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Zoe Quinn wins the case against her ex-boyfriend (who started GamerGate)

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Take this, for example. What Yagharek here is suggesting is basically doxing people. How is this any better than anything GG has done?

Where the hell did you get that from? I said they should be named and see some real life consequences. Like prosecution for breaking all the laws they have done so. If they lose their jobs as a consequence, then good.

Doxxing? Really? Pfft.
Where the hell did you get that from? I said they should be named and see some real life consequences. Like prosecution for breaking all the laws they have done so. If they lose their jobs as a consequence, then good.

Doxxing? Really? Pfft.
That's the thing though: most of them haven't broken any laws. Being a dick on the Internet isn't illegal. And the ones that actually do threaten people past the bounds of the law do so anonymously and due to jurisdictional ambiguity are often essentially impossible to charge. And even then all that kind of thing does is energize them further; they see prosecution as persecution.

Deleted member 10571

Unconfirmed Member
Great outcome, and great to hear she's gonna continue to stand up against bullshit like this.

A link to the OP of gafs last big thread on gamergate should really be mandatory for these threads though, a million "duh I'm a poster on one of the world's biggest gaming forums but somehow I don't know anything about gamergate, please educate me in one sentence, and also isn't it all about ethics" posts in every single thread is somewhat unnecessary :/

But yeah, glad she won.


No one should ever dox another person. Rather, energy should be spent on equipping law enforcement with understanding and means of investigating online harassment. Any kind of campaign to find a online account's real life information, no matter how well intentioned, will not lead to good.

In a perfect world, every GGer should be forced to explain to their mothers what they're doing


A good victory. After two+ years of bullshit, I'm glad Quinn's getting some relief. Hopefully this can set a precedent for future bullshit stopping.
I've spoken to gators that literally have said they are the only ones standing in the way of cultural destruction. That have said if they stop, Call of Duty will have a butterfly and rainbows edition.
Lovely Planet is basically Call Of Duty Butterflies and Rainbows Edition. And it requires more skills than every Call of Duty combined! :D


That's the thing though: most of them haven't broken any laws. Being a dick on the Internet isn't illegal. And the ones that actually do threaten people past the bounds of the law do so anonymously and due to jurisdictional ambiguity are often essentially impossible to charge. And even then all that kind of thing does is energize them further; they see prosecution as persecution.

It depends on the jurisdiction. In Australia, for example, misuse of a carriage system (telephony) can be applied to use of internet services for harassment and other crimes like libel or slander as well. I think. Jintor might have a better understanding, in fact I'm certain he does.

In crimes committed by Americans or in the US, the laws may not be so easy to apply to GG types. They should though, or hopefully some can be applied because the persistent harassment is beyond anything anyone should face. There needs to be consequences for acting like a shit.
My understanding: It's about someone who used his influence with multiple men to get positive harrasment reviews, then hid behind ethics flags when people called him on it.
I honestly don't get this whole "I don't know what GamerGate is" thing. If you don't know and want to know look it up, it isn't at all hard to get your head around as long as you find a few chronological telling of events. If you don't know and don't want to know then why do you even comment on these threads?
Doxxing? Really? Pfft.

Well yeah, that's doxxing, plain and simple. I think there's a discussion to be had there on what can justify it (swatting for example deserves real life consequences), but I'm not entirely comfortable drawing the line at just being a jerk (provided there's no direct threats) or holding certain beliefs on the internet.


I honestly don't get this whole "I don't know what GamerGate is" thing. If you don't know and want to know look it up, it isn't at all hard to get your head around as long as you find a few chronological telling of events. If you don't know and don't want to know then why do you even comment on these threads?

I strongly believe that before being allowed to post in a GamerGate-related thread, posters should be required to read the megapost rundown, and affirm that they have read it, understand it, and that if they post anything directly contradicted by the megapost rundown they are immediately banned.


Good for Zoe. It can't be easy to stay strong as someone who has integrity behind them but bigotry against them in the internet age.


Well yeah, that's doxxing, plain and simple. I think there's a discussion to be had there on what can justify it (swatting for example deserves real life consequences), but I'm not entirely comfortable drawing the line at just being a jerk (provided there's no direct threats) or holding certain beliefs on the internet.

In this context it's not doxxing. It's solving a crime by identifying the perpetrators is it not? Identifying the people who are making death and rape threats is actually a pretty important thing to do.


Neo Member
I'm still not sure why we're talking about her or gamergate really, more importantly in the gaming discussion forum.
Most people here seems to think it's something and other think it something else.
It might be because I really don't care about celebrities' personal life but maybe more because people seems to be annoyed when the subject comes on and talking about it just lead nowhere.

Gamergaters or anyone else, leave that woman alone. If she ever make a new video game, just do what you guys usually do and speak about that game and not the fucking drama. Just trying to be rational.


In this context it's not doxxing. It's solving a crime by identifying the perpetrators is it not? Identifying the people who are making death and rape threats is actually a pretty important thing to do.

If done by law enforcement, yes. If random person on the internet is doing it, no.


This affected the Nintendo girl to get fired, right?


I don't really know what gamergate actually was other than it was a shitstorm of idiocy.

What was the deal with the Nintendo girl? My limited understanding was that she was trying to defend loli because japan doesn't share western culture and then mras harassed her and then someone from Kevin Smith's Wayne Foundation called her despicable supporter of child abuse and then she got fired.

Is that accurate?


I'm still not sure why we're talking about her or gamergate really, more importantly in the gaming discussion forum.
Most people here seems to think it's something and other think it something else.
It might be because I really don't care about celebrities' personal life but maybe more because people seems to be annoyed when the subject comes on and talking about it just lead nowhere.

Gamergaters or anyone else, leave that woman alone. If she ever make a new video game, just do what you guys usually do and speak about that game and not the fucking drama. Just trying to be rational.
That isbt being rational, that is hiding from an issue that is sadly relevant in gaming.


Congrats to Zoe on this!

You can really tell just how relieved she is that this particular chapter has come to an end.
I thought I implied that it was what I was referring to initially. Laws actually being broken.

You just said Gamergate, and as despicable as they are, I don't believe the entirety of the movement takes part in death and rape threats. Non-threatening harassment generally isn't illegal, in which case we should be holding the social media platforms responsible to stick to their actual rules, not encourage vigilantism.


Long time since I've heard gamergate now.
When it first started I tried to figure it out but seeing as I looked on twitter my eyes started to bleed and it made no sense to me.

Good on her and the system for siding against what seems like a abuser.


In this context it's not doxxing. It's solving a crime by identifying the perpetrators is it not? Identifying the people who are making death and rape threats is actually a pretty important thing to do.

I agree. It's when people identify people who, although expressing opinions that many find distasteful, have not broken any laws, that things start drifting into the territory of vigilante 'justice'. Take the Greg Elliott case for example.

The trouble with the internet is that when you put information out there you cannot control what people do with it. They may go further than you ever dreamed they would go. Some might see it as karma, but disproportionate reactions and extremism abound on the internet. My preference would be for law enforcement agencies to do the investigating, with legislation obliging cooperation from ISPs and web administrators, and training for those law enforcement agencies to be more effective in tackling threats and harassment made over the internet.

The difficulty with this day and age is that people are so hyper-sensitive about things that even holding and expressing a different opinion to someone else is seen as harassment. One recent example is people calling the police and complaining to the administration at a certain university when TRUMP2016 was written on footpaths.
For anyone who doesn't know what Gamergate is: did you know there's a fairly lengthy Wikipedia article on it?


The first paragraph summarizes it in the most succinct way possible:

The Gamergate controversy concerns issues of sexism and progressivism in video game culture, stemming from a harassment campaign conducted primarily through the use of the Twitter hashtag #GamerGate. Gamergate is used as a blanket term for the controversy, the harassment campaign and actions of those participating in it, and the loosely organized movement that emerged from the hashtag.


Saying you support Gamergate because you believe in ethics in journalism is like saying you support the Nazi's because you believe in their economic recovery plan.

Utter horseshit. Glad she won.

In case anyone is interested in the legal side of this. Here is the breakdown of the decision from Eron's amicus lawyer, one of the top 1st ammendment lawyers in the world.

The court thus did not decide that Gjoni was guilty, or that Gjoni was innocent, or that the order was unconstitutional, or that the order was constitutional — because Quinn had gotten the order vacated, and Gjoni is no longer bound by it, the court concluded that there was nothing left to appeal.

I don't really see how Zoe won here, she got the gag-order withdrawn and because of that there was nothing left for her ex to appeal, so the appeal case was determined to be moot.



Ex boyfriend with an axe to grind started a witch hunt against her that spiraled into a harassment campaign against women perceived to be "SJWs".
Why is it called Gamergate? These things happens all the time. What makes this something that's about gaming?


Something I've been wondering ever since GG started shitting up everything:

Is it still possible to have a real discussion about ethics in games journalism in a post-GG world? Is that topic now endlessly linked to them? I don't agree with the harassment/sexism/misogyny bullshit that group propagates, but I think there are still discussions to be had about ethics, but those discussions need to be fully removed from GG... Don't know if that can be done though.


That isbt being rational, that is hiding from an issue that is sadly relevant in gaming.
It's nothing short of bizarre really to try and divorce it from where it was born. Sure, it doesn't directly have to do with the physical video games themselves but "gaming" is much more than that, as we can see here in this very thread premise.
I feel like that summary is only succinct if you already understand it.

There are so many layers to it that it kinda has to be vague to remain short. But the rest article is lengthy and goes into a ton of detail into the whole thing for the people that want it.

Why is it called Gamergate? These things happens all the time. What makes this something that's about gaming?

The targeted harassment toward Quinn was unusually better organized than most harassment campaigns, with the obfuscation of the true sexist purpose of the campaign being hidden behind a "we're fighting for the integrity of games journalism!" veil. #Gamergate is a direct reference to the Watergate scandal to imply the discovery of a deeply rooted conspiracy of corruption that allegedly ran to the top of the gaming journalism ranks.
Good for her. I doubt this will change anything really, but at least she's finally seen a bit of justice.

I still till this day don't know what gamergate is.

You are not the only one, on the same boat. I tried to learn what gg is, but its really confusing.

I thought I was the only one... and I post on GAF almost every day.

I'm pretty much the same as this, but basically as I understand it the short hand version is there's a huge number of misogynists on the internet who harass women which all started under the guise of 'ethics in games journalism'. They also target trans people, those with strong opinions against them and basically anyone outside of their narrow point of view that the status quo should remain and they're more comfortable with there being few women in games.


Good for her. I doubt this will change anything really, but at least she's finally seen a bit of justice.

I'm pretty much the same as this, but basically as I understand it the short hand version is there's a huge number of misogynists on the internet who harass women which all started under the guise of 'ethics in games journalism'. They also target trans people, those with strong opinions against them and basically anyone outside of their narrow point of view that the status quo should remain and they're more comfortable with there being few women in games.
OK good explanation


I don't really see how Zoe won here, she got the gag-order withdrawn and because of that there was nothing left for her ex to appeal, so the appeal case was determined to be moot.
It's a win in the sense that the other party's goal was to use a large legal fund to keep dragging it back into court for the foreseeable future to argue over minor stuff so that it would keep resparking the issue online, and her goal was to make it stop and draw a line under it.

When you have a limited budget for legal action and your opponent's is far greater, it's always worth bearing in mind what your actual intention is, which might be being regarded the 'victor' with your opponent destroyed (as is usually depicted in fictional black-and-white cases) but it might be just getting closure, being able to move on or just respite instead.


Embarrassing shit that I even said at the start of GG that we would all look back and face palm at the thought of it.

It stinks to see Anita get shit from her ex, but she doesn't deserve a lot of crap people give her, I don't agree with her views but she's still a human being for f-in sakes.

I don't really see how Zoe won here, she got the gag-order withdrawn and because of that there was nothing left for her ex to appeal, so the appeal case was determined to be moot.

The fact that it was moot was her defense, hence she won her case. Not to much to get here, it's by no means a actual victory of any kind other then to have the arguing stop in your favor.
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