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Do you also dismiss games because of their artstyle?


It has to be straight up repulsive to put me off before I even think about gameplay. Not a lot of games hit that mark. Drawn to Death is a recent one, not sure I could get past how ugly it looks.


The only time that it happened to me was with Dust: An Elysian Tale. Could not get past the weird DeviantArt art style even tho it was repeatedly recommended to me by various friends.


Sure, sometimes.

I have an eternally growing backlog of games that interest me both mechanically and aesthetically; it takes an awful lot for a game with only one of those draws to become a priority.


Any game featuring pre-pubescent, saucer-eyed little girls schreeching and flashing their underwear at the camera.


God I hate that shit, the voices are probably even worse.

"My voice is so shaky and childlike, I constantly sound like I'm under duress and it's really creepy."

You have no idea what you're talking about if that's what you think Clannad is like. Jesus Christ.


I can usually look past the art style if the gameplay is good, but it's very hard to look past the moeblobs and lolis of today.


Not sure if this exactly counts, seeing as it's not wholly art style related, but games that feature a lot of flashy effects like spells, etc, which make up the bulk of the combat really aren't my cup of tea and make me immediately disinterested in a game even if the rest of the game looks appealing.



Exceptions would be sci-fi space games, where it's not based on magic but rather due to futuristic weapons. Though still in moderation.
Never done it that I realized at least.

Xenoblade 2 having so generic anime looking characters is really off putting though. But still not gonna prevent me from playing the game.

Yep. Virtually all Nintendo games. None of them please me.
To be honest, that seems kind of weird to me at least. Franchises like Metroid, Zelda, Mario, Splatoon, Arms, Xenoblade etc etc all look pretty different (and with huge variation within each other's respective series and genres). I guess with Mario and lately Splatoon and Arms there are some common themes, such as the colorfulness.

Do you also find the art style in games/series like the Rime, The Witness and Rayman off putting and worth dismissing the game?

hao chi

Definitely. I have no interest in playing Lisa: The Painful RPG or playing more of Spelunky because of their art styles.


Somewhat, yeah. When a game goes for a realistic style it just doesn't do anything for me and I am less inclined to play it.
I really didn't play a lot of Japanese games for a long time because I wasn't into anime and the art style you associate with generic anime.

I am now a huge weeaboo and don't really dismiss anything on art style, there are still games I will not go out of my way to play based on their art, but I wont skip it entirely based on that.
If it's high fantasy, I can't get it. If it's a JRPG going too heavily into JPop neither. Bald angry white man as the protag is usually also a no-go.
In some very rare instances, yes.

Anything that goes for a furry artstyle (like Dust) does not appeal to me.

For some reason, I found the artstyle of Spelunky to be really terrible. I could not get past it.

Realistic MMORPGs also rarely appeal to me.
sometimes... im completely sick of realistic, pretty, human model like characters in RPGs for example. Witcher 3 is one of the exceptions since they put effort in to make the writing and acting keep up with the style, and the sense of humor was there too.

WoW's dated graphics engine still looks a hell of a lot more appealing than games like FFXIV or any of the MMOs with that kind of style.


Yes, definitely. I don't care about graphics in the technical sense, I'm okay with playing dated looking games. But ugly (ugly IMO, of course) art? Yeah... I mostly can't stand:

- Ugly animu
- Furry stuff
- Concrete-color "realistic" graphics
- Low effort pixel art with Flash-like effects, pixels of all sizes, a ton of colors on screen, etc.
- Fanservice

Anything designed by Tetsuya Nomura after FF8 is a huge No-no for me.

And yeah, especially TWEWY.
Ah, yes. I'm not touching anything along these lines, stuff like Kingdom Hearts, etc.


Yes, cookie-cutter ones get a pass. I dislike most anime artsyle anyway.

I like strong, distinguishable art that has its own identity. I also have a preferences to something that evoke a sense of elegance and beauty. As far as anime-like artstyle goes, for example,

is what I like. They should really make a 12 Kingdom game.


If I can play a game with art by Ryukishi07, I can play through anything.



It really makes you more tolerant towards... well everything aesthetic-wise. Those hands are among the more horrific aspects of those games (and that's saying a lot considering the nature of them).
Oblivion and Everquest are games where I hate the art style. To me this Dungeons-And-Dragons esque generic high fantasy art style is akin to licking a hospital floor. It's incredible sterile and has no personality.

Lord of the Rings Online was a game where I just couldn't divorce the art style from how I wanted it to look (like the movies). The devs didn't have the movie licens so the game ended up looking different and I didn't like that look at all.

With Oblivion you had little identity. Skyrim has Nordic, Celtic, Picts, Antarctic, Pagan and other forms of tribal influences in its art and it looked very strong. Both in its enviornment and character design. In Morrowind you had their most expressive art to date, though I always hated how their elfs look.
Oblivion is just this boring green randomly generated go-fuck-yourself-forests. its just boring fantasy and standard medieval villages. I hate the way that game looks.
I feel the same way.
I'll present my question to you too then:

Yep. Virtually all Nintendo games. None of them please me.

To be honest, that seems kind of weird to me at least. Franchises like Metroid, Zelda, Mario, Splatoon, Arms, Xenoblade etc etc all look pretty different (and with huge variation within each other's respective series and genres). I guess with Mario and lately Splatoon and Arms there are some common themes, such as the colorfulness.

Do you also find the art style in games/series like the Rime, The Witness and Rayman off putting and worth dismissing the game?


Not entirely. There have been games like A Link Between Worlds, Chibi Robo Zip Lash and NSMB2 that I thought looked like bland garbage (...huh, all 3DS games), but I still gave them a shot and ended up having fun.

I think bad music and sound design is the real dealbreaker for me. If a game's not good to look at or listen to, I get super bored playing it.


Genuinely don't understand people who won't play a good game cos of how it looks. Of course a great looking game is more enticing to try but if something has great mechanics or a compelling story then I can easily look past a crappy style.

I know I'm in a minority, I just think people miss out on so much cos of weird hang ups like this.


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
Yes, very much so. It's up there with gameplay in terms of importance for me. And yeah I also found TW3 ugly.


The super anime stuff with what appears to be young girls scantily dressed...

It could be the best JRPG combat system and story in the world, but if it looks like that then I'm out.

I also dislike generic brown military aesthetic.


I played a decent bit of it, but I can't stand Dragon's Crown's art-style. Eventually dropped it because of the style.
Genuinely don't understand people who won't play a good game cos of how it looks. Of course a great looking game is more enticing to try but if something has great mechanics or a compelling story then I can easily look past a crappy style.

I know I'm in a minority, I just think people miss out on so much cos of weird hang ups like this.
Do you force yourself to listen to music you don't like and can't stand because most people say that it's "good music"?

Is that a "weird hangup"?

Tastes, how do they work?
Any game featuring pre-pubescent, saucer-eyed little girls schreeching and flashing their underwear at the camera.


God I hate that shit, the voices are probably even worse.

"My voice is so shaky and childlike, I constantly sound like I'm under duress and it's really creepy."

You have absolutely zero fucking idea what you are talking about. Not even a monkey would make a miss like this.
Almost every AAA western games? The artstyle for these game is always just a massive turn off. Bethesda as probably the ugliest character designs in that space. Cartoony western games tho, these are cool.


The art style is one of the biggest draws for a game to me, so yes.

The Dark/Demon Souls series has 0 interest to me for example because I think the art direction looks abysmal based on videos/screenshots I've seen.

Xiao Hu

Yes. Obnoxious character design (Splatoon, Dragon Quest), ugly ass UI (any Japanese game with an UI from PS2 era) and brands unnecessarily slapped on (Mario sports/rpg games, gosh I HATE Mario outside his mainline games) are a HUGE turn off to me.


Genuinely don't understand people who won't play a good game cos of how it looks. Of course a great looking game is more enticing to try but if something has great mechanics or a compelling story then I can easily look past a crappy style.

I know I'm in a minority, I just think people miss out on so much cos of weird hang ups like this.
Because I spend 100% of my time looking at a game. If I don't enjoy it, it really doensnt matter how it plays.


The art style is one of the biggest draws for a game to me, so yes.

The Dark/Demon Souls series has 0 interest to me for example because I think the art direction looks abysmal based on videos/screenshots I've seen.
You should play Bloodborne then. I will say though Dark Souls l, while it takes a while, has some very unique settings and monsters. But really bloodborne should be played by all, I think it is one of the best looking games ever made.


I will say I'm getting tired of certain aesthetics. Ever since Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery (it may have been earlier even) it seems like every indie developer is using the same art-style to some degree and I'll be honest: that's strike one against your game in my eyes. You'll have to be damn interesting gameplay-wise for me to look past your blatant "homage" of an art-style.

And yeah, the standard military shooter look is something that's not even on my radar. That said: you could have the best military shooter ever made and I'll probably have zero interest in it just because of the setting, regardless of art-style.


Neo Member
Absolutely. I'm a huge Zelda fan but i'm not excited for BotW because of the art style. Too cartoony, too bright, too colorful. I want the dark, realistic and mature style of OoT, MM and TP back. I never got into Skyward Sword and the art style was one of the reasons.


It can be a reason, but usually there's more to it.
Sometimes you probably don't even know you would like/dislike a game/genre, because you decided not to play it, or just couldn't.
So I'm kinda open to some extent.
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