3

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Not to mention Japanese bullying is weak. My kids are trained in American bully tactics.


My family (except me and my second brother) are going to visit Fukuoka this September. What's the best thing for me to ask to buy there?
Beside 2nd hand PS4 and Japanese electronic dictionary


What made you interested in Japan?
Dragonball Z and games.

Why did you learn the language (for those who are not learning, are you interested?)?
It was required to take a language for my major at FSU. I took Japanese because it was different.

Are you currently living in Japan?
Yup, in Hiroshima.

How long have you lived in Japan?
Just over 8 years.

What is your favorite place in Japan?
Miyajima, and Sanzoku in Yamaguchi. Osaka is also lots of fun.

What is your favorite Japanese food & drink?
Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki. Hitachino Nest Amber Ale. CoCoIchi curry.

What is your favorite season to be in Japan?
Winter. No particular reason besides the fact that I love the cold. I also love New Years in Japan at my in-law's place. Fall is also very nice.

Where are you from, and which languages do you speak? (conversational and above)
Florida. I can speak English and Japanese.

What should we call you if we ever met you IRL?

Trojan X


UK Travelers - it is best to exchange your money in the UK instead of Japan so you can fully take advantage of the exchange rate. DO NOT make the mistake of going through your bank for, though convenient, you can get better deals online and at exchange venues in London City and London West End. For those in London, go and exchange your money at Thomas Exchange Global - you can find one at Canon Street and other places within London: https://www.thomasexchangeglobal.co.uk
What made you interested in Japan?
Dragonball Z and games.

Why did you learn the language (for those who are not learning, are you interested?)?
It was required to take a language for my major at FSU. I took Japanese because it was different.

Are you currently living in Japan?
Yup, in Hiroshima.

How long have you lived in Japan?
Just over 8 years.

What is your favorite place in Japan?
Miyajima, and Sanzoku in Yamaguchi. Osaka is also lots of fun.

What is your favorite Japanese food & drink?
Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki. Hitachino Nest Amber Ale. CoCoIchi curry.

What is your favorite season to be in Japan?
Winter. No particular reason besides the fact that I love the cold. I also love New Years in Japan at my in-law's place. Fall is also very nice.

Where are you from, and which languages do you speak? (conversational and above)
Florida. I can speak English and Japanese.

What should we call you if we ever met you IRL?

Hey, no one ever says Yamaguchi! It's a nice place, isn't it? That's where my wife is from. Where did you go there?



UK Travelers - it is best to exchange your money in the UK instead of Japan so you can fully take advantage of the exchange rate. DO NOT make the mistake of going through your bank for, though convenient, you can get better deals online and at exchange venues in London City and London West End. For those in London, go and exchange your money at Thomas Exchange Global - you can find one at Canon Street and other places within London: https://www.thomasexchangeglobal.co.uk
Good advice!

For Polish tourists - out of curiosity I've been looking around money exchange places in Shinjuku and Ikebukuro and I haven't seen shops exchanging złote anywhere, so if you're not sure if the money you have is enough and you don't want to use ATMs it's best to bring € or $ for exchange.

Trojan X

Good advice!

For Polish tourists - out of curiosity I've been looking around money exchange places in Shinjuku and Ikebukuro and I haven't seen shops exchanging złote anywhere, so if you're not sure if the money you have is enough and you don't want to use ATMs it's best to bring € or $ for exchange.

BTW - it is very important to know that exchange bureaus in Japan DO NOT compete against each other unlike London, Hong Kong and other places (If any places in Japan do then I'm afraid that I am yet to see it and I would be happy to find out which companies offers good rates as I still have some GBP and Euros left). So if you can, I really REALLY strongly advise everyone to exchange your money before you come to Japan.


Gold Member
Went to Diver City and checked out the Gundam Cafe and Gundam Front event.
They took soo much of my money. I was never into Gunpla until I saw the new RG figures. Too bad most of them were sold out because I wanted nearly all of them. Even some of the older HG models were all sold out as well.

Then burned the last two hours of the night at Joyopolis with the late night pass with the passport discount. Definitely worth it at that price. Not soo much of a good deal for the full price pass during regular hours if you are not a native reader and speaker. I'm always impressed by these Japanese feature parks. I wonder if Disney Land will do the same


What made you interested in Japan?
The culture always interested me since I was little. Martial Arts, Samurai, Movies, Etc.

Why did you learn the language (for those who are not learning, are you interested?)?
I was lucky to be in a High School that had Japanese as a language. Unfortunately it wasn't hardcore learning and it's really hard to learn a language when you have it for 3 months then a year break. Japanese 2 is Japanese 1 again.

Are you currently living in Japan?

How long have you lived in Japan?
I only visited for 24 days

What is your favorite place in Japan?
The whole place

What is your favorite Japanese food & drink?
Loved Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki, not sure about drinks.

What is your favorite season to be in Japan?
I went in November and was able to wear shorts. Perfect weather for me.

Where are you from, and which languages do you speak? (conversational and above)
Pittsburgh, PA. Only English conversationally.

What should we call you if we ever met you IRL?
Big H, Harold, or H


I asked this question earlier in this thread, but just want some clarification...

So, I want to head down to Mt. Fuji, as I want to take a bunch of photos, but people have said it would be to late in the season to climb it, which was never part of my plan....

So, is it worth taking a train down there, just to take some photos? Are there are things to do around that area? Maybe I can make a day out of it...

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