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Souls fans, does the difficulty misconception frustrate you?


Easy Mode isn't just a switch that can be turned on, no?

I am sure it would require actual extra programming and tuning.
These games are pretty easy. Just literally sit down with them for like an hour or so and if you're even an average-speed learner then you'll get pretty decent if you just try for seriously a little bit.

If people are avoiding games because they require a time investment that's fine, but I mean they're art so why are you surprised??? We all know all games aren't for all people and each person will have a different experience with games so what's the problem? I promise the "gatkeeping" is delusion. It's not real. Playing through the game solo is a pretty easy experience at which "getting good" means investing maybe a couple serious play sessions (PvP require much more practice but that's because people are good).

But yeah it's pretty frustrating to me that people label things when they really don't know what they're talking about. The entire "controversy" surrounding Souls in particular is just lunacy. If you wanna play it, you'll keep playing it and get better. That's how games work.

I got my ass kicked the first little bit I played Souls, and oh wow it actually made me better at the game because the difficulty in the series is as much about the player learning the game as it is about other shit. Going into the game with a mindset you might play other easier games with will get you killed. That's part of the fun?????
Easy Mode isn't just a switch that can be turned on, no?

I am sure it would require actual extra programming and tuning.

Yea but I'm not sure it would have to be major in all cases. Like someone brought up the toxic blowdart aholes in blighttown, and sarcastically suggested they be removed. It doesnt have to be that major, It cant be that hard to tone down the DPS of the toxin, or its duration, or the fire rate of the blowdarts, or the range at which they engage...ect...


Has nothing to do with that. I'm married and work Yada Yada and its simply like playing any other game. And that's not even remotely close to the times it takes to figure things out, running thru one section 100 times just to figure it out, that doesn't happen. Whether I sit and play an hour or two of Battlefield, souls, hockey etc... All the same

Sorry I'm not on your level of Soul's gaming prowless, however, that was my experience with the game. Just because you are the superior gamer, doesn't mean the repetitive nature the game doesn't cause apprehension and annoyance with some that find it wastes their time with the games cold-hearted nature. Yeah, that can be considered difficulty. I'd rather play games tgat don't frustrate me to the point of wanting to break my controllers, lol


The thing that annoys me the most is the normalization of deviance (that is, accepting a bullshit process instead of improving it) that fans accept and defend vociferously.

"Pause? Nah, just push the menu button, arrow over to "system" and choose "quit" and confirm a dialog!"

"Easy mode? Nah, just play online and summon a rando you don't know and trust them to help you kill the boss!"

Even Dragon Quest, a hyper-conservative series, has made quality-of-life improvements like banks and the zoom spell to qualitatively improve the game. But somehow because Dark Souls is "dark fantasy," the boneheaded design decisions get conflated with the game world and canonized to the point where only the masochists can enjoy it.

The Dude

Sorry I'm not on your level of Soul's gaming prowless, however, that was my experience with the game. Just because you are the superior gamer, doesn't mean the repetitive nature the game doesn't cause apprehension and annoyance with some that find it wastes their time with the games cold-hearted nature. Yeah, that can be considered difficulty. I'd rather play games tgat don't frustrate me to the point of wanting to break my controllers, lol

I'm not trying to put myself on any level of superiority, in fact my stance is more or less that maybe you can do it if you're not going in with such a negative pov right off the bat. I'm here trying to say they really aren't that hard once someone gets the mechanics down.

If you have no interest then there is nothing that can be said about that, but if there is even slight interest it's worth figuring out. You might hit a few areas that are tough but I guarantee they get easier the more you progress


again its really funny that people get super butthurt over how games became "experiences", don;t realize this lust of inclusivity is the reason for it.

Not every game needs to be this welcoming and for everyone. There is room for niches, no? The Souls series isn't even that anymore and this is without losing what attracted those to it in the first place.

Sometimes people need to understand that they will be on the outside looking in when it comes to things. Variety is the spice of life and all that.

It really bugs me to see uniqueness being something not wanted all in the name of being inclusive to all.

Thats not even to say the series doesn't have some weird ass choices when it comes to its design; but that flaws and all could be a reason why people like the series in the first place. Why isn't that good enough?
These games are pretty easy. Just literally sit down with them for like an hour or so and if you're even an average-speed learner then you'll get pretty decent if you just try for seriously a little bit.

If people are avoiding games because they require a time investment that's fine, but I mean they're art so why are you surprised??? We all know all games aren't for all people and each person will have a different experience with games so what's the problem? I promise the "gatkeeping" is delusion. It's not real. Playing through the game solo is a pretty easy experience at which "getting good" means investing maybe a couple serious play sessions (PvP require much more practice but that's because people are good).

But yeah it's pretty frustrating to me that people label things when they really don't know what they're talking about. The entire "controversy" surrounding Souls in particular is just lunacy. If you wanna play it, you'll keep playing it and get better. That's how games work.

I got my ass kicked the first little bit I played Souls, and oh wow it actually made me better at the game because the difficulty in the series is as much about the player learning the game as it is about other shit. Going into the game with a mindset you might play other easier games with will get you killed. That's part of the fun?????

This is what every thread about these games boils down to.

Some people. Don't find. This sensation. Fun. The "controversy" only exists when fans insist that everyone should like what they like.

Passing it off to your casual friends like it's just another game without being honest about what to expect (frustration, no pausing, frequent deaths, enemy respawns after boss deaths, loss of progress, invisible death traps, enemies that can't be killed until _____) is an easy way to turn them off from gaming. It's a series that almost requires newbies to be reliant on the community, because the game itself has one answer to every question levied at it: Fuck You.
The thing that annoys me the most is the normalization of deviance (that is, accepting a bullshit process instead of improving it) that fans accept and defend vociferously.

"Pause? Nah, just push the menu button, arrow over to "system" and choose "quit" and confirm a dialog!"

"Easy mode? Nah, just play online and summon a rando you don't know and trust them to help you kill the boss!"

Even Dragon Quest, a hyper-conservative series, has made quality-of-life improvements like banks and the zoom spell to qualitatively improve the game. But somehow because Dark Souls is "dark fantasy," the boneheaded design decisions get conflated with the game world and canonized to the point where only the masochists can enjoy it.
A game doesn't sell 2 million copies because only mascohists enjoy it. Have you wondered perhaps that that perpsective is off rather than those of the "defenders" and "vociferous fans"?
This is what every thread about these games boils down to.

Some people. Don't find. This sensation. Fun. The "controversy" only exists when fans insist that everyone should like what they like.

Passing it off to your casual friends like it's just another game without being honest about what to expect (frustration, no pausing, frequent deaths, enemy respawns after boss deaths, loss of progress, invisible death traps, enemies that can't be killed until _____) is an easy way to turn them off from gaming. It's a series that almost requires newbies to be reliant on the community, because the game itself has one answer to every question levied at it: Fuck You.
I played Bloodborne for 9 hours offline, without a wiki, and going in mostly blind. I don't see why you have this perspective that you need to be reliant on the community. You really don't. I had never played a Japanese game and couldn't stand challenging games or tough difficulties when I first tried Demons' Souls. I hated those kinds of games.

The answer isn't "Fuck you"; it's "pay attention, learn, and adapt". It's the Groundhog Day and Edge of Tomorrow of ARPGs.
Some people. Don't find. This sensation. Fun. The "controversy" only exists when fans insist that everyone should like what they like.

Considering Fromsoft hasn't budged on their vision of the game's difficulty across five games, I'd say they're the ones who are insisting that you like what they like. If you don't think it's fun, there are a lot of other video games that aren't centered around a challenging experience.

I'll never understand the "all games should cater to all skill levels" mentality. If I buy a game and can't get into it because of the difficulty, the thought that the game should cater to my skill level never enters my head. I just accept it and move on to one of the thousands of other video games that exist. Or if I really like the game I take the time and git gud.

To answer the OP's question, no, it doesn't frustrate me. I roll my eyes at some of Bamco's marketing but it is what it is.

Wild Card

This is what every thread about these games boils down to.

Some people. Don't find. This sensation. Fun. The "controversy" only exists when fans insist that everyone should like what they like.

Passing it off to your casual friends like it's just another game without being honest about what to expect (frustration, no pausing, frequent deaths, enemy respawns after boss deaths, loss of progress, invisible death traps, enemies that can't be killed until _____) is an easy way to turn them off from gaming. It's a series that almost requires newbies to be reliant on the community, because the game itself has one answer to every question levied at it: Fuck You.

The controversy comes when people ask for change to the difficulty "lol just add an easy mode idiot" and then act like that will have no effect on the game design. When fans who enjoy the series as is and are concerned over changing the game into something else are met with "elitist" and "gatekeeping" (god that's stupid) of course that's gonna piss people off. Cuz chasing after some other audience and straying away from what made your game unique and successful in the first place has ruined other series before right?

Look, I think I'm decent at games. when I was Dark Souls at e3 one year the idea of a game that challenged you was great. almost novel because of the mainstream space of games had none of that. I was 17 at the time, and honestly I didn't figure it out, I got stuck at the Capra demon for like 3 weeks and shelved the game. I tried it again 9 months later and it all clicked, took me like 5 tries to beat the Capra, but this time I was adhering to the rules of Dark Souls, learning from my deaths and ultimately overcoming this blockade that originally turned me off from the game and now this series is one of my favorite franchises, and that's without all the tools being available to me (no internet at the time). So while I would love to get more people into these games, and have them be financial successes, not that they aren't already, I would not do so at the cost of what makes them special, what defines them. Appreciate them for what they are, not for what you would like them to be.


I'm not trying to put myself on any level of superiority, in fact my stance is more or less that maybe you can do it if you're not going in with such a negative pov right off the bat. I'm here trying to say they really aren't that hard once someone gets the mechanics down.

If you have no interest then there is nothing that can be said about that, but if there is even slight interest it's worth figuring out. You might hit a few areas that are tough but I guarantee they get easier the more you progress

Nah, I just sucked at Demon's Souls and got very frustrated at the repetitive nature. I got tired of playing the same section over and over again without making any headway.
The controversy comes when people ask for change to the difficulty "lol just add an easy mode idiot" and then act like that will have no effect on the game design. When fans who enjoy the series as is and are concerned over changing the game into something else are met with "elitist" and "gatekeeping" (god that's stupid) of course that's gonna piss people off. Cuz chasing after some other audience and straying away from what made your game unique and successful in the first place has ruined other series before right?

Look, I think I'm decent at games. when I was Dark Souls at e3 one year the idea of a game that challenged you was great. almost novel because of the mainstream space of games had none of that. I was 17 at the time, and honestly I didn't figure it out, I got stuck at the Capra demon for like 3 weeks and shelved the game. I tried it again 9 months later and it all clicked, took me like 5 tries to beat the Capra, but this time I was adhering to the rules of Dark Souls, learning from my deaths and ultimately overcoming this blockade that originally turned me off from the game and now this series is one of my favorite franchises, and that's without all the tools being available to me (no internet at the time). So while I would love to get more people into these games, and have them be financial successes, not that they aren't already, I would not do so at the cost of what makes them special, what defines them. Appreciate them for what they are, not for what you would like them to be.

Good points and well made. Now take that whole narrative, and add an easy mode you never use. What changes?

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
No silly, thats not the cop out. the cop out is treating it like its binary, like its not possible that this master game designer cant possible adjust it at all without it going all to hell

its just elitist gatekeeping.

It's not necessarily that he can't, I just don't see why he should compromise* given its not his goal in creating the game.

It's not elitist gatekeeping either. For me, it's a defence against homogenisation. Not all games have to be for everybody. They don't have to be accessible. Some can have skill ceilings. In fact, I'd argue that thinking they should be accessible to all is what makes a lot of games a bit shit.

Like, I really like the look of EVE Online. Looks right up my alley. I don't have the time, skill or the patience to play it, so I don't. I've never asked/wondered why they can't make it less time consuming or complicated to play just so I can enjoy it (forgive the double negative). I don't understand why anyone else does that with other games. It's baffling!

*He may/may not see it that way. Who knows?

I said it already, for them an easy mode can be just as punishing as normal is for others (including other good players who aren't souls vet..who do exist).

Yet somehow it's not fine but it's totally fine if those players find things more difficult than others.

I got what you were saying, but we'll end up going in circles a bit: you saying Easy Mode could still be challenging for some, me saying Easy Mode (by definition) goes against the core challenge ethos that helped make the game. I just assume that, given that central design tenant, the designer likely believed an Easy Mode didn't fit with it, y'know?

We've not taken into account the people who find Easy Mode too difficult though. What about those poor sods? I guess we could give them a Very Easy Mode, maybe, but still make it a bit challenging so it keeps with the core experience... but then what about the people that have trouble with that? Maybe 'Press X to Win' mode? And so on.

Appreciate them for what they are, not for what you would like them to be.

Perfectly put.

The Dude

Nah, I just sucked at Demon's Souls and got very frustrated at the repetitive nature. I got tired of playing the same section over and over again without making any headway.

At least ya tried, for me it's not that someone has to force it... I simply am pinpointing anyone who might think the series is so masochistic that they pass and while like in your case it's not your cup of tea, I just hope some more will at least give it a try as they might come away surprised.


never learned how to counter in any of the games to actually benefit from it but I didn't have a problem with Dark souls 1, 3, and bloodborne. just struggled some on bosses.
Some games aren't for everyone. If they can't beat a game, then they need to move on to something else. Just because you suck at souls doesn't mean they should cater to your needs.

I can't play Project Cars or Gran Turismo without getting my ass handed to me. I know! They should change the entire game because I'm terrible. <_<

Either take the time to learn how to play the game, or go watch an lp or just play a different game. The layout of enemies and the punishing nature of the games are crucial to its gameplay design. So if you're not enjoying getting your ass whooped, then you're not enjoying the game and should move on.


I hate replaying the same sections over and over again. I had the time and patience when I was younger playing games on the Nes, mostly because I only got one game every 6 months or so, but now with less time and more games I don't see the attraction of playing the same area over and over again while trying to get good.

I've played demon souls, dark souls and bloodborne, I've tried to like the series but I just don't have the patience.

Wild Card

Good points and well made. Now take that whole narrative, and add an easy mode you never use. What changes?

While I think this particular point of discussion has been covered by More_Badass and others, and part of my point may intersect and overlap with theirs, the diffuculty of the game not only determines how the player interacts with the moment-to-moment gameplay, but the world itself. It contributes quite heavily to the theming of the game, the air of hoplessness that is much better appreciated, much more relateable because you yourself have experienced the same hardship the denizens of this dying world have. You must tread carefully throughout each area, even those you have previously explored. I'll put it like this. the way you behave thoughout this world seems like to could mirror a character written trying to live thoughout the world of Dark Souls.

In my own experience with this game, and also not having played many of it's ilk before it is quite an oppresive game, that for all the reasons above is better for it. I actually got kind of a headache after playing for extended periods and found it quite taking because it was so effective. I think the worst jump scare I ever had was when the slime drops on you right after entering the sewers after the butcher. It's not just the dark stuff either, this atmosphere makes all the other thing so much more evocative, seeing anor londo for the first time, the Great Gray Wolf Sif, and my personal favorite the Painted World/w Priscilla.

I think much of that would have been lost had the game been easier, not having to experience that. Not going hollow, we are all kindred sprits in this world, and if we ever feel we need a helping hand, we could always join up in a bit of jolly cooperation!


I stopped playing Demon's Souls because I'm at a boss with like a 20 minute lead up I can't bypass. Then I get there and die. Makes it hard to learn the fight.

I will probably return to the game, but I don't have much patience for stuff like that. Already spent several hours grinding souls in various places.

I'm also not the type to read walkthroughs or watch videos of games I'm playing, so maybe that isn't helping.


I played Bloodborne for 9 hours offline, without a wiki, and going in mostly blind. I don't see why you have this perspective that you need to be reliant on the community. You really don't. I had never played a Japanese game and couldn't stand challenging games or tough difficulties when I first tried Demons' Souls. I hated those kinds of games.

The answer isn't "Fuck you"; it's "pay attention, learn, and adapt". It's the Groundhog Day and Edge of Tomorrow of ARPGs.

you are not a regular ass gamer like the casual friends Sho_Nuff describes tho

it is ridiculous to pretend these games aren't p hard. yeah you gotta sit down and learn the patterns and yes, that's already p hard for the average gamer


It's not necessarily that he can't, I just don't see why he should compromise* given its not his goal in creating the game.

It's not elitist gatekeeping either. For me, it's a defence against homogenisation. Not all games have to be for everybody. They don't have to be accessible. Some can have skill ceilings. In fact, I'd argue that thinking they should be accessible to all is what makes a lot of games a bit shit.

Like, I really like the look of EVE Online. Looks right up my alley. I don't have the time, skill or the patience to play it, so I don't. I've never asked/wondered why they can't make it less time consuming or complicated to play just so I can enjoy it (forgive the double negative). I don't understand why anyone else does that with other games. It's baffling!

*He may/may not see it that way. Who knows?

I got what you were saying, but we'll end up going in circles a bit: you saying Easy Mode could still be challenging for some, me saying Easy Mode (by definition) goes against the core challenge ethos that helped make the game. I just assume that, given that central design tenant, the designer likely believed an Easy Mode didn't fit with it, y'know?

We've not taken into account the people who find Easy Mode too difficult though. What about those poor sods? I guess we could give them a Very Easy Mode, maybe, but still make it a bit challenging so it keeps with the core experience... but then what about the people that have trouble with that? Maybe 'Press X to Win' mode? And so on.

the games have clearly been compromised in their difficulty by letting the player teleport around from the very start, unlike Dark 1, and it has certainly hurt the design

I would trade the existence of an easy mode where everything makes half damage and you do 2x damage, for taking away early teleporting until the last quarter of the game like in Dark 1

the games would be waaaaay better for it


Haven't read through the thread yet, but yeah, I get frustrated by that misconception. Though I think the misconception is more "this game is special because it's hard". I don't think it's special because it's hard. I think it's special because the combat is really great (difficulty helps in this case), the exploration is really great (since the game is difficult the rewards you find by exploring are more meaningful), and the level design is really great (it's just straight up good). But part of why all 3 of those things are great is because the game is difficult. The combat especially - you're not going to engage with many combat systems fully if you're not actually challenged.

If a game is too easy, you'll find an optimal strategy and stick with it, you won't go out of your way to play it "the fun way". A great example is Bioshock 1 - the electricity power + wrench was a winning combo against most enemies, so most people used that instead of playing it a way that would be more fun. Since Dark Souls is difficult and well balanced, you have to engage in the combat fully to progress, which in turn makes it more fun, imo.

Side note: I think a difficulty setting in Dark Souls is a really interesting discussion that I haven't fully decided on yet. But I lean towards not having a difficulty setting, because if you make it easier, I think you risk having players play it on easy and it not being fun for them, when they would have played it on "normal" if they weren't given a choice. Those people want to experience the exploration, etc of the souls games, but things you find won't be rewarding if the games aren't difficult anymore. When was the last time you cared about coins/lives in a mario game? I know I haven't since I realized "oh, the modern marios are pretty easy."

The Dude

Haven't read through the thread yet, but yeah, I get frustrated by that misconception. Though I think the misconception is more "this game is special because it's hard". I don't think it's special because it's hard. I think it's special because the combat is really great (difficulty helps in this case), the exploration is really great (since the game is difficult the rewards you find by exploring are more meaningful), and the level design is really great (it's just straight up good). But part of why all 3 of those things are great is because the game is difficult. The combat especially - you're not going to engage with many combat systems fully if you're not actually challenged.

If a game is too easy, you'll find an optimal strategy and stick with it, you won't go out of your way to play it "the fun way". A great example is Bioshock 1 - the electricity power + wrench was a winning combo against most enemies, so most people used that instead of playing it a way that would be more fun. Since Dark Souls is difficult and well balanced, you have to engage in the combat fully to progress, which in turn makes it more fun, imo.

I agree, I never found it special for difficulty, its the design of the world's, the lore, weapons and armor depth, enemies, just an amazing series thru and thru


Souls games are hard for 7th/8th gen standards.

If we count all generations, they are games with average difficulty.


Oh and I should mention that for the difficulty setting thing, I think the biggest issue is that you are bound to have players that select the difficulty that isn't ideal for them. This is the issue.

In an ideal world, yes, players would pick the difficulty that is suited best for them. It's difficult for them in the way dark souls right now is difficult for it's fans.

But that's not going to happen. Difficulty settings are poorly named, there's no standard naming convention/standard difficulty conventions, so you are bound to get someone who is bad at the game choose a way too hard mode, frustrating them, and someone who is good at the game choose a way too easy mode, boring them and thinking the Souls games are boring. The former already happens, I'm sure, and Dark Souls isn't for them. But the latter is a risk, because that is a person that Dark Souls is aimed at, the person just happened to choose a too-easy difficulty mode.

The Extra Creditz video about Dark Souls 2 is neat because it posits that Dark Souls 2 has difficulty settings - it just doesn't call them that. And in doing so, you are more likely to go with the difficulty setting that's suited for you.

Summoning in general trivializes almost all difficulty in the game. No challenge is designed with co-op in mind, and the game's way to balance things out is to give the enemy more health, which is pretty much the kind of balancing most people expect from a hypothetical easy mode.

And yet, summoning remains an option in the game and no one ever claims it shouldn't be a thing or anything of the sort.

This is a good point, summoning is basically a difficulty modifier. I usually summon before bosses in Dark Souls because I just straight up don't like the bosses in the Souls games, I don't think they're fun battles. So I take the easy mode for the bosses.

That said, if someone knows that summoning was easy mode for the bosses from the beginning, I wonder if they would summon the first chance they could, making a boss easy, and potentially missing out on enjoying the boss battles without summoning?
Yea but I'm not sure it would have to be major in all cases. Like someone brought up the toxic blowdart aholes in blighttown, and sarcastically suggested they be removed. It doesnt have to be that major, It cant be that hard to tone down the DPS of the toxin, or its duration, or the fire rate of the blowdarts, or the range at which they engage...ect...

most of the difficulty wrt Blighttown is in falling off platforms. only way to make that easy is to make it so you can't fall off. giving a player double health isn't going to save them from falling to their depths. they would need to massively alter the level design.


most of the difficulty wrt Blighttown is in falling off platforms. only way to make that easy is to make it so you can't fall off. giving a player double health isn't going to save them from falling to their depths. they would need to massively alter the level design.

well yeah but casuals would have an easier time dealing with the awkward platforming if they didn't have some assholes shooting poisoned darts at them
No, not really.

Not everyone has the time or patience to get into these game. And I'm sure there are some people out there who really might not have the required skills needed to play these type of action games. (even though I feel the majority of people who quit due to this reason are selling themselves short and they are much better than they think)

So, it's okay if there are some people who feel the Souls series is too difficult or not for them.


most of the difficulty wrt Blighttown is in falling off platforms. only way to make that easy is to make it so you can't fall off. giving a player double health isn't going to save them from falling to their depths. they would need to massively alter the level design.
Also, a large portion of the difficulty comes from the lack of hand holding, the cryptic nature of the game, the fact that you have to figure out things on your own, etc. It's not just a matter of DPS and numbers. It's the whole game and world design. An easy Dark Souls would have to be a different game.


Yes - "I've heard it's reaaaally hard". Always try and tell people about the more interesting reasons to get into the series :D


Your character takes less damage and does more damage. Done.

Your character watches the game on youtube or summons another player to kill monsters for you. done. you're not accomplishing anything with the mode you're suggesting anyways so honestly, there's no difference between that and summoning someone to do the work for you or watching a playthrough on youtube.


Your character watches the game on youtube or summons another player to kill monsters for you. done. you're not accomplishing anything with the mode you're suggesting anyways so honestly, there's no difference between that and summoning someone to do the work for you or watching a playthrough on youtube.

well for starters being online opens the door to invasions

second, in bloodborne the online is barely functional


this isn't going to help for ambushes or when you get stun-locked by dogs or rats or undead. even a leveled up player can die if they are careless.

the "just put in easy mode!" is not very well thought-out

I think the main problem many people face is that the game is just upfront very difficult

a bro of mine just gave up after the asylum in DS1 even when trying to go upwards because of getting killed over and over

if he could get as far as getting swarmed by rats he may be hooked by that point, or could have learned more of the game; instead he just faces a high wall at the start that makes the game boring and frustrating for him

sides if you are cutting damage in half you could easily cut stunlock in half while you are at it and then being swarmed by dogs ain't that bad

a problem that came up only in DS3 is how Poise was super nerfed so now the advice of wearing heavy armor to tank hits ain't that good. imho that was a weird design decision all around, not just when considering a theoretical easy mode
The games are pretty bloody hard. The player can often be killed in a couple of hits, and need to repeat big chunks of gameplay to reach where they were before. Then you have the outrageous bosses.

Yes, the games are quite hard even for someone who cut their teeth on NES games.
I don't really think the difficulty is a misconception, since the game is certainly freaking hard in many places. I also offer to coop through with anyone i talk to who isn't confident they could beat them. It is a little hard to explain that the difficulty is what makes them unique and rewarding, so I see your point.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I don't think the games are overall that hard to start with (obtuse for certain things though, certainly).

But they do have their intensely difficult moments, though those are typically later in the game. The DLCs in all the Souls games are legit hard, especially Lud & Zallen, the Ivory King, Fume Knight, Ludwig, Laurence, and
Sister Friede
. I think the
Sister Friede boss(es)
fight is probably the hardest thing in the entire series. But even that depends on your build; I've solo'd this fight with a pyromancer and it wasn't too bad (still challenging and I almost died a few times). I haven't solo'd it on a melee character yet, but my melee attempts have been without a shield. I imagine with a greatshield it'd be different.

Still, there is no doubt that some of the later/DLC encounters are legit challenging.

But overall? Yeah, the difficulty is overstated. 1-1, the Undead Burg, Central Yharnam, etc. aren't that difficult. Early bosses are not that bad.

What mainstream game series is generally more difficult?
Ninja Gaiden.


Resident Evil series.

Monster Hunter series.

Hitman games maybe.

Wolfenstein: TNO/TOB, played on "I Am Death Incarnate", was way harder than any Souls game for me (I don't even play on Uber, sounds like a nightmare).

Ys games in general are more difficult (don't know how "mainstream" that is), especially Oath in Felghana. Even on Normal that game was brutal, way harder than any Souls game! Don't even want to think about Nightmare mode.

Uncharted games on Crushing are brutal.

What about Xcom? Under the "difficult" Steam tag I find a few of those games.

But, can we compare these mainstream games since they have difficulty modes? Do we compare them to their hardest mode, or their default "normal" mode which is of course brain-dead easy?

One of these statements is correct anyway. It doesn't take "hours" to learn specific tactics for even an average player aside from maybe dumb shit like facing Capra your first time blind. For someone who had actually been playing games for years (decades) prior to generation 7, they really aren't hard. Trial and error isn't hard. Learning isn't hard. These aren't twitch games.

Super Meat Boy is hard. Ninja Gaiden is insanely hard. Souls games are really not that bad.

As is said over and over - You already have an easy mode. It's called co-op.

Co-op completely breaks the game and confuses the boss AI to the point where all challenge in the game is non-existant. Enjoy.
This is true.

The game is not even hard, you just have to be patient and actually block/dodge some attacks.

Try solo Monster Hunter, that's hard (some of the quests are hard even in multiplayer).
Also true. In MH, even coop doesn't trivialize every fight. I would never, ever attempt to solo g-rank Alatreon (he's really tough even with a party of 4!) in MH3U. Like, no way. I can't even beat the penultimate village quest (g-rank Ivory Lagi + Brachy/Azure Rathalos), it's way too hard for me! Why does a village quest expect me to solo g-rank monsters, let alone two of them at once, dammit. :(

Lol of course Souls games are hard by to the average gamer today. Where is the misconception op?

Souls fans: "game is not hard if you pay attention / learn from your death / use summon / play it right .... though."

How about game is hard.
No. A game isn't hard just because there are some mild barriers to success.

where only the masochists can enjoy it.
I love this kind of idiotic hyperbole. Dark Souls games are the best-selling Japanese games on Steam, by far. They sold millions of copies. They aren't even that niche anymore. "Only masochists can enjoy" is like saying "only stupid, deviant people enjoy this game", which is really insulting when you think about it.


Yes. That will help me alot against Anor Londo archers.

Well that second part just isn't true at all.

I played all of bloodborne and was invaded like...once. or twice I think. could do coop for a boss twice too, father gascoine, and then I helped a guy with Bloodwhatever Beast (not the chalice one). Then a friend offered to help me with the other beast in the chalice and we could never get an online game going, even with passwords, levels, etc. he would see a message of how he was joining my game and then nothing; other souls games I never had a problem so maybe it was a PS4 issue (I got DS3 on PC). p pissed I wasted money on PS+ for that shit show

I don't think it was just me either, other people on GAF had similar problems

dunno if it was patched away; but it was my experience so I am not going to say that BB's online was fine when it was completely broken
trying to picture the sports equivalent of a DS easy mode. how about if you played football on a field that was 50 percent wide?

The Dude

All kinds of difficulties just make summons that much more messed up and here's why. If I'm playing hard and I have the gear that I have worked for, and I get summoned into someone's world and they want help but are set to "easy" mode, yet here I am with higher end gear... I'm sure they wouldn't be happy if I one or two shot their easy boss with the gear im using to get thru hard. And vice versa... If someone is playing on easy and I summon them and it's a tough boss, it's no help if they can't handle the heat.

So you get into a ton of variables gear for hard and easy modes, summons, who's entering into who's world... I mean that is a shit storm of complications that are avoided by one vision and one difficulty for all.


Yes, but my frustration comes from the fans though. When they began comoaring which game is more "difficult", they already misunderstood the purpose of difficulty in Souls games.
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