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Witcher 3 gameplay from YouTubers from CDPR event


He's asking if they are procedurally generated, which they are not. You do come across "random" quests in the world but they are handcrafted the same as every other quest, they just have special conditions that spawn them.

Wait so can someone clear this up for me? Are there never ending quests or is it possible to complete all of them and never have a quest ever again?


This is why I hate GAF... I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or if you really didn't realize that I was.

I think that applies to all forums around the Internet :D Some places like some sub-reddits have started to use /s as clear sign of sarcasm just for that reason.


The audio interview confirms that rare weapons do not scale to your current level. Only regular weapon unlocks scale. So any extremely challenging fight should yield weapons that have a fixed level.


Wait so can someone clear this up for me? Are there never ending quests or is it possible to complete all of them and never have a quest ever again?

It's possible to complete all quests, that are available to you in that particular game*, and never get another one.

*some quests become unavailable depending on your decisions in the world and in other quests

Edit: Also game doesn't progress from hub to another and never back. There is reports that people got level 33 quest when exploring prologue [tutorial] area of the game.
I really don't think that the Ultra videos have HairWorks enabled (or at least to the max settings just like when you enable Physx to max) since the hair doesn't look as good as certain parts in the trailers where the hair looks real when HairWorks is on max, here it just looks normal: i.e In Sword Of Destiny trailer, when he holds teh torch in a cave or when he enters the palace, so most of them are close ups in narrow areas, that is why they used HairWorks to the max to look great otherwise they couldn't use it in normal open setting environemnts unles they use more than just a GTX980, (sth like GTX Titan X SLI) to do that.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
I really don't think that the Ultra videos have HairWorks enabled (or at least to the max settings just like when you enable Physx to max) since the hair doesn't look as good as certain parts in the trailers where the hair looks real when HairWorks is on max, here it just looks normal: i.e In Sword Of Destiny trailer, when he holds teh torch in a cave or when he enters the palace, so most of them are close ups in narrow areas, that is why they used HairWorks to the max to look great otherwise they couldn't use it in normal open setting environemnts unles they use more than just a GTX980, (sth like GTX Titan X SLI) to do that.

Hairworks was disable for the videos. CDPR said they are still trying to optimize it more before release.

They also said the build the youtubers played was an old build.

So upon release the game will look and run better than what we are seeing today.
Hairworks was disable for the videos. CDPR said they are still trying to optimize it more before release.

They also said the build the youtubers played was an old build.

So upon release the game will look and run better than what we are seeing today.

Ah I see, so Iwan't wrong after all. Thanks !
Can I get a source? The other guy said there isn't. Personally, I like procedurally generated quests, since it enables some activity even after 100%.

I think I read it on the other thread yesterday.
Honestly, I'm not sure.

Can I use hairworks with an amd graphics setup? I hate those brand specific things....?

Apparently, yes.
However, it'll be likely take a bigger impact on performance compared to nvidia gpus.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
I think I read it on the other thread yesterday.
Honestly, I'm not sure.

Apparently, yes.
However, it'll be likely take a bigger impact on performance compared to nvidia gpus.

Really? I thought HairWorks and PhysX were Nvidia exclusive? This is my first time owning an Nvidia card but that's half the reason I switched was because I was sick of being locked out of all the Nvidia stuff in game options.


Really? I thought HairWorks and PhysX were Nvidia exclusive? This is my first time owning an Nvidia card but that's half the reason I switched was because I was sick of being locked out of all the Nvidia stuff in game options.

You can run physx off your cpu and hairworks is not exclusive.


Really? I thought HairWorks and PhysX were Nvidia exclusive? This is my first time owning an Nvidia card but that's half the reason I switched was because I was sick of being locked out of all the Nvidia stuff in game options.

At least PhysX you can run even if you own AMD GPU, it just runs on your CPU instead. It runs like utter shit when ran on CPU, but it's possible.

They could get it run decently/well on CPU, but they just don't bother as it would lose that "PhysX, best physics in gaming given to you by Nvidia!" marketing push.


That Nvidia FAQ is NOT stating that stutter is caused when framerate drops beneath refresh rate. It says it right there in that quote you used,

"When using vsync" are the pertinent words. They are in this example referring to traditional vsync methods where when your framerate drops beneath your refresh rate, vsync will then lock your framerate to the next step under that, often 30fps. That vsync jump from 60 to 30 is the stutter that is referred to.

They go on to state adaptive vsync is the fix to stuttering but not input lag,

Adaptive Vsync is a newer method of commonly used vsync where framerate locking is enabled when frames are high, above the refresh rate, and it is disabled when framerate falls beneath the refresh rate, allowing the framerate to naturally settle or shift under the refresh rate. This right here is a statement that falling beneath the refresh rate when using adaptive vsync, or indeed when not using any vsync, is not this cause of stuttering they refer to. In the very beginning of the quote you used they state with shifting framerate the concern is with screen tearing, to which that early form of vsync was introduced as a fix, with the stuttering a result of that form of vsync.

This is ignoring my opinion that the words stutter and hitching are often used interchangeably and their definition in gaming is not nailed down that firmly.

Even with adaptive vsync or no vsync you still get an uneven janky framerate when you drop below refresh rate. The stutter does get smoothed out somewhat, but it's still there, and then you have to deal with screen tearing on top of that which is even worse.

I hate stutter and screen tearing with a passion and that's why I bought a gsync monitor last year. Believe me, I know the ins and outs of adaptive vsync, triple buffering, double buffering, no vsync, and gsync very well. I know why the various forms of stutter occur.

Most of the time when someone complains about getting stutter in a game it is because they are not able to maintain a framerate above their refresh rate (or a factor of their refresh rate). Again, it doesn't matter if you are using double buffered or triple buffered vsync, you will still get stuttering. The difference is that with double buffering your framerate will drop to 30 fps every time it dips below 60fps (half your refresh rate). These huge swings are worse to most people than the smaller drops that occur with triple buffering.

The longer pauses or hitches caused by asset streaming or unoptimized engine stalls are more rare.

Another issue is uneven frame delivery. These are problems with the timing of how frames are sent to the display, even when the average framerate seems to be adequate.

But frame pacing issues, as well as pauses/hitches caused by asset loading, are both far more infrequent causes of stuttering than framerates that fall below refresh rates (or factors of the refresh rate).

So, if we see stutter in a game, the first and most likely explanation, unless we have reason to think otherwise, is that the framerate is dropping below the refresh rate of the display. Since we've already seen The Witcher 3 running smoothly in previous footage it doesn't seem likely that the stuttering is caused by engine-side issues. The most likely explanation is that the build these youtubers were playing was unable to maintain 60fps at all times on the hardware they were playing it on.


"Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment will be responsible for the distribution and promotion of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt in North America."


So basically WB takes care of whole NA and Namco is EU and Asia?

Assuming the wiki is accurate:

WB in NA, Namco in EU, Spike in Japan, 1 Company in CIS, Megarom in South Africa, and CDPR will do it themselves in Poland.



They're all pretty spoiler free. Angry Joe one shows some minor quests.

I wouldn't recommended Joes video tho or at least mute it. I mean I have watched Joes videos before so I kinda knew what to expect, but this is like other level of obnoxious stuff. I really wouldn't be surprised if they were tripping when recording this :D


The Gwent game seems pretty cool. I didn't expect anything super deep and complex but it's nice to know it's not as shallow as one would think for being a "game within a game".

Nuke Soda

Game will be amazing, even on the consoles (PS4 for me). Not going to pre-order though because I am trying to kick that habit.


The things i hate about "gaming" in general is when concepts/objects etc, are placed into the world/s and the player cannot interact or utilize for the purpose and justification of having it.
Fishing Rod

Let me go fishing god damn it!

Specially Openworld games like this. Can't i just sit back and kick my boots up after a hard day Hunting and catch a fucking demon shark.. is that so much to ask?!?!

Ok, ok... Fair enough.
But i at least better be able to fondle a Mermaid!
I know you can disable Witcher senses but I hope there's an adequate in-game replacement for it. There are some games that allow you to disable HUD features but really don't do much to alleviate the lack of said feature in actual game design.

Hopefully the footprints and so on are visible enough that disabling Witcher senses is actually viable.
Really? I thought HairWorks and PhysX were Nvidia exclusive? This is my first time owning an Nvidia card but that's half the reason I switched was because I was sick of being locked out of all the Nvidia stuff in game options.

Yes, just like TressFX on nvidia gpus.
AMD can also run PhysX just fine.


Plane Escape Torment
I really love the fact that finally a developer let's the player control how much info is displayed through the HUD. I just hope they integrated this level of HUD customization into their game design and thought about giving visual/aural cues in the game world for all the HUD info you can hide. So amazing. Seriously thinking about turning off all the HUD and taking my time exploring similar to Gothic 2.


Plane Escape Torment
I know you can disable Witcher senses but I hope there's an adequate in-game replacement for it. There are some games that allow you to disable HUD features but really don't do much to alleviate the lack of said feature in actual game design.

Hopefully the footprints and so on are visible enough that disabling Witcher senses is actually viable.

I looked out specifically for this and it seems that most of the time the clues are visible enough without Witcher senses. Though I doubt the developers considered that some players want to play without Witcher sense to the point of integrating this into the core game design.
I looked out specifically for this and it seems that most of the time the clues are visible enough without Witcher senses. Though I doubt the developers considered that some players want to play without Witcher sense to the point of integrating this into the core game design.

That's good to hear. As long as the game is completely playable without using the option, that's great in my book.

The option otherwise serves no purpose.


I know you can disable Witcher senses but I hope there's an adequate in-game replacement for it. There are some games that allow you to disable HUD features but really don't do much to alleviate the lack of said feature in actual game design.

Hopefully the footprints and so on are visible enough that disabling Witcher senses is actually viable.

I dont know if you can disable Witcher senses, you just have the option of not using them. The footprints still look visible without them in the AngryJoe vid.. If there are quests involving smells or distant sounds then youd probably have to use them.


Don't feel like pulling the trigger on this till I see/read about the PS4 version: how it looks and runs. Want to be excited but when see nothing but the PC version with X-Box One controller I get suspect. I guess I'll do like I have done so far this year and wait about a week or two after it's been released and read impressions here and watch the inevitable DF face off.


Plane Escape Torment
I dont know if you can disable Witcher senses, you just have the option of not using them. The footprints still look visible without them in the AngryJoe vid.. If there are quests involving smells or distant sounds then youd probably have to use them.

The developers had mentioned that you can turn this feature off before though.


So is there an embargo on when they can upload the second parts to videos? I assumed we'd have a lot more videos coming out after the first ones this morning but it seems pretty dry after that.
Still some pop in visible here and there in the fields when he's riding his horse.. Have they showed the ps4 version or is it just PC?.
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