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Chrono Trigger turns 21! - A retrospective


CharAznable's second cousin
This was shared in another Chrono Trigger/Cross thread - but a very good video explaining the plot of both Trigger and Cross. Very good stuff. (Plus his Xenogear's one is awesome too)




Been listening to this song literally everyday ever since my sister got me the CD. Some don't like the fact that they added lyrics to such a great song - but there's something about this version that's just so great.


Excellent OP! Chrono Trigger is one of the greatest games of all time, OF ALL TIME! (pun intended)

Plus, its soundtrack is also legendary. Corridors of Time, Undersea Palace, To Far Away Times, Wind Scene, Guardia Millenial Fair and so on. It's chock-full of some of the greatest video game compositions ever, and it was Mitsuda's first work as a composer! Simply incredible.


Never finished it because i was caught by something else irl but damn is the game good. I'll always remember the magus fight.
One of my favorite games of all time. I can play it anytime and it never bores me. I wish they would release a PS4 edition or a Steam edition...


Amazing write-up (where I learned stuff) for an amazing game <3

My favorite CT dev story is Mitsuda, a 22-year-old sound engineer at the time, demanding that Sakaguchi allow him to compose music or else he'd quit Square.

Ended up getting assigned to CT and created one of the greatest OSTs of all time as his first soundtrack.

Didn't he lose half of his work in a hard drive failure too? Really impressive he pulled it out.

WOW, CT was his first OST?! That's insane. He nailed it so damn hard <3
Even though Chrono Trigger only makes my top 20 favorite games of all time list, and Super Metroid my top 30, I think the general consensus would say that they are the two games that came closest to perfection than any other.
Super amazing game. It's definitely in my top 10 all time.

Chrono Trigger
Zelda OOT
Banjo Kazooie
Link to the Past
Secret of Mana
Wonderboy in Monster Land
Super Mario World


One of the best RPG titles of all time. I remember getting this along with Secret of Evermore Christmas morning and just having so much fun that day.


Chrono Trigger is such a great game. I replayed it somewhat recently and I realized that what I loved about it is how straightforward it is. There's simply no bloat, the pacing is great, the battle system is dynamic and even the dialogues are quick. Characters are some of the most memorable, from Magus and Frog's tragic tales, Ayla's fight for survival, Marle's growth, Lucca and Robo's bonding... It's all incredible. And all of that is ignoring the optional sidequests you can do at the end of the game, all which simply make the game even better by adding more depth to the characters and world.

Gameplay wise, I love how the battle system is so damn simple and fun. You don't need to do chores to learn magic like equip Materia or Espers or some random shit that many RPGs pull off. Your characters will naturally learn Techs as you play and then you'll even get Double/Triple Techs which are usually so satisfying to use. I loved "cheesing" through battles using Haste with Marle and then spamming absurdly strong Techs like Luminaire or Flare.

Of course, there's also the music. People always praise it (for good reason) so I won't say much about it, but it's phenomenal.

Looking back, it's funny how Chrono Cross changed almost everything I described above! It's still a fun game though, but it's clear why it's so divisive.


Recently I found a story summary video on Chrono Cross that made me want to play both games once again.

Chono Trigger is indeed brilliant. It's also one of the only JRPGs I have played that has actual choices that effect the story in some way. The little twist during the trial scene alone elevate this game far beyond what most games even do today. One of the only times a game actually made me stop and think... damn, maybe I was actually being kind of an asshole. Not because it was a completely linear scene with no possible other outcome or because some other in-game character told me to feel that way. It was because it was my choice and I just didn't think things through.

Looking back, it's funny how Chrono Cross changed almost everything I described above! It's still a fun game though, but it's clear why it's so divisive.

It is pretty odd considering how well the game was received. Everyone loves this game! So let's change everything about it for the sequel! Both games have a lot of great mechanics between them though. It's pretty sad that these games didn't seem to influence anything .


Cool OP, actually didnt know alot of that backstory and how it originated, was really interesting to see. Its funny, I also played the game more "recently", in that I probably played it in 2001 or 02 when it came out on Playstation. I actually played Chrono Cross first when it was released, enjoyed it so much that I ended up playing Chrono Trigger after. I really loved CC, and of course loved CT as well. Alot of my friends really disliked CC, and many of them always say the reason I like CC so much was that I didnt have the preconceived ideas or expectations heading into it that they did, having played CT originally. It may be true, but I love each game a ton, and I sometimes wonder how much more it would have blew my mind if I played it back in the day when it first was announced. Probably a testament to how good it actually was, and how timeless. Easily in my top 5 soundtracks for sure.
Awesome write up, OP! Seeing all those staff pictures is so cool, they look so enthusiastic. :)

Btw, I've never seen that promo art with the red background before, is there a higher quality version elsewhere? Would make a great wallpaper.

Ah, Chrono Trigger. My first JRPG (or as some of us called them in the '90s, "turn based RPGs"), still one of the greatest games of all time.


listen to the mad man

This is the high point of gaming so far.
It's about time for another play through, just need to figure out what version lol

Edit - I had no idea Secret of Mana started as Crono Trigger, they are both in my top 5 favourite SNES games, easily
I adore this game and it has been my favorite game for twenty years.

Recently I found out about Chrimson Echoes, a fan sequel. Has anybody played that, is it worth it?

1er tigre

I honestly think it's the best game ever made and I find it hilarious how archaic 85% of JRPGs(including the ones made by square themselves) look when compared to Chrono Trigger. Out of all the retro games I have played(well outside of stuff like Tetris and some 2d fighting games), CT is the only one that truly stands the test of time. I can just enjoy the game for what it is and not have to remind myself that I'm playing a archaic game and a lot of the stuff I take for granted now wasn't implemented in video games yet. The most polished game I have ever played. If it's possible for a non Tetris game to be "perfect", this game is it.
Agreed.This is why I find that Chrono Trigger is vastly superior compared to FFVI. It nearly didn't age at all. FFVI not so much...
And I played both games in the 2010's.
Thanks for this. Put me in the camp that thinks this is the best game ever made. And it's not just nostalgia talking. It truly is a masterpiece in every way. Time to listen to the soundtrack once again.


Great OP and fantastic game.

This is what I miss in Jrp's. The sense of adventure, the fun turn based combat, the great pacing, the unique an likable cast, the fun stories.
Just look at that cast. A robot, a frog warrior, a kinda crazy inventor, a badass cavewoman, etc. We don't get stuff like that anymore (at least not often). Now its all oversexualized girls, lolis and boy bands.

This game is the prime example of everything I like about Jrpg and it has yet to be surpassed


Lovely OP. Always love when a GAFfer puts in the work.

Truly one of the greatest games of all time. I missed it on release -- Mario RPG was the only real RPG I played on SNES -- but picked up the DS remaster. This game just fires on all cylinders: music, art, script, characters; combat is a bit simplistic / repetitive but a lot of the bosses at least are unique and interesting. A special game.


I have always found CT to be quite overrated but it's interesting to read stuff like this. Thanks OP. I miss old school JRPGs.
Quite possibly the game that aged most beautifully in history, and a serious contender for best game of all time. It's still as fresh and beautiful now as it was back then, and it even plays better than most games made right now. It was trully well ahead of its time (pun not intended). At the time, while I loved it, I liked it less than FF6, which felt more adult (unusually for a game at the time), but as time has gone on and more and more games have tried going for grittier narratives (often with embarrassing results), it's Chrono Trigger the one that has become more unique in its straightforward charm.
Btw, I've never seen that promo art with the red background before, is there a higher quality version elsewhere? Would make a great wallpaper.

It's from an issue of V-Jump. I'm not sure if there's a higher quality version somewhere: https://www.chronocompendium.com/Term/File:Illus3.jpg.html

Edit - I had no idea Secret of Mana started as Crono Trigger, they are both in my top 5 favourite SNES games, easily

Yeah, back in the day many people noted that Crono and Marle look like the boy and the girl (Randi and Primm) from Secret of Mana, but it was thought to be just a coincidence.


When the Secret of Mana-Chrono Trigger connection was found out by fan translators through Japanese interviews, it was kinda mind-blowing. I would love to see Toriyama's original sketches for Secret of Mana, or "Maru Island", but who knows if they still even exist.

I think it's also safe to assume the Mana Fortress and the Black Omen (which is basically a star destroyer) originated from the same concept.

Recently I found out about Chrimson Echoes, a fan sequel. Has anybody played that, is it worth it?

I was actually one of the directors of Crimson Echoes, along with ZeaLitY and Agent 12. We never finished it due to Square Enix's lawyers, but there is a so-called "98% complete" version floating around (I'd say it's more like 80%, really). There are some bugs in it and we never got to adjust enemy stats, so it's a very hard version, but it's playable.

A different team took Crimson Echoes and made their own hack of the fan hack, by renaming it "Flames of Eternity" and altering events, trying to fix things, changing things they didn't like, etc. Most of their decisions are puzzling and kind of Frankensteined in, so I can't recommend it.

We did release a full playthrough though, which is around 40-hour-long, I believe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSTpkMB9kNk. Needless to say we're really proud of what we accomplished -- even though SE had to SE.

Great OP and fantastic game.

This is what I miss in Jrp's. The sense of adventure, the fun turn based combat, the great pacing, the unique an likable cast, the fun stories.
Just look at that cast. A robot, a frog warrior, a kinda crazy inventor, a badass cavewoman, etc. We don't get stuff like that anymore (at least not often). Now its all oversexualized girls, lolis and boy bands.

This game is the prime example of everything I like about Jrpg and it has yet to be surpassed

Interestingly, Lucca is Masato Kato's favorite character. He did more sketches for her than for the other characters and she was supposed to act even more crazy than in the final game:


From the CT Ultimania released in 2009:

Question: Which character do you feel most emotionally attached to and why?

Kato: It&#8217;s a hard choice, but if I had to narrow it down to one, I guess it&#8217;d be Lucca. I like characters like her who don&#8217;t need to act spoilt or flirty but can be dignified and stand on their own two feet. She never rejects the world or others, she&#8217;s adaptable and kind, and unexpectedly bewitching when she occasionally misses the point of things. (laughs) Magus and Frog are close seconds.

Lucca makes a cameo appearance in Xenogears and her personality there is a bit different than in Chrono Trigger; it's probably close to the personality that she originally had in the early CT concepts.
I've been wanting to buy the DS game for a while now. Never played the original. How accessible is this for someone that doesn't really play RPGs? I've only ever played Mario and Luigi SS and Sticker Star in terms of turn based RPGs. Some of the posts in this thread just make me want to try and experience how this game had such a profound experience on people though.
I was actually one of the directors of Crimson Echoes, along with ZeaLitY and Agent 12. We never finished it due to Square Enix's lawyers, but there is a so-called "98% complete" version floating around (I'd say it's more like 80%, really). There are some bugs in it and we never got to adjust enemy stats, so it's a very hard version, but it's playable.

A different team took Crimson Echoes and made their own hack of the fan hack, by renaming it "Flames of Eternity" and altering events, trying to fix things, changing things they didn't like, etc. Most of their decisions are puzzling and kind of Frankensteined in, so I can't recommend it.

We did release a full playthrough though, which is around 40-hour-long, I believe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSTpkMB9kNk. Needless to say we're really proud of what we accomplished -- even though SE had to SE.
If it's playable I really like to try it someday. I'll probably dust of my JXD tablet for this during my summer holiday.
I'm ashamed to admit that I played Chrono Trigger 20 years ago, didn't get very far, haven't played it since.......and I have a CIB SNES copy and the DS version sitting in my backlog. Is there any reason to keep the SNES one beyond collecting value, since I understand the DS is the best version?


Unconfirmed Member
It sorta blows my mind that a SNES game can not only hold up so well after all these years but actually be better than any currently released RPGs. A true masterpiece.
Played this for the first time on the DS a few years ago and it still felt fresh. Wish i played it on launch but didnt have a snes.
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