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Jim Sterling is being sued by Digital Homicide

Jim just posted this https://twitter.com/JimSterling/status/710165672580485120


In context, that image is of Joker's "One bad day."
Dat interview on soundclound

What's most upsetting to me, is the dude talking over Jim all the time. This makes me legit angry. I hate when people do that -.-

On the whole lawsuit thing: good luck trying to fund that. It's never gonna happen
What would probably happen if they went through with the lawsuit? Would Sterling counter sue or something? Or does he not have to pay legal fees if he wins the case?

Don't really know anything about the guy and haven't watched his videos but I skipped around that interview and it'll be complete bullshit if he ends up losing money due to legal fees or whatever over this.
The worst person in all this is the weirdo sending feces to people out of strange allegiance to a YouTube personality. It wouldn't be terrible if Jim called these creeps out.

But that is all the sympathy I can muster for DH.
If it stops them making shit games for a few months while they concentrate on losing to Jim, then that's good for gaming as a whole.

Jimfuckingsterlingson, taking one for the team.


What would probably happen if they went through with the lawsuit? Would Sterling counter sue or something? Or does he not have to pay legal fees if he wins the case?

Don't really know anything about the guy and haven't watched his videos but I skipped around that interview and it'll be complete bullshit if he ends up losing money due to legal fees or whatever over this.
So if he wins then he has the right to counter sue for legal fees and if he has a good enough lawyer they could usually get more and chalk it up to emotional distress. But yeah his lawyer is likely already getting a countersuit ready in the case they win.
I can't help but feel bad for Jim Sterling. I might not like the guy's approach or his overly crass content delivery, but the fact that he's getting pestered by this legal matter is just obnoxious and will put a damper on his content creation and daily life until it's resolved.

Even when a case like this is laughable, it's still a burden and can cause anxiety.
Assault? What did he assault? Your feelings?

From what I gather they're claiming they were assaulted by people online who found out about them through Sterling, so they're blaming him. In the interview that got linked the guy also basically insinuates that Sterling is maliciously sending out minions to do his bidding.
Let's not forget that the plaintiff doxed the defendant in an attempt to intimidate just a few months ago. Link to the thread about that. If memory serves, they even posted a photo of the street he lived on.

I don't see this case going anywhere, but I'd kind of like it to.


They're both antagonistic children screaming for attention. The only difference is one of them has a fanbase for some unearthly reason. I'm sure Sterling continues to relish this "situation" as it continues to draw attention to himself for little to no effort on his part.
Doesn't that YouTube protection program Jim falls under include coverage of legal fees in a lawsuit up to a certain amount? I would hope that kicks in here, the source of all of this is claimed to be Jim's YouTube videos.
Doesn't that YouTube protection program Jim falls under include coverage of legal fees in a lawsuit up to a certain amount? I would hope that kicks in here, the source of all of this is claimed to be Jim's YouTube videos.

I think thats just for matters involving copyright disputes/dmca takedowns etc

This is a completely different type of case.
Doesn't that YouTube protection program Jim falls under include coverage of legal fees in a lawsuit up to a certain amount? I would hope that kicks in here, the source of all of this is claimed to be Jim's YouTube videos.

If it does, it probably only applies to the videos of youtube, which isn't what DH is suing about.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
They're both antagonistic children screaming for attention. The only difference is one of them has a fanbase for some unearthly reason. I'm sure Sterling continues to relish this "situation" as it continues to draw attention to himself for little to no effort on his part.
Wow @ that false equivalence. Sure, this is very much a "both sides are the same" situation right?


Yeesh, this is only going to backfire for Digital Homicide in the long run. Even if they win this case, then what? They and their staff will be so toxic that the rest of the industry will have nothing to do with them. Other developers and publishers wont go near them and reviewers will give all of their games a wide berth so as to avoid the hassle of potential legal action.

Really, the best thing they could do is just quietly rename themselves, or shut down and phoenix under another name, and move on having learned from the experience. This whole thing needs to just be closed and left in the past for the sake of everyone involved.

Solaire of Astora

Death by black JPN
Let's not forget that the plaintiff doxed the defendant in an attempt to intimidate just a few months ago. Link to the thread about that. If memory serves, they even posted a photo of the street he lived on.

I don't see this case going anywhere, but I'd kind of like it to.

Yeah. That was my thought too. I can see this getting thrown out of court if it even gets that far.


What a weird court case this may be. Getting sued by the actions of internet trolls and not being able to handle criticism in a mature way.

I listened to the first 10mins of that interview and had to turn it off due to the ridiculousness of it all.
I still randomly find myself thinking of Jim saying "oh dear" when Robert from Digital Homicide says he has 3 kids and he's definitely an adult. Maximum chuckles.


If you sell people shit, then people have a right to call you out on the shit.

How abooooooout.... Stop making shit?
Let's not forget that the plaintiff doxed the defendant in an attempt to intimidate just a few months ago. Link to the thread about that. If memory serves, they even posted a photo of the street he lived on.

I don't see this case going anywhere, but I'd kind of like it to.

So they are blaming JfS for leading people to them with lynch mod on and also blame JfS for blaming them doing ther same thing.

I always expected Ubisoft or EA to sue JfS with their nearly infinite cash but I guess only DH can take the bad press this can generate.


If this actually reaches a credible level I'll be more than happy to donate to Jim's defense. As much merriment as we're going to get from it, it's an uncomfortable thing to have hanging over you.


Thats tosh matey, since day 1 DH have responded in a terrible way going back to the original "response video". Jim has frequently avoided reporting on some of their content to show that poor response toward them wasn't fuelled by a mob sent via his youtube channel. The infamous "Interview" containing the disturbing ramblings of DH only took place because they repeatedly badgered (and if I recall, insulted) Jim on social media.

If there has been any bullying done it has been from DH rather than from Jim, however they are as incompetent at bullying as they are everything else they do, and every punch they send to their "victim" hits their own face by mistake.

Jim is blameless in this.

Originally I listened to the interview + read an article what must have been a year ago now.

For what I thought was a sudden unprovoked video from Jim might not be the case. I've gone back and watched the Jimquisition from 5 months ago, and yeah it does seem like DH may still be pestering Jim about it as well and this wasn't just a one sided bashing.
Reading the complaint.

"Many of the [sic] The Defendant's subscribers are fanatical, young, and impressionable. These subscribers are easily mislead..."

lol. They sure know us.


Reading the complaint.

"Many of the The Defendant's subscribers are fanatical, young, and impressionable. These subscribers are easily mislead..."

lol. They sure know us.

I am curious how they know Jim's audience. I would not be surprised if it's actually older than they suspect.
They're both antagonistic children screaming for attention. The only difference is one of them has a fanbase for some unearthly reason. I'm sure Sterling continues to relish this "situation" as it continues to draw attention to himself for little to no effort on his part.

Let me guess, you're of a mind that people who review content don't earn their living? lol


A) What statement in particular are they claiming is slanderous / libel?
B) Assault? Is it possible to commit assault over the Internet? Which country is this?

I just don't see the sense.

It says Arizona. Anyone know if you can sue an Englishman in American courts?


Why on earth are some people so incapable of knowing when to simply walk away?

If he never engaged Jim, talked about it, did the interview with him a while back, etc all of this would have been peanuts. However by him engaging Jim in all of this he just made it THAT much more of a big deal and basically kept digging his own hole and making people take more attention.
Holy shit. The English used is just a bunch of words cobbled together to sound well versed. It makes my brain itch. Some of the sentences make no fucking sense at all.

At the end of The Defendants [sic] video he encourages his viewers to investigate and they have accused that [sic] Cat Simulators [sic] developer of theft with improper investigation into the source of the products used and assumptions stated as facts rather than actual researched facts.


Holy shit. The English used is just a bunch of words cobbled together to sound well versed. It makes my brain itch. Some of the sentences make no fucking sense at all.


My head hurt reading that X(. If that whole article is filled with sentences like this......man it must be painful to read :(.
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