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Sunset Overdrive - Chaos Squad Mode Stream


Seems as though there's something missing from this game. I can't put my finger on it, but the game seems as if it doesn't have a direction. Just constant killing of respawning enemies. Also, it it me, or does it seem like the enemies don't fight back? I can see the game feeling repetitive after a couple of days...

Enemies don't fight back? So what were the players dieing from over and over during streams? What stream were you watching?

Yea to me lt looks even emptier than Infamous: SS which had the bare minimum of content allowable when it comes to open world games. The platforming also just looks so damn slow, especially considering your character is supposed to be basically "skating" through the environment. I hope I'm wrong but first impressions aren't good. It doesn't help that I haven't like an Insomniac game since Ratchet and Clank: ACIT. And yes, I actually had a ball with Resistance 2, at least the online side of it. R1 and R3 didn't do much for me and let's not even talk about Fuse, holy shit! I cautiously pessimistic.

People are still saying this, really?


On the off chance that jstevenson's still around, is Insomniac hosting anymore chaos squad matches today? I signed up for the 3pm pst chaos squad session and matchmaking's popping up zero results.

edit:nvm :)


Yea to me lt looks even emptier than Infamous: SS which had the bare minimum of content allowable when it comes to open world games. The platforming also just looks so damn slow, especially considering your character is supposed to be basically "skating" through the environment. I hope I'm wrong but first impressions aren't good. It doesn't help that I haven't like an Insomniac game since Ratchet and Clank: ACIT. And yes, I actually had a ball with Resistance 2, at least the online side of it. R1 and R3 didn't do much for me and let's not even talk about Fuse, holy shit! I cautiously pessimistic.

don't worry dude, the streams today proved otherwise. :)

If it's still slow, people will still say it. Yes. Is that a problem?


it's not a problem.
there is some truth to that (ie, if you don't think the game will review well or whatever, maybe you hold copies back or embargo reviews until launch day, etc).

however, sometimes the challenge factor is the game getting done + servers being up / day 1 patches + allowing enough time for reviewers to play and write reviews.

I think we struck a good balance of reviews 24 hours prior to launch, while giving reviewers about 9-10 days with the game to review it (though i'm sure they would've liked longer!)

Understood:) good luck to you and the team for launch
I saw some people getting WRECKED when going for maximum Chaos. I just wanted to say that area 4 Chaos Squad is designed for people that have fully upgraded characters. It's very doable, you just need Overdrives.

We covered them in one of our Sunset TV episodes (Overdrives and Badges). To survive an area 4 Chaos Squad session where you're going for MAX Chaos (which gets the best rewards), you will NEED those upgrades.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
If it's still slow, people will still say it. Yes. Is that a problem?
Yes because the footage today proved otherwise and those people are basically saying "I didn't watch the stream today." That combined with "the enemies don't seem to fight back." Have both been completely disproved on multiple occasions today.
Sega DLC pack:

Jet Set Radio and Jet Set Radio Future outfits

Shenmue: Ryo Hazuki Jacket, Lan Di's green robe and pony tail

Panzer Dragoon: Armored Blue dragon wings outfit, Armored blue dragon battering ram armored hat( when worn has lock on homing lasers that shoot out when overdrive is max) different dragon rider guns for weapons

Phatasy Star: outfits, guns, swords

NiGHTS: Jester Hat and star effect trail

Virtua Fighter: Classic fighter costumes

Virtua Cop: Eye piece.. Puts virtua cop target around enemies

Crazy Taxi: Cab drivers outfit! (BD Joe)

Skies of Arcadia: Vyse and crew outfits and weapon

Toe Jam and Earl: Toe Jam alien eyes headwear and Earl Sunglases

Burning Ranger: outfits

Ristar: star headgear

Sonic: Sonic spike headwear, Tails two tail pants, Eggman glasses, nose and mustache gear

Space Channel 5: Ulala outfit and gun

Can you guys think of any more?.. Virtual On.. Etc...


I'm not going to discredit people's complaints that is looks slow and put it into a better context for those that get upset when other say this just so both sides see each others points.

The issue seems to be that it can look slow depending on how the game is being played. Right now from the many streams and videos I've been able to see thus far, there is a big gap between how the game can be played depending on who is playing it and their skills to understand traversal.

Certain videos and specifically this mornings Shacknews stream (which yes, it needs to be called out on how bad it was), made the game seem extremely dull and extremely slow, something which I did not think you could do to this game that has weird guns and amazing respawn animations, but somehow they managed it. Failing to boost, failing to air dash, failing to land on rails or do a proper super bounce on objects made the gameplay seem so terrible dull. When you see a stream or video of individuals that actually can master these skills, the game opens up in fun quality. The game seems very easy to pick up and start grinding and anyone can do it (because yes its built into the game), but the difference between any random person doing that and putting in the effort to get boost, to get extra speed to make it look good makes a huge difference in how the game looks to someone not playing it.

Just wanted to make that point since a lot of people did not understand the complaints.
Sega DLC pack:

Jet Set Radio and Jet Set Radio Future outfits

Shenmue: Ryo Hazuki Jacket, Lan Di's green robe and pony tail

Panzer Dragoon: Armored Blue dragon wings outfit, Armored blue dragon battering ram armored hat( when worn has lock on homing lasers that shoot out when overdrive is max) different dragon rider guns for weapons

Phatasy Star: outfits, guns, swords

NiGHTS: Jester Hat and star effect trail

Virtua Fighter: Classic fighter costumes

Virtua Cop: Eye piece.. Puts virtua cop target around enemies

Crazy Taxi: Cab drivers outfit! (BD Joe)

Skies of Arcadia: Vyse and crew outfits and weapon

Toe Jam and Earl: Toe Jam alien eyes headwear and Earl Sunglases

Burning Ranger: outfits

Ristar: star headgear

Sonic: Sonic spike headwear, Tails two tail pants, Eggman glasses, nose and mustache gear

Space Channel 5: Ulala outfit and gun

Can you guys think of any more?.. Virtual On.. Etc...

I love this. Especially the Dreamcast era stuff. Holy crap that would be epic.


Sega DLC pack:


Can you guys think of any more?.. Virtual On.. Etc...

Alex Kidd: big rubber fist to bash things!

Fantasy Zone: Opa-Opa to throw or ride or shoot or whatever!

Streets of Rage: clothing or kangaroo suit!

Altered Beast: beast form costumes!

Golden Axe: giant axe & little potions thrown around!

Shinobi: Joe Musashi suit & sword, shurikens, nunchuks, etc!

Kid Chameleon: a ton of different suits!

Ecco the Dolphin: a dolphin to ride or a dolphine helmet while shooting sonar waves or some crap!

this is awesome!
The marketing machine is really cranking up for this game. I've already seen the commercial 3 times today since the Broncos game started. It's good to see a game like this get so much promotion.


Every time I see someone hug the side of a building wall in a jump I expect them to grab window sills like in Crackdown and I'm like wtf just happened.
The marketing machine is really cranking up for this game. I've already seen the commercial 3 times today since the Broncos game started. It's good to see a game like this get so much promotion.
Same here. I was pleasantly surprised to see so many commercials. It's still not something I'm hugely interested in, but it'll be nice if it would get some great sales numbers.
So in other words people saying it's slow haven't actually been watching the multiple streams today that show otherwise?

It's really just that dash mechanic the dude keeps spamming that's making everything look a little quicker and more hectic. I will admit that after watching the stream above it's looking a bit better than the other videos I've seen. Just regular grinding still looks a bit sluggish though and those missions aren't looking particularly amazing.
Same here. I was pleasantly surprised to see so many commercials. It's still not something I'm hugely interested in, but it'll be nice if it would get some great sales numbers.

I think that's a big reason Insomniac teamed with Microsoft, they knew they're game would at least be marketed well. That's the problem they and other studios have always had with Sony, it seems they only choose one big exclusive title, and spend all the marketing money on that, leaving the rest to die or get sales from good word of mouth.


i don't know, i've kind of avoided a lot of hype/previews for this game because i wanted to like it and be surprised. and while i'm still doing that i have clicked on a few (muted) streams today and i am getting hyped even then, with no sound and no clue on the context of what i'm seeing. for fuck's sake you just grind around killing stuff and things go crazy? that's literally my favorite parts of some of my favorite games of all time - the grinding obviously brings to mind Jet Set Radio & the old/good Tony Hawks - i think i'm in. this is coming from a guy who was all in on both consoles at launch and my XB1 has been used for maybe 10 hours of Titanfall and less hours for a handful of other games. pretty excited!


It's really just that dash mechanic the dude keeps spamming that's making everything look a little quicker and more hectic. I will admit that after watching the stream above it's looking a bit better than the other videos I've seen. Just regular grinding still looks a bit sluggish though and those missions aren't looking particularly amazing.

Yeah, I like the look and feel of the game but the traversal just doesn't look as fun as it could be. It's hard to tell until I pay it myself, though.
It's really just that dash mechanic the dude keeps spamming that's making everything look a little quicker and more hectic. I will admit that after watching the stream above it's looking a bit better than the other videos I've seen. Just regular grinding still looks a bit sluggish though and those missions aren't looking particularly amazing.

Those missions are multiplayer content, you aren't getting super complex stuff out of that.

And if traversal was any faster, it wouldn't be as fun to play. And it feels plenty fast when you get good enough to bend the systems to your will.
Those missions are multiplayer content, you aren't getting super complex stuff out of that.

And if traversal was any faster, it wouldn't be as fun to play. And it feels plenty fast when you get good enough to bend the systems to your will.

Just judging from the streams along I think we might see our first perfect 10 on metacritic with this game.
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