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Nintendo Switch is Nintendo's fastest selling game system (US, 906K), Zelda over 100%

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People are afraid of change. The truth is Nintendo succeeds far more often than not, and their innovations in the space are for the most part the foundation everyone else built upon.

I don't buy this.

The Wii made great sales as a console. If anything, that's a sign that people embrace change.

By process of elimination, are you really using the Wii U as an emissary of the "change" that people are afraid of? Or are you speaking for the entirety of Nintendo's hardware/software history, which would make more sense and I'd agree with it.


The hybrid functionality is pure gimmick no matter how you slice it. It's a great gimmick, but it's a hook meant to attract consumers with an innovative way of playing their games. It's a gimmick.

The joycons are gimmick central. They're great, but they're full of "gimmicks." Motion control, hd rumble, NFC, IR... Not sure what being "intrusive" has to do with it.

Hybrid devices are nothing new in the pc space and are barely new with phones.

A hybrid gaming device is now gimmicky with these predecessors?

Get real.


Hybrid devices are nothing new in the pc space and are barely new with phones.

A hybrid gaming device is now gimmicky with these predecessors?

Get real.

I personally find the term 'gimmick' or novelty unhelpful. Everything is a gimmick in relation to a convention/tradition/accepted precedent. All consoles are gimmicks in comparison to monopoly or chess, all input modes are gimmicks in comparison other modes of communication, everything is a gimmick!


The DS didn't actually take off in Japan until the software you cited was released.

Before that it was neck and neck with the PSP. There's a reason people refer to 'Easter' cause the DS did not definitively pass it until then.

People get real confused about the PSP vs DS debate.

You still find people who swear up and down that the PSP was poised to destroy the DS in Japan. No, it never was. It lacked anything that could even remotely stand up to Pokémon (all of the 'big games' announced early on combined didn't equal that singular release), and it was obvious that Animal Crossing was going to take off in a huge way for portables.

I followed sales closely back then and cannot for the life of me remember any indication that Animal Crossing Wild World would have the popularity it eventually enjoyed on DS. Most of the attention for the DS was on Nintendogs, Jump Superstars, Mario Kart DS and of course Pokemon.


People have a negative connotation with gimmick because four out of five use cases of gimmick is negative.

dictionary.com said:

  1. An ingenious or novel device, scheme, or stratagem, especially one designed to attract attention or increase appeal.
  2. a concealed, usually devious aspect or feature of something, as a plan or deal:
    An offer that good must have a gimmick in it somewhere.
  3. a hidden mechanical device by which a magician works a trick or a gambler controls a game of chance.

    verb (used with object)
  4. to equip or embellish with unnecessary features, especially in order to increase salability, acceptance, etc. (often followed by up):
    to gimmick up a sports car with chrome and racing stripes.
    verb (used without object)
  5. to resort to gimmickry, especially habitually.

Y'all pretending to use the relatively unloaded first definition to make the Nintendo=gimmicky narrative stick and have it be negative in people's minds. Stop that. It's transparent and annoying. It's a concealed usually devious way of using the word gimmick.


People have a negative connotation with gimmick because four out of five use cases of gimmick is negative.

Y'all pretending to use the relatively unloaded first definition to make the Nintendo=gimmicky narrative stick and have it be negative in people's minds. Stop that. It's transparent and annoying. It's a concealed usually devious way of using the word gimmick.
Neogaf can't create a narrative around Nintendo being gimmicky. It's just one forum. The Nintendo gimmick narrative is broad and widely believed because its true.


Hybrid devices are nothing new in the pc space and are barely new with phones.

A hybrid gaming device is now gimmicky with these predecessors?
It fits the dictionary definition of gimmick, but not the DS/Wii hater definition which was the 'cheap trick to fool idiots' usage of the word.

Hence the argument over the term last page, you could write a review of the Switch which could perhaps say 'The central gimmick of the device is the seamless transition to handheld play', which is not negative. But 'The Wii Remote is just a gimmick' is using the term negatively, which was definitely the more common usage applied to Nintendo over the last decade.

Funnily enough I wouldn't have described the Wii U gamepad as a gimmick, because it wasn't interesting enough. It was just a feature that was not worth the expense.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
This sudden return of the word gimmick as a negative reminds me way too much of the Wii era on NeoGAF.


People have a negative connotation with gimmick because four out of five use cases of gimmick is negative.

Y'all pretending to use the relatively unloaded first definition to make the Nintendo=gimmicky narrative stick and have it be negative in people's minds. Stop that. It's transparent and annoying. It's a concealed usually devious way of using the word gimmick.

Not all 4 definitions are weighted equally, I don't know about dictionary.com, but the first definition tends to be the most broadly used use of the word.

Although the origin of gimmick is interesting, it seems to be unknown from America, probably originally an anagram of Magic.

It's fine that Nintendo is known for making toys, that is what video games are after all.


This sudden return of the word gimmick as a negative reminds me way too much of the Wii era on NeoGAF.

The Wii was an expensive Gamecube re-release without the motion controls.
The Switch works perfectly fine as a traditional system within the current console generation plus it has all the extra functionality. I don't see how the Switch is threatened by calling some of it's functionality "gimmick" the same way the Wii was.


Its absolutly idiotic. Never heared that word mentioned when they showed the touchfield on the PS4 controller. No, that was “innovation“.
No that's not fair, the Sixaxis was slain mercilessly. And the touch things on PS4 and Vita were also met with quite a few groans, Sony yet again shoving others new ideas onto their controllers without really even thinking about it (eg the PS2 pad's ludicrous analogue face buttons).

Sony got really lucky when they added two N64 analogue sticks to their existing SNES style pad just to 'one up' Nintendo. They clearly had no idea what to do with two sticks, it wasn't until Ape Escape several years later that they really tried to even use the right stick much, and they lucked out that FPS (a genre the PSX barely even handled) ended up working great on the set up. They ended up looking ahead of the curve when it was just luck IMO.
There's no need to break out the dictionary. "Gimmick" in this context just means "new feature I don't like." It's a very efficient word, able to disparage and throw shade at any innovation in only two syllables.

As for the DS4, the touchpad is unnecessary, but I've at least gotten some use out of it. It supports gestures in some games, so that's neat, and is essentially just another button if it's nothing else. The most useless thing on the DS4 is the bright-ass LED light on the front of it and whatever the hell is inside of it that devours its entire battery reserve in 4 hours.


Discussion about "gimmick"

Coming soon: discussion about "fad"

Yeah i've seen this movie already
If it plays out like last time, you'll see people call it a fad, then each holiday try and claim fads 'can last for two/three/four/five years' and also that 'fad isn't a negative thing, it's just something that sells very well for a time and then eventually stops selling', yet they have never applied this to any other console, despite every single one of them meeting that definition.
Neogaf can't create a narrative around Nintendo being gimmicky. It's just one forum. The Nintendo gimmick narrative is broad and widely believed because its true.

I remember knowing people who called the analogue stick on the N64 a gimmick.

Is the iPhone a gimmick because it has a touch screen?
Only console I did not regret getting in over a decade.

Breathe of the Wild, off the top of my head, is the only launch game that is a legit killer app, and I don't like open world games.

Whether its a gimmick or not, its a baller one. I love being able to play how I want and on the TV, with the joy cons in the most comfortable possible position. Love Breathe of the Wild.


No that's not fair, the Sixaxis was slain mercilessly. And the touch things on PS4 and Vita were also met with quite a few groans, Sony yet again shoving others new ideas onto their controllers without really even thinking about it (eg the PS2 pad's ludicrous analogue face buttons).

Oh god don't even get me started. They utterly ruined games like MGS3.

"Hey guys let's use this ridiculously fiddly pressure sensitive button with barely any travel to do 2 things! Press lightly to hold a guy and press hard to MASSIVELY LOUDLY SLIT THEIR THROAT SO EVERYONE IN A 4 MILE RADIUS CAN HEAR!"

The amount of times my thumb twitched slightly and blew my cover because of those ruddy pressure sensitive buttons. Best thing they ever did was to throw that idea off a bridge.


Empty words when we have real numbers.

Using "gimmick" and "fad", in a gaming forum, usually means someone is loosing a console battle in the eternal console war.
I won't speak for things like HD rumble or motion controls but a hybrid device is not a gimmick. It was the natural evolution for Nintendo. They have slowly been having more and more trouble supporting 2 devices and their line-ups on both devices has gotten closer and closer (on of the reasons the wii I flopped).

Since Nintendo entered the handheld market they have always been more successful there. This allows them to focus on there portable market with the maximum amount of support which IMO is their best chance is success. Having a hybrid still allows them the best of both worlds. Putting all their heavy hitters on a handheld whilst still having a presence as a home console. It allows consumers to have easy access to both.

You no longer have to buy 2 pieces of HW to play all of nintendos best games.


Forget the strong YouTube views.

Forget the mindshare.

Forget the strong launch.

Forgot the stock problems.

The first real indicator of the Switch's success is this fevered return of the discussion on "gimmicks" and what a gimmick actually is.

Switch will sell gangbusters now.


Neogaf can't create a narrative around Nintendo being gimmicky. It's just one forum. The Nintendo gimmick narrative is broad and widely believed because its true.
The description of Nintendo hardware containing gimmicks is broad and parroted by a lot of people, but I wouldn't say it's necessarily true when an awful lot of the most-complained about aspects popularised by their hardware turn up in their competitors devices sooner or later. Remote-style controllers, motion controls, touch screens, analogue, d-pads, gyro-aiming, all of those were gimmicks (I.e: an attention-grabbing selling point, a differentiator) at the point of introduction, all of them offered something different, all of them were complained about and all of them stuck around. I remember people claiming the single joystick was the 'true' input in the 80s due to the arcades, despite the d-pad being largely more accurate for the pixel-perfect platform games on the consoles, which then led to joystick peripherals being made for consoles in the same way that all those 'leet' gamer crap accessories get made now. At the point the NES advantage was released, with auto-fire and turbo modes listed as selling points, what was once industry standard had then become the gimmick due to wide adoption of the d-pad.

I like the idea upthread that Nintendo are just less ashamed of being a toy company looking to sell new toys, which the games industry pretty much is as much as some of its more enthusiastic customers don't want admit it. Anything aimed at locking players in through being different is a 'gimmick' too, but ''gimmick' in game terms has just come to mean 'hardware feature I don't like' rather than a more elegant synonym for 'differentiator' or 'selling point'.


Not going to lie, I was hugely skeptical before I bought one.

Its a brilliant console that fits well with its purpose, a hybrid. My only gripe is the lack of power in docked mode.

Really having a blast with Zelda at the moment.


In some ways, you could say that the whole video game industry is a gimmick in the financial world.

Our actions are gimmicks in the grand circle of life. Is the Switch a gimmick or are we ?


In some ways, you could say that the whole video game industry is a gimmick in the financial world.

Our actions are gimmicks in the grand circle of life. Is the Switch a gimmick or are we ?
Are we gimmick, or are we human? I don't know man, but look at that platypus with its mix of oddities, that's totally a Nintendo design. The Microsoft Woodpecker, with it's high-power in-built auto-fire, now that's an iterative take on a traditional product.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
In some ways, you could say that the whole video game industry is a gimmick in the financial world.

Our actions are gimmicks in the grand circle of life. Is the Switch a gimmick or are we ?

Kinect made the players their own controllers, so Kinect transformed people into walking, breathing gimmicks. /s






Not Gimmick:


Good job, duckroll!
Now I want to play Gimmick.

I don't look forward to the next 5 years having people redefine what a fad is.
Heck video games are a fad after all.


It's a word often used in association with Nintendo to diminish some of their features and accomplishments. I don't hear the word associated with any other company in gaming.

All companies has Gimmicks, even PSVR, move are gimmicks.

Gimmicks aren't a bad thing. For example, fps games with wii mote are way better than a traditional controller.

I believe that every kind of play has their purpose and are sometimes better than others.

Nintendo is mostly the Nr1 in innovation, while sony and MS are better in upgrading their system and making realistic movie games. They are also better in reaching the mainstream audience. But they need Nintendo to show them what else can be done beside power.


All companies has Gimmicks, even PSVR, move are gimmicks.

Gimmicks aren't a bad thing. For example, fps games with wii mote are way better than a traditional controller.

I believe that every kind of play has their purpose and are sometimes better than others.

Nintendo is mostly the Nr1 in innovation, while sony and MS are better in upgrading their system and making realistic movie games. They are also better in reaching the mainstream audience. But they need Nintendo to show them what else can be done beside power.
The difference is Sony and MS Gimmicks are optional periperals, while Nintendo builds their system around it.

It worked with the wii, failed miserably with the wii u, and seems to be working with the Switch.


Saint Titanfall
The difference is Sony and MS Gimmicks are optional periperals, while Nintendo builds their system around it.

It worked with the wii, failed miserably with the wii u, and seems to be working with the Switch.
The switch is litterally a handheld with tv out. It's as much optional as the ds4 track pad and it's light which ensures it has an awful battery life (great options there). Everything else is an optional control scheme.


Neo Member
Zelda BOTW though absolutely phenomenal sales. Interesting to see if the Switch can maintain the hype after the initial year


This sudden return of the word gimmick as a negative reminds me way too much of the Wii era on NeoGAF.

Some people are afraid of Nintendo being successful or otherwise don't know how to handle it and I think berating Nintendo or their products is a coping mechanism.


Some people are afraid of Nintendo being successful or otherwise don't know how to handle it and I think berating Nintendo or their products is a coping mechanism.

I wonder if it's linked to the 90s advertising blitz by Sega and then Sony portraying Nintendo as kiddy.

Dem marketing dollars at work
Gimmick Vs innovation has become a boring argument over Nintendo products

In general it's a boring argument. No one can even agree what a gimmick and innovation actually are let alone why they apply to Nintendo in particular. Even if something is a 'gimmick' that also doesn't explain why it's inherently bad.

Why not just argue the pros and cons of a given feature and how the sales picture is actually looking?


You guys I invented a cure for cancer. Im going to give it away for free along with a lollipop.

"Fucking gimmicks"

Wii remote really left a bad taste in some peoples mouths about what a gimmick is huh


The difference is Sony and MS Gimmicks are optional periperals, while Nintendo builds their system around it.

It worked with the wii, failed miserably with the wii u, and seems to be working with the Switch.
I don't know how you can't realize that it's much less of a gimmick when you design the entire system around it than when you release optional peripherals. Or how you can't see that MS/Sony's constant push for prettier graphics is the very definition of gimmicks.

to equip or embellish with unnecessary features, especially in order to increase salability, acceptance, etc. (often followed by up):
to gimmick up a sports car with chrome and racing stripes.
verb (used without object)


i wouldn't consider the Switch a gimmick at all. I wasn't a fan of the Wii/U controllers and told myself I'd avoid the NX if it had another stupid controller but I love my Switch. Might just be my favourite Nintendo product ever.


I don't know how you can't realize that it's much less of a gimmick when you design the entire system around it than when you release optional peripherals. Or how you can't see that MS/Sony's constant push for prettier graphics is the very definition of gimmicks.

Prettier graphics is just moores law.

Or at least more power is, how they use it is up to developers. Pretty graphics sells I guess.


I personally find the term 'gimmick' or novelty unhelpful. Everything is a gimmick in relation to a convention/tradition/accepted precedent. All consoles are gimmicks in comparison to monopoly or chess, all input modes are gimmicks in comparison other modes of communication, everything is a gimmick!

The term gimmick is quite flexible, and is used quite broadly. But ultimately if a feature isn't a benefit, and is only there to differentiate then its a gimmick.

You're right Nintendo haven't always bee gimmicky, but they have always been innovative. However they put themselves in the position where people think they just release gimmicky hardware.

Motion controls weren't a gimmick. People think they were because the industry has more or less abandoned them, but the reason for that wasn't consumer demand, it was because Playstation and Xbox were chasing hardcore gamers and Nintendo stupidly went down the gimmick WiiU route instead of just releasing WiiHD like they should have done. There's still an appetite for motion controls and I think we'll see plenty on the Switch.

Anyway similarly the hybrid aspect of the Switch isn't a gimmick because its a genuine evolution in gaming.

The gimmicks were 3D, that bloody WiiU tablet, the heartrate monitor and arguably dual screen gaming (I appreciate some people like this though). They were tolerated because of the good games on the system, but they didn't add anything.

Following the Wii, Nintendo seemed strung by their position as "innovative" and as a result they released a strong of products that innovated for the sake of it, without there being a need. That is where Nintendo's reputation as gimmicky has come from. 2006-2016. With the Switch I feel like they are over that now, but we'll see if they release another console with a screen that you can snap in two and stick one half on your fridge.
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